package org.juxtapose.streamline.laboration.performance; import java.util.Random; import; import com.trifork.clj_ds.IPersistentMap; import com.trifork.clj_ds.PersistentHashMap; /** * * @author Pontus * * 1000 000 set and 100 000 get * * NOP time to do 1000 000 assignments and 100 000 reads: 8910412 avg for each operation: 81 anchor10000 * Assign: time to do 1000 000 assignments and 100 000 reads: 95655191 avg for each operation: 86 anchor-8629611403722282306 5 ns over NOP * MapPrime: time to do 1000 000 assignments and 100 000 reads: 192477648 avg for each operation: 174 anchor-7149332335452569461 93 ns over NOP (18.6 times slower than assign) * Map: time to do 1000 000 assignments and 100 000 reads: 189520771 avg for each operation: 172 anchor-3846565576987744005 91 ns over NOP (18.5 times slower than assign) * * 100 000 set and 1000 000 get * * NOP: time to do 1000 000 assignments and 100 000 reads: 27101648 avg for each operation: 24 anchor1000000 * Assign: time to do 1000 000 assignments and 100 000 reads: 31004658 avg for each operation: 28 anchor3283451791681994166 4 ns over NOP * MapPrime: time to do 1000 000 assignments and 100 000 reads: 47558555 avg for each operation: 43 anchor-2451373388643267596 15 ns over NOP (3 times slower than assign) * Map: time to do 1000 000 assignments and 100 000 reads: 59987451 avg for each operation: 54 anchor-5861777654442649388 26 ns over NOP (6.5 times slower than assign) * * Read overhead for Map is ~22 ns * Write overhead for Map is ~86 ns * * Looking at some paths over fairly complex calculation and object relations the field sets are ~ 7 - 18 and gets are 12 - 25 * This would mean a over head of 866 - 1032 ns. * To put this in perspective. It is the half the time it takes to convert one double to string. 1/50 the latency of a context switch. * plus it saves the overhead of creating messages between parts of the system. * * There is not difference in performance weather we use Long's or Strings (constants) as Map Keys * */ public class FieldAssignment { interface Performance { public void assign( int inPlace, Long inVal ); public Long get( int inPlace ); } class AssignPerformance implements Performance { Long one; Long two; Long three; Long four; Long five; Long six; Long seven; Long eight; Long nine; Long ten; public void assign( int inPlace, Long inVal ) { if( inPlace == 1 ) one = inVal; else if( inPlace == 2 ) two = inVal; else if( inPlace == 3 ) three = inVal; else if( inPlace == 4 ) four = inVal; else if( inPlace == 5 ) five = inVal; else if( inPlace == 6 ) six = inVal; else if( inPlace == 7 ) seven = inVal; else if( inPlace == 8 ) eight = inVal; else if( inPlace == 9 ) nine = inVal; else if( inPlace == 10 ) ten = inVal; } public Long get( int inPlace ) { if( inPlace == 1 ) return one; else if( inPlace == 2 ) return two; else if( inPlace == 3 ) return three; else if( inPlace == 4 ) return four; else if( inPlace == 5 ) return five; else if( inPlace == 6 ) return six; else if( inPlace == 7 ) return seven; else if( inPlace == 8 ) return eight; else if( inPlace == 9 ) return nine; else return ten; } } static final String ONE = "1"; static final String TWO = "2"; static final String THREE = "3"; static final String FOUR = "4"; static final String FIVE = "5"; static final String SIX = "6"; static final String SEVEN = "7"; static final String EIGHT = "8"; static final String NINE = "9"; static final String TEN = "10"; class MapPerformance implements Performance { IPersistentMap<String, DataTypeLong> map = PersistentHashMap.emptyMap(); public void assign( int inPlace, Long inVal ) { if( inPlace == 1 ) map = map.assoc(ONE, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); else if( inPlace == 2 ) map = map.assoc(TWO, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); else if( inPlace == 3 ) map = map.assoc(THREE, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); else if( inPlace == 4 ) map = map.assoc(FOUR, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); else if( inPlace == 5 ) map = map.assoc(FIVE, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); else if( inPlace == 6 ) map = map.assoc(SIX, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); else if( inPlace == 7 ) map = map.assoc(SEVEN, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); else if( inPlace == 8 ) map = map.assoc(EIGHT, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); else if( inPlace == 9 ) map = map.assoc(NINE, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); else if( inPlace == 10 ) map = map.assoc(TEN, new DataTypeLong(inVal)); } public Long get( int inPlace ) { DataTypeLong ret; if( inPlace == 1 ) ret = map.valAt(ONE); else if( inPlace == 2 ) ret = map.valAt(TWO); else if( inPlace == 3 ) ret = map.valAt(THREE); else if( inPlace == 4 ) ret = map.valAt(FOUR); else if( inPlace == 5 ) ret = map.valAt(FIVE); else if( inPlace == 6 ) ret = map.valAt(SIX); else if( inPlace == 7 ) ret = map.valAt(SEVEN); else if( inPlace == 8 ) ret = map.valAt(EIGHT); else if( inPlace == 9 ) ret = map.valAt(NINE); else ret = map.valAt(TEN); if( ret == null ) return null; return ret.get(); } } class MapPrimePerformance implements Performance { IPersistentMap<String, Long> map = PersistentHashMap.emptyMap(); public void assign( int inPlace, Long inVal ) { if( inPlace == 1 ) map = map.assoc(ONE, inVal); else if( inPlace == 2 ) map = map.assoc(TWO, inVal); else if( inPlace == 3 ) map = map.assoc(THREE, inVal); else if( inPlace == 4 ) map = map.assoc(FOUR, inVal); else if( inPlace == 5 ) map = map.assoc(FIVE, inVal); else if( inPlace == 6 ) map = map.assoc(SIX, inVal); else if( inPlace == 7 ) map = map.assoc(SEVEN, inVal); else if( inPlace == 8 ) map = map.assoc(EIGHT, inVal); else if( inPlace == 9 ) map = map.assoc(NINE, inVal); else if( inPlace == 10 ) map = map.assoc(TEN, inVal); } public Long get( int inPlace ) { if( inPlace == 1 ) return map.valAt(ONE); else if( inPlace == 2 ) return map.valAt(TWO); else if( inPlace == 3 ) return map.valAt(THREE); else if( inPlace == 4 ) return map.valAt(FOUR); else if( inPlace == 5 ) return map.valAt(FIVE); else if( inPlace == 6 ) return map.valAt(SIX); else if( inPlace == 7 ) return map.valAt(SEVEN); else if( inPlace == 8 ) return map.valAt(EIGHT); else if( inPlace == 9 ) return map.valAt(NINE); else return map.valAt(TEN); } } class NopPerformance implements Performance { public void assign( int inPlace, Long inVal ) { } public Long get( int inPlace ) { return 1l; } } public void start( ) { Performance obj = new MapPerformance(); Random rand = new Random(); for( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) { test( rand, obj, 1, 10 ); } long start = System.nanoTime(); Long anchor = 0l; for( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) { Long res = test( rand, obj, 1, 10 ); if( res != null ) anchor += res; } long end = System.nanoTime(); long time = end - start; long each = time / 1100000; System.out.println("time to do 1000 000 assignments and 100 000 reads: "+time+" avg for each operation: "+each+" anchor"+anchor); } public void assign( Random inRand, Performance inObj, int inAssignTimes ) { for( int i = 0; i < inAssignTimes; i++ ) { Long val = inRand.nextLong(); int place = inRand.nextInt( 10 ); inObj.assign( place, val ); } } public Long test( Random inRand, Performance inObj, int inAssignTimes, int inGetTimes ) { assign( inRand, inObj, inAssignTimes ); int place = inRand.nextInt( 10 ); long ret = 0; for( int i = 0; i < inGetTimes; i++ ) { Long r = inObj.get( place ); if( r != null ) ret += r; } return ret; } public static void main( String... inArgs ) { new FieldAssignment().start(); } }