/* TA-LIB Copyright (c) 1999-2007, Mario Fortier * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * - Neither name of author nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* DO NOT MODIFY this file. * This file is automatically generated by gen_code. * * If you are not re-generating the java code (which is most * likely the case), just ignore this file. */ package com.tictactec.ta.lib; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.MAType; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.MInteger; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.RetCode; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.Core; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.FuncFlags; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.FuncInfo; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.InputFlags; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.InputParameterInfo; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.InputParameterType; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.OptInputParameterInfo; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.OptInputParameterType; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.OutputFlags; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.OutputParameterInfo; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.OutputParameterType; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange; public class CoreAnnotated extends Core { public int acosLookback( ) { return super.acosLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "ACOS", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode acos( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.acos ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int adLookback( ) { return super.adLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "AD", group = "Volume Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode ad( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLCV", flags = 30, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], double inVolume [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.ad ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , inVolume , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int addLookback( ) { return super.addLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "ADD", group = "Math Operators", flags = 0, nbInput = 2, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode add( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal0", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal0[], @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal1", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal1[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.add ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal0, inReal1, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int adOscLookback( int optInFastPeriod, int optInSlowPeriod) { return super.adOscLookback( optInFastPeriod, optInSlowPeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "ADOSC", group = "Volume Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 2, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode adOsc( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLCV", flags = 30, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], double inVolume [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", displayName = "Fast Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", defaultValue = 3, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", displayName = "Slow Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", defaultValue = 10, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSlowPeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.adOsc ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , inVolume , optInFastPeriod, optInSlowPeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int adxLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.adxLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "ADX", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode adx( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.adx ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int adxrLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.adxrLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "ADXR", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode adxr( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.adxr ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int apoLookback( int optInFastPeriod, int optInSlowPeriod, MAType optInMAType) { return super.apoLookback( optInFastPeriod, optInSlowPeriod, optInMAType); } @FuncInfo( name = "APO", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 3, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode apo( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", displayName = "Fast Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", defaultValue = 12, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", displayName = "Slow Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", defaultValue = 26, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSlowPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInMAType", displayName = "MA Type", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInMAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInMAType, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.apo ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInFastPeriod, optInSlowPeriod, optInMAType, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int aroonLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.aroonLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "AROON", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 2 ) public RetCode aroon( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHL", flags = 6, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outAroonDown", flags = 4, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outAroonDown[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outAroonUp", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outAroonUp[] ) { return super.aroon ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outAroonDown, outAroonUp ); } public int aroonOscLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.aroonOscLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "AROONOSC", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode aroonOsc( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHL", flags = 6, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.aroonOsc ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int asinLookback( ) { return super.asinLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "ASIN", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode asin( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.asin ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int atanLookback( ) { return super.atanLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "ATAN", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode atan( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.atan ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int atrLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.atrLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "ATR", group = "Volatility Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode atr( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.atr ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int avgPriceLookback( ) { return super.avgPriceLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "AVGPRICE", group = "Price Transform", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode avgPrice( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.avgPrice ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int bbandsLookback( int optInTimePeriod, double optInNbDevUp, double optInNbDevDn, MAType optInMAType) { return super.bbandsLookback( optInTimePeriod, optInNbDevUp, optInNbDevDn, optInMAType); } @FuncInfo( name = "BBANDS", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 4, nbOutput = 3 ) public RetCode bbands( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 5, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInNbDevUp", displayName = "Deviations up", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInNbDevUp", defaultValue = 2.00000, min = -30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 2, suggested_start = -2.00000, suggested_end = 2.00000, suggested_increment = 0.20000 ) double optInNbDevUp, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInNbDevDn", displayName = "Deviations down", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInNbDevDn", defaultValue = 2.00000, min = -30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 2, suggested_start = -2.00000, suggested_end = 2.00000, suggested_increment = 0.20000 ) double optInNbDevDn, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInMAType", displayName = "MA Type", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInMAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInMAType, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outRealUpperBand", flags = 2048, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outRealUpperBand[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outRealMiddleBand", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outRealMiddleBand[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outRealLowerBand", flags = 4096, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outRealLowerBand[] ) { return super.bbands ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInNbDevUp, optInNbDevDn, optInMAType, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outRealUpperBand, outRealMiddleBand, outRealLowerBand ); } public int betaLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.betaLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "BETA", group = "Statistic Functions", flags = 0, nbInput = 2, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode beta( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal0", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal0[], @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal1", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal1[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 5, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.beta ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal0, inReal1, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int bopLookback( ) { return super.bopLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "BOP", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode bop( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.bop ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int cciLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.cciLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "CCI", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cci( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.cci ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int cdl2CrowsLookback( ) { return super.cdl2CrowsLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDL2CROWS", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdl2Crows( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdl2Crows ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdl3BlackCrowsLookback( ) { return super.cdl3BlackCrowsLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDL3BLACKCROWS", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdl3BlackCrows( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdl3BlackCrows ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdl3InsideLookback( ) { return super.cdl3InsideLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDL3INSIDE", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdl3Inside( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdl3Inside ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdl3LineStrikeLookback( ) { return super.cdl3LineStrikeLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDL3LINESTRIKE", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdl3LineStrike( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdl3LineStrike ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdl3OutsideLookback( ) { return super.cdl3OutsideLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDL3OUTSIDE", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdl3Outside( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdl3Outside ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdl3StarsInSouthLookback( ) { return super.cdl3StarsInSouthLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDL3STARSINSOUTH", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdl3StarsInSouth( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdl3StarsInSouth ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdl3WhiteSoldiersLookback( ) { return super.cdl3WhiteSoldiersLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDL3WHITESOLDIERS", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdl3WhiteSoldiers( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdl3WhiteSoldiers ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlAbandonedBabyLookback( double optInPenetration) { return super.cdlAbandonedBabyLookback( optInPenetration); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLABANDONEDBABY", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlAbandonedBaby( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInPenetration", displayName = "Penetration", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInPenetration", defaultValue = 0.30000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 0, suggested_start = 0.00000, suggested_end = 0.00000, suggested_increment = 0.00000 ) double optInPenetration, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlAbandonedBaby ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInPenetration, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlAdvanceBlockLookback( ) { return super.cdlAdvanceBlockLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLADVANCEBLOCK", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlAdvanceBlock( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlAdvanceBlock ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlBeltHoldLookback( ) { return super.cdlBeltHoldLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLBELTHOLD", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlBeltHold( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlBeltHold ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlBreakawayLookback( ) { return super.cdlBreakawayLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLBREAKAWAY", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlBreakaway( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlBreakaway ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlClosingMarubozuLookback( ) { return super.cdlClosingMarubozuLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLCLOSINGMARUBOZU", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlClosingMarubozu( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlClosingMarubozu ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlConcealBabysWallLookback( ) { return super.cdlConcealBabysWallLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLCONCEALBABYSWALL", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlConcealBabysWall( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlConcealBabysWall ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlCounterAttackLookback( ) { return super.cdlCounterAttackLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLCOUNTERATTACK", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlCounterAttack( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlCounterAttack ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlDarkCloudCoverLookback( double optInPenetration) { return super.cdlDarkCloudCoverLookback( optInPenetration); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLDARKCLOUDCOVER", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlDarkCloudCover( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInPenetration", displayName = "Penetration", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInPenetration", defaultValue = 0.50000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 0, suggested_start = 0.00000, suggested_end = 0.00000, suggested_increment = 0.00000 ) double optInPenetration, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlDarkCloudCover ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInPenetration, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlDojiLookback( ) { return super.cdlDojiLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLDOJI", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlDoji( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlDoji ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlDojiStarLookback( ) { return super.cdlDojiStarLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLDOJISTAR", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlDojiStar( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlDojiStar ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlDragonflyDojiLookback( ) { return super.cdlDragonflyDojiLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLDRAGONFLYDOJI", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlDragonflyDoji( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlDragonflyDoji ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlEngulfingLookback( ) { return super.cdlEngulfingLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLENGULFING", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlEngulfing( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlEngulfing ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlEveningDojiStarLookback( double optInPenetration) { return super.cdlEveningDojiStarLookback( optInPenetration); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLEVENINGDOJISTAR", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlEveningDojiStar( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInPenetration", displayName = "Penetration", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInPenetration", defaultValue = 0.30000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 0, suggested_start = 0.00000, suggested_end = 0.00000, suggested_increment = 0.00000 ) double optInPenetration, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlEveningDojiStar ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInPenetration, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlEveningStarLookback( double optInPenetration) { return super.cdlEveningStarLookback( optInPenetration); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLEVENINGSTAR", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlEveningStar( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInPenetration", displayName = "Penetration", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInPenetration", defaultValue = 0.30000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 0, suggested_start = 0.00000, suggested_end = 0.00000, suggested_increment = 0.00000 ) double optInPenetration, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlEveningStar ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInPenetration, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlGapSideSideWhiteLookback( ) { return super.cdlGapSideSideWhiteLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLGAPSIDESIDEWHITE", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlGapSideSideWhite( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlGapSideSideWhite ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlGravestoneDojiLookback( ) { return super.cdlGravestoneDojiLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLGRAVESTONEDOJI", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlGravestoneDoji( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlGravestoneDoji ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlHammerLookback( ) { return super.cdlHammerLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLHAMMER", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlHammer( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlHammer ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlHangingManLookback( ) { return super.cdlHangingManLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLHANGINGMAN", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlHangingMan( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlHangingMan ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlHaramiLookback( ) { return super.cdlHaramiLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLHARAMI", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlHarami( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlHarami ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlHaramiCrossLookback( ) { return super.cdlHaramiCrossLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLHARAMICROSS", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlHaramiCross( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlHaramiCross ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlHignWaveLookback( ) { return super.cdlHignWaveLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLHIGHWAVE", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlHignWave( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlHignWave ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlHikkakeLookback( ) { return super.cdlHikkakeLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLHIKKAKE", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlHikkake( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlHikkake ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlHikkakeModLookback( ) { return super.cdlHikkakeModLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLHIKKAKEMOD", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlHikkakeMod( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlHikkakeMod ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlHomingPigeonLookback( ) { return super.cdlHomingPigeonLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLHOMINGPIGEON", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlHomingPigeon( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlHomingPigeon ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlIdentical3CrowsLookback( ) { return super.cdlIdentical3CrowsLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLIDENTICAL3CROWS", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlIdentical3Crows( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlIdentical3Crows ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlInNeckLookback( ) { return super.cdlInNeckLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLINNECK", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlInNeck( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlInNeck ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlInvertedHammerLookback( ) { return super.cdlInvertedHammerLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLINVERTEDHAMMER", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlInvertedHammer( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlInvertedHammer ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlKickingLookback( ) { return super.cdlKickingLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLKICKING", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlKicking( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlKicking ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlKickingByLengthLookback( ) { return super.cdlKickingByLengthLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLKICKINGBYLENGTH", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlKickingByLength( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlKickingByLength ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlLadderBottomLookback( ) { return super.cdlLadderBottomLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLLADDERBOTTOM", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlLadderBottom( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlLadderBottom ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlLongLeggedDojiLookback( ) { return super.cdlLongLeggedDojiLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLLONGLEGGEDDOJI", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlLongLeggedDoji( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlLongLeggedDoji ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlLongLineLookback( ) { return super.cdlLongLineLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLLONGLINE", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlLongLine( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlLongLine ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlMarubozuLookback( ) { return super.cdlMarubozuLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLMARUBOZU", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlMarubozu( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlMarubozu ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlMatchingLowLookback( ) { return super.cdlMatchingLowLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLMATCHINGLOW", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlMatchingLow( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlMatchingLow ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlMatHoldLookback( double optInPenetration) { return super.cdlMatHoldLookback( optInPenetration); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLMATHOLD", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlMatHold( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInPenetration", displayName = "Penetration", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInPenetration", defaultValue = 0.50000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 0, suggested_start = 0.00000, suggested_end = 0.00000, suggested_increment = 0.00000 ) double optInPenetration, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlMatHold ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInPenetration, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlMorningDojiStarLookback( double optInPenetration) { return super.cdlMorningDojiStarLookback( optInPenetration); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLMORNINGDOJISTAR", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlMorningDojiStar( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInPenetration", displayName = "Penetration", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInPenetration", defaultValue = 0.30000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 0, suggested_start = 0.00000, suggested_end = 0.00000, suggested_increment = 0.00000 ) double optInPenetration, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlMorningDojiStar ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInPenetration, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlMorningStarLookback( double optInPenetration) { return super.cdlMorningStarLookback( optInPenetration); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLMORNINGSTAR", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlMorningStar( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInPenetration", displayName = "Penetration", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInPenetration", defaultValue = 0.30000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 0, suggested_start = 0.00000, suggested_end = 0.00000, suggested_increment = 0.00000 ) double optInPenetration, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlMorningStar ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInPenetration, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlOnNeckLookback( ) { return super.cdlOnNeckLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLONNECK", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlOnNeck( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlOnNeck ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlPiercingLookback( ) { return super.cdlPiercingLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLPIERCING", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlPiercing( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlPiercing ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlRickshawManLookback( ) { return super.cdlRickshawManLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLRICKSHAWMAN", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlRickshawMan( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlRickshawMan ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlRiseFall3MethodsLookback( ) { return super.cdlRiseFall3MethodsLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLRISEFALL3METHODS", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlRiseFall3Methods( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlRiseFall3Methods ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlSeperatingLinesLookback( ) { return super.cdlSeperatingLinesLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLSEPARATINGLINES", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlSeperatingLines( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlSeperatingLines ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlShootingStarLookback( ) { return super.cdlShootingStarLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLSHOOTINGSTAR", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlShootingStar( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlShootingStar ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlShortLineLookback( ) { return super.cdlShortLineLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLSHORTLINE", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlShortLine( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlShortLine ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlSpinningTopLookback( ) { return super.cdlSpinningTopLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLSPINNINGTOP", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlSpinningTop( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlSpinningTop ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlStalledPatternLookback( ) { return super.cdlStalledPatternLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLSTALLEDPATTERN", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlStalledPattern( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlStalledPattern ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlStickSandwhichLookback( ) { return super.cdlStickSandwhichLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLSTICKSANDWICH", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlStickSandwhich( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlStickSandwhich ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlTakuriLookback( ) { return super.cdlTakuriLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLTAKURI", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlTakuri( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlTakuri ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlTasukiGapLookback( ) { return super.cdlTasukiGapLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLTASUKIGAP", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlTasukiGap( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlTasukiGap ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlThrustingLookback( ) { return super.cdlThrustingLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLTHRUSTING", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlThrusting( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlThrusting ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlTristarLookback( ) { return super.cdlTristarLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLTRISTAR", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlTristar( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlTristar ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlUnique3RiverLookback( ) { return super.cdlUnique3RiverLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLUNIQUE3RIVER", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlUnique3River( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlUnique3River ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlUpsideGap2CrowsLookback( ) { return super.cdlUpsideGap2CrowsLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLUPSIDEGAP2CROWS", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlUpsideGap2Crows( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlUpsideGap2Crows ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int cdlXSideGap3MethodsLookback( ) { return super.cdlXSideGap3MethodsLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CDLXSIDEGAP3METHODS", group = "Pattern Recognition", flags = 268435456, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cdlXSideGap3Methods( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceOHLC", flags = 15, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inOpen [], double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.cdlXSideGap3Methods ( startIdx, endIdx, inOpen , inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int ceilLookback( ) { return super.ceilLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "CEIL", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode ceil( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.ceil ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int cmoLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.cmoLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "CMO", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cmo( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.cmo ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int correlLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.correlLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "CORREL", group = "Statistic Functions", flags = 0, nbInput = 2, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode correl( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal0", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal0[], @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal1", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal1[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.correl ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal0, inReal1, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int cosLookback( ) { return super.cosLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "COS", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cos( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.cos ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int coshLookback( ) { return super.coshLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "COSH", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode cosh( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.cosh ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int demaLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.demaLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "DEMA", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode dema( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.dema ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int divLookback( ) { return super.divLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "DIV", group = "Math Operators", flags = 0, nbInput = 2, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode div( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal0", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal0[], @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal1", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal1[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.div ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal0, inReal1, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int dxLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.dxLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "DX", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode dx( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.dx ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int emaLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.emaLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "EMA", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 150994944, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode ema( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.ema ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int expLookback( ) { return super.expLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "EXP", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode exp( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.exp ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int floorLookback( ) { return super.floorLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "FLOOR", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode floor( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.floor ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int htDcPeriodLookback( ) { return super.htDcPeriodLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "HT_DCPERIOD", group = "Cycle Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode htDcPeriod( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.htDcPeriod ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int htDcPhaseLookback( ) { return super.htDcPhaseLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "HT_DCPHASE", group = "Cycle Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode htDcPhase( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.htDcPhase ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int htPhasorLookback( ) { return super.htPhasorLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "HT_PHASOR", group = "Cycle Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 2 ) public RetCode htPhasor( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInPhase", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outInPhase[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outQuadrature", flags = 4, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outQuadrature[] ) { return super.htPhasor ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInPhase, outQuadrature ); } public int htSineLookback( ) { return super.htSineLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "HT_SINE", group = "Cycle Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 2 ) public RetCode htSine( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outSine", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outSine[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outLeadSine", flags = 4, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outLeadSine[] ) { return super.htSine ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outSine, outLeadSine ); } public int htTrendlineLookback( ) { return super.htTrendlineLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "HT_TRENDLINE", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 150994944, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode htTrendline( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.htTrendline ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int htTrendModeLookback( ) { return super.htTrendModeLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "HT_TRENDMODE", group = "Cycle Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode htTrendMode( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.htTrendMode ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int kamaLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.kamaLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "KAMA", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 150994944, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode kama( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.kama ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int linearRegLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.linearRegLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "LINEARREG", group = "Statistic Functions", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode linearReg( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.linearReg ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int linearRegAngleLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.linearRegAngleLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "LINEARREG_ANGLE", group = "Statistic Functions", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode linearRegAngle( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.linearRegAngle ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int linearRegInterceptLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.linearRegInterceptLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "LINEARREG_INTERCEPT", group = "Statistic Functions", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode linearRegIntercept( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.linearRegIntercept ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int linearRegSlopeLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.linearRegSlopeLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "LINEARREG_SLOPE", group = "Statistic Functions", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode linearRegSlope( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.linearRegSlope ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int lnLookback( ) { return super.lnLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "LN", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode ln( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.ln ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int log10Lookback( ) { return super.log10Lookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "LOG10", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode log10( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.log10 ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int movingAverageLookback( int optInTimePeriod, MAType optInMAType) { return super.movingAverageLookback( optInTimePeriod, optInMAType); } @FuncInfo( name = "MA", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 2, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode movingAverage( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInMAType", displayName = "MA Type", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInMAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInMAType, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.movingAverage ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInMAType, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int macdLookback( int optInFastPeriod, int optInSlowPeriod, int optInSignalPeriod) { return super.macdLookback( optInFastPeriod, optInSlowPeriod, optInSignalPeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MACD", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 3, nbOutput = 3 ) public RetCode macd( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", displayName = "Fast Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", defaultValue = 12, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", displayName = "Slow Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", defaultValue = 26, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSlowPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSignalPeriod", displayName = "Signal Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSignalPeriod", defaultValue = 9, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSignalPeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMACD", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMACD[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMACDSignal", flags = 4, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMACDSignal[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMACDHist", flags = 16, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMACDHist[] ) { return super.macd ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInFastPeriod, optInSlowPeriod, optInSignalPeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outMACD, outMACDSignal, outMACDHist ); } public int macdExtLookback( int optInFastPeriod, MAType optInFastMAType, int optInSlowPeriod, MAType optInSlowMAType, int optInSignalPeriod, MAType optInSignalMAType) { return super.macdExtLookback( optInFastPeriod, optInFastMAType, optInSlowPeriod, optInSlowMAType, optInSignalPeriod, optInSignalMAType); } @FuncInfo( name = "MACDEXT", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 6, nbOutput = 3 ) public RetCode macdExt( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", displayName = "Fast Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", defaultValue = 12, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastMAType", displayName = "Fast MA", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInFastMAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInFastMAType, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", displayName = "Slow Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", defaultValue = 26, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSlowPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowMAType", displayName = "Slow MA", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInSlowMAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInSlowMAType, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSignalPeriod", displayName = "Signal Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSignalPeriod", defaultValue = 9, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSignalPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSignalMAType", displayName = "Signal MA", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInSignalMAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInSignalMAType, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMACD", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMACD[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMACDSignal", flags = 4, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMACDSignal[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMACDHist", flags = 16, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMACDHist[] ) { return super.macdExt ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInFastPeriod, optInFastMAType, optInSlowPeriod, optInSlowMAType, optInSignalPeriod, optInSignalMAType, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outMACD, outMACDSignal, outMACDHist ); } public int macdFixLookback( int optInSignalPeriod) { return super.macdFixLookback( optInSignalPeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MACDFIX", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 3 ) public RetCode macdFix( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSignalPeriod", displayName = "Signal Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSignalPeriod", defaultValue = 9, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSignalPeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMACD", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMACD[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMACDSignal", flags = 4, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMACDSignal[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMACDHist", flags = 16, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMACDHist[] ) { return super.macdFix ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInSignalPeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outMACD, outMACDSignal, outMACDHist ); } public int mamaLookback( double optInFastLimit, double optInSlowLimit) { return super.mamaLookback( optInFastLimit, optInSlowLimit); } @FuncInfo( name = "MAMA", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 150994944, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 2, nbOutput = 2 ) public RetCode mama( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastLimit", displayName = "Fast Limit", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInFastLimit", defaultValue = 0.50000, min = 0.01000, max = 0.99000, precision = 2, suggested_start = 0.21000, suggested_end = 0.80000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInFastLimit, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowLimit", displayName = "Slow Limit", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInSlowLimit", defaultValue = 0.05000, min = 0.01000, max = 0.99000, precision = 2, suggested_start = 0.01000, suggested_end = 0.60000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInSlowLimit, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMAMA", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMAMA[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outFAMA", flags = 4, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outFAMA[] ) { return super.mama ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInFastLimit, optInSlowLimit, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outMAMA, outFAMA ); } public int movingAverageVariablePeriodLookback( int optInMinPeriod, int optInMaxPeriod, MAType optInMAType) { return super.movingAverageVariablePeriodLookback( optInMinPeriod, optInMaxPeriod, optInMAType); } @FuncInfo( name = "MAVP", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 2, nbOptInput = 3, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode movingAverageVariablePeriod( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPeriods", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inPeriods[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInMinPeriod", displayName = "Minimum Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInMinPeriod", defaultValue = 2, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInMinPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInMaxPeriod", displayName = "Maximum Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInMaxPeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInMaxPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInMAType", displayName = "MA Type", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInMAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInMAType, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.movingAverageVariablePeriod ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, inPeriods, optInMinPeriod, optInMaxPeriod, optInMAType, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int maxLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.maxLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MAX", group = "Math Operators", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode max( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.max ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int maxIndexLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.maxIndexLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MAXINDEX", group = "Math Operators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode maxIndex( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.maxIndex ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int medPriceLookback( ) { return super.medPriceLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "MEDPRICE", group = "Price Transform", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode medPrice( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHL", flags = 6, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.medPrice ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int mfiLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.mfiLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MFI", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode mfi( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLCV", flags = 30, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], double inVolume [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.mfi ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , inVolume , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int midPointLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.midPointLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MIDPOINT", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode midPoint( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.midPoint ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int midPriceLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.midPriceLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MIDPRICE", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode midPrice( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHL", flags = 6, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.midPrice ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int minLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.minLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MIN", group = "Math Operators", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode min( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.min ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int minIndexLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.minIndexLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MININDEX", group = "Math Operators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode minIndex( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outInteger", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outInteger[] ) { return super.minIndex ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outInteger ); } public int minMaxLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.minMaxLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MINMAX", group = "Math Operators", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 2 ) public RetCode minMax( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMin", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMin[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMax", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outMax[] ) { return super.minMax ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outMin, outMax ); } public int minMaxIndexLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.minMaxIndexLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MINMAXINDEX", group = "Math Operators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 2 ) public RetCode minMaxIndex( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMinIdx", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outMinIdx[] , @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outMaxIdx", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Integer ) int outMaxIdx[] ) { return super.minMaxIndex ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outMinIdx, outMaxIdx ); } public int minusDILookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.minusDILookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MINUS_DI", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode minusDI( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.minusDI ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int minusDMLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.minusDMLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MINUS_DM", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode minusDM( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHL", flags = 6, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.minusDM ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int momLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.momLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "MOM", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode mom( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 10, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.mom ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int multLookback( ) { return super.multLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "MULT", group = "Math Operators", flags = 0, nbInput = 2, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode mult( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal0", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal0[], @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal1", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal1[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.mult ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal0, inReal1, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int natrLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.natrLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "NATR", group = "Volatility Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode natr( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.natr ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int obvLookback( ) { return super.obvLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "OBV", group = "Volume Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 2, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode obv( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceV", flags = 16, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inVolume [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.obv ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, inVolume , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int plusDILookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.plusDILookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "PLUS_DI", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode plusDI( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.plusDI ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int plusDMLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.plusDMLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "PLUS_DM", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode plusDM( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHL", flags = 6, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.plusDM ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int ppoLookback( int optInFastPeriod, int optInSlowPeriod, MAType optInMAType) { return super.ppoLookback( optInFastPeriod, optInSlowPeriod, optInMAType); } @FuncInfo( name = "PPO", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 3, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode ppo( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", displayName = "Fast Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastPeriod", defaultValue = 12, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", displayName = "Slow Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSlowPeriod", defaultValue = 26, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSlowPeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInMAType", displayName = "MA Type", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInMAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInMAType, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.ppo ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInFastPeriod, optInSlowPeriod, optInMAType, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int rocLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.rocLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "ROC", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode roc( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 10, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.roc ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int rocPLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.rocPLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "ROCP", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode rocP( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 10, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.rocP ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int rocRLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.rocRLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "ROCR", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode rocR( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 10, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.rocR ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int rocR100Lookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.rocR100Lookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "ROCR100", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode rocR100( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 10, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.rocR100 ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int rsiLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.rsiLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "RSI", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode rsi( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.rsi ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int sarLookback( double optInAcceleration, double optInMaximum) { return super.sarLookback( optInAcceleration, optInMaximum); } @FuncInfo( name = "SAR", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 2, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode sar( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHL", flags = 6, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInAcceleration", displayName = "Acceleration Factor", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInAcceleration", defaultValue = 0.02000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.01000, suggested_end = 0.20000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInAcceleration, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInMaximum", displayName = "AF Maximum", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInMaximum", defaultValue = 0.20000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.20000, suggested_end = 0.40000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInMaximum, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.sar ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , optInAcceleration, optInMaximum, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int sarExtLookback( double optInStartValue, double optInOffsetOnReverse, double optInAccelerationInitLong, double optInAccelerationLong, double optInAccelerationMaxLong, double optInAccelerationInitShort, double optInAccelerationShort, double optInAccelerationMaxShort) { return super.sarExtLookback( optInStartValue, optInOffsetOnReverse, optInAccelerationInitLong, optInAccelerationLong, optInAccelerationMaxLong, optInAccelerationInitShort, optInAccelerationShort, optInAccelerationMaxShort); } @FuncInfo( name = "SAREXT", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 8, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode sarExt( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHL", flags = 6, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInStartValue", displayName = "Start Value", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInStartValue", defaultValue = 0.00000, min = -30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.00000, suggested_end = 0.00000, suggested_increment = 0.00000 ) double optInStartValue, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInOffsetOnReverse", displayName = "Offset on Reverse", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInOffsetOnReverse", defaultValue = 0.00000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.01000, suggested_end = 0.15000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInOffsetOnReverse, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInAccelerationInitLong", displayName = "AF Init Long", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInAccelerationInitLong", defaultValue = 0.02000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.01000, suggested_end = 0.19000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInAccelerationInitLong, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInAccelerationLong", displayName = "AF Long", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInAccelerationLong", defaultValue = 0.02000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.01000, suggested_end = 0.20000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInAccelerationLong, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInAccelerationMaxLong", displayName = "AF Max Long", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInAccelerationMaxLong", defaultValue = 0.20000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.20000, suggested_end = 0.40000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInAccelerationMaxLong, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInAccelerationInitShort", displayName = "AF Init Short", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInAccelerationInitShort", defaultValue = 0.02000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.01000, suggested_end = 0.19000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInAccelerationInitShort, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInAccelerationShort", displayName = "AF Short", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInAccelerationShort", defaultValue = 0.02000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.01000, suggested_end = 0.20000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInAccelerationShort, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInAccelerationMaxShort", displayName = "AF Max Short", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInAccelerationMaxShort", defaultValue = 0.20000, min = 0.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 4, suggested_start = 0.20000, suggested_end = 0.40000, suggested_increment = 0.01000 ) double optInAccelerationMaxShort, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.sarExt ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , optInStartValue, optInOffsetOnReverse, optInAccelerationInitLong, optInAccelerationLong, optInAccelerationMaxLong, optInAccelerationInitShort, optInAccelerationShort, optInAccelerationMaxShort, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int sinLookback( ) { return super.sinLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "SIN", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode sin( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.sin ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int sinhLookback( ) { return super.sinhLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "SINH", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode sinh( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.sinh ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int smaLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.smaLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "SMA", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode sma( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.sma ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int sqrtLookback( ) { return super.sqrtLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "SQRT", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode sqrt( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.sqrt ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int stdDevLookback( int optInTimePeriod, double optInNbDev) { return super.stdDevLookback( optInTimePeriod, optInNbDev); } @FuncInfo( name = "STDDEV", group = "Statistic Functions", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 2, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode stdDev( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 5, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInNbDev", displayName = "Deviations", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInNbDev", defaultValue = 1.00000, min = -30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 2, suggested_start = -2.00000, suggested_end = 2.00000, suggested_increment = 0.20000 ) double optInNbDev, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.stdDev ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInNbDev, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int stochLookback( int optInFastK_Period, int optInSlowK_Period, MAType optInSlowK_MAType, int optInSlowD_Period, MAType optInSlowD_MAType) { return super.stochLookback( optInFastK_Period, optInSlowK_Period, optInSlowK_MAType, optInSlowD_Period, optInSlowD_MAType); } @FuncInfo( name = "STOCH", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 5, nbOutput = 2 ) public RetCode stoch( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastK_Period", displayName = "Fast-K Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastK_Period", defaultValue = 5, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastK_Period, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowK_Period", displayName = "Slow-K Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSlowK_Period", defaultValue = 3, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSlowK_Period, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowK_MAType", displayName = "Slow-K MA", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInSlowK_MAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInSlowK_MAType, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowD_Period", displayName = "Slow-D Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInSlowD_Period", defaultValue = 3, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInSlowD_Period, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInSlowD_MAType", displayName = "Slow-D MA", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInSlowD_MAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInSlowD_MAType, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outSlowK", flags = 4, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outSlowK[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outSlowD", flags = 4, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outSlowD[] ) { return super.stoch ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInFastK_Period, optInSlowK_Period, optInSlowK_MAType, optInSlowD_Period, optInSlowD_MAType, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outSlowK, outSlowD ); } public int stochFLookback( int optInFastK_Period, int optInFastD_Period, MAType optInFastD_MAType) { return super.stochFLookback( optInFastK_Period, optInFastD_Period, optInFastD_MAType); } @FuncInfo( name = "STOCHF", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 3, nbOutput = 2 ) public RetCode stochF( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastK_Period", displayName = "Fast-K Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastK_Period", defaultValue = 5, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastK_Period, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastD_Period", displayName = "Fast-D Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastD_Period", defaultValue = 3, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastD_Period, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastD_MAType", displayName = "Fast-D MA", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInFastD_MAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInFastD_MAType, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outFastK", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outFastK[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outFastD", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outFastD[] ) { return super.stochF ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInFastK_Period, optInFastD_Period, optInFastD_MAType, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outFastK, outFastD ); } public int stochRsiLookback( int optInTimePeriod, int optInFastK_Period, int optInFastD_Period, MAType optInFastD_MAType) { return super.stochRsiLookback( optInTimePeriod, optInFastK_Period, optInFastD_Period, optInFastD_MAType); } @FuncInfo( name = "STOCHRSI", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 134217728, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 4, nbOutput = 2 ) public RetCode stochRsi( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastK_Period", displayName = "Fast-K Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastK_Period", defaultValue = 5, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastK_Period, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastD_Period", displayName = "Fast-D Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInFastD_Period", defaultValue = 3, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInFastD_Period, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInFastD_MAType", displayName = "Fast-D MA", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerList, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerList.class ) @IntegerList( paramName = "optInFastD_MAType", defaultValue = 0, value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, string = { "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3" } ) MAType optInFastD_MAType, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outFastK", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outFastK[], @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outFastD", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outFastD[] ) { return super.stochRsi ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInFastK_Period, optInFastD_Period, optInFastD_MAType, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outFastK, outFastD ); } public int subLookback( ) { return super.subLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "SUB", group = "Math Operators", flags = 0, nbInput = 2, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode sub( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal0", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal0[], @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal1", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal1[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.sub ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal0, inReal1, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int sumLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.sumLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "SUM", group = "Math Operators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode sum( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.sum ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int t3Lookback( int optInTimePeriod, double optInVFactor) { return super.t3Lookback( optInTimePeriod, optInVFactor); } @FuncInfo( name = "T3", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 150994944, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 2, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode t3( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 5, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInVFactor", displayName = "Volume Factor", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInVFactor", defaultValue = 0.70000, min = 0.00000, max = 1.00000, precision = 2, suggested_start = 0.01000, suggested_end = 1.00000, suggested_increment = 0.05000 ) double optInVFactor, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.t3 ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInVFactor, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int tanLookback( ) { return super.tanLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "TAN", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode tan( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.tan ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int tanhLookback( ) { return super.tanhLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "TANH", group = "Math Transform", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode tanh( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.tanh ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int temaLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.temaLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "TEMA", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode tema( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.tema ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int trueRangeLookback( ) { return super.trueRangeLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "TRANGE", group = "Volatility Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode trueRange( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.trueRange ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int trimaLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.trimaLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "TRIMA", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode trima( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.trima ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int trixLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.trixLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "TRIX", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode trix( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.trix ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int tsfLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.tsfLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "TSF", group = "Statistic Functions", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode tsf( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.tsf ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int typPriceLookback( ) { return super.typPriceLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "TYPPRICE", group = "Price Transform", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode typPrice( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.typPrice ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int ultOscLookback( int optInTimePeriod1, int optInTimePeriod2, int optInTimePeriod3) { return super.ultOscLookback( optInTimePeriod1, optInTimePeriod2, optInTimePeriod3); } @FuncInfo( name = "ULTOSC", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 3, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode ultOsc( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod1", displayName = "First Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod1", defaultValue = 7, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod1, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod2", displayName = "Second Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod2", defaultValue = 14, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod2, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod3", displayName = "Third Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod3", defaultValue = 28, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod3, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.ultOsc ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod1, optInTimePeriod2, optInTimePeriod3, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int varianceLookback( int optInTimePeriod, double optInNbDev) { return super.varianceLookback( optInTimePeriod, optInNbDev); } @FuncInfo( name = "VAR", group = "Statistic Functions", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 2, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode variance( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 5, min = 1, max = 100000, suggested_start = 1, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInNbDev", displayName = "Deviations", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_RealRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.RealRange.class ) @RealRange( paramName = "optInNbDev", defaultValue = 1.00000, min = -30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, max = 30000000000000002000000000000000000000.00000, precision = 2, suggested_start = -2.00000, suggested_end = 2.00000, suggested_increment = 0.20000 ) double optInNbDev, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.variance ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInNbDev, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int wclPriceLookback( ) { return super.wclPriceLookback( ); } @FuncInfo( name = "WCLPRICE", group = "Price Transform", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 0, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode wclPrice( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.wclPrice ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int willRLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.willRLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "WILLR", group = "Momentum Indicators", flags = 0, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode willR( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inPriceHLC", flags = 14, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Price ) double inHigh [], double inLow [], double inClose [], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 14, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.willR ( startIdx, endIdx, inHigh , inLow , inClose , optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } public int wmaLookback( int optInTimePeriod) { return super.wmaLookback( optInTimePeriod); } @FuncInfo( name = "WMA", group = "Overlap Studies", flags = 16777216, nbInput = 1, nbOptInput = 1, nbOutput = 1 ) public RetCode wma( int startIdx, int endIdx, @InputParameterInfo( paramName = "inReal", flags = 0, type = InputParameterType.TA_Input_Real ) double inReal[], @OptInputParameterInfo( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", displayName = "Time Period", flags = 0, type = OptInputParameterType.TA_OptInput_IntegerRange, dataSet = com.tictactec.ta.lib.meta.annotation.IntegerRange.class ) @IntegerRange( paramName = "optInTimePeriod", defaultValue = 30, min = 2, max = 100000, suggested_start = 4, suggested_end = 200, suggested_increment = 1 ) int optInTimePeriod, MInteger outBegIdx, MInteger outNBElement, @OutputParameterInfo( paramName = "outReal", flags = 1, type = OutputParameterType.TA_Output_Real ) double outReal[] ) { return super.wma ( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, outBegIdx, outNBElement, outReal ); } } /*************** * End of File * ***************/