package; import static; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.ISTMEntryKey; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.ISTMEntry; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.Status; import; public class STMUtil { public static String AND = "&"; public static String EQUALS = "="; public static String SERVICE_KEY_DELIM = ":"; /** * @param inServiceKey * @param inKeyValues * @return */ public static ISTMEntryKey createEntryKey( String inServiceKey, String inType, String[] inKeys, String[] inValues ) { if( inKeys.length != inValues.length ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key-value pairs must be even "); HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(inServiceKey.toString()); sb.append(SERVICE_KEY_DELIM); sb.append(inType); sb.append(SERVICE_KEY_DELIM); for( int i = 0; i < inKeys.length; i++ ) { String key = inKeys[i]; String value = inValues[i]; map.put( key, value ); if( i != 0 ) sb.append(AND); sb.append( key ); sb.append( EQUALS ); sb.append( value ); } return new STMEntryKey( inServiceKey, inType, map, sb.toString() ); } /** * @param inSingleValue * @return */ public static ISTMEntryKey createEntryKey( String inServiceKey, String inType, String inSingleValue ) { String key = inServiceKey+SERVICE_KEY_DELIM+inType+SERVICE_KEY_DELIM+FIELD_SINGLE_VALUE_DATA_KEY+EQUALS+inSingleValue; return new STMEntryKey( inServiceKey, inType, inSingleValue, key ); } /** * @param inServiceKey * @param inEntry * @return */ public static boolean isServiceStatusUpdatedToOk( String inServiceKey, ISTMEntry inEntry ) { DataType<?> dataValue = inEntry.getUpdatedValue( inServiceKey ); if( dataValue == null ) return false; return dataValue.get().equals( Status.OK.toString() ); } /** * @param inEntry * @param inFullUpdate * @return */ public static boolean isStatusUpdatedToOk( ISTMEntry inEntry, boolean inFullUpdate ) { DataType<?> dataValue = inFullUpdate ? inEntry.getValue( DataConstants.FIELD_STATUS ) : inEntry.getUpdatedValue( DataConstants.FIELD_STATUS ); if( dataValue == null ) return false; return dataValue.get().equals( Status.OK ); } public static boolean isStatusOk( ISTMEntry inEntry) { DataType<?> dataValue = inEntry.getValue( DataConstants.FIELD_STATUS ); if( dataValue == null ) return false; return dataValue.get().equals( Status.OK ); } }