package org.juxtapose.streamline.stm; import static; import static; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.ISTMEntryKey; import org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.ISTMEntryProducer; import org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.ISTMEntryProducerService; import org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.executor.IExecutable; import org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.executor.IExecutor; import; import; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.ISTMEntry; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.ISTMEntryRequestSubscriber; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.ISTMEntrySubscriber; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.ISTMRequestor; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.Status; import; import; import; import; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.producerservices.ProducerServiceConstants; import com.trifork.clj_ds.IPersistentMap; import static*; /** * @author Pontus J�rgne * 28 jun 2011 * Copyright (c) Pontus J�rgne. All rights reserved * *Software Transactional Memory * */ public abstract class STM implements ISTM, ISTMEntryProducerService, ISTMEntrySubscriber, ISTMEntryProducer { protected final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ISTMEntry> keyToData = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ISTMEntry>(); //Services that create producers to data id is service ID protected final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ISTMEntryProducerService> idToProducerService = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ISTMEntryProducerService>(); private IExecutor executor; private ISTMEntryFactory entryFactory; private ServerConnector serverConnector; private ClientConnector clientConnector; private boolean master; /** * @param inExecutor */ public void init( IExecutor inExecutor, boolean inMaster ) { executor = inExecutor; keyToData.put( KeyConstants.PRODUCER_SERVICE_KEY.getKey(), createEmptyData(Status.OK, this, this)); registerProducer( this, Status.OK ); //TICKET //Connector should be removed and replaced with some config master = inMaster; if( inMaster ) { serverConnector = new ServerConnector( this, 8085 );; } else { clientConnector = new ClientConnector( "", 8085, this );; } } /** * @param inProducerService * @param initState */ public void registerProducer( final ISTMEntryProducerService inProducerService, final Status initState ) { String id = inProducerService.getServiceId(); if( idToProducerService.putIfAbsent( id, inProducerService ) != null ) { logError( "Producer "+inProducerService.getServiceId()+" already exists" ); return; } commit( new STMTransaction( KeyConstants.PRODUCER_SERVICE_KEY, this, 0, 0, false ) { @Override public void execute() { putValue( inProducerService.getServiceId(), new DataTypeString( initState.toString() ) ); logInfo( "Producer "+inProducerService.getServiceId()+" registered" ); } }); } /** * @param inProducerService * @param initState */ public void updateProducerStatus( final ISTMEntryProducerService inProducerService, final Status newStatus ) { commit( new STMTransaction( KeyConstants.PRODUCER_SERVICE_KEY, this, 0, 0, false ) { @Override public void execute() { putValue( inProducerService.getServiceId(), new DataTypeString( newStatus.toString() ) ); } }); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.util.producer.IDataProducerService#getServiceId() */ @Override public String getServiceId() { return ProducerServiceConstants.STM_SERVICE_KEY; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.util.producer.IDataProducerService#getKey(java.util.HashMap) */ @Override public void getDataKey( ISTMEntryRequestSubscriber inSubscriber, Object inTag, Map<String, String> inQuery) { String val = inQuery.get( FIELD_QUERY_KEY ); if( val != null && PRODUCER_SERVICES.equals( val ) ) { inSubscriber.deliverKey( KeyConstants.PRODUCER_SERVICE_KEY, inTag ); } else { inSubscriber.queryNotAvailible( inTag ); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.stm.exp.ISTM#getDataKey(java.lang.Integer, java.util.HashMap) */ public void getDataKey(String inProducerService, ISTMEntryRequestSubscriber inSubscriber, Object inTag, Map<String, String> inQuery) { ISTMEntryProducerService producerService = idToProducerService.get( inProducerService ); if( producerService == null ) { logError( "Producer "+inProducerService+" could not be found "); inSubscriber.queryNotAvailible( inTag ); } producerService.getDataKey( inSubscriber, inTag, inQuery ); } @Override public ISTMEntryProducer getDataProducer(ISTMEntryKey inDataKey) { return this; } public void updateData( ISTMEntryKey inKey, ISTMEntry inData, boolean inFirstUpdate ) { } public void init() { } public void dispose() { } /** * @param inDataFactory */ public void setDataFactory( ISTMEntryFactory inDataFactory ) { entryFactory = inDataFactory; } /** * @param inStatus * @param inProducer * @param inSubscriber * @return */ public ISTMEntry createEmptyData( Status inStatus, ISTMEntryProducer inProducer, ISTMEntrySubscriber inSubscriber ) { if( entryFactory == null ) { logError( "Datafactory has not been initiated" ); System.exit(1); } return entryFactory.createData(inStatus, inProducer, inSubscriber); } /** * @param inStatus * @param inProducer * @return */ protected ISTMEntry createEmptyData( Status inStatus, ISTMEntryProducer inProducer ) { if( entryFactory == null ) { logError( "Datafactory has not been initiated" ); System.exit(1); } return entryFactory.createData(inStatus, inProducer ); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.stm.exp.ISTM#logInfo(java.lang.String) */ public void logInfo( String inMessage ) { System.out.println( inMessage ); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.stm.exp.ISTM#logError(java.lang.String) */ public void logError( String inMessage ) { System.err.println( inMessage ); } public void logError( String inMessage, Throwable inThrowable ) { System.err.println( inMessage ); inThrowable.printStackTrace(); } public void logWarning( String inMessage ) { System.err.println( inMessage ); } public void logDebug( String inMessage ) { System.err.println( inMessage ); } public ISTMEntry getData( String inKey ) { return keyToData.get( inKey ); } @Override public void execute(IExecutable inExecutable, int inPrio) { executor.execute( inExecutable, inPrio ); } @Override public void execute(IExecutable inExecutable, int inPrio, String inSequenceKey) { executor.execute( inExecutable, inPrio, inSequenceKey ); } @Override public void executeBlocking(IExecutable inExecutable, int inPrio, ReentrantLock inSequenceLock) { executor.executeBlocking( inExecutable, inPrio, inSequenceLock ); } @Override public void scheduleExecution(IExecutable inExecutable, int inPrio, long inTime, TimeUnit inTimeUnit) { executor.scheduleExecution( inExecutable, inPrio, inTime, inTimeUnit ); } public void deliverKey( ISTMEntryKey inDataKey, Long inTag ) { } public void queryNotAvailible( Long inTag ) { } public void addDependency( String inKey, TemporaryController inController ) {} public TemporaryController removeDependency( String inDataKey ) { return null; } public void addDataReferences( String inFieldKey, ReferenceLink inLink ){} public ReferenceLink removeReferenceLink( String inField ){ return null; } public void disposeReferenceLinks( List< String > inReferenceFields ){} public void referencedDataUpdated( final String inFieldKey, final ReferenceLink inLink, final ISTMEntry inData ){} public int getPriority() { return IExecutor.LOW; } public void setPriority( int inPriority ) { } @Override public boolean isDisposed() { return false; } @Override public HashSet<TemporaryController> getDependencyControllers() { return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.stm.impl.STM#subscribe(org.juxtapose.streamline.util.producer.IDataKey, org.juxtapose.streamline.util.IDataSubscriber) */ public void subscribeToData( ISTMEntryKey inDataKey, ISTMEntrySubscriber inSubscriber ) { ISTMEntryProducerService producerService = idToProducerService.get( inDataKey.getService() ); if( producerService == null ) { logError( "Key: "+inDataKey+" not valid, producer service does not exist" ); return; } ISTMEntryProducer producer = null; ISTMEntry newData = null; int newPriority = -1; HashSet<TemporaryController> dependencies = null; lock( inDataKey.getKey() ); try { ISTMEntry existingData = keyToData.get( inDataKey.getKey() ); if( existingData == null ) { //First subscriber producer = producerService.getDataProducer( inDataKey ); //REVISIT Potentially we should not notify subscribers for certain newDatas and just wait for the initial update instead. newData = createEmptyData( Status.ON_REQUEST, producer, inSubscriber); keyToData.put( inDataKey.getKey(), newData ); if( inSubscriber.getPriority() == IExecutor.HIGH ) producer.setPriority( IExecutor.HIGH ); } else { newData = existingData.addSubscriber( inSubscriber ); keyToData.put( inDataKey.getKey(), newData ); if( newData.getPriority() != existingData.getPriority() && existingData.getPriority() != IExecutor.HIGH ) { newPriority = newData.getPriority(); newData.getProducer().setPriority( newPriority ); dependencies = newData.getProducer().getDependencyControllers(); } } }catch( Throwable t ) { logError( t.getMessage(), t ); } finally { unlock( inDataKey.getKey() ); } if( dependencies != null ) { for( TemporaryController tc : dependencies ) { tc.setPriority( newPriority ); } } if( newData != null ) inSubscriber.updateData( inDataKey, newData, true ); if( producer != null ) producer.init(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.stm.exp.ISTM#unsubscribeToData(org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.IDataKey, org.juxtapose.streamline.util.IDataSubscriber) */ @Override public void unsubscribeToData(ISTMEntryKey inDataKey, ISTMEntrySubscriber inSubscriber) { ISTMEntryProducerService producerService = idToProducerService.get( inDataKey.getService() ); if( producerService == null ) { logError( "Key: "+inDataKey+" not valid, producer service does not exist" ); return; } ISTMEntryProducer producer = null; lock( inDataKey.getKey() ); try { ISTMEntry existingData = keyToData.get( inDataKey.getKey() ); if( existingData == null ) { logError( "Key: "+inDataKey+", Data has already been removed which is unconditional since an existing subscriber is requesting to unsubscribe" ); return; } else { ISTMEntry newData = existingData.removeSubscriber( inSubscriber ); if( newData.hasSubscribers() ) { keyToData.replace( inDataKey.getKey(), newData ); } else { keyToData.remove( inDataKey.getKey() ); producer = existingData.getProducer(); } } }catch( Throwable t ) { logError( t.getMessage(), t ); } finally { unlock( inDataKey.getKey() ); } if( producer != null ) producer.dispose(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.stm.ISTM#updateSubscriberPriority(org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.ISTMEntryKey, org.juxtapose.streamline.util.ISTMEntrySubscriber) */ public void updateSubscriberPriority( ISTMEntryKey inDataKey, ISTMEntrySubscriber inSubscriber ) { lock( inDataKey.getKey() ); ISTMEntryProducer producer = null; int newPriority = 0; HashSet<TemporaryController> dependencies = null; try { ISTMEntry existingData = keyToData.get( inDataKey.getKey() ); if( existingData == null ) { //All Subscribers has left the building return; } ISTMEntry newEntry = existingData.changeSubscriberPriority( inSubscriber, inSubscriber.getPriority() ); if( newEntry == null ) { //Subscriber has left the entry return; } if( existingData.getPriority() == newEntry.getPriority() ) { //No side effects return; } newPriority = newEntry.getPriority(); producer = newEntry.getProducer(); if( producer == null || producer.isDisposed() ) { //producer is disposed return; } dependencies = producer.getDependencyControllers(); } catch( Throwable t ) { logError( t.getMessage(), t ); } finally { unlock( inDataKey.getKey() ); } if( dependencies != null ) { for( TemporaryController tc : dependencies ) { tc.setPriority( newPriority ); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.stm.ISTM#publish(org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.ISTMEntryKey, org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.ISTMEntryProducer, org.juxtapose.streamline.util.Status, com.trifork.clj_ds.IPersistentMap, java.util.HashSet) */ public void publish( ISTMEntryKey inDataKey, ISTMEntryProducer inProducer, Status inStatus, IPersistentMap<String, DataType<?>> inData, HashSet<String> inDeltaSet ) { lock( inDataKey.getKey() ); try { ISTMEntry entry = keyToData.get( inDataKey.getKey() ); if( entry != null ) { //If data already exists it can only be modified by its own producer if( ! entry.getProducer().equals( inProducer ) ) { logError( "Producer "+inProducer+" tried to publish a record for Key: "+inDataKey+" That is owned by producer: "+entry.getProducer() ); return; } } else { entry = createEmptyData( inStatus, inProducer ); entry = entry.addSubscriber( inProducer ); entry = entry.setUpdatedData( inData, new HashSet<String>(), true ); } keyToData.put( inDataKey.getKey(), entry ); } catch( Throwable t ) { logError( t.getMessage(), t ); } finally { unlock( inDataKey.getKey() ); } } public void request( String inService, int inTag, long inType, ISTMRequestor inRequestor, String inVariable, IPersistentMap<String, DataType<?>> inData ) { ISTMEntryProducerService producerService = idToProducerService.get( inService ); if( producerService == null ) { logError( PRODUCER_NOT_EXISTS ); return; } producerService.request( inTag, inType, inRequestor, inVariable, inData ); } public void request( int inTag, long inType, ISTMRequestor inRequestor, String inVariable, IPersistentMap<String, DataType<?>> inData ) { inRequestor.reply( inTag, DataConstants.RESPONSE_TYPE_ERROR, REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED, null ); } abstract protected void lock( String inKey ); abstract protected void unlock( String inKey ); }