package; /** * @author Pontus * */ public final class Preconditions { private Preconditions(){} public static <T> T notNull(T inReference) { if(inReference == null) throwException(new NullPointerException()); return inReference; } public static <T> T notNull(T inReference, Object inMessage) { if(inReference == null) throwException(new NullPointerException(String.valueOf(inMessage))); return inReference; } public static <T> T notNull(T inReference, String inMessageTemplate, Object... inMessages) { if(inReference == null) throwException(new NullPointerException(message(inMessageTemplate,inMessages))); return inReference; } /** * Ensures that an object that is about to be set is null * * @param inReference an <T> object reference * @return a non-null reference */ public static <T> T isNull(T inReference) { if(inReference != null) throwException(new IllegalArgumentException()); return inReference; } public static <T> T isNull(T inReference, Object inMessage) { if(inReference != null) throwException(new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(inMessage))); return inReference; } public static <T> T isNull(T inReference, String inMessageTemplate, Object... inMessages) { if(inReference != null) throwException(new IllegalArgumentException(message(inMessageTemplate,inMessages))); return inReference; } /** * A short hand way of checking that a {@link String} isn't null or empty * * @param inString the {@link String} to check * @param inMessage the message to display * @return the argument {@link String} */ public static String notNullOrEmpty(String inString) { String string = notNull(inString); checkThat(!string.isEmpty()); return string; } public static String notNullOrEmpty(String inString, Object inMessage) { String string = notNull(inString,inMessage); checkThat(!string.isEmpty(), inMessage); return string; } public static String notNullOrEmpty(String inString, String inMessageTemplate,Object... inMessages) { String string = notNull(inString,inMessageTemplate,inMessages); checkThat(!string.isEmpty(), inMessageTemplate,inMessages); return string; } public static void checkThat(boolean inExpression) { if(!inExpression) throwException(new IllegalArgumentException()); } public static void checkThat(boolean inExpression, Object inMessage) { if(!inExpression) throwException(new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(inMessage))); } public static void checkThat(boolean inExpression, String inMessageTemplate, Object... inMessages) { if(!inExpression) throwException(new IllegalArgumentException(message(inMessageTemplate, inMessages))); } public static void checkRange(int inFromIndex, int inToIndex, int inLength) { if (inFromIndex > inToIndex) throwException(new IllegalArgumentException("fromIndex(" + inFromIndex + ") > toIndex(" + inToIndex + ")")); if (inFromIndex < 0) throwException(new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(inFromIndex)); if (inToIndex > inLength) throwException(new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(inToIndex)); } public static boolean equalsOrBothNull( Object inObj1, Object inObj2 ) { if( inObj1 == null || inObj2 == null) return inObj1 == null && inObj2 == null; return inObj1.equals( inObj2 ); } /** * Good place to set breakpoint * @param e The exception to throw */ private static void throwException(RuntimeException e) { throw e; } /** * Method to parse strings for variable placeholders an replace them with their values * @param inTemplate template for the result message * @param inMessages list of messages to use when replacing placeholders in templates * @return */ private static String message(String inTemplate,Object... inMessages) { return message(new StringBuffer(),0,inTemplate,inMessages); } /** * Tail-recursive counterpart of {@link Preconditions#message(String, Object...)} * @param inBuffer StringBuffer holding the result * @param inIndex the current index of the inMessages * @param inTemplate the template to parse * @param inMessages the var-args array of messages * @return the rendered message */ private static String message(StringBuffer inBuffer,int inIndex,String inTemplate,Object... inMessages) { int index = inTemplate.indexOf("%s"); if(index == -1 || inIndex >= inMessages.length) return inBuffer.append(inTemplate).toString(); inBuffer.append(inTemplate.substring(0, index)).append(inMessages[inIndex]); return message(inBuffer,inIndex+1,inTemplate.substring(index+2),inMessages); } }