package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static; /** * This class represents the collection of registered stats within an * injector. Its main roles are to act as a container for these stats, and * to provide access to them through its {@link #snapshot()} method. * * @author (Dhanji R. Prasanna) */ @Singleton final class Stats implements StatsSnapshotter { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Stats.class.getCanonicalName()); /** This is the value used for duplicate stats. */ static final String DUPLICATED_STAT_VALUE = "duplicated value"; private final ConcurrentMap<String, StatDescriptor> stats = new MapMaker().makeMap(); private Injector injector; @Inject Stats() { } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") @Inject void setInjector(Injector injector) { this.injector = injector; checkBindingsExistForExposers(); } void register(StatDescriptor statDescriptor) { String statName = statDescriptor.getName(); StatDescriptor existingDescriptor = stats.putIfAbsent(statName, statDescriptor); if (existingDescriptor != null && !(existingDescriptor.getStatReader().equals( statDescriptor.getStatReader()))) { logger.warning(String.format( "You have two non-static stats using the same name [%s], " + "this is not allowed. \n" + "First encounter: %s\nSecond encounter: %s", statName, existingDescriptor, statDescriptor)); StatDescriptor syntheticDescriptor = StatDescriptor.of( statName, "Placeholder for duplicate stat", StatReaders.forObject(DUPLICATED_STAT_VALUE), StatExposers.IdentityExposer.class); stats.put(statName, syntheticDescriptor); } else { if (injector != null) { injector.getBinding(statDescriptor.getStatExposerClass()); } stats.put(statName, statDescriptor); } } @Override public ImmutableMap<StatDescriptor, Object> snapshot() { checkState(injector != null, "Stats may not be snapshotted yet; injector has not been set"); ImmutableMap.Builder<StatDescriptor, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (StatDescriptor statDescriptor : stats.values()) { // Here we read the raw value Object statValue = statDescriptor.getStatReader().readStat(); // And here we are careful to expose only the reference we should StatExposer statExposer = getStatExposer(statDescriptor.getStatExposerClass()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // We know we don't guarantee a <T> here. Object exposedValue = statExposer.expose(statValue); builder.put(statDescriptor, exposedValue); } return; } private StatExposer getStatExposer( Class<? extends StatExposer> statExposerClass) { return injector.getInstance(statExposerClass); } private void checkBindingsExistForExposers() { // We do an up-front check of Set<Class<? extends StatExposer>> statExposerClasses = Sets.newHashSet(); for (StatDescriptor statDescriptor : stats.values()) { statExposerClasses.add(statDescriptor.getStatExposerClass()); } for (Class<? extends StatExposer> statExposerClass : statExposerClasses) { injector.getBinding(statExposerClass); } } }