package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A command/response handler for a single mail connection/user. * * @author (Dhanji R. Prasanna) */ class MailClientHandler extends SimpleChannelHandler { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MailClientHandler.class); private static boolean ENABLE_WIRE_TRACE = true; private static final Map<String, Boolean> logAllMessagesForUsers = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(); public static final String CAPABILITY_PREFIX = "* CAPABILITY"; static final Pattern GMAIL_AUTH_SUCCESS_REGEX = Pattern.compile("[.] OK .*@.* \\(Success\\)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); static final Pattern IMAP_AUTH_SUCCESS_REGEX = Pattern.compile("[.] OK (.*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); static final Pattern COMMAND_FAILED_REGEX = Pattern.compile("^[.] (NO|BAD) (.*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); static final Pattern MESSAGE_COULDNT_BE_FETCHED_REGEX = Pattern.compile("^\\d+ no some messages could not be fetched \\(failure\\)\\s*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); static final Pattern SYSTEM_ERROR_REGEX = Pattern.compile("[*]\\s*bye\\s*system\\s*error\\s*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); static final Pattern IDLE_ENDED_REGEX = Pattern.compile(".* OK IDLE terminated \\(success\\)\\s*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); static final Pattern IDLE_EXISTS_REGEX = Pattern.compile("\\* (\\d+) exists\\s*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); static final Pattern IDLE_EXPUNGE_REGEX = Pattern.compile("\\* (\\d+) expunge\\s*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private final Idler idler; private final MailClientConfig config; private final CountDownLatch loginSuccess = new CountDownLatch(1); private volatile List<String> capabilities; private volatile FolderObserver observer; final AtomicBoolean idleRequested = new AtomicBoolean(); final AtomicBoolean idleAcknowledged = new AtomicBoolean(); private final Object idleMutex = new Object(); // Panic button. private volatile boolean halt = false; private final LinkedBlockingDeque<Error> errorStack = new LinkedBlockingDeque<Error>(); private final Queue<CommandCompletion> completions = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<CommandCompletion>(); private volatile PushedData pushedData; private final BoundedDiscardingList<String> commandTrace = new BoundedDiscardingList<String>(10); private final BoundedDiscardingList<String> wireTrace = new BoundedDiscardingList<String>(25); private final InputBuffer inputBuffer = new InputBuffer(); public MailClientHandler(Idler idler, MailClientConfig config) { this.idler = idler; this.config = config; } // For debugging, use with caution! public static void addUserForVerboseLogging(String username, boolean toStdOut) { logAllMessagesForUsers.put(username, toStdOut); } public void setReceiveLogging(boolean b) {"setReceiveLogging[" + config.getUsername() + "] = " + b); if (b) logAllMessagesForUsers.put(config.getUsername(), false); else logAllMessagesForUsers.remove(config.getUsername()); } public Set<String> getLogAllMessagesFor() { return logAllMessagesForUsers.keySet(); } public List<String> getCommandTrace() { return commandTrace.list(); } public List<String> getWireTrace() { return wireTrace.list(); } public boolean isLoggedIn() { return loginSuccess.getCount() == 0; } private static class PushedData { volatile boolean idleExitSent = false; // guarded by idleMutex. final ArrayList<Integer> pushAdds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // guarded by idleMutex. final ArrayList<Integer> pushRemoves = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } // DO NOT synchronize! public void enqueue(CommandCompletion completion) { completions.add(completion); commandTrace.add(new Date().toString() + " " + completion.toString()); } @Override public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) throws Exception { String message = e.getMessage().toString(); for (String input : inputBuffer.processMessage(message)) { processMessage(input); } } private void processMessage(String message) throws Exception { Boolean toStdOut = logAllMessagesForUsers.get(config.getUsername()); if (toStdOut != null) { if (toStdOut) System.out.println("IMAPrcv[" + config.getUsername() + "]: " + message); else"IMAPrcv[{}]: {}", config.getUsername(), message); } if (ENABLE_WIRE_TRACE) { wireTrace.add(message); log.trace(message); } if (SYSTEM_ERROR_REGEX.matcher(message).matches() || ". NO [ALERT] Account exceeded command or bandwidth limits. (Failure)".equalsIgnoreCase( message.trim())) { log.warn("{} disconnected by IMAP Server due to system error: {}", config.getUsername(), message); disconnectAbnormally(message); return; } try { if (halt) { log.error("Mail client for {} is halted but continues to receive messages, ignoring!", config.getUsername()); return; } if (loginSuccess.getCount() > 0) { if (message.startsWith(CAPABILITY_PREFIX)) { this.capabilities = Arrays.asList( message.substring(CAPABILITY_PREFIX.length() + 1).split("[ ]+")); return; } else if (GMAIL_AUTH_SUCCESS_REGEX.matcher(message).matches() || IMAP_AUTH_SUCCESS_REGEX.matcher(message).matches()) {"Authentication success for user {}", config.getUsername()); loginSuccess.countDown(); } else { Matcher matcher = COMMAND_FAILED_REGEX.matcher(message); if (matcher.find()) { // WARNING: DO NOT COUNTDOWN THE LOGIN LATCH ON FAILURE!!! log.warn("Authentication failed for {} due to: {}", config.getUsername(), message); errorStack.push(new Error(null /* logins have no completion */, extractError(matcher), wireTrace.list())); disconnectAbnormally(message); } } return; } // Copy to local var as the value can change underneath us. FolderObserver observer =; if (idleRequested.get() || idleAcknowledged.get()) { synchronized (idleMutex) { if (IDLE_ENDED_REGEX.matcher(message).matches()) { idleRequested.compareAndSet(true, false); idleAcknowledged.set(false); // Now fire the events. PushedData data = pushedData; pushedData = null; idler.idleEnd(); observer.changed(data.pushAdds.isEmpty() ? null : data.pushAdds, data.pushRemoves.isEmpty() ? null : data.pushRemoves); return; } // Queue up any push notifications to publish to the client in a second. Matcher existsMatcher = IDLE_EXISTS_REGEX.matcher(message); boolean matched = false; if (existsMatcher.matches()) { int number = Integer.parseInt(; pushedData.pushAdds.add(number); matched = true; } else { Matcher expungeMatcher = IDLE_EXPUNGE_REGEX.matcher(message); if (expungeMatcher.matches()) { int number = Integer.parseInt(; pushedData.pushRemoves.add(number); matched = true; } } // Stop idling, when we get the idle ended message (next cycle) we can publish what's been gathered. if (matched) { if(!pushedData.idleExitSent) { idler.done(); pushedData.idleExitSent = true; } return; } } } complete(message); } catch (Exception ex) { CommandCompletion completion = completions.poll(); if (completion != null) completion.error(message, ex); else { log.error("Strange exception during mail processing (no completions available!): {}", message, ex); errorStack.push(new Error(null, "No completions available!", wireTrace.list())); } throw ex; } } private void disconnectAbnormally(String message) { try { halt(); // Disconnect abnormally. The user code should reconnect using the mail client. errorStack.push(new Error(completions.poll(), message, wireTrace.list())); idler.disconnectAsync(); } finally { disconnected(); } } private String extractError(Matcher matcher) { return (matcher.groupCount()) > 1 ? :; } /** * This is synchronized to ensure that we process the queue serially. */ private synchronized void complete(String message) { // This is a weird problem with writing stuff while idling. Need to investigate it more, but // for now just ignore it. if (MESSAGE_COULDNT_BE_FETCHED_REGEX.matcher(message).matches()) { log.warn("Some messages in the batch could not be fetched for {}\n" + "---cmd---\n{}\n---wire---\n{}\n---end---\n", new Object[] { config.getUsername(), getCommandTrace(), getWireTrace() }); errorStack.push(new Error(completions.peek(), message, wireTrace.list())); final CommandCompletion completion = completions.peek(); String errorMsg = "Some messages in the batch could not be fetched for user " + config.getUsername(); RuntimeException ex = new RuntimeException(errorMsg); if (completion != null) { completion.error(errorMsg, new MailHandlingException(getWireTrace(), errorMsg, ex)); completions.poll(); } else { throw ex; } } CommandCompletion completion = completions.peek(); if (completion == null) { if ("+ idling".equalsIgnoreCase(message)) { synchronized (idleMutex) { idler.idleStart(); log.trace("IDLE entered."); idleAcknowledged.set(true); } } else { log.error("Could not find the completion for message {} (Was it ever issued?)", message); errorStack.push(new Error(null, "No completion found!", wireTrace.list())); } return; } if (completion.complete(message)) { completions.poll(); } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ExceptionEvent e) throws Exception { log.error("Exception caught! Disconnecting...", e.getCause()); disconnectAbnormally(e.getCause().getMessage()); } public List<String> getCapabilities() { return capabilities; } boolean awaitLogin() { try { if (!loginSuccess.await(10L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { disconnectAbnormally("Timed out waiting for login response"); throw new RuntimeException("Timed out waiting for login response"); } return isLoggedIn(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { errorStack.push(new Error(null, e.getMessage(), wireTrace.list())); throw new RuntimeException("Interruption while awaiting server login", e); } } MailClient.WireError lastError() { return errorStack.peek() != null ? errorStack.pop() : null; } List<String> getLastTrace() { return wireTrace.list(); } /** * Registers a FolderObserver to receive events happening with a particular * folder. Typically an IMAP IDLE feature. If called multiple times, will * overwrite the currently set observer. */ void observe(FolderObserver observer) { synchronized (idleMutex) { = observer; pushedData = new PushedData(); idleAcknowledged.set(false); } } void halt() { halt = true; } public boolean isHalted() { return halt; } public void disconnected() { } static class Error implements MailClient.WireError { final CommandCompletion completion; final String error; final List<String> wireTrace; Error(CommandCompletion completion, String error, List<String> wireTrace) { this.completion = completion; this.error = error; this.wireTrace = wireTrace; } @Override public String message() { return error; } @Override public List<String> trace() { return wireTrace; } @Override public String expected() { return completion == null ? null : completion.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sout = new StringBuilder(); sout.append("WireError: "); sout.append("Completion=").append(completion); sout.append(", Error: ").append(error); sout.append(", Trace:\n"); for (String s : wireTrace) { sout.append(" ").append(s).append("\n"); } return sout.toString(); } } @VisibleForTesting static class InputBuffer { volatile private StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); @VisibleForTesting List<String> processMessage(String message) { // Nuke all CR characters, and we'll only count LF. message = message.replaceAll("\r", ""); // Split leaves a trailing empty line if there's a terminating newline. ArrayList<String> split = Lists.newArrayList(message.split("\n", -1)); Preconditions.checkArgument(split.size() > 0); synchronized (this) { buffer.append(split.get(0)); if (split.size() == 1) // no newlines. return ImmutableList.of(); split.set(0, buffer.toString()); buffer = new StringBuilder().append(split.remove(split.size() - 1)); } return split; } } }