package; import; import; import*; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * An IMAP mail client based on JBoss Netty and Event-driven IO. * * @author (Dhanji R. Prasanna) */ public interface MailClient { /** * Connects to the IMAP server logs in with the given credentials. Waits until the * connection is established before returning. Returns true if the connection auth * was successful. If not, the login error message can be obtained by calling * {@link #lastError()} */ boolean connect(); /** * Identical to {@link #connect()}. * * @param listener A listener to be notified when this client is disconnected due * to any IO error or closed normally. Can be null. */ boolean connect(DisconnectListener listener); /** * Logs out of the current IMAP session and releases all resources, including * executor services. */ void disconnect(); /** * Same as {@link #disconnect()} but does so on a separate worker thread, the caller * returns immediately. */ void disconnectAsync(); /** * Returns true if the underlying channels are connected to the remote server, logged in and * open for business. */ boolean isConnected(); List<String> capabilities(); ListenableFuture<List<String>> listFolders(); ListenableFuture<FolderStatus> statusOf(String folder); /** * Opens a logical 'session' to the given folder name. This method must be called * prior to using many of the in-folder methods on this API. Opens folder in * READ-ONLY mode. * <p> * Equivalent of calling {@link #open(String, boolean)} with readWrite as false. */ ListenableFuture<Folder> open(String folder); /** * Opens a logical 'session' to the given folder name. This method must be called * prior to using many of the in-folder methods on this API. * @param folder The canonical name of the folder on the IMAP server. * @param readWrite If true, will open the folder in READ-WRITE mode. Otherwise, * in READ-ONLY mode. */ ListenableFuture<Folder> open(String folder, boolean readWrite); /** * Returns a list of message headers in the given folder, between {@code start} * and {@code end}. The start is a 1-based index into the current session's "view" * of an IMAP folder. The message numbers are guaranteed not to change UNLESS * new mail is added or removed during a session (listen for this using the * {@link #watch(Folder, FolderObserver)} method. * <p> * The returned list is in ascending order (start : end) determined by the IMAP * server (the protocol requires chronological descending order--recent : old). * <p> * The messages returned in the list are lightweight {@link MessageStatus} objects * which only contain cursory information and some metadata about a message, * including the subject. This is useful to quickly obtain a list of messages * whose bodies can be fetched later with the more comprehensive * {@link #fetch(Folder, int, int)} method. * <p> * <b>NOTE: you must call {@link #open(String)} first.</b> */ ListenableFuture<List<MessageStatus>> list(Folder folder, int start, int end); /** * <p> * Exactly the same as {@link #list(, int, int)} * except the range specified is in IMAP UID, rather than sequence number. * <p> * <b>NOTE: you must call {@link #open(String)} first.</b> */ ListenableFuture<List<MessageStatus>> listUidThin(Folder folder, int start, int end); ListenableFuture<List<MessageStatus>> listUidThin(Folder folder, List<Sequence> sequences); /** * Runs a search for a raw query as provided by gmail, and returns the UIDs of the * corresponding result. Returns an empty list if there were no results. */ ListenableFuture<List<Integer>> searchUid(Folder folder, String query, Date since); /** * Returns the list of uids that exist in the given folder. Returns an empty list if * none existed. */ ListenableFuture<List<Integer>> exists(Folder folder, Collection<Integer> uids); /** * Flush the messages marked as \Deleted in this connection/session. */ void expunge(); /** * Copies a given imap message to the specified folder by UID. */ ListenableFuture<Boolean> copy(Folder folder, int imapUid, String toFolder); /** * Adds flags to a range of messages. * * @return the new flags on the message, null on failure. * <b>NOTE: these can be different to those set due to concurrent updates by other clients.</b> * <b>NOTE: you must call {@link #open(String)} first.</b> */ ListenableFuture<Set<Flag>> addFlags(Folder folder, int imapUid, Set<Flag> flags); /** * Removes flags from a range of messages. * * @return the new flags on the message, null on failure. * <b>NOTE: these can be different to those set due to concurrent updates by other clients.</b> * <b>NOTE: you must call {@link #open(String)} first.</b> */ ListenableFuture<Set<Flag>> removeFlags(Folder folder, int imapUid, Set<Flag> flags); /** * Adds or Removes flags from a range of messages. * * @param add if true, flags are added, otherwise they're removed. * @return the new flags on the message, null on failure. * <b>NOTE: these can be different to those set due to concurrent updates by other clients.</b> * <b>NOTE: you must call {@link #open(String)} first.</b> */ ListenableFuture<Set<Flag>> addOrRemoveFlags(Folder folder, int imapUid, Set<Flag> flags, boolean add); /** * Adds or removes Gmail labels from a range of messages. * * @param add if true, flags are added, otherwise they're removed. * @return the new labels on the message, null on failure. * <b>NOTE: these can be different to those set due to concurrent updates by other clients.</b> * <b>NOTE: you must call {@link #open(String)} first.</b> */ ListenableFuture<Set<String>> addOrRemoveGmailLabels(Folder folder, int imapUid, Set<String> labels, boolean add); /** * Similar to {@link #list(Folder, int, int)} but fetches the entire message * instead of merely a header. Runs a bit slower as a result. * <p> * This returns the complete details of an email message. Prefer {@link #list(Folder, int, int)} * for fetching just subjects/status info as this method can be slower * for messages with large bodies. * <p> * <b>NOTE: you must call {@link #open(String)} first.</b> */ public ListenableFuture<List<Message>> fetch(Folder folder, int start, int end); /** * Watches a folder for changes. This is an implementation of the IMAP IDLE command and * is the preferred method for push notification. * <p> * <b>NOTE: you must call {@link #open(String)} first.</b> */ void watch(Folder folder, FolderObserver observer); /** * Stops watching a folder if one was currently being watched (otherwise * a noop). Events from 'IDLEing' will immediately stop when this method * returns and the registered {@link FolderObserver} will be forgotten. * <p> * Note the subtle point that this method (though it doesn't block) will * immediately stop firing events to its FolderObserver. This happens * even before IDLEing ceases on the server. * @return whether the connection was being watched when called. */ boolean unwatch(); /** * Returns a string containing the last error message from the server or * null if no errors occurred recently. */ WireError lastError(); /** * Returns the last few items received on the wire, useful for debugging. */ List<String> getWireTrace(); /** * Returns the last few commands sent on the wire, used for debugging. * @return */ public List<String> getCommandTrace(); /** * Returns true if this client has successfully entered and is currently in IMAP IDLE. */ boolean isIdling(); /** * Allows you to dynamically update the value of access token and tokenSecret if using * XOAuth to access an imap server. This is useful if a user logs in from multiple locations * and you always want the last authorized token to be used when reconnecting existing mail * clients. * * @param accessToken A string containing the access token as retrieved from the oauth server. * @param tokenSecret A string contianing the token secret pair of the accessToken. */ void updateOAuthAccessToken(String accessToken, String tokenSecret); /** * Allows you to dynamically update the value of access token if using XOAuth2 to access * an imap server. This is useful if a user logs in from multiple locations * and you always want the last authorized token to be used when reconnecting existing mail * clients. * * @param accessToken A string containing the access token as retrieved from the oauth server. */ void updateOAuth2AccessToken(String accessToken); /** * Fetches a single message by its uid. */ ListenableFuture<Message> fetchUid(Folder folder, int uid); ListenableFuture<Set<String>> setGmailLabels(Folder folder, int imapUid, Set<String> labels); static interface DisconnectListener { void disconnected(); /** * Called when the server acknowledges IDLE. */ void idled(); /** * Called when the server acknowledges exit from IDLE. */ void unidled(); } public static interface WireError { String message(); List<String> trace(); String expected(); String toString(); } public static class Sequence { public final int start; public final int end; /** * A range of uids or seq number. Specify -1 for wildcard for either bound. * An end of 0 indicates */ public Sequence(int start, int end) { Preconditions.checkArgument(start != 0, "Start of range cannot be 0"); this.start = start; this.end = end; } /** * A single number to fetch. */ public Sequence(int start) { this(start, 0); } } }