package; import; import; import; import; import; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Map; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.createMock; /** * Unit test for ExactMatchNegotiator */ public class ExactMatchNegotiatorTest { private static final String HEADERS_AND_NEGOTIATIONS = "HEADERS_NEGS"; @DataProvider(name = HEADERS_AND_NEGOTIATIONS) public Object[][] headersAndNegotiations() { return new Object[][] { { ImmutableMap.of(), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of()), true }, // negotation, but no headers matching { ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing"), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of()), false }, // headers but no negs { ImmutableMap.of(), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "image/png")), true }, // disjoint set of headers and negs { ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing"), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("Content-Accept", "image/png")), false }, // Non matching set of the same header { ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing"), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "image/png")), false }, // Matching set of the same header { ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing"), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing")), true }, // Matching set of the same header, but case-mismatch { ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing"), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "THING")), false }, // Multiple header values, one matches { ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing"), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "nonthing, thing")), true }, // Multiple header values, one matches, different order { ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing"), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing, hno, asdo")), true }, // Multiple header values, some match, some don't { ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing", "Content-Accept", "nothing"), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing, hno, asdo")), false }, // Multiple header values, some match, some don't, but all passes { ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing", "Content-Accept", "nothing"), Multimaps.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("Accept", "thing, hno, asdo", "Content-Accept", "aisdjf, nothing, aiosjdf")), true }, }; } @Test(dataProvider = HEADERS_AND_NEGOTIATIONS) public final void variousHeadersAndNegotiations(Map<String, String> negotiations, final Multimap<String, String> headers, boolean shouldPass) { HttpServletRequest request = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(createMock(HttpServletRequest.class)) { @Override public Enumeration getHeaders(String name) { return Iterators.asEnumeration(headers.get(name).iterator()); } @Override public Enumeration getHeaderNames() { return Iterators.asEnumeration(headers.keys().iterator()); } }; assert shouldPass == new ExactMatchNegotiator().shouldCall(negotiations, TestRequestCreator.from(request, null)); } }