package; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.createMock; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.replay; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Dhanji R. Prasanna ( */ public class PageBookImplTest { private static final String FIRST_PATH_ELEMENTS = "firstPathElements"; private static final String URI_TEMPLATES_AND_MATCHES = "uriTemplatesAndMatches"; private static final String NOT_URIS_AND_TEMPLATES = "noturisandTemplates"; private static final String REDIRECTED_GET = "/redirected_get"; private static final String REDIRECTED_POST = "/redirected_post"; private Injector injector; @BeforeTest public final void pre() { injector = Guice.createInjector(new SitebricksModule()); } @Test public final void storeAndRetrievePageInstance() { final Respond respond = new MockRespond(); Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); page.widget().render(new Object(), respond); assert page.widget().equals(mock); } @Test public final void fireGetMethodOnPage() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); final MyPage bound = new MyPage(); page.doMethod("get", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert bound.getted : "@Get method was not fired, on doGet()"; } @Test public final void fireGetMethodOnPageAndRedirectToURL() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyRedirectingPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); final MyRedirectingPage bound = new MyRedirectingPage(); Object redirect = page.doMethod("get", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert REDIRECTED_GET.equals(redirect); assert page.widget().equals(mock); } @Test public final void firePostMethodOnPageAndRedirectToURL() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyRedirectingPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); final MyRedirectingPage bound = new MyRedirectingPage(); Object redirect = page.doMethod("post", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert REDIRECTED_POST.equals(redirect); assert page.widget().equals(mock); } @Test public final void fireGetMethodOnPageAndReply403() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/forbidden", MyForbiddenPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/forbidden"); page.apply(mock); final MyForbiddenPage bound = new MyForbiddenPage(); Object redirect = page.doMethod("get", bound, "/forbidden", fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert Reply.saying().forbidden().equals(redirect); assert page.widget().equals(mock); } @Test public final void firePostMethodOnPageAndReply403() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/forbidden", MyForbiddenPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/forbidden"); page.apply(mock); final MyForbiddenPage bound = new MyForbiddenPage(); Object redirect = page.doMethod("post", bound, "/forbidden", fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert Reply.saying().forbidden().equals(redirect); assert page.widget().equals(mock); } @Test public final void fireGetMethodOnPageToCorrectHandler() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>() { { put("event", new String[]{"1", "2"}); } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyEventSupportingPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); final MyEventSupportingPage bound = new MyEventSupportingPage(); page.doMethod("get", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(params)); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert bound.getted1 : "@Get @On method was not fired, on doGet() for [event=1]"; assert bound.getted2 : "@Get @On method was not fired, on doGet() for [event=2]"; } @Test public final void firePostMethodOnPageToCorrectHandler() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>() { { put("event", new String[]{"1", "2"}); } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyEventSupportingPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); final MyEventSupportingPage bound = new MyEventSupportingPage(); page.doMethod("post", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(params)); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert bound.posted1 : "@Post @On method was not fired, on doPost() for [event=1]"; assert bound.posted2 : "@Post @On method was not fired, on doPost() for [event=2]"; } @Test public final void fireGetMethodOnPageToCorrectHandlerOnlyOnce() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>() { { put("event", new String[]{"2"}); } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyEventSupportingPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); final MyEventSupportingPage bound = new MyEventSupportingPage(); page.doMethod("get", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(params)); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert !bound.getted1 : "@Get @On method was fired, on doGet() for [event=1]"; assert bound.getted2 : "@Get @On method was not fired, on doGet() for [event=2]"; } @Test public final void firePostMethodOnPageToCorrectHandlerOnlyOnce() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>() { { put("event", new String[]{"2"}); } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyEventSupportingPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); final MyEventSupportingPage bound = new MyEventSupportingPage(); page.doMethod("post", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(params)); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert !bound.posted1 : "@Post @On method was fired, on doGet() for [event=1]"; assert bound.posted2 : "@Post @On method was not fired, on doGet() for [event=2]"; } @Test public final void fireGetMethodOnPageToDefaultHandler() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>() { { put("event", new String[]{"3"}); } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyEventSupportingPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); final MyEventSupportingPage bound = new MyEventSupportingPage(); page.doMethod("get", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(params)); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert !bound.getted1 : "@Get @On method was fired, on doGet() for [event=1]"; assert !bound.getted2 : "@Get @On method was fired, on doGet() for [event=2]"; assert bound.defaultGet : "@Get @On default method was not fired, on doGet() for [event=...]"; } @Test public final void firePostMethodOnPageToDefaultHandler() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>() { { put("event", new String[]{"3"}); } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyEventSupportingPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); page.apply(mock); final MyEventSupportingPage bound = new MyEventSupportingPage(); page.doMethod("post", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(params)); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert !bound.getted2 : "@Get @On method was fired, on doPost() for [event=2]"; assert !bound.getted1 : "@Get @On method was fired, on doPost() for [event=1]"; assert !bound.posted1 : "@Post @On method was fired, on doPost() for [event=1]"; assert !bound.posted2 : "@Post @On method was fired, on doPost() for [event=2]"; assert bound.defaultPost : "@Post @On default method was not fired, on doPost() for [event=...]"; } @Test public final void fireGetMethodWithArgsOnPage() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki/:title", MyPageWithTemplate.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki/IMAX"); page.apply(mock); final MyPageWithTemplate bound = new MyPageWithTemplate(); page.doMethod("get", bound, "/wiki/IMAX", fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert "IMAX".equals(bound.title) : "@Get method was not fired, on doGet() with the right arg, instead: " + bound.title; } @Test public final void fireGetMethodWithPrimitiveArgsOnPage() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; // SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(StringToDateTimeCalendarConverter.USA_SHORT); final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector); //"/wiki/:title/cat/:int/:bool/:float/:date", MyPageWithPrimitivesTemplate.class);"/wiki/:title/cat/:int/:bool/:float", MyPageWithPrimitivesTemplate.class); String targetURL = "/wiki/IMAX/cat/1/true/2.5"; PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get(targetURL); page.apply(mock); final MyPageWithPrimitivesTemplate bound = new MyPageWithPrimitivesTemplate(); page.doMethod("get", bound, targetURL, fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert "IMAX".equals(bound.title) && == 1 && bound.bool == true && bound.flt == 2.5 // && sdf.format(date).equals(sdf.format( : "@Get method did not bind in args correctly, title: " + bound.title + // " id: " + + " bool: " + bound.bool + " float: " + bound.flt + " date: " + sdf.format(; " id: " + + " bool: " + bound.bool + " float: " + bound.flt; ; } @Test public final void firePostMethodWithArgsOnPage() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki/:title/cat/:id", MyPageWithTemplate.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki/IMAX_P/cat/12"); page.apply(mock); final MyPageWithTemplate bound = new MyPageWithTemplate(); page.doMethod("post", bound, "/wiki/IMAX_P/cat/12", fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert "IMAX_P".equals( && "12".equals( : "@Post method was not fired, on doPost() with the right arg, instead: " +; } @Test(expectedExceptions = InvalidEventHandlerException.class) public final void errorOnPostMethodWithUnnamedArgs() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki/:title/cat/:id", MyBrokenPageWithTemplate.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki/IMAX_P/cat/12"); final MyBrokenPageWithTemplate bound = new MyBrokenPageWithTemplate(); page.doMethod("post", bound, "/wiki/IMAX_P/cat/12", fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert page.widget().equals(mock); } @Test public final void firePostMethodOnPage() throws IOException { Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);"/wiki", MyPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get("/wiki"); final MyPage bound = new MyPage(); page.apply(mock); page.doMethod("post", bound, "/wiki", fakeRequestWithParams(new HashMap<String, String[]>())); assert page.widget().equals(mock); assert bound.posted : "@Post method was not fired, on doPost()"; } @DataProvider(name = URI_TEMPLATES_AND_MATCHES) public Object[][] getUriTemplatesAndMatches() { return new Object[][]{ {"/wiki/:title", "/wiki/HelloPage"}, {"/wiki/:title", "/wiki/HelloPage%20"}, {"/wiki/:title/dude", "/wiki/HelloPage/dude"}, {"/:title/thing", "/wiki/thing"}, {"/:title", "/aposkdapoksd"}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = URI_TEMPLATES_AND_MATCHES) public final void matchPageByUriTemplate(final String template, final String toMatch) { final Respond respond = new MockRespond(); Renderable mock = new Renderable() { public void render(Object bound, Respond respond) { } public <T extends Renderable> Set<T> collect(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } }; final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);, MyPage.class); PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get(toMatch); final MyPage myPage = new MyPage(); page.apply(mock); page.widget().render(myPage, respond); assert mock.equals(page.widget()); } @DataProvider(name = NOT_URIS_AND_TEMPLATES) public Object[][] getNotUriTemplatesAndMatches() { return new Object[][]{ {"/wiki/:title", "/tiki/HelloPage"}, {"/wiki/:title", "/wiki/HelloPage%20/didle"}, {"/wiki/:title/dude", "/wiki/HelloPage"}, {"/:title/thing", "/wiki/thing/thingaling"}, {"/:title", "/aposkdapoksd/12"}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = NOT_URIS_AND_TEMPLATES) public final void notMatchPageByUriTemplate(final String template, final String toMatch) { final PageBook pageBook = new DefaultPageBook(injector);, MyPage.class); //cant find assert null == pageBook.get(toMatch); } public static Request fakeRequestWithParams(Map<String, String[]> map) { HttpServletRequest request = createMock(HttpServletRequest.class); expect(request.getParameterMap()).andReturn(map); expect(request.getHeaderNames()).andReturn(Iterators.asEnumeration(Iterators.<Object>emptyIterator())); replay(request); return TestRequestCreator.from(request, null); } @At("/wiki") @Select("event") public static class MyEventSupportingPage { private boolean getted1; private boolean getted2; private boolean posted1; private boolean posted2; private boolean defaultGet; private boolean defaultPost; @Get("1") public void get1() { getted1 = true; } @Get("2") public void get2() { getted2 = true; } @Get public void defaultGet() { defaultGet = true; } @Post("1") public void post1() { posted1 = true; } @Post("2") public void post2() { posted2 = true; } @Post public void defaultPost() { defaultPost = true; } } @At("/wiki") @EmbedAs("Hi") public static class MyPage { private boolean getted; private boolean posted; @Get public void get() { getted = true; } @Post public void post() { posted = true; } } @At("/wiki/:title/cat/:id") @EmbedAs("Hi") public static class MyPageWithTemplate { private String title; private boolean posted; private String post; private String id; @Get public void get(@Named("title") String title) { this.title = title; } @Post public void post(@Named("title") String title, @Named("id") String id) { = title; = id; } } @At("/wiki/:title/cat/:int/:bool/:float/:date") @EmbedAs("Hi") public static class MyPageWithPrimitivesTemplate { private String title; private int id; private boolean bool; private Float flt; private Date date; @Get public void get(@Named("title") String title, @Named("int") Integer id, @Named("bool") Boolean bool, // @Named("float") float flt, @Named("date") Date date) { @Named("float") float flt) { this.title = title; = id; this.bool = bool; this.flt = flt; } } @At("/wiki/:title/cat/:id") @EmbedAs("Hi") public static class MyBrokenPageWithTemplate { @Post public void post(@Named("title") String title, int x, @Named("id") String id) { } } @DataProvider(name = FIRST_PATH_ELEMENTS) public Object[][] get() { return new Object[][]{ {"/wiki/:title", "wiki"}, {"/wiki/:title/:thing", "wiki"}, {"/wiki/other/thing/dude", "wiki"}, {"/wiki", "wiki"}, {"/wiki/", "wiki"}, {"/", ""}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = FIRST_PATH_ELEMENTS) public final void firstPathElement(final String uri, final String answer) { final String fPath = new DefaultPageBook(injector) .firstPathElement(uri); assert answer.equals(fPath) : "wrong path: " + fPath; } private static class MockRespond implements Respond { public void write(String text) { } public HtmlTagBuilder withHtml() { throw new AssertionError(); } public void write(char c) { } public void chew() { } public void writeToHead(String text) { } public void require(String requireString) { } public void redirect(String to) { } public String getContentType() { return null; } public String getRedirect() { return null; } public Renderable include(String argument) { return null; } public String getHead() { return null; } @Override public void clear() { } @Override public Object pageObject() { return null; } @Override public List<String> getErrors() { return null; } @Override public void setErrors(List<String> errors) { } } @At("/wiki") private class MyRedirectingPage { @Get public String get() { return REDIRECTED_GET; } @Post public String post() { return REDIRECTED_POST; } } @At("/forbidden") private class MyForbiddenPage { @Get public Object get() { return Reply.saying().forbidden(); } @Post public Object post() { return Reply.saying().forbidden(); } } }