package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.persistence.Entity; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static; /** * Any Sitebricks persistence support module MUST subclass this module. It * provides many defaults and sanity checks. * * @author (Dhanji R. Prasanna) */ public abstract class AbstractPersistenceModule extends PrivateModule { protected boolean autoStart = true; final Class<? extends Annotation> selector; private final Set<Class<?>> entityClasses = new LinkedHashSet<Class<?>>(); public AbstractPersistenceModule(Class<? extends Annotation> selector) { this.selector = selector; } @Override protected final void configure() { configurePersistence(); internalConfigure(); // Bind the entity classes that have been registered in this persistence module. bind(new TypeLiteral<Set<Class<?>>>() {}) .toInstance(Collections.unmodifiableSet(entityClasses)); bind(EntityMetadata.class); // Do some validation of the subclass module. if (autoStart) { if (currentStage() == Stage.DEVELOPMENT) Logger.getLogger(AbstractPersistenceModule.class.getName()) .warning("Auto-start is on, in DEVELOPMENT this is OK. But please make sure you disable" + " it in production. See for more info."); else if (currentStage() == Stage.PRODUCTION) addError("Auto-start is on, this is not allowed in PRODUCTION. Please make sure you start" + " and stop the Persister manually. " + "See for more info."); bind(AutoStart.class).asEagerSingleton(); } // Make sure that certain bindings are available. requireBinding(Persister.class); final Key<Persister> persisterKey = selectorKey(Persister.class); Key<EntityStore> entityStoreKey = selectorKey(EntityStore.class); bind(entityStoreKey).toProvider(new Provider<EntityStore>() { @Inject Injector injector; @Override public EntityStore get() { return injector.getInstance(persisterKey).currentEntityStore(); } }); // Locally. if (selector != null) bind(persisterKey).to(Persister.class); expose(persisterKey); expose(entityStoreKey); } private static class AutoStart { @Inject private AutoStart(final Persister persister) { persister.start(); // Schedule shutdown. Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { persister.shutdown(); } }); } } /** * Disables automatic lifecycle management of the database. Generally, auto-start * is only advisable during development. In production you should always use * {@link Persister#start()} and {@link Persister#shutdown()} to manage the datastore's * lifecycle yourself. * <p> * If left enabled, Sitebricks will add a shutdown hook that cleans up the data store * before the JVM exits. */ protected void disableAutoStart() { autoStart = false; } protected abstract void internalConfigure(); /** * Called by subclasses to expose any interface or API. You MUST expose * via this method, in order for the correct datastore "selector" to be applied. * For example, this allows RedisModule to expose the <code>Jedis</code> artifact * without knowing the given database selector. In usage, then, a user can specify * their own annotation as a database selector: * * <pre> * {@literal @}Inject {@literal @}TemporaryStore Jedis jedis; * * {@literal @}Work {@literal @}TemporaryStore * public void saveParameter() { .. } * </pre> */ protected <T> void exposeToUser(Class<T> clazz) { Key<T> key = selectorKey(clazz); // Create a linked binding from the exposed annotation, then expose that link. if (selector != null) bind(key).to(clazz); expose(key); } <T> Key<T> selectorKey(Class<T> clazz) { Key<T> key; if (selector != null) key = Key.get(clazz, selector); else key = Key.get(clazz); return key; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> void exposeEntityStoreDelegate(Class<T> clazz) { final Key<EntityStore> key = selectorKey(EntityStore.class); bind(clazz).toProvider(new Provider<T>() { @Inject Injector injector; @Override public T get() { return (T) injector.getInstance(key).delegate(); } }); exposeToUser(clazz); } protected void configurePersistence() {} /** * Adds an entity class for mapping into the current datastore. Each datastore has * its own semantics for mapping fields of a class into its particular storage format. * <p> * For example, JpaModule maps fields into SQL columns whereas RedisModule converts * an entire object into JSON for storage as a string. Customizing these semantics * is specific to each datastore. Consult the specific implementations docs for details. */ protected final void addPersistent(Class<?> entity) { if (entityClasses.contains(entity)) { addError("Entity class was added more than once: " + entity.getName() + "; to the same persistence module: " + getClass().getSimpleName() + (selector == null ? "" : " => @" + selector.getSimpleName())); return; } entityClasses.add(entity); } /** * Scans all classes in the given package and its subpackages to discover * classes marked with <code>{@literal @}Entity</code>, which are then mapped * into this PersistenceModule for storage in the underlying datastore. * <p> * This is the equivalent of calling {@link #addPersistent(Class)} for each * mapped class in the given package tree. * <p> * Note that classes not explicitly marked with the <code>{@literal @}Entity</code> * will be ignored. */ protected final void scan(Package tree) { Set<Class<?>> classes = Classes.matching(annotatedWith(Entity.class)).in(tree); for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { addPersistent(clazz); } } }