package; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode; /** Based on jsoup.nodes.TextNode by Jonathan Hedley, AnnotationNode is for Sitebricks text annotations such as @Repeat(...) or @ShowIf(true)<div ... /> */ public class AnnotationNode extends TextNode { static final String ANNOTATION_KEY = "_annokey"; static final String ANNOTATION_CONTENT = "_annocontent"; static final String ANNOTATION = "_annotation"; /** Create a new AnnotationNode representing the supplied (unencoded) text). @param annotation raw text @param baseUri base uri @see #createFromEncoded(String, String) */ public AnnotationNode(String annotation, String baseUri) { super(annotation, baseUri); this.annotation(annotation); } public AnnotationNode(String annotation) { super(annotation, ""); this.annotation(annotation); } public String nodeName() { return "#annotation"; } /** * Set the annotation of this node. * @param annotation raw annotation * @return this, for chaining */ public AnnotationNode annotation(String annotation) { this.attr(ANNOTATION, annotation); String[] kc = AnnotationParser.extractKeyAndContent(annotation); this.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY, kc[0]); this.attr(ANNOTATION_CONTENT, kc[1]); return this; } public Node apply (Node annotate) { annotate.attr(ANNOTATION, this.attr(ANNOTATION)); annotate.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY, this.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY)); annotate.attr(ANNOTATION_CONTENT, this.attr(ANNOTATION_CONTENT)); return annotate; } }