package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Parse STORE_FLAGS response, including new flags as echoed by server. * TODO: replace "STORE_FLAGS RESPONSE" with an error code or string for easy classification. * @author (Jochen Bekmann) */ public class StoreFlagsResponseExtractor implements Extractor<Set<Flag>> { private static final Pattern FETCH_FLAG_PATT = Pattern.compile(".* FETCH *\\((FLAGS *\\(.*\\)).*\\)"); private static final Pattern BAD_PATT = Pattern.compile("\\d+ +BAD (.*)"); private static final Pattern NO_PATT = Pattern.compile("\\d+ +NO (.*)"); private static final Pattern OK_PATT = Pattern.compile("\\d+ +OK (.*)"); /** * Parse the response, which includes new flag settings and command status. * We expect only one FETCH response as we only set flags on one msg. * * * C: A003 STORE_FLAGS 6 +FLAGS (\Deleted) * S: * 4 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted \Flagged \Seen) UID 6) * S: A003 OK STORE_FLAGS completed */ @Override public Set<Flag> extract(List<String> messages) throws ExtractionException { boolean gotFetch = false; Set<Flag> result = null; // Find FETCH, throw error if none or more than one, or if we receive an error response. String fetchStr = null; for (int i = 0, messagesSize = messages.size(); i < messagesSize; i++) { String message = messages.get(i); if (null == message || message.isEmpty()) continue; fetchStr = matchAndGetGroup1(FETCH_FLAG_PATT, message); if(fetchStr != null) { if (gotFetch) { throw new ExtractionException("STORE_FLAGS RESPONSE: Got more than one FETCH response " + message); } gotFetch = true; result = Flag.parseFlagList(Parsing.tokenize(fetchStr)); } else { if(matchAndGetGroup1(OK_PATT, message) != null) { if (!gotFetch) { throw new ExtractionException("STORE_FLAGS RESPONSE: no FLAGS received." + message); } // All Good. } else if (matchAndGetGroup1(BAD_PATT, message) != null || matchAndGetGroup1(NO_PATT, message) != null) { throw new ExtractionException("STORE_FLAGS RESPONSE: " + message); } } } return result; } private String matchAndGetGroup1(Pattern p, String s) { Matcher m = p.matcher(s); if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() > 0) { return; } return null; } }