package; import java.util.regex.Matcher; /** * Utility class helps XmlTemplateCompiler work with the DOM. * * @author Dhanji R. Prasanna ( */ class Dom { static final String LINE_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE = "__SitebricksSaxLineNumber"; private Dom() { } static String stripAnnotation(String text) { final Matcher matcher = AnnotationParser.WIDGET_ANNOTATION_REGEX .matcher(text); //strip off the ending bit (annotation) if (matcher.find()) return text.substring(0, matcher.start()); return text; } /** * @param annotation A string reprenting an unparsed annotation of the form: <pre> * "{@literal @}MyAnn(property = [expr], ...)"</pre> * @return A partially parsed array following this structure:<pre> * [0] -> "MyAnn" <br/> * [1] -> "prop = [expr], ..." * </pre> */ static String[] extractKeyAndContent(String annotation) { final int index = annotation.indexOf('('); //there's no content if (index < 0) return new String[]{annotation.substring(1).toLowerCase(), ""}; String content = annotation.substring(index + 1, annotation.lastIndexOf(')')); //normalize empty string to null if ("".equals(content)) content = null; return new String[]{annotation.substring(1, index).toLowerCase(), content}; } }