package; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; import; public class DecoratorPage { private WebDriver driver; public DecoratorPage(WebDriver driver) { this.driver = driver; } public boolean hasBasePageText() { return driver.getPageSource().contains("Text defined in"); } public boolean hasBasePageVariable() { return driver.getPageSource().contains("from the superclass"); } public boolean hasSubclassVariableInTemplate() { return driver.getPageSource().contains("This comes from the subclass"); } public boolean hasSubclassVariable() { return driver.getPageSource().contains("very cool"); } public boolean hasSubclassText() { return driver.getPageSource().contains("This is in the extension"); } public static DecoratorPage open(WebDriver driver) { driver.get(AcceptanceTest.baseUrl() + "/template"); return PageFactory.initElements(driver, DecoratorPage.class); } }