package; /** * Persister Service that manages an entire data store or set of data * stores as identified by an annotation. * * @author (Dhanji R. Prasanna) */ public abstract class Persister { public abstract void start(); public abstract void shutdown(); private final ThreadLocal<EntityStore> entityStoreThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<EntityStore>(); private final ThreadLocal<EntityStore.EntityTransaction> transactionThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<EntityStore.EntityTransaction>(); public Object call(final InTransaction t) { EntityStore entityStore = entityStoreThreadLocal.get(); if (entityStore == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No unit of work is in progress! \n" + " Please call transactions inside an @Work or block.\n" + " (Hint: You dont need transactions unless you specifically want to flush data\n" + " inside a single unit of work--use @Work or instead)\n"); EntityStore.EntityTransaction transaction = transactionThreadLocal.get(); boolean shouldNotJoin = transaction == null; if (shouldNotJoin) { transaction = beginTransaction(); transactionThreadLocal.set(transaction); } boolean shouldRollback = false; try { return t.perform(entityStore); } catch (Throwable throwable) { shouldRollback = true; if (throwable instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) throwable; throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } finally { // Only handle commit/rollback if we're not joining an outer transaction. if (shouldNotJoin) { try { if (shouldRollback) transaction.rollback(); else transaction.commit(); } finally { transactionThreadLocal.remove(); } } } } public Object call(InWork inWork) { EntityStore entityStore = entityStoreThreadLocal.get(); boolean shouldNotJoin = entityStore == null; boolean commit = true; if (shouldNotJoin) { entityStore = beginWork(); entityStoreThreadLocal.set(entityStore); } try { return inWork.perform(entityStore); } catch (Throwable throwable) { commit = false; if (throwable instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) throwable; throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } finally { if (shouldNotJoin) { entityStoreThreadLocal.remove(); endWork(entityStore, commit); } } } EntityStore currentEntityStore() { EntityStore entityStore = entityStoreThreadLocal.get(); if (null == entityStore) throw new IllegalStateException("Entity store requested outside a unit of work!" + " Try injecting a Provider<EntityStore> if injecting into a Singleton. Or use" + " instead."); return entityStore; } protected abstract EntityStore beginWork(); protected abstract void endWork(EntityStore store, boolean commit); protected abstract EntityStore.EntityTransaction beginTransaction(); public static interface InTransaction { Object perform(EntityStore es) throws Throwable; } public static interface InWork { Object perform(EntityStore es) throws Throwable; } }