package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jsoup.nodes.Attribute; import org.jsoup.nodes.Attributes; import org.jsoup.nodes.Comment; import org.jsoup.nodes.DataNode; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode; import org.jsoup.nodes.XmlDeclaration; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * @author Shawn based on XMLTemplateCompiler by Dhanji R. Prasanna ( */ @Singleton public class HtmlTemplateCompiler implements TemplateCompiler { private final WidgetRegistry registry; private final PageBook pageBook; private final SystemMetrics metrics; //special widget types (built-in symbol table) private static final String REQUIRE_WIDGET = "@require"; private static final String REPEAT_WIDGET = "repeat"; private static final String CHOOSE_WIDGET = "choose"; @Inject public HtmlTemplateCompiler(WidgetRegistry registry, PageBook pageBook, SystemMetrics metrics) { this.registry = registry; this.pageBook = pageBook; this.metrics = metrics; } // // compiler state // class PageCompilingContext { Class<?> page; Template template; List<CompileError> errors = Lists.newArrayList(); List<CompileError> warnings = Lists.newArrayList(); Element form; Stack<EvaluatorCompiler> lexicalScopes = new Stack<EvaluatorCompiler>(); } public Renderable compile(Class<?> page, Template template) { PageCompilingContext pc = new PageCompilingContext(); = page; pc.template = template; pc.lexicalScopes.push(new MvelEvaluatorCompiler(page)); WidgetChain widgetChain; widgetChain = walk(pc, HtmlParser.parse(template.getText())); // TODO - get the errors when !(isValid) if (!pc.errors.isEmpty() || !pc.warnings.isEmpty()) { // If there were any errors we must track them. metrics.logErrorsAndWarnings(page, pc.errors, pc.warnings); // Only explode if there are errors. if (!pc.errors.isEmpty()) throw new TemplateCompileException(page, template.getText(), pc.errors, pc.warnings); } return widgetChain; } private WidgetChain walk(PageCompilingContext pc, List<Node> nodes) { WidgetChain chain = Chains.proceeding(); for (Node n: nodes) chain.addWidget(widgetize(pc, n, walk(pc, n))); return chain; } /** * Walks the DOM recursively, and converts elements into corresponding sitebricks widgets. */ @NotNull private <N extends Node> WidgetChain walk(PageCompilingContext pc, N node) { WidgetChain widgetChain = Chains.proceeding(); for (Node n: node.childNodes()) { if (n instanceof Element) { final Element child = (Element) n; //push form if this is a form tag if (child.tagName().equals("form")) pc.form = (Element) n; //setup a lexical scope if we're going into a repeat widget (by reading the previous node) final boolean shouldPopScope = lexicalClimb(pc, child); //continue recursing down, perform a post-order, depth-first traversal of the DOM WidgetChain childsChildren; try { childsChildren = walk(pc, child); //process the widget itself into a Renderable with child tree widgetChain.addWidget(widgetize(pc, child, childsChildren)); } finally { lexicalDescend(pc, child, shouldPopScope); } } else if (n instanceof TextNode) { TextNode child = (TextNode)n; Renderable textWidget; //setup a lexical scope if we're going into a repeat widget (by reading the previous node) final boolean shouldPopScope = lexicalClimb(pc, child); // construct the text widget try { textWidget = registry.textWidget(cleanHtml(n), pc.lexicalScopes.peek()); // if there are no annotations, add the text widget to the chain if (!child.hasAttr(ANNOTATION_KEY)) { widgetChain.addWidget(textWidget); } else { // construct a new widget chain for this text node WidgetChain childsChildren = Chains.proceeding().addWidget(textWidget); // make a new widget for the annotation, making the text chain the child String widgetName = child.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY).toLowerCase(); Renderable annotationWidget = registry.newWidget(widgetName, child.attr(ANNOTATION_CONTENT), childsChildren, pc.lexicalScopes.peek()); widgetChain.addWidget(annotationWidget); } } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(line(n)) .causedBy(e) ); } if (shouldPopScope) pc.lexicalScopes.pop(); } else if ((n instanceof Comment) || (n instanceof DataNode)) { //process as raw text widget try { widgetChain.addWidget(registry.textWidget(cleanHtml(n), pc.lexicalScopes.peek())); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(line(node)) .causedBy(e) ); } } else if (n instanceof XmlDeclaration) { try { widgetChain.addWidget(registry .xmlDirectiveWidget(((XmlDeclaration)n).getWholeDeclaration(), pc.lexicalScopes.peek())); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(line(node)) .causedBy(e) ); } } } //return computed chain, or a terminal return widgetChain; } /** * Complement of HtmlTemplateCompiler#lexicalClimb(). * This method pops off the stack of lexical scopes when * we're done processing a sitebricks widget. */ private void lexicalDescend(PageCompilingContext pc, Element element, boolean shouldPopScope) { //pop form if ("form".equals(element.tagName())) pc.form = null; //pop compiler if the scope ends if (shouldPopScope) { pc.lexicalScopes.pop(); } } /** * Called to push a new lexical scope onto the stack. */ private boolean lexicalClimb(PageCompilingContext pc, Node node) { if (node.attr(ANNOTATION).length()>1) { // Setup a new lexical scope (symbol table changes on each scope encountered). if (REPEAT_WIDGET.equalsIgnoreCase(node.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY)) || CHOOSE_WIDGET.equalsIgnoreCase(node.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY))) { String[] keyAndContent = {node.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY), node.attr(ANNOTATION_CONTENT)}; pc.lexicalScopes.push(new MvelEvaluatorCompiler(parseRepeatScope(pc, keyAndContent, node))); return true; } // Setup a new lexical scope for compiling against embedded pages (closures). final PageBook.Page embed = pageBook.forName(node.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY)); if (null != embed) { final Class<?> embedClass = embed.pageClass(); MvelEvaluatorCompiler compiler = new MvelEvaluatorCompiler(embedClass); checkEmbedAgainst(pc, compiler, Parsing.toBindMap(node.attr(ANNOTATION_CONTENT)), embedClass, node); pc.lexicalScopes.push(compiler); return true; } } return false; } /** * This method converts an XML element into a specific kind of widget. * Special cases are the XML widget, Header, @Require widget. Otherwise a standard * widget is created. */ @SuppressWarnings({"JavaDoc"}) @NotNull private <N extends Node> Renderable widgetize(PageCompilingContext pc, N node, WidgetChain childsChildren) { if (node instanceof XmlDeclaration) { try { XmlDeclaration decl = (XmlDeclaration)node; return registry.xmlDirectiveWidget(decl.getWholeDeclaration(), pc.lexicalScopes.peek()); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(line(node)) .causedBy(e) ); } } // Header widget is a special case, where we match by the name of the tag =( if ("head".equals(node.nodeName())) { try { return registry.headWidget(childsChildren, parseAttribs(node.attributes()), pc.lexicalScopes.peek()); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(line(node)) .causedBy(e) ); } } String annotation = node.attr(ANNOTATION); //if there is no annotation, treat as a raw xml-widget (i.e. tag) if ((null == annotation) || 0 == annotation.trim().length()) try { checkUriConsistency(pc, node); checkFormFields(pc, node); return registry.xmlWidget(childsChildren, node.nodeName(), parseAttribs(node.attributes()), pc.lexicalScopes.peek()); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(line(node)) .causedBy(e) ); return Chains.terminal(); } // Special case: is this annotated with @Require // if so, tags in head need to be promoted to head of enclosing page. if (REQUIRE_WIDGET.equalsIgnoreCase(annotation.trim())) try { return registry.requireWidget(registry.xmlWidget(childsChildren, node.nodeName(), parseAttribs(node.attributes()), pc.lexicalScopes.peek())); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(line(node)) .causedBy(e) ); return Chains.terminal(); } // If this is NOT a self-rendering widget, give it a child. // final String widgetName = node.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY).trim().toLowerCase()); final String widgetName = node.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY).toLowerCase(); if (!registry.isSelfRendering(widgetName)) try { childsChildren = Chains.singleton(registry.xmlWidget(childsChildren, node.nodeName(), parseAttribs(node.attributes()), pc.lexicalScopes.peek())); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(line(node)) .causedBy(e) ); } // Recursively build widget from [Key, expression, child widgets]. try { return registry.newWidget(widgetName, node.attr(ANNOTATION_CONTENT), childsChildren, pc.lexicalScopes.peek()); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(line(node)) .causedBy(e) ); // This should never be used. return Chains.terminal(); } } private Map<String,Type> parseRepeatScope(PageCompilingContext pc, String[] extract, Node node) { RepeatToken repeat = registry.parseRepeat(extract[1]); Map<String, Type> context = Maps.newHashMap(); // Verify that @Repeat was parsed correctly. if (null == repeat.var()) { pc.errors.add( .near(node.siblingIndex()) // TODO - line number .causedBy(CompileErrors.MISSING_REPEAT_VAR) ); } if (null == repeat.items()) { pc.errors.add( .near(node.siblingIndex()) // TODO - line number .causedBy(CompileErrors.MISSING_REPEAT_ITEMS) ); } try { Type egressType = pc.lexicalScopes.peek().resolveEgressType(repeat.items()); // convert to collection if we need to Type elementType; Class<?> egressClass = Generics.erase(egressType); if (egressClass.isArray()) { elementType = Generics.getArrayComponentType(egressType); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(egressClass)) { elementType = Generics.getTypeParameter(egressType, Collection.class.getTypeParameters()[0]); } else { pc.errors.add( .near(node.siblingIndex()) // TODO - line number .causedBy(CompileErrors.REPEAT_OVER_ATOM) ); return Collections.emptyMap(); } context.put(repeat.var(), elementType); context.put(repeat.pageVar(),; context.put("__page",; context.put("index", int.class); context.put("isLast", boolean.class); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { pc.errors.add( .near(node.siblingIndex()) // TODO - line number .causedBy(e) ); } return context; } private void checkFormFields(PageCompilingContext pc, Node element) { if (null == pc.form) return; String action = pc.form.attr("action"); // Only look at contextual uris (i.e. hosted by us). // TODO - relative, not starting with '/' if (null == action || (!action.startsWith("/"))) return; final PageBook.Page page = pageBook.get(action); // Only look at pages we actually have registered. if (null == page) { pc.warnings.add( .near(line(element)) .causedBy(CompileErrors.UNRESOLVABLE_FORM_ACTION) ); return; } // If we're inside a form do a throw-away compile against the target page. if ("input".equals(element.nodeName()) || "textarea".equals(element.nodeName())) { String name = element.attr("name"); // Skip submits and buttons. if (skippable(element.attr("type"))) return; //TODO Skip empty? if (null == name) { pc.warnings.add( .near(line(element)) .causedBy(CompileErrors.FORM_MISSING_NAME) ); return; } // Compile expression path. try { new MvelEvaluatorCompiler(page.pageClass()) .compile(name); } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) { //TODO Very hacky, needed to strip out xmlns attribution. pc.warnings.add( .near(element.siblingIndex()) // TODO - line number .causedBy(CompileErrors.UNRESOLVABLE_FORM_BINDING, e) ); } } } private void checkUriConsistency(PageCompilingContext pc, Node element) { String uriAttrib = element.attr("action"); if (null == uriAttrib) uriAttrib = element.attr("src"); if (null == uriAttrib) uriAttrib = element.attr("href"); if (null != uriAttrib) { // Verify that such a uri exists in the page book, // only if it is contextual--ignore abs & relative URIs. if (uriAttrib.startsWith("/")) if (null == pageBook.nonCompilingGet(uriAttrib)) pc.warnings.add( .near(element.siblingIndex()) // TODO - line number .causedBy(CompileErrors.UNRESOLVABLE_FORM_ACTION, uriAttrib) ); } } /** * @param attributes A list of attribs * @return Returns a mutable map parsed out of the attribute list */ public static Map<String, String> parseAttribs(Attributes attributes) { Map<String, String> attrs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(attributes.size() + 4); for (Attribute a : attributes.asList()) if (!SKIP_ATTR.contains(a.getKey())) attrs.put(a.getKey(), a.getValue()); return attrs; } // Ensures that embed bound properties are writable private void checkEmbedAgainst(PageCompilingContext pc, EvaluatorCompiler compiler, Map<String, String> properties, Class<?> embedClass, Node node) { // TODO also type check them against expressions for (String property : properties.keySet()) { try { if (!compiler.isWritable(property)) { pc.errors.add( //TODO we need better line number detection if there is whitespace between the annotation and tag. .near(node.siblingIndex()-1) // TODO - line number of the annotation .causedBy(CompileErrors.PROPERTY_NOT_WRITEABLE, String.format("Property %s#%s was not writable. Did you forget to create " + "a setter or @Visible annotation?", embedClass.getSimpleName(), property)) ); } } catch (ExpressionCompileException ece) { pc.errors.add( .near(node.siblingIndex()) // TODO - line number .causedBy(CompileErrors.ERROR_COMPILING_PROPERTY) ); } } } static boolean skippable(String kind) { return null != kind && ("submit".equals(kind) || "button".equals(kind) || "reset".equals(kind) || "file".equals(kind)); } // TESTING jsoup.nodes.Node public List<Node> findSiblings(Node node) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node); Node parent = node.parent(); if (null == parent) return null; return parent.childNodes(); } protected static <N extends Node> Integer indexInList(N search, List<N> nodes) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(search); Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodes); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { N node = nodes.get(i); if (node.equals(search)) return i; } return null; } private static int line(Node node) { return Integer.valueOf(node.attr(LINE_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE)); } // outerHtml from jsoup.Node, Element with suppressed _attribs private static String cleanHtml(final Node node) { if (node instanceof Element) { Element element = ((Element) node); StringBuilder accum = new StringBuilder(); accum.append("<").append(element.tagName()); for (Attribute attribute: element.attributes()) { if (!(attribute.getKey().startsWith("_"))) { accum.append(" "); accum.append(attribute.getKey()); accum.append("=\""); accum.append(attribute.getValue()); accum.append('"'); } } if (element.childNodes().isEmpty() && element.tag().isEmpty()) { accum.append(" />"); } else { accum.append(">"); for (Node child : element.childNodes()) accum.append(cleanHtml(child)); accum.append("</").append(element.tagName()).append(">"); } return accum.toString(); } else if (node instanceof TextNode) { return ((TextNode) node).getWholeText(); } else if (node instanceof XmlDeclaration) { // HACK if (node.childNodes().isEmpty()) { return ""; } return node.outerHtml(); } else if (node instanceof Comment) { // HACK: elide comments for now. return ""; } else if (node instanceof DataNode && node.childNodes().isEmpty()) { // No child nodes are defined but we have to handle content if such exists, example // <script language="JavaScript">var a = { name: "${}"}</script> String content = node.attr("data"); if (Strings.empty(content)) { return ""; } return content; } else { return node.outerHtml(); } } }