package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.jsoup.helper.Validate; import org.jsoup.nodes.Attribute; import org.jsoup.nodes.Attributes; import org.jsoup.nodes.Comment; import org.jsoup.nodes.DataNode; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode; import org.jsoup.nodes.XmlDeclaration; import org.jsoup.parser.Tag; import org.jsoup.parser.TokenQueue; import; import; /** * Parses HTML into a List<{@link org.jsoup.nodes.Node}> * this is a relaxed version of Jonathan Hedley's {@link org.jsoup.parser.Parser} */ public class HtmlParser { private static final ImmutableSet<String> closingOptional; private static final ImmutableSet<String> headTags; static final ImmutableSet<String> SKIP_ATTR; // TODO - LineCountingTokenQueue static final Pattern LINE_SEPARATOR = Pattern.compile("(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r|\\u0085|\\u2028|\\u2029)"); static final String LINE_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE = "_linecount"; static { ImmutableSet.Builder<String> closingOptionalBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder<String> skipAttrBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); closingOptionalBuilder.add( "a", "form", "label", "dt", "dd", "li", "thead", "tfoot", "tbody", "colgroup", "tr", "th", "td"); ImmutableSet.Builder<String> headTagsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); headTagsBuilder.add("base", "script", "noscript", "link", "meta", "title", "style", "object"); closingOptional =; headTags =; skipAttrBuilder.add(LINE_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE, AnnotationNode.ANNOTATION, AnnotationNode.ANNOTATION_KEY, AnnotationNode.ANNOTATION_CONTENT); SKIP_ATTR =; } private static final String SQ = "'"; private static final String DQ = "\""; private static final Tag htmlTag = Tag.valueOf("html"); private static final Tag headTag = Tag.valueOf("head"); private static final Tag bodyTag = Tag.valueOf("body"); private static final Tag titleTag = Tag.valueOf("title"); private static final Tag textareaTag = Tag.valueOf("textarea"); // private final ArrayList<Node> soup = new ArrayList<Node>(); // private final LinkedList<Node> soup = new LinkedList<Node>(); private final LinkedList<Node> stack = new LinkedList<Node>(); private final TokenQueue tq; private String baseUri = ""; private Element _html = null; private Element _head = null; private Element _body = null; private AnnotationNode pendingAnnotation = null; private int linecount = 0; private HtmlParser(String html) { Validate.notNull(html); tq = new TokenQueue(html); } /** * Parse HTML into List<Node> * * @param html HTML to parse */ public static List<Node> parse(String html) { HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(html); return parser.parse(); } /* Parse a fragment of HTML into the {@code body} of a Document. @param bodyHtml fragment of HTML @param baseUri base URI of document (i.e. original fetch location), for resolving relative URLs. @return Document, with empty head, and HTML parsed into body */ // public static Document parseBodyFragment(String bodyHtml, String baseUri) { // HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(bodyHtml, true); // return parser.parse(); // } private List<Node> parse() { while (!tq.isEmpty()) { if (tq.matches("<!--")) { parseComment(); } else if (tq.matches("<![CDATA[")) { parseCdata(); } else if (tq.matches("<?") || tq.matches("<!")) { parseXmlDecl(); } else if (tq.matches("</")) { parseEndTag(); } else if (tq.matches("<") && !isRawDataTag(stack.peek())) { parseStartTag(); } else { parseTextNode(); } } // Pop off body as it is already inside html. Iterator<Node> iterator = stack.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if ( { iterator.remove(); } } return stack; } private void parseComment() { tq.consume("<!--"); String data = tq.chompTo("->"); if (data.endsWith("-")) // i.e. was --> data = data.substring(0, data.length() - 1); Comment comment = new Comment(data, baseUri); annotate(comment); // TODO - should annotations even apply to comments? lines(comment, data); add(comment); } private void parseXmlDecl() { tq.consume("<"); Character firstChar = tq.consume(); // <? or <!, from initial match. boolean procInstr = firstChar.toString().equals("!"); String data = tq.chompTo(">"); XmlDeclaration decl = new XmlDeclaration(data, baseUri, procInstr); annotate(decl); // TODO - should annotations even apply to declarations? lines(decl, data); add(decl); } private void parseEndTag() { tq.consume("</"); String tagName = tq.consumeTagName(); tq.chompTo(">"); if (!Strings.empty(tagName)) { Tag tag = Tag.valueOf(tagName); popStackToClose(tag); } } private void parseStartTag() { tq.consume("<"); String tagName = tq.consumeTagName(); if (Strings.empty(tagName)) { // doesn't look like a start tag after all; put < back on stack and handle as text tq.addFirst("<"); parseTextNode(); return; } Attributes attributes = new Attributes(); while (!tq.matchesAny("<", "/>", ">") && !tq.isEmpty()) { Attribute attribute = parseAttribute(); if (attribute != null) attributes.put(attribute); } Tag tag = Tag.valueOf(tagName); // TODO - option to create elements without indent Element child = new Element(tag, baseUri, attributes); annotate(child); lines(child, ""); boolean isEmptyElement = tag.isEmpty(); // empty element if empty tag (e.g. img) or self-closed el (<div/> if (tq.matchChomp("/>")) { // close empty element or tag isEmptyElement = true; } else { tq.matchChomp(">"); } // pc data only tags (textarea, script): chomp to end tag, add content as text node if (tag.isData()) { String data = tq.chompTo("</" + tagName); tq.chompTo(">"); // enable annotations on data areas parseAnnotatableText(data, child); } // <base href>: update the base uri if (child.tagName().equals("base")) { String href = child.absUrl("href"); if (!Strings.empty(href)) { // ignore <base target> etc baseUri = href; // TODO - consider updating baseUri for relevant elements in the stack, eg rebase(stack, uri) // doc.get().setBaseUri(href); // set on the doc so doc.createElement(Tag) will get updated base } } addChildToParent(child, isEmptyElement); } private static boolean isRawDataTag(Node node) { if (node == null) return false; return "script".equals(node.nodeName()) || "textarea".equals(node.nodeName()); } private Attribute parseAttribute() { whitespace(); String key = tq.consumeAttributeKey(); String value = ""; whitespace(); if (tq.matchChomp("=")) { whitespace(); if (tq.matchChomp(SQ)) { value = tq.chompTo(SQ); } else if (tq.matchChomp(DQ)) { value = tq.chompTo(DQ); } else { StringBuilder valueAccum = new StringBuilder(); // no ' or " to look for, so scan to end tag or space (or end of stream) while (!tq.matchesAny("<", "/>", ">") && !tq.matchesWhitespace() && !tq.isEmpty()) { valueAccum.append(tq.consume()); } value = valueAccum.toString(); } whitespace(); } if (!Strings.empty(key)) return Attribute.createFromEncoded(key, value); else { tq.consume(); // unknown char, keep popping so not get stuck return null; } } /** * Pulls a text segment apart by annotations within it and creates multiple Text Nodes * applying the annotation to each text segment as approriate. * * @param text the text to be processed for annotations * @param parent */ private void parseAnnotatableText(String text, Element parent) { AnnotationNode annotation = null; Matcher matcher = AnnotationParser.WIDGET_ANNOTATION_REGEX.matcher(text); int previousEnd = 0; while (matcher.find()){ int start = matcher.start(); // build a new text node for what is between last index and current annotation if (start > previousEnd) { String segment = text.substring(previousEnd, start); // ignore empty white space if (segment.trim().length() > 0){ addTextNodeToParent (segment, parent, annotation); annotation = null; } } // parse the annotation String annotationText =; if (null != annotationText) { annotation = new AnnotationNode(annotationText); lines(annotation, annotationText); } previousEnd = matcher.end(); } // handle leftover text if we parsed some segment if (previousEnd > 0 && previousEnd < text.length()){ String segment = text.substring(previousEnd); if (segment.trim().length() > 0){ addTextNodeToParent (segment, parent, annotation); annotation = null; } } // store the remaining annotation for use by whatever is parsed next if (annotation != null) add(annotation); // handle no annotations being found if (previousEnd == 0){ Node dataNode; if (parent.tagName().equals(titleTag) || parent.tagName().equals(textareaTag)) dataNode = TextNode.createFromEncoded(text, baseUri); else // data not encoded but raw (for " in script) dataNode = new DataNode(text, baseUri); lines(dataNode, text); if (pendingAnnotation != null) pendingAnnotation.apply(dataNode); // put the text node on the parent parent.appendChild(dataNode); } } /** * Break the text up by the first line delimiter. We only want annotations applied to the first line of a block of text * and not to a whole segment. * * @param text the text to turn into nodes * @param parent the parent node * @param annotation the current annotation to be applied to the first line of text */ private void addTextNodeToParent (String text, Element parent, AnnotationNode annotation) { String [] lines = new String[] {text}; if (annotation != null) lines = splitInTwo(text); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){ TextNode textNode = TextNode.createFromEncoded(lines[i], baseUri); lines(textNode, lines[i]); // apply the annotation and reset it to null if (annotation != null && i == 0) annotation.apply(textNode); // put the text node on the parent parent.appendChild(textNode); } } /** * Break a text segment apart into two at the first line delimiter which has non-whitespace characters before it. * * @param text text to split in two * @return */ private String[] splitInTwo(String text) { Matcher matcher = LINE_SEPARATOR.matcher(text); while (matcher.find()){ int start = matcher.start(); if (start > 0 && start < text.length()) { String segment = text.substring(0, start); if (segment.trim().length() > 0) return new String[] {text.substring(0, start), text.substring(start)}; } } return new String[] {text}; } private void parseTextNode() { String rawText = tq.consumeTo("<"); String annotationText = AnnotationParser.readAnnotation(rawText); String text = AnnotationParser.stripAnnotation(rawText); if (text.length() > 0) { TextNode textNode = TextNode.createFromEncoded(text, baseUri); // if (pendingAnnotation != null) { pendingAnnotation.apply(textNode); } lines(textNode, rawText); add(textNode); } if (null != annotationText) { AnnotationNode annotation = new AnnotationNode(annotationText); lines(annotation, annotationText); add(annotation); } } private void parseCdata() { tq.consume("<![CDATA["); String rawText = tq.chompTo("]]>"); TextNode textNode = new TextNode(rawText, baseUri); // constructor does not escape if (pendingAnnotation != null) pendingAnnotation.apply(textNode); lines(textNode, rawText); add(textNode); } private Element addChildToParent(Element child, boolean isEmptyElement) { Element parent = popStackToSuitableContainer(child.tag()); if (parent != null) parent.appendChild(child); if (!isEmptyElement && !child.tag().isData()) { stack.addLast(child); } return parent; } private boolean stackHasValidParent(Tag childTag) { if (stack.size() == 1 && childTag.equals(htmlTag)) return true; // root is valid for html node for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Node n = stack.get(i); if (n instanceof Element) return true; } return false; } private Element popStackToSuitableContainer(Tag tag) { while (!stack.isEmpty() && !(stack.getLast() instanceof XmlDeclaration)) { Node lastNode = stack.getLast(); if (lastNode instanceof Element) { Element last = (Element) lastNode; if (canContain(last.tag(), tag)) return last; else stack.removeLast(); } } return null; } private Element popStackToClose(Tag tag) { // first check to see if stack contains this tag; if so pop to there, otherwise ignore int counter = 0; Element elToClose = null; for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { counter++; Node n = stack.get(i); if (n instanceof Element) { Element el = (Element) n; Tag elTag = el.tag(); if (elTag.equals(bodyTag) || elTag.equals(headTag) || elTag.equals(htmlTag)) { // once in body, don't close past body break; } else if (elTag.equals(tag)) { elToClose = el; break; } } } if (elToClose != null) { for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) { stack.removeLast(); } } return elToClose; } private <N extends Node> void add(N n) { Node last = null; if (stack.size() == 0) { if (n instanceof XmlDeclaration) { // only add the first/outermost doctype stack.add(n); return; } } else { last = stack.getLast(); } // TODO - optionally put the AnnotationNode on the stack if (n instanceof AnnotationNode) { pendingAnnotation = (AnnotationNode) n; return; } // else if (null != pendingAnnotation) { // pendingAnnotation.apply(n); // } if (n instanceof Element) { Element en = (Element) n; if (en.tag().equals(htmlTag) && (null == _html)) _html = en; else if (en.tag().equals(htmlTag) && (null != _html)) for (Node cat : en.childNodes()) _html.appendChild(cat); else if (en.tag().equals(headTag) && (null == _head)) _head = en; else if (en.tag().equals(headTag) && (null != _head)) for (Node cat : en.childNodes()) _head.appendChild(cat); else if (en.tag().equals(bodyTag) && (null == _body)) _body = en; else if (en.tag().equals(bodyTag) && (null != _body)) for (Node cat : en.childNodes()) _body.appendChild(cat); } if (last == null) stack.add(n); else if (last instanceof Element) { ((Element) last).appendChild(n); } } // from jsoup.parser.Tag /** * Test if this tag, the prospective parent, can accept the proposed child. * * @param child potential child tag. * @return true if this can contain child. */ boolean canContain(Tag parent, Tag child) { Validate.notNull(child); if (child.isBlock() && !parent.canContainBlock()) return false; if (!child.isBlock() && parent.isData()) return false; if (closingOptional.contains(parent.getName()) && parent.getName().equals(child.getName())) return false; if (parent.isEmpty() || parent.isData()) return false; // head can only contain a few. if more than head in here, modify to have a list of valids // TODO: (could solve this with walk for ancestor) if (parent.getName().equals("head")) { if (headTags.contains(child.getName())) return true; else return false; } // dt and dd (in dl) if (parent.getName().equals("dt") && child.getName().equals("dd")) return false; if (parent.getName().equals("dd") && child.getName().equals("dt")) return false; return true; } private void lines(Node node, String data) { Matcher newLinematcher = LINE_SEPARATOR.matcher(data); while (newLinematcher.find()) { linecount++; } node.attr(LINE_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE, String.valueOf(linecount)); } private void whitespace() { if (tq.peek() == Character.LINE_SEPARATOR) linecount++; tq.consumeWhitespace(); } private void annotate(Node n) { if (null != pendingAnnotation) { pendingAnnotation.apply(n); pendingAnnotation = null; } } }