package; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; /** * @author shawn */ public class AnnotationParser { // TODO regex is not powerful enough to parse annotation expressions public static final Pattern WIDGET_ANNOTATION_REGEX = Pattern.compile("(@\\w+(\\([\\w,=\"'/()?:><!\\[\\];{}. \\|&+-]*\\))?[ \n\r\t]*)\\Z"); public static String readAnnotation(String text) { String annotation = null; final Matcher matcher = WIDGET_ANNOTATION_REGEX.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) annotation =; return annotation; } public static String readAnnotation(Node node) { if (null == node) return null; Node preceding = node.previousSibling(); //if this is a text node, then match for annotations return readAnnotation(node.outerHtml()); } public static String stripAnnotation(String text) { return Dom.stripAnnotation(text); // TODO - move it here? } /** * @param annotation A string representing an unparsed annotation of the form: <pre> * "{@literal @}MyAnn(property = [expr], ...)"</pre> * @return A partially parsed array following this structure:<pre> * [0] -> "MyAnn" <br/> * [1] -> "prop = [expr], ..." * </pre> */ public static String[] extractKeyAndContent(String annotation) { return Dom.extractKeyAndContent(annotation); // TODO - move it here? } }