package org.seqcode.viz.colors; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.*; /* contains a list of colors and returns them when asked in such a way that it repeats a color as infrequently as possible */ public class ColorSet { private Map<String,Color> assigned; public static Color translateColorName(String n) { n = n.toLowerCase(); if(n.equals("blue")) { return; } if(n.equals("green")) { return; } if(n.equals("red") ) { return; } if(n.equals("cyan")) { return Color.cyan; } if(n.equals("orange")) { return; } if(n.equals("magenta")) { return Color.magenta; } if(n.equals("lightgray")) { return Color.LIGHT_GRAY; } if(n.equals("darkgray")) { return Color.DARK_GRAY; } if(n.equals("pink")) { return; } if(n.equals("yellow")) { return Color.yellow; } return null; } private static Color[] defaultColors = {Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN, Color.RED, Color.CYAN, Color.ORANGE, Color.MAGENTA, Color.PINK.darker(), new Color(180,0,230), Color.DARK_GRAY}; private Vector<Color> colors; private int pos; private Random rand; public ColorSet() { pos = 0; rand = new Random(); colors = new Vector<Color>(); assigned = new HashMap<String,Color>(); for(int i = 0; i < defaultColors.length; i++) { colors.add(defaultColors[i]); } } public Color sampleColor() { int r = rand.nextInt(256); int g = rand.nextInt(256); int b = rand.nextInt(256); return new Color(r, g, b); } public void addColor() { colors.add(sampleColor()); } public void ensureColorCount(int c) { while(colors.size() < c) { addColor(); } } public Color getColor() { Color c = colors.get(pos++); pos = pos % colors.size(); return c; } public Color getColor(String key) { if (assigned.containsKey(key)) { return assigned.get(key); } Color c = getColor(); assigned.put(key,c); return c; } public Color[] getColors() { return (Color[])colors.toArray(new Color[colors.size()]); } public int colorCount() { return colors.size(); } public Color colorAt(int i) { return colors.get(i); } public void reset() { pos = 0; assigned.clear(); } }