package org.seqcode.motifs; import java.util.*; import*; import cern.jet.random.Binomial; import cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine; /** * Scans for significant pairs of motifs. * Specify the genome and set of motifs in the same way as for CompareEnrichment. * * Output fields are * 1) logfoldchange * 2) count in set one (fg) * 3) size of set one * 4) freq in set one * 5) count in set two (bg) * 6) size of set two * 7) frequency in set two * 8) pvalue * Then for each matrix, the name, version, cutoff percent, cutoff value */ public class CombinatorialEnrichment extends CompareEnrichment { Map<String, WMHit[]> fghits, bghits; List<CombResult> results; DescendingScoreComparator comparator; int fgsize, bgsize; public CombinatorialEnrichment() { super(); comparator = new DescendingScoreComparator(); results = new Vector<CombResult>(); } public void parseArgs(String args[]) throws Exception { super.parseArgs(args); } public static Map<String,WMHit[]> doScan(int threads, double cutoffpercent, List<WeightMatrix> matrices, Map<String,char[]> seqs) { Map<String,WMHit[]> output = new HashMap<String,WMHit[]>(); Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(); v.addAll(seqs.keySet()); ArrayList<Thread> threadlist = new ArrayList<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { Thread t = new Thread(new Scanner(v, seqs, matrices, output, cutoffpercent)); t.start(); threadlist.add(t); } boolean anyrunning = true; while (anyrunning) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // swallow it. Will just loop again } anyrunning = false; for (int i = 0; i < threadlist.size(); i++) { if (threadlist.get(i).isAlive()) { anyrunning = true; break; } } } return output; } public void doScans() { fghits = doScan(threads,cutoffpercent,matrices, foreground); bghits = doScan(threads,cutoffpercent,matrices, background); } class Counter implements Runnable { private int first, skip; public Counter(int f, int s) { first = f; skip = s; } public int count(int matrixone, int matrixtwo, double threshone, double threshtwo, Map<String,WMHit[]> hits) { int count = 0; for (String s : hits.keySet()) { WMHit[] hitlist = hits.get(s); WMHit one = hitlist[matrixone]; WMHit two = hitlist[matrixtwo]; if (one != null && two != null && one.score >= threshone && two.score >= threshtwo) { if (one.end < two.start || one.start > two.end) { count++; } } } return count; } public void run() { Binomial binomial = new Binomial(100, .01, RandomEngine.makeDefault()); for (int i = first; i < matrices.size(); i += skip) { WeightMatrix mi = matrices.get(i); double maxscorei = mi.getMaxScore(); System.err.println("matrix one " + i); for (int j = i + 1; j < matrices.size(); j++) { WeightMatrix mj = matrices.get(j); double maxscorej = mj.getMaxScore(); double percenti = cutoffpercent - step; while (percenti <= 1) { percenti += step; double ti = percenti * maxscorei; double percentj = cutoffpercent - step; while (percentj <= 1) { percentj += step; double tj = percentj * maxscorej; int fgcount = count(i,j,ti,tj,fghits); double thetaone = ((double)fgcount) / ((double)fgsize); if (fgsize <= 0 || thetaone < minfrac) { continue; } int bgcount = count(i,j,ti,tj,bghits); double thetatwo = ((double)bgcount) / ((double)bgsize); if (thetatwo < minfrac || thetatwo <= 0) { continue; } if (thetatwo > maxbackfrac) { continue; } double fc = Math.log(thetaone / thetatwo); if (Math.abs(fc) < Math.abs(Math.log(minfoldchange))) { continue; } binomial.setNandP(fgsize, thetatwo); double pval = 1 - binomial.cdf(fgcount); if (pval <= filtersig) { CombResult result = new CombResult(); result.matrices.add(mi); result.matrices.add(mj); result.sizeone = fgsize; result.sizetwo = bgsize; result.pval = pval; result.percents.add(percenti); result.percents.add(percentj); result.cutoffs.add(ti); result.cutoffs.add(tj); result.countone = fgcount; result.counttwo = bgcount; result.logfoldchange = fc; result.freqone = thetaone; result.freqtwo = thetatwo; if (result.pval <= filtersig && Math.abs(result.logfoldchange) >= Math.abs(Math.log(minfoldchange)) && (result.freqtwo <= maxbackfrac) && (result.freqone >= minfrac || result.freqtwo >= minfrac)) { results.add(result); } } } } } } } } public void lookForPairs() { fgsize = fghits.size(); bgsize = bghits.size(); ArrayList<Thread> threadlist = new ArrayList<Thread>(); int chunk = 1 + (matrices.size() / threads); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { Thread t = new Thread(new Counter(i, threads)); t.start(); threadlist.add(t); } boolean anyrunning = true; while (anyrunning) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // swallow it. Will just loop again } anyrunning = false; for (int i = 0; i < threadlist.size(); i++) { if (threadlist.get(i).isAlive()) { anyrunning = true; break; } } } for (CombResult r : results) { System.out.println(r.toString()); } } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { CombinatorialEnrichment ce = new CombinatorialEnrichment(); ce.parseArgs(args); System.err.println("Masking and saving"); ce.maskSequence(); ce.saveSequences(); System.err.println("Doing weight matrix scanning"); ce.doScans(); System.err.println("Looking for pairs"); ce.lookForPairs(); } } class CombResult { public double pval, logfoldchange, freqone, freqtwo; public List<WeightMatrix> matrices; public int sizeone, sizetwo, countone, counttwo; public List<Double> percents, cutoffs; public CombResult() { matrices = new ArrayList<WeightMatrix>(); percents = new ArrayList<Double>(); cutoffs = new ArrayList<Double>(); pval = 1.0; logfoldchange = 0; } public String toString() { String out = String.format("%2.1f\t%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.4e\t", logfoldchange, countone, sizeone, freqone, counttwo, sizetwo, freqtwo, pval); for (int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); i++) { out += String.format("\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.1f", matrices.get(i).name, matrices.get(i).version, percents.get(i), cutoffs.get(i)); } return out; } } class DescendingScoreComparator implements Comparator<WMHit> { public int compare(WMHit a, WMHit b) { return,a.score); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof DescendingScoreComparator; } } class Scanner implements Runnable { private Vector<String> keys; private List<WeightMatrix> matrices; private Map<String,char[]> seqs; private Map<String,WMHit[]> output; private double cutoffpercent; public Scanner(Vector<String> k, Map<String,char[]> s, List<WeightMatrix> m, Map<String,WMHit[]> o, double c) { if (k == null) {throw new NullPointerException("Null keys");} if (s == null) {throw new NullPointerException("Null seqs");} if (m == null) {throw new NullPointerException("Null matrices");} if (o == null) {throw new NullPointerException("Null output");} keys = k; seqs = s; output = o; matrices = m; cutoffpercent = c; } public void run() { String s = null; try { while (true) { s = keys.remove(0); WMHit[] hitlist = new WMHit[matrices.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < hitlist.length; i++) { WeightMatrix matrix = matrices.get(i); double maxscore = matrix.getMaxScore(); hitlist[i] = WeightMatrixScanner.scanSequenceBestHit(matrix, (float)(maxscore * cutoffpercent), seqs.get(s)); } synchronized (output) { output.put(s,hitlist); } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // nothing. time to stop the loop } } }