package org.seqcode.motifs; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Date; import java.sql.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import; import; import; import; import*; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Region; import org.seqcode.genome.sequence.SequenceGenerator; import org.seqcode.genome.sequence.SequenceUtils; import org.seqcode.gsebricks.verbs.Sink; import org.seqcode.gsebricks.verbs.motifs.PerBaseMotifMatch; import org.seqcode.gseutils.*; /** Scans a genome for a previously loaded weight matrix. Can read either from FASTA files or from the database. Can put results * into the database or print to the screen. Can also load scan results from a file. All matrices are converted to log-odds * before scanning. * * --species "$MM;mm9" * --scanname "90%" [required only when storing to db] * * --wm, --acceptwm, --rejectwm, --acceptwmver, --rejectwmver, --acceptwmtype, --rejectwmtype used to specify set of matrices * [--print] print results rather than storing to db * [--loadfile foo.txt] load results from file rather than doing a new scan * [--cutoff .9] as a fraction of maximum log-odds score */ public class WeightMatrixScanner { private int inserted = 0; private java.sql.Connection cxn; private java.sql.Connection core; private PreparedStatement getScan, insertScan, getscanid, insertScanned, getScanned, getScannedGenome, insertScannedGenome, insertHit; private int madeupChromosomeID = -1; private Map<Integer,String> madeupChromMap = new HashMap<Integer,String>(); private Genome genome; private List<String> fastafiles; private List<Region> regions; private List<WeightMatrix> matrices; private double cutoff; private String loadfile, scanname; private boolean print; private WMConsumer consumer; private String outfile; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { WeightMatrixScanner scanner = new WeightMatrixScanner(); scanner.parseArgs(args);; scanner.close(); } public WeightMatrixScanner() throws SQLException, UnknownRoleException { cxn =DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("annotations"); core =DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("core"); setup(); } public void close() throws SQLException { getScan.close(); insertScan.close(); getscanid.close(); insertScanned.close(); getScanned.close(); getScannedGenome.close(); insertScannedGenome.close(); if (insertHit != null) { insertHit.close(); } core.close(); cxn.close(); consumer.close(); } public void parseArgs(String args[]) throws Exception { boolean scan = true; print = false; consumer = null; loadfile = null; genome = Args.parseGenome(args).cdr(); cutoff = Args.parseDouble(args,"cutoff",.8); scanname = Args.parseString(args,"scanname",null); loadfile = Args.parseString(args,"loadfile",null); fastafiles = new ArrayList<String>(); fastafiles.addAll(Args.parseStrings(args,"fasta")); print = Args.parseFlags(args).contains("print"); regions = Args.parseRegionsOrDefault(args); outfile = Args.parseString(args, "outfile", ""); if (!print) { if (scanname == null) { System.err.println("Must supply a --scanname"); System.exit(1); } } MarkovBackgroundModel bgModel = null; String bgmodelname = Args.parseString(args,"bgmodel","whole genome zero order"); BackgroundModelMetadata md = BackgroundModelLoader.getBackgroundModel(bgmodelname, 1, "MARKOV", Args.parseGenome(args).cdr().getDBID()); if (md != null) { bgModel = BackgroundModelLoader.getMarkovModel(md); } else { System.err.println("Couldn't get metadata for " + bgmodelname); } matrices = new ArrayList<WeightMatrix>(); matrices.addAll(Args.parseWeightMatrices(args)); if (bgModel == null) { for (WeightMatrix m : matrices) { m.toLogOdds(); } } else { for (WeightMatrix m : matrices) { m.toLogOdds(bgModel); } } } public void run() throws Exception { /* load file thing here */ if (loadfile != null) { loadFile(); } else { scanMatrices(); } cxn.commit(); } public void loadFile() { try { loadFile(genome,loadfile,(float)cutoff,consumer); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { cxn.commit(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void scanMatrices() throws SQLException, FileNotFoundException { DateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if (print) { if (!outfile.equals("")) { consumer = new PrintConsumer(genome, null, outfile); } } int count = 0; for (WeightMatrix matrix : matrices) { int scanid; float cutoffscore =(float) (matrix.getMaxScore() * cutoff); if (print) { scanid = -1; if (outfile.equals("")) { consumer = new PrintConsumer(genome, matrix); } else { consumer.setMatrix(matrix); } } else { scanid = getScanID(matrix.dbid,scanname,cutoffscore); System.err.println("SCAN ID is " + scanid); insertHit = cxn.prepareStatement("insert into wms_hits(scan,chromosome,startpos,stoppos,strand,score) " + " values (" + scanid + ",?,?,?,?,?)"); consumer = new StoreConsumer(cxn, insertHit); getScannedGenome.setInt(1,scanid); getScannedGenome.setInt(2,genome.getDBID()); ResultSet rs = getScannedGenome.executeQuery();; if (rs.getInt(1) == 0) { insertScannedGenome.setInt(1,scanid); insertScannedGenome.setInt(2,genome.getDBID()); insertScannedGenome.execute(); } rs.close(); } if (fastafiles.size() != 0) { regions.clear(); for (String fastafile : fastafiles) { scanFasta(genome, matrix, consumer, cutoffscore, fastafile, regions); } } else { try { scanFromDB(genome, matrix, consumer, (float)cutoff, regions); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (!print) { storeRegionList(genome,scanid,regions); } count++; if (count % (matrices.size()/100)==0) { System.err.println(count+" "+dfm.format(new Date())); } } } /* sets up SQL statements. Must be called before anything else is done */ public void setup() throws SQLException { getScan = cxn.prepareStatement("select id from weightmatrixscan where weightmatrix = ? and name = ?"); insertScan = cxn.prepareStatement("insert into weightmatrixscan(id,weightmatrix,name,cutoff) values " + "(weightmatrixscan_id.nextval,?,?,?)"); getscanid = cxn.prepareStatement("select weightmatrixscan_id.currval from dual"); insertScanned = cxn.prepareStatement("insert into wms_scanned_regions(scan,chromosome,startpos,stoppos) values(?,?,?,?)"); getScanned = cxn.prepareStatement("select count(*) from wms_scanned_regions where scan = ? and chromosome = ? and startpos = ? and stoppos = ?"); getScannedGenome = cxn.prepareStatement("select count(*) from wms_scanned_genomes where scan = ? and genome = ?"); insertScannedGenome = cxn.prepareStatement("insert into wms_scanned_genomes (scan,genome) values (?,?)"); cxn.setAutoCommit(false); } /* retrieves the DBID of the scan with the specified name and cutoff for a weight matrix */ public int getScanID(int wmid, String scanname, float cutoffscore) throws SQLException { int scanid; getScan.setInt(1,wmid); getScan.setString(2,scanname); ResultSet rs = getScan.executeQuery(); if ( { scanid = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); } else { insertScan.setInt(1,wmid); insertScan.setString(2,scanname); insertScan.setFloat(3,cutoffscore); insertScan.execute(); rs = getscanid.executeQuery(); if ( { scanid = rs.getInt(1); } else { throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't get id for wms we just inserted"); } rs.close(); } return scanid; } /* adds a record to the wms_scanned_regions table. This needs to be done for all weight matrix scans that are storing results in the database */ public boolean addScannedRegion(int scanid, int chromid, int start, int stop) throws SQLException { boolean newregion = false; getScanned.setInt(1,scanid); getScanned.setInt(2,chromid); getScanned.setInt(3,start); getScanned.setInt(4,stop); ResultSet rs = getScanned.executeQuery();; if (rs.getInt(1) == 0) { insertScanned.setInt(1,scanid); insertScanned.setInt(2,chromid); insertScanned.setInt(3,start); insertScanned.setInt(4,stop); insertScanned.execute(); newregion = true; } rs.close(); if (inserted++ % 1000 == 0) { cxn.commit(); } return newregion; } /* stores a WM hit to the database */ public void addHit(WMHit hit) throws SQLException { insertHit.setInt(1,hit.scanid); insertHit.setInt(2,hit.chromid); insertHit.setInt(3,hit.start); insertHit.setInt(4,hit.end); insertHit.setString(5,hit.strand); insertHit.setFloat(6,hit.score); try { insertHit.execute(); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (!ex.getMessage().trim().matches(".*ORA.00001.*")) { throw ex; } } } public void storeRegionList(Genome genome, int scanid, List<Region> regions) { for (Region r : regions) { try { addScannedRegion(scanid, genome.getChromID(r.getChrom()),r.getStart(),r.getEnd()); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } } public void loadFile (Genome genome, String fname, float cutoffscore, WMConsumer consumer) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { try { File resultsfile = new File(fname); if (!resultsfile.exists()) { System.err.println(fname + " doesn't exist"); System.exit(1); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(resultsfile)); String line; List<WMHit> hits = new ArrayList<WMHit>(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String pieces[] = line.split("\t"); if (pieces.length >= 5) { float score = Float.parseFloat(pieces[4]); if (score >= cutoffscore) { hits.add(new WMHit(-1, genome.getChromID(pieces[0]), Integer.parseInt(pieces[1]), Integer.parseInt(pieces[2]), pieces[3], score)); } } } consumer.consume(hits); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /* scans a FASTA file for a weight matrix. */ public List<WMHit> scanFasta(Genome genome, WeightMatrix matrix, WMConsumer consumer, float cutoffscore, String fastafile, List<Region> regions) { try { File file = new File(fastafile); FASTAStream stream = new FASTAStream(file); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(.*):(\\d*)\\-(\\d*)"); while (stream.hasNext()) { Pair<String,String> pair =; String name = pair.getFirst(); String seq = pair.getLast(); pair = null; char[] aschars = seq.toCharArray(); int chromid = -1; int offset = 0, end = -1; if(name.startsWith("chr")) { name = name.substring(3, name.length()); } Matcher m = p.matcher(name); if (m.matches()) { try { Region tmp = Region.fromString(genome, name); name = tmp.getChrom(); offset = tmp.getStart(); end = tmp.getEnd(); //name =; //offset = Integer.parseInt(; //end = Integer.parseInt(; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(name); } } try { if (genome != null) { chromid = genome.getChromID(name); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { chromid = madeupChromosomeID--; madeupChromMap.put(chromid, name); } if (chromid >= 0) { if (end == -1) { regions.add(new Region(genome, name, 0,aschars.length)); } else { regions.add(new Region(genome, name, offset,end)); } } for (int i = 0; i < aschars.length; i++) { if (aschars[i] == 'a') {aschars[i]='A';} if (aschars[i] == 'c') {aschars[i]='C';} if (aschars[i] == 'g') {aschars[i]='G';} if (aschars[i] == 't') {aschars[i]='T';} } List<WMHit> hits = scanSequence(matrix, cutoffscore, aschars); if (chromid > 0) { for (WMHit hit : hits) { hit.start += offset; hit.chromid = chromid; } } else { for (WMHit hit : hits) { hit.chromid = chromid; } } consumer.consume(hits); } stream.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { System.err.println(ex.toString()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { //System.err.println(ex.toString()); //ex.printStackTrace(); } return new ArrayList<WMHit>(); } /* Scans a list of regions for a weight matrix using the given cutoff. */ public void scanFromDB(Genome genome, WeightMatrix matrix, WMConsumer consumer, float scorecutoff, List<Region> regions) throws NotFoundException { SequenceGenerator seqgen = new SequenceGenerator(); for (Region region : regions) { int rstart = region.getStart(); int chunksize = 8000000; int chromid = region.getGenome().getChromID(region.getChrom()); int length = matrix.length(); ArrayList<WMHit> results = new ArrayList<WMHit>(); // work over the target region in pieces while (rstart < region.getEnd()) { int rend = rstart + chunksize; if (rend > region.getEnd()) { rend = region.getEnd(); } System.err.println("Working on " + rstart + " to " + rend); if (rend - rstart < length) {break;} char[] bytes = seqgen.execute(new Region(region.getGenome(), region.getChrom(), rstart,rend)).toCharArray(); for (WMHit hit : scanSequence(matrix, scorecutoff, bytes)) { hit.chromid = chromid; hit.start += rstart; hit.end += rstart; results.add(hit); } rstart = rend - length + 1; } consumer.consume(results); } } /* Scans a list of regions for a weight matrix and returns the best hit in each Region (no cutoff). */ public static ArrayList<WMHit> scanRegionsReturnBest(Genome genome, WeightMatrix matrix, ArrayList<Region> regions) throws NotFoundException { SequenceGenerator seqgen = new SequenceGenerator(); ArrayList<WMHit> results = new ArrayList<WMHit>(); for (Region region : regions) { int rstart = region.getStart(); int rend = region.getEnd(); int chromid = region.getGenome().getChromID(region.getChrom()); int length = matrix.length(); //This method is meant for getting the best hit in small regions; I am not working the region in chunks if (rend - rstart < length) {break;} char[] bytes = seqgen.execute(region).toCharArray(); PerBaseMotifMatch matcher = new PerBaseMotifMatch(matrix); Double [] scoreScape =matcher.execute(bytes); char [] hitStrands = matcher.getHitStrands(); int maxI=-1; Double maxScore=-10000000.0; for(int i=0; i<scoreScape.length; i++){ if(scoreScape[i]>maxScore){maxScore=scoreScape[i]; maxI=i;} //I'm introducing a slight bias towards the center of the sequence for my own selfish reasons if(scoreScape[i]==maxScore && Math.abs(i-(region.getWidth()/2))<Math.abs(maxI-(region.getWidth()/2))){maxScore=scoreScape[i]; maxI=i;} } WMHit hit =new WMHit(-1, chromid, maxI+rstart, maxI+rstart+matrix.length(), String.format("%c", hitStrands[maxI]), maxScore.floatValue()); results.add(hit); } return results; } /** * Returns the best hit (by score) or null if no hits meet the scorecutoff */ public static WMHit scanSequenceBestHit(WeightMatrix matrix, float scorecutoff, char[] sequence) { List<WMHit> hits = scanSequence(matrix, scorecutoff, sequence); if (hits.size() == 0) { return null; } else { WMHit output = hits.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < hits.size(); i++) { WMHit o = hits.get(i); if (o.getScore() > output.getScore()) { output = o; } } return output; } } /* returns a list of WMHits. Since this doesn't know the chromosome or scanid, it just fills those in with -1 for someone else to fix later. */ public static List<WMHit> scanSequence(WeightMatrix matrix, float scorecutoff, char[] sequence) { ArrayList<WMHit> results = new ArrayList<WMHit>(); float[] scoreleft = new float[matrix.matrix.length + 1]; scoreleft[scoreleft.length - 1] = 0; for (int i = scoreleft.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { double maxval = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; if (matrix.matrix[i]['A'] > maxval) { maxval = matrix.matrix[i]['A']; } if (matrix.matrix[i]['C'] > maxval) { maxval = matrix.matrix[i]['C']; } if (matrix.matrix[i]['T'] > maxval) { maxval = matrix.matrix[i]['T']; } if (matrix.matrix[i]['G'] > maxval) { maxval = matrix.matrix[i]['G']; } scoreleft[i] = scoreleft[i+1] + (float)maxval; } /* scan through the sequence */ int length = matrix.length(); for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length - length; i++) { float score = 0; for (int j = 0; j < length && scoreleft[j] + score > scorecutoff; j++) { score += matrix.matrix[j][sequence[i+j]]; } // save the hit if (score >= scorecutoff) { results.add(new WMHit(-1,-1,i,i + length - 1,"+",score)); } } /* now reverse complement the sequence and scan that. basically the same as before but with slightly different computation of the hit coordinates */ SequenceUtils.reverseComplement(sequence); for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length - length; i++) { float score = 0; for (int j = 0; j < length && scoreleft[j] + score > scorecutoff; j++) { score += matrix.matrix[j][sequence[i+j]]; } if (score >= scorecutoff) { results.add(new WMHit(-1,-1,sequence.length - i - length,sequence.length - i -1,"-",score)); } } SequenceUtils.reverseComplement(sequence); // put the sequence back the way we found it return results; } /* returns an array of scores that describe how well the matrix matches each base of the input sequence. Indices in the output array correspond ot the score of the match *starting* at that position. This means that the last n entries are meaningless (where n = matrix length) */ public static Double[] scanSequence(WeightMatrix matrix, char[] sequence) { return (new PerBaseMotifMatch(matrix)).execute(sequence); } abstract class WMConsumer implements Sink<WMHit> { public void consume(Collection<WMHit> hits) { init(); consume(hits.iterator()); finish(); } public abstract void close(); public abstract void setMatrix(WeightMatrix m); } class PrintConsumer extends WMConsumer { private Genome genome; private WeightMatrix matrix; private PrintStream out; private boolean fileout; public PrintConsumer(Genome g, WeightMatrix m) { this.genome = g; this.matrix = m; this.out = System.out; this.fileout = false; } public PrintConsumer(Genome g, WeightMatrix m, String outfile) throws FileNotFoundException { this.genome = g; this.matrix = m; this.out = new PrintStream(outfile); this.fileout = true; } public void setMatrix(WeightMatrix m) { this.matrix = m; } public void consume(WMHit hit) { String chromname; try { chromname = genome.getChromName(hit.chromid); } catch (NullPointerException e) { if (hit.chromid < 0) { chromname = madeupChromMap.get(hit.chromid); } else { chromname = "unknown"; } } out.println(matrix.toString() + "\t" + chromname + "\t" + hit.start + "\t" + hit.end + "\t" + hit.score + "\t" + hit.strand); } public void consume(Iterator<WMHit> hits) { while(hits.hasNext()) { consume(; } } public void finish() { } public void close() { if (fileout) { out.flush(); out.close(); } } public void init() { } } class StoreConsumer extends WMConsumer { private int done; private java.sql.Connection cxn; private PreparedStatement insertHit; public StoreConsumer(java.sql.Connection c, PreparedStatement i) { cxn = c; insertHit = i; done = 0; } public void consume(WMHit hit) { if (hit.chromid < 1) { throw new RuntimeException("chromid == -1"); } try { insertHit.setInt(1,hit.chromid); insertHit.setInt(2,hit.start); insertHit.setInt(3,hit.end); insertHit.setString(4,hit.strand); insertHit.setFloat(5,hit.score); insertHit.execute(); if (done++ % 1000 == 0) { cxn.commit(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } public void consume(Iterator<WMHit> hits) { while(hits.hasNext()) { consume(; } } public void finish() { try { cxn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void init() { done = 0; } public void close() { } public void setMatrix(WeightMatrix m) { } } }