package org.seqcode.deepseq.hitloaders; import; import; import; import; import org.seqcode.deepseq.Read; import org.seqcode.deepseq.ReadHit; /** * NovoFileHitLoader: a FileHitLoader from NovoAlign output. * This loader has not been tested for a while since we don't use NovoAlign. * * @author mahony * */ public class NovoFileHitLoader extends FileHitLoader { public NovoFileHitLoader(File f, boolean nonUnique, boolean loadT1Reads, boolean loadT2Reads, boolean loadPairs){ super(f, nonUnique, true, false, false, loadPairs); if(!loadT1Reads || loadT2Reads) System.err.println("NovoFileHitLoader: You asked to load only Type1 or Type2 reads, we do not load this information from NovoAlign format."); if(loadPairs) System.err.println("NovoFileHitLoader: You asked to load pairs, but we do not load paired read data from NovoAlign format."); } /** * Get the reads from the appropriate source (implementation-specific). * Loads data to the fivePrimesList and hitsCountList * Nothing loaded to hitPairsList since we do not load pairing information from NovoAlign format */ public void sourceAllHits() { this.initialize(); try { int readLength=-1; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line, lastID=""; float currReadHitCount=0; Read currRead=null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if(line.charAt(0)!='#'){ String[] words = line.split("\\t"); String chr="."; char strand = '.'; int start=0, end=0; String ID = words[0]; if(readLength==-1) readLength = words[2].length(); if(ID.equals(lastID)){ currReadHitCount++; }else{ if(currRead!=null){ currRead.setNumHits(currReadHitCount); //Add the hits to the data structure addHits(currRead); currRead=null; } currReadHitCount=1; } String tag = words[4]; if(tag.equals("U") || (useNonUnique && words.length>9 && tag.charAt(0)=='R')){ int mis=0; if(words.length>13 && words[13].length()>1){ mis = words[7].split(" ").length; } chr = words[7]; String[] tmp = chr.split("\\."); chr=tmp[0].replaceFirst("^chromosome", "").replaceFirst("^chrom", "").replaceFirst("^chr", ""); chr=chr.replaceFirst("^>", ""); start = new Integer(words[8]).intValue(); end =start+readLength-1; strand = words[9].equals("F") ? '+' : '-'; ReadHit currHit = new ReadHit(chr, start, end, strand, 1); if(!ID.equals(lastID) || currRead==null){ currRead = new Read(); }currRead.addHit(currHit); } lastID=ID; } } if(currRead!=null){ currRead.setNumHits(currReadHitCount); //Add the hits to the data structure addHits(currRead); } reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }//end of countReads method }//end of NovoFileReader class