package org.seqcode.genome.sequence; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import; import; import; import; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Region; import org.seqcode.genome.location.StrandedRegion; import org.seqcode.gsebricks.types.*; import org.seqcode.gsebricks.verbs.Mapper; import org.seqcode.gseutils.*; /** * <code>SequenceGenerator</code> maps a Region to the genomic * sequence included in that Region. * * 1-based genome */ public class SequenceGenerator<X extends Region> implements Mapper<X,String>, SelfDescribingVerb { private Genome genome; private static Map<Integer,String> cache; private boolean useCache = false; private boolean useLocalFiles = false; private String genomePath = null; private boolean genomePathIsFullGenomeFile=false; private int maxQuery = -1; private static Map<String, String[]> regionCache; private static Map<String, int[]> regionStarts; private static boolean regionIsCached = false; public boolean isRegionCached(){return regionIsCached;} public boolean usingLocalFiles(){return useLocalFiles;} /** * SequenceGenerator * maxQuery is here to avoid calling the sequence generator if the Region width is greater * than a given size. This is really only useful for SeqView painters. * @param g */ public SequenceGenerator (Genome g) {this(g, -1);} public SequenceGenerator (Genome g, int maxQuery) { genome = g; this.maxQuery=maxQuery; } public SequenceGenerator() {} public void useCache(boolean b) { if (b && cache == null) { cache = new HashMap<Integer,String>(); } useCache = b; } public void useLocalFiles(boolean b) { useLocalFiles = b; } public void setGenomePath(String genomePath){ this.genomePath = genomePath; File test = new File(genomePath); if(!test.exists()){ System.err.println("Genome sequence directory/file does not exist!"); System.exit(1); }else{ if(test.isFile() && (genomePath.endsWith(".fa")||genomePath.endsWith(".fasta")||genomePath.endsWith(".seq"))) genomePathIsFullGenomeFile=true; } } /** cache the whole chromosome of this region */ private void cache(X region) throws SQLException, IOException { int chromid = region.getGenome().getChromID(region.getChrom()); synchronized(cache) { if (cache.containsKey(chromid)) { return; } } String chromseq = null; if (useLocalFiles) { if (genomePath==null) genomePath = "/scratch/" + region.getGenome().getVersion(); File f=null; if(genomePathIsFullGenomeFile){ f = new File(genomePath); }else{ f = new File( genomePath + "/chr" + region.getChrom() + ".fa"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File( genomePath+ "/chr" + region.getChrom() + ".fasta"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File( genomePath+ "/" + region.getChrom() + ".fa"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File( genomePath+ "/" + region.getChrom() + ".fasta"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File( genomePath+ "/chromosome" + region.getChrom() + ".fa"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File( genomePath+ "/chromosome" + region.getChrom() + ".fasta"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File( genomePath+ "/chrom" + region.getChrom() + ".fa"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File( genomePath+ "/chrom" + region.getChrom() + ".fasta"); } if (f.exists()) { FASTAStream stream = new FASTAStream(f); while (stream.hasNext()) { Pair<String,String> pair =; String pairchrom ="^chromosome", "").replaceFirst("^chrom", "").replaceFirst("^chr",""); if (pairchrom.equals(region.getChrom())) { chromseq = pair.cdr(); break; } } stream.close(); }else{ System.out.print("FASTA file for chromosome "+region.getChrom() +" is not found at "+genomePath+". \n"); System.exit(-1); } } if (chromseq == null) { java.sql.Connection cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("core"); PreparedStatement ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select sequence from chromsequence where id = ?"); ps.setInt(1,chromid); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { chromseq = rs.getString(1); } rs.close(); ps.close(); if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role core", ex); } } if (chromseq == null) { return; } synchronized(cache) { if (!cache.containsKey(chromid)) { cache.put(chromid, chromseq); } } } /** * get sequence of specified region (including start and end) */ public String execute(X region) { String result = null; if(maxQuery==-1 || region.getWidth()<=maxQuery){ if (regionIsCached) return getRegionCacheSequence(region); String chromname = region.getChrom(); try { Genome genome = region.getGenome(); int chromid = genome.getChromID(chromname); if (useCache) { cache(region); String chromString = null; synchronized(cache) { if (!cache.containsKey(chromid)) { return null; } chromString = cache.get(chromid); } //1-based version (string.substr is 0-based) result = chromString.substring(region.getStart()-1, region.getEnd()); } if (result == null) { java.sql.Connection cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("core"); PreparedStatement ps; //1-based version (mysql substr is 1-based) int start = Math.max(region.getStart(), 0); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select substr(sequence,?,?) from chromsequence where id = ?"); ps.setInt(1,start); ps.setInt(2,region.getEnd() - region.getStart() + 1); ps.setInt(3,chromid); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { result = rs.getString(1); } rs.close(); ps.close(); if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role core", ex); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't connect to core",ex); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't load file to cache " + ex.toString(), ex); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex){ System.err.println("Error in "+region.getLocationString()); ex.printStackTrace(); } if (result == null) { throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't get any sequence for " + region); } if (result.length() != region.getWidth()) { System.err.println("Wanted " + region + "(" + region.getWidth() + ") but only got " + result.length()); } } return result; } /** * Setup light-weight region cache of genome sequences, cover only the specified regions<br> * So that it does not cache the whole chromosome, save memory space. <br> * At the same time, retrieve some one-time sequences in rs. * @param regions sorted, non-overlapping regions for cache * @param rs regions for one-time sequence retrieval */ public String[] setupRegionCache(List<Region> regions, List<Region> rs){ ArrayList<String> seqs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (regions==null||regions.isEmpty()) return null; Collections.sort(regions); // group one-time regions by chrom Map<String, ArrayList<Region>> chr2rs = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Region>>(); for(Region r:rs) { String chrom = r.getChrom(); if(!chr2rs.containsKey(chrom)) chr2rs.put(chrom, new ArrayList<Region>()); chr2rs.get(chrom).add(r); } useCache(true); regionCache = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); regionStarts = new HashMap<String, int[]>(); Genome g = regions.get(0).getGenome(); Region lastRegion = regions.get(regions.size()-1); // setup the region space String chrom = regions.get(0).getChrom(); int count = 0; for(Region r: regions){ if (!r.getChrom().equals(chrom)){ // new chrom regionCache.put(chrom, new String[count]); regionStarts.put(chrom, new int[count]); chrom = r.getChrom(); count = 1; } else // same chrom count ++; } regionCache.put(chrom, new String[count]); regionStarts.put(chrom, new int[count]); chrom = regions.get(0).getChrom(); count = 0; for (int i=0;i<regions.size();i++){ Region r = regions.get(i); if (!r.getChrom().equals(chrom)){ // new Chrom if (cache!=null){ // for previous chrom if (chr2rs.containsKey(chrom)){ // piggy-back to retrieve one-time sequences for (Region r1:chr2rs.get(chrom)) seqs.add(execute((X)r1)); } synchronized(cache) { cache.put(g.getChromID(chrom), null); cache.remove(g.getChromID(chrom)); // clean cache } System.gc(); } chrom = r.getChrom(); count = 0; } // cache region using the current cache synchronized(regionCache) { regionStarts.get(chrom)[count]=r.getStart(); regionCache.get(chrom)[count]=execute((X)r); } count ++; } if (cache!=null){ if (chr2rs.containsKey(lastRegion.getChrom())){ // piggy-back to retrieve one-time sequences for (Region r1:chr2rs.get(lastRegion.getChrom())) seqs.add(execute((X)r1)); } synchronized(cache) { cache.put(g.getChromID(lastRegion.getChrom()), null); cache.remove(g.getChromID(lastRegion.getChrom())); } // retrieve those regions that are not in the chromosomes of cache regions for(String chr:chr2rs.keySet()){ if (!regionCache.containsKey(chr)){ for (Region r1:chr2rs.get(chr)) seqs.add(execute((X)r1)); synchronized(cache) { cache.put(g.getChromID(chrom), null); cache.remove(g.getChromID(chrom)); // clean cache for this chrom } System.gc(); } } cache=null; System.gc(); } regionIsCached = true; String[] result = new String[seqs.size()]; for (int i=0;i<result.length;i++) result[i]=seqs.get(i); return result; } private String getRegionCacheSequence(Region r){ int[] starts = regionStarts.get(r.getChrom()); int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(starts, r.getStart()); if( idx < 0 ) { idx = -idx - 2; } if (!regionCache.containsKey(r.getChrom())) return null; synchronized(regionCache) { try{ return regionCache.get(r.getChrom())[idx].substring(r.getStart()-starts[idx], r.getEnd()-starts[idx]+1); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(System.out); System.out.println(r.toString()+" idx="+idx+" starts[idx]="+starts[idx]); return null; } } } public static void clearCache() { synchronized(cache) { cache.clear(); } } // the following method has bee add by akshay public static void setOffRegionCache(){regionIsCached = false;} private static final String[] inputNames = { "Regions" }; private static final EchoType[] inputTypes = { new ClassType(Region.class) }; private static final EchoType outputType = new ClassType(String.class); public EchoType[] getInputClasses() { return inputTypes; } public String[] getInputNames() { return inputNames; } public EchoType getOutputClass() { return outputType; } public EchoType[] getParameterClasses() { return null; } public String[] getParameterNames() { return null; } public void init(Map<String, Object> params) { } }