package; import*; import java.nio.*; import java.nio.channels.*; public abstract class Hits implements Closeable { public static IntBP emptyIntBP = new IntBP(0); public static FloatBP emptyFloatBP = new FloatBP(0); private static int strandOneMask = 0x00008000; private static int lenOneMask = 0x00007FFF; private static int strandTwoMask = 0x80000000; private static int lenTwoMask = 0x7FFF0000; public static IntBP openIntBP(String fname) throws SecurityException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = null; FileChannel fc = null; IntBP ib = null; ByteBuffer bb = null; IOException ioex = null; SecurityException secex = null; try { raf = new RandomAccessFile(fname,"r"); fc = raf.getChannel(); bb =, 0, fc.size()); ib = new IntBP(bb); } catch (IOException e) { ioex = e; } catch (SecurityException e) { secex = e; } finally { if (fc != null) { fc.close(); } if (raf != null) { raf.close(); } } if (ioex != null) { bb = null; ib = null; throw ioex; } if (secex != null) { bb = null; ib = null; throw secex; } return ib; } public static FloatBP openFloatBP(String fname) throws SecurityException, IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = null; FileChannel fc = null; FloatBP fb = null; ByteBuffer bb = null; IOException ioex = null; SecurityException secex = null; try { raf = new RandomAccessFile(fname,"r"); fc = raf.getChannel(); bb =, 0, fc.size()); fb = new FloatBP(bb); } catch (IOException e) { ioex = e; } catch (SecurityException e) { secex = e; } finally { if (fc != null) { fc.close(); } if (raf != null) { raf.close(); } } if (ioex != null) { bb = null; fb = null; throw ioex; } if (secex != null) { bb = null; fb = null; throw secex; } return fb; } /** returns just the length from an int representing a length and strand */ public static short getLengthOne(int las) { return (short)(las & lenOneMask); } public static short getLengthTwo(int las) { return (short)((las & lenTwoMask) >> 16); } public static boolean getStrandOne(int las) { return (las & strandOneMask) != 0; } public static boolean getStrandTwo(int las) { return (las & strandTwoMask) != 0; } public static int makeLAS(short lengthOne, boolean strandOne) { return (lengthOne & lenOneMask) | ((strandOne ? 1 : 0) << 15); } public static int makeLAS(short lengthOne, boolean strandOne, short lengthTwo, boolean strandTwo) { return (lengthOne & lenOneMask) | ((strandOne ? 1 : 0) << 15) | ((lengthTwo & lenOneMask) << 16) | ((strandTwo ? 1 : 0) << 31); } private IntBP positions; private FloatBP weights; private IntBP lenAndStrand; private int chrom; private String fname; public Hits (int chrom, String positionsFname, String weightsFname, String lasFname) throws FileNotFoundException, SecurityException, IOException { this.chrom = chrom; positions = openIntBP(positionsFname); weights = openFloatBP(weightsFname); lenAndStrand = openIntBP(lasFname); fname = positionsFname; } /** gets the buffer of positions */ public IntBP getPositionsBuffer() { return positions; } /** returns the buffer of weights */ public FloatBP getWeightsBuffer() { return weights; } /** returns the buffer of lengths and strands */ public IntBP getLASBuffer() { return lenAndStrand; } /** * returns indices = int[2] * such that indices[0] is the first element of positions >= startpos * and indices[1] is the first element of positions > lastpos. * indices[0] == indices[1] -> no hits between startpos and lastpos * firstindex is an inclusive lower bound on the index of startpos. * lastindex is an inclusive upper bound on the index of lastpos */ public int[] getIndicesLinear(int firstindex, int lastindex, int startpos, int lastpos) { assert(startpos <= lastpos); assert(firstindex <= lastindex); assert(firstindex >= 0); assert(lastindex >= firstindex); assert(lastindex <= positions.getib().limit()); int indices[] = new int[2]; // will be the output while (firstindex < positions.limit() && positions.get(firstindex) < startpos) { firstindex++; } while (lastindex > firstindex && positions.get(lastindex - 1) > lastpos) { lastindex--; } indices[0] = firstindex; indices[1] = lastindex; assert(firstindex >= 0); assert(lastindex >= 0); assert(firstindex < positions.getib().limit()); assert(lastindex <= positions.getib().limit()); return indices; } public int[] getIndices(int firstindex, int lastindex, int startpos, int lastpos) { assert(startpos <= lastpos); assert(firstindex <= lastindex); int indices[] = new int[2]; // will be the output /* this is a binary search in two steps. In the first step, we establish the upper bound for the binary search by looking out in windows of doubling size until we've bounded the spot we're looking for. We do this because a binary search over the entire array of hits would defeat the purpose of the index in Header. The second step is the actual binary search using firstindex as the lower bound and the upper bound that we found */ int step = 256; int limit = positions.getib().limit(); if (lastindex < limit) { limit = lastindex; } while (firstindex + step < limit && positions.getib().get(firstindex + step) < startpos) { firstindex += step; step *= 2; } while (firstindex < limit && positions.getib().get(firstindex) < startpos) { step = (step >> 2) | 1; if (step == 1 || (firstindex + step < limit && positions.getib().get(firstindex + step - 1) < startpos)) { firstindex += step; } } step = 256; while (lastindex - step > firstindex && positions.getib().get(lastindex - step) > lastpos) { lastindex -= step; step *= 2; } while (lastindex > firstindex && positions.getib().get(lastindex - 1) > lastpos) { step = (step >> 2) | 1; if ((step == 1 || lastindex - step > firstindex) && positions.getib().get(lastindex - step) > lastpos) { lastindex -= step; } } indices[0] = firstindex; indices[1] = lastindex; assert(indices[0] <= indices[1]); assert(indices[0] >= 0); assert(indices[1] <= positions.size()); assert(indices[0] >= indices[1] || positions.getib().get(indices[0]) >= startpos); assert(indices[0] == 0 || indices[0] >= indices[1] || positions.getib().get(indices[0] - 1) < startpos); assert(indices[1] == positions.getib().limit() || positions.getib().get(indices[1]) > lastpos); assert(indices[0] >= indices[1] || positions.getib().get(indices[1] - 1) <= lastpos); return indices; } /** * Returns the number of elements between start and stop * where firstindex and lastindex are the lower and upper bounds to search */ public int getCountBetween (int firstindex, int lastindex, int start, int stop, Float minweight, Boolean isPlus) throws IOException { assert(firstindex >= 0); assert(lastindex >= firstindex); assert(lastindex <= positions.getib().limit()); int[] p = getIndices(firstindex, lastindex, start,stop); if (minweight == null && isPlus == null) { return p[1] - p[0]; } int count = 0; for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { count += ((minweight == null || (weights.get(i) >= minweight)) && (isPlus == null || (getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus))) ? 1 : 0; } return count; } public double getWeightBetween (int firstindex, int lastindex, int start, int stop, Float minweight, Boolean isPlus) throws IOException { assert(firstindex >= 0); assert(lastindex >= firstindex); assert(lastindex <= positions.getib().limit()); int[] p = getIndices(firstindex, lastindex, start,stop); double sum = 0; for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { float f = weights.get(i); sum += ((minweight == null || (f >= minweight)) && (isPlus == null || (getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus))) ? f : 0; } return sum; } public IntBP getIntsBetween(IntBP buffer, int firstindex, int lastindex, int start, int stop, Float minweight, Boolean isPlus) throws IOException { assert(firstindex >= 0); assert(lastindex >= firstindex); assert(lastindex <= positions.getib().limit()); int[] p = getIndices(firstindex, lastindex, start,stop); if (p[0] >= p[1]) { return emptyIntBP; } assert(p[0] >= 0); if (p[1] > buffer.limit()) { System.err.println("buffer limit is " + buffer.limit() + " but positions.size is " + positions.size()); } assert(p[1] <= buffer.limit()); if (minweight == null && isPlus == null) { return buffer.slice(p[0], p[1] - p[0]); } int n = 0; for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { if ((minweight == null || weights.get(i) >= minweight) && (isPlus == null || getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus)) { n++; } } if (n == 0) { return emptyIntBP; } IntBP output = new IntBP(ByteBuffer.allocate(n*4)); n = 0; for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { if ((minweight == null || weights.get(i) >= minweight) && (isPlus == null || getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus)) { output.getib().put(n, buffer.get(i)); n++; } } return output; } /** returns the hits between firstindex and last index and between start and stop, inclusive. * firstindex and lastindex come from Header.getFirstIndex and Header.getLastIndex */ public IntBP getHitsBetween(int firstindex, int lastindex, int start, int stop, Float minweight, Boolean isPlus) throws IOException { return getIntsBetween(positions,firstindex,lastindex,start,stop,minweight,isPlus); } public IntBP getLASBetween(int firstindex, int lastindex, int start, int stop, Float minweight, Boolean isPlus) throws IOException { return getIntsBetween(lenAndStrand,firstindex,lastindex,start,stop,minweight,isPlus); } /** returns the weights between firstindex and last index and between start and stop, inclusive. * firstindex and lastindex come from Header.getFirstIndex and Header.getLastIndex */ public FloatBP getWeightsBetween(int firstindex, int lastindex, int start, int stop, Float minweight, Boolean isPlus) throws IOException { assert(firstindex >= 0); assert(lastindex >= firstindex); assert(lastindex <= positions.getib().limit()); int[] p = getIndices(firstindex, lastindex, start,stop); if (p[0] >= p[1]) { return emptyFloatBP; } if (minweight == null && isPlus == null) { return weights.slice(p[0], p[1] - p[0]); } int n = 0; for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { if ((minweight == null || weights.get(i) >= minweight) && (isPlus == null || getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus)) { n++; } } if (n == 0) { return emptyFloatBP; } FloatBP output = new FloatBP(ByteBuffer.allocate(n*4)); n = 0; for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { if ((minweight == null || weights.get(i) >= minweight) && (isPlus == null || getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus)) { output.fb.put(n++, weights.get(i)); } } return output; } /** return a histogram from positions start to stop * in units of stepsize. firstindex and lastindex come from * Header.getFirstIndex(start) and Header.getLastIndex(stop) * * If extension is zero, histograms are based on 5' positions. * If extension is negative, histograms are based on read lengths * If extension is positive, histograms are based on 5' position + extension */ public int[] histogram(int firstindex, int lastindex, int start, int stop, int stepsize, int dedup, Float minweight, Boolean isPlus, int extension) throws IOException { int output[] = new int[(stop - start) / stepsize + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < output.length; j++) { output[j] = 0; } int[] p = getIndices(firstindex, lastindex, start,stop); int lastpos = -1, lastposcount = 0; if (extension==0) { for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { int pos = positions.get(i); if (pos < start || pos > stop) { System.err.println(String.format("firstindex %d lastindex %d start %d stop %d p[0] %d p[1] %d positions[p[0]] %d i %d pos %d", firstindex,lastindex,start,stop,p[0],p[1],positions.get(p[0]),i,pos)); for (int j = p[0]; j < p[1]; j++) { System.err.println(String.format("%d = %d",j,positions.get(j))); } } assert(pos >= start); assert(pos <= stop); if (dedup != 0) { if (pos == lastpos) { if (++lastposcount >= dedup) { continue; } } else { lastposcount = 0; } } if ((minweight == null || weights.get(i) > minweight) && (isPlus == null || getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus)) { lastpos = pos; output[(pos - start) / stepsize]++; } } } else { IntBP las = getLASBuffer(); for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { int pos = positions.get(i); assert(pos >= start); assert(pos <= stop); if (dedup != 0) { if (pos == lastpos) { if (++lastposcount >= dedup) { continue; } } else { lastposcount = 0; } } if ((minweight == null || weights.get(i) > minweight) && (isPlus == null || getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus)) { lastpos = pos; int bin = (pos - start) / stepsize; int l = las.get(i); int len = extension<0 ? getLengthOne(l) : extension; boolean strand = getStrandOne(l); if (strand) { while (len > 0 && ++bin < output.length) { output[bin]++; len -= stepsize; } } else { while (len > 0 && --bin > 0) { output[bin]++; len -= stepsize; } } } } } return output; } public float[] weightHistogram(int firstindex, int lastindex, int start, int stop, int stepsize, int dedup, Float minweight, Boolean isPlus, int extension) throws IOException { float output[] = new float[(stop - start) / stepsize + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < output.length; j++) { output[j] = 0; } int[] p = getIndices(firstindex, lastindex, start,stop); int lastpos = -1, lastposcount = 0; if (extension==0) { for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { int pos = positions.get(i); assert(pos >= start); assert(pos <= stop); if (dedup != 0) { if (pos == lastpos) { if (++lastposcount >= dedup) { continue; } } else { lastposcount = 0; } } float f = weights.get(i); if ((minweight == null || f > minweight) && (isPlus == null || getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus)) { lastpos = pos; output[(pos - start) / stepsize] += f; } } } else { IntBP las = getLASBuffer(); for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) { int pos = positions.get(i); assert(pos >= start); assert(pos <= stop); if (dedup != 0) { if (pos == lastpos) { if (++lastposcount >= dedup) { continue; } } else { lastposcount = 0; } } float f = weights.get(i); if ((minweight == null || f > minweight) && (isPlus == null || getStrandOne(lenAndStrand.get(i)) == isPlus)) { lastpos = pos; int bin = (pos - start) / stepsize; int l = las.get(i); int len = extension<0 ? getLengthOne(l) : extension; boolean strand = getStrandOne(l); if (strand) { while (len > 0 && ++bin < output.length) { output[bin] += f; len -= stepsize; } } else { while (len > 0 && --bin > 0) { output[bin] += f; len -= stepsize; } } } } } return output; } public void close() throws IOException { positions.setib(null); = null; positions = null; weights.fb = null; = null; weights = null; lenAndStrand.setib(null); = null; lenAndStrand = null; } }