package org.seqcode.projects.seed; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.seqcode.deepseq.StrandedBaseCount; import org.seqcode.deepseq.experiments.ExperimentCondition; import org.seqcode.deepseq.experiments.ExperimentManager; import org.seqcode.deepseq.experiments.ExptConfig; import org.seqcode.deepseq.experiments.Sample; import org.seqcode.deepseq.stats.BackgroundCollection; import org.seqcode.deepseq.stats.PoissonBackgroundModel; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; import org.seqcode.genome.GenomeConfig; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Region; import org.seqcode.gsebricks.verbs.location.ChromosomeGenerator; import org.seqcode.math.probability.NormalDistribution; import org.seqcode.projects.seed.features.EnrichedFeature; import org.seqcode.projects.seed.features.Feature; /** * FeatureDetection is the parent class for all enrichment-based peak/domain callers in this package. * * Handles genome & experiment & configuration loading. * * @author shaunmahony * */ public abstract class FeatureDetection { protected GenomeConfig gconfig; protected Genome gen; protected ExptConfig econfig; protected ExperimentManager manager; protected SEEDConfig sconfig; protected Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> features; //The discovered features (defined per condition) protected boolean strandedEventDetection = false; //Strand aware event detection? /** * Constructor * @param args : command-line arguments */ public FeatureDetection(GenomeConfig gcon, ExptConfig econ, SEEDConfig scon, ExperimentManager man){ gconfig = gcon; econfig = econ; sconfig = scon; manager = man; gen = gconfig.getGenome(); EnrichedFeature.manager = manager; features=new HashMap<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>>(); for(ExperimentCondition c : manager.getConditions()) features.put(c, new ArrayList<Feature>()); sconfig.makeSEEDOutputDirs(); } /** * Return the full class name of the SEED implementation * @return */ public abstract String getProgramName(); /** * Return an instance of the implementation-specific thread for this region * @param r : Region */ public abstract FeatureDetectionThread getMyThread(List<Region> regs); /** * Post-process the features, and print output. * Obviously, assume that all features have been collected. * @return */ public abstract Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> postProcess(); /** * The execute method should instantiate the FeatureDetection threads to perform per-region analysis, * and should then collect the Features discovered in each thread for any necessary post-processing. * This method should also take care of any output printing, etc. * * @return : Lists of final Features */ public Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> execute(){ //Split the jobs into the allowed number of threads Iterator<Region> testRegions = new ChromosomeGenerator().execute(gen); //Threading divides analysis over entire chromosomes. This approach is not compatible with file caching. int numThreads = econfig.getCacheAllData() ? sconfig.getMaxThreads() : 1; Thread[] threads = new Thread[numThreads]; List<Region> threadRegions[] = new ArrayList[numThreads]; int i = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < threads.length; i++) { threadRegions[i] = new ArrayList<Region>(); } while(testRegions.hasNext()){ Region r =; threadRegions[(i++) % numThreads].add(r); } for (i = 0 ; i < threads.length; i++) { //Implementation-specific part is in thread's findFeatures method Thread t = new Thread(getMyThread(threadRegions[i])); t.start(); threads[i] = t; } boolean anyrunning = true; while (anyrunning) { anyrunning = false; try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } for (i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { if (threads[i].isAlive()) { anyrunning = true; break; } } } //Sort the features for(ExperimentCondition c : manager.getConditions()) Collections.sort(features.get(c)); //Implementation-specific part is in postProcess postProcess(); return features; } /* Java doesn't allow me to impose this, but it would also be good practise to include in each subclass a * static method that returns a String describing the command-line arguments. * The main method in the subclass can then draw on that String if no args are provided. */ /** * Accessor for the list of features discovered for a given condition. * @param c * @return */ public List<Feature> getFeatures(ExperimentCondition c){ if(features==null) return null; else if(!features.containsKey(c)) return new ArrayList<Feature>(); else return features.get(c); } /** * Print the features to output files. * Prefix is defined by SEEDConfig. Suffix is defined depending on what the lists are. * @param f */ protected void printEventsFile(Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> fLists, String suffix){ try { for(ExperimentCondition cond : manager.getConditions()){ String condName = cond.getName().equals("experiment") ? "" : "_"+cond.getName(); String filename = sconfig.getOutputParentDir()+File.separator+sconfig.getOutBase()+condName+suffix; FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(filename); //Headers fout.write("#"+getProgramName()+"\n"); fout.write("#Arguments:\t"+sconfig.getArgs()+"\n"); fout.write("##date "+(new Date()).toString()+"\n"); //Features int fcount=0; for(Feature f : fLists.get(cond)){ if(fcount==0 && !sconfig.outputGFF()) fout.write(f.headString()+"\n"); if(sconfig.outputGFF()) fout.write(f.toGFF()+"\n"); else fout.write(f.toString()+"\n"); fcount++; } fout.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Filter the features by score & size * @param features * @param threshold * @param below : accept only features below threshold * @return */ protected Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> filter(Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> features, double threshold, boolean below){ Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> results = new HashMap<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>>(); for(ExperimentCondition cond : manager.getConditions()){ List<Feature> cres = new ArrayList<Feature>(); for(Feature f : features.get(cond)){ if(f.getCoords().getWidth()>= sconfig.getMinFeatureSize()){ if(below && f.getScore()<threshold) cres.add(f); else if(!below && f.getScore()>threshold) cres.add(f); } } results.put(cond, cres); } return results; } /** * FeatureDetectionThread: thread that searches for the features of interest * @author mahony * */ public abstract class FeatureDetectionThread implements Runnable { protected Collection<Region> runRegions; //Hits maintained in separate lists per strands - it's easier to do feature trimming & quantification this way protected Map<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>> hitsPos; //Lists of positive strand tags in the current region. Indexed by Sample. protected Map<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>> hitsNeg; //Lists of negative strand tags in the current region. Indexed by Sample. protected float[][][] landscape=null; //Binned tag density in the current region after shifting and extending. Indexed by Sample, base, strand protected Map<ExperimentCondition, BackgroundCollection> conditionBackgrounds; //Backgrounds are in here for thread safety during background model updates protected Map<Sample, BackgroundCollection> sampleBackgrounds; protected Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> threadFeatures; protected int shift=sconfig.getTagShift(), hit3Extend=sconfig.getTag3PrimeExtension(), hit5Extend=sconfig.getTag5PrimeExtension(); public FeatureDetectionThread(List<Region> regs){ runRegions = regs; threadFeatures = new HashMap<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>>(); for(ExperimentCondition c : manager.getConditions()) threadFeatures.put(c, new ArrayList<Feature>()); initializeBackgrounds(); } /** * Run the thread, executing feature detection on each listed region. * @param regs : regions that this thread examines */ public void run(){ //declare as final if not overloaded (guarantees that landscapes is correctly set) //Run over each region for (Region currentRegion : runRegions) { //Split the job up into large chunks for(int x=currentRegion.getStart(); x<=currentRegion.getEnd(); x+=sconfig.MAXSECTION){ int y = (int) (x+sconfig.MAXSECTION); if(y>currentRegion.getEnd()){y=currentRegion.getEnd();} Region currSubRegion = new Region(gen, currentRegion.getChrom(), x, y); hitsPos = new HashMap<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>>(); hitsNeg = new HashMap<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>>(); //Initialize & sort the read lists per Sample for(Sample samp : manager.getSamples()){ synchronized(manager){//hitCache requires thread safety List<StrandedBaseCount> sampHitsP = samp.getStrandedBases(currSubRegion, '+'); List<StrandedBaseCount> sampHitsN = samp.getStrandedBases(currSubRegion, '-'); Collections.sort(sampHitsP); Collections.sort(sampHitsN); //This might be pointless - the hits should be sorted in the cache already hitsPos.put(samp, sampHitsP); hitsNeg.put(samp, sampHitsN); } } //makeHitLandscape & make GaussianLandscape populate the landscape data structure //execute can therefore assume that these structures are updated, unless run() is overloaded if(sconfig.getBinWidth()==1 && sconfig.getTagGaussSigma()>0) makeGaussianLandscape(hitsPos, hitsNeg, currSubRegion, sconfig.getTagGaussSigma(), sconfig.getTagGaussWidth()); else makeHitLandscape(hitsPos, hitsNeg, currSubRegion, sconfig.getBinWidth(), sconfig.getBinStep()); //Implementation-specific execution Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> currFeatures = findFeatures(currSubRegion); //Add to thread's features for(ExperimentCondition cond : manager.getConditions()) threadFeatures.get(cond).addAll(currFeatures.get(cond)); //TODO: Progress print (replace with some kind of percentage update) System.err.print("."); } } //Filter excluded regions (if necessary) threadFeatures = filterExcluded(threadFeatures); //Add all threadFeatures to the overall results synchronized(features){ for(ExperimentCondition cond : manager.getConditions()) features.get(cond).addAll(threadFeatures.get(cond)); } } /** * The core functionality in any event finder should be implemented in this method. * Assumes hits, landscape has been initialized * @param r : Region to analyze * @return : Lists of Features in each ExperimentCondition in the current region */ public abstract Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> findFeatures(Region r); /** * Makes integer arrays corresponding to the read landscape over the current region. * Tags are semi-extended by half the binWidth to account for the step, * and may also be shifted or extended here, depending on the event detection strategy * No needlefiltering here as that is taken care of during tag loading (i.e. in Sample) * * @param hits : Lists of StrandedBaseCounts, indexed by Sample (sorted within each sample) * @param currReg * @param binWidth * @param binStep */ protected void makeHitLandscape(Map<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>> hitsPos, Map<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>> hitsNeg, Region currReg, int binWidth, int binStep){ int numBins = (int)(currReg.getWidth()/binStep); landscape = new float[hitsPos.size()][numBins+1][2]; int halfWidth = binWidth/2; for(Sample samp : manager.getSamples()){ for(int i=0; i<=numBins; i++) for(int s=0; s<=1; s++) landscape[samp.getIndex()][i][s]=0; for(int strand=0; strand<=1; strand++){ List<StrandedBaseCount> currHits = strand==0 ? hitsPos.get(samp) : hitsNeg.get(samp); for(StrandedBaseCount h : currHits){ //landscape array int left = getLeft(h); int right = getRight(h); if(left <= currReg.getEnd() && right>=currReg.getStart()){ int offsetL=inBounds(left-currReg.getStart(),0,currReg.getWidth()); int offsetR=inBounds(right-currReg.getStart(),0,currReg.getWidth()); int binstart = inBounds(((offsetL-halfWidth)/binStep), 0, numBins); int binend = inBounds(((offsetR/binStep)), 0, numBins); for(int b=binstart; b<=binend; b++) landscape[samp.getIndex()][b][strand]+=h.getCount(); } } } } } /** * Makes integer arrays corresponding to the Gaussian-smoothed read landscape over the current region. * This only operates at single-bp resolution. * Tags are gaussian smoothed over the landscape, and may also be shifted, depending on the event detection strategy * No needlefiltering here as that is taken care of during tag loading (i.e. in Sample) * * @param hits : Lists of StrandedBaseCounts, indexed by Sample * @param currReg * @param gaussSigma: Gaussian sigma (std dev) * @param gaussWidth: width over which to 'extend' each tag */ protected void makeGaussianLandscape(Map<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>> hitsPos, Map<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>> hitsNeg, Region currReg, float gaussSigma, int gaussWidth){ int length = (int)currReg.getWidth(); landscape = new float[hitsPos.size()][length+1][2]; float [][][] fivePrimes = new float[hitsPos.size()][length+1][2]; float[] kernel = initGaussianKernel(gaussSigma, gaussWidth); for(Sample samp : manager.getSamples()){ for(int i=0; i<=length; i++) for(int s=0; s<=1; s++){ landscape[samp.getIndex()][i][s]=0; fivePrimes[samp.getIndex()][i][s]=0; } for(int strand=0; strand<=1; strand++){ List<StrandedBaseCount> currHits = strand==0 ? hitsPos.get(samp) : hitsNeg.get(samp); for(StrandedBaseCount h : currHits){ //(shifted) fivePrimes array int offset5=inBounds(getShifted5Prime(h)-currReg.getStart(),0,currReg.getWidth()); int binoff5 = inBounds((int)(offset5), 0, length); fivePrimes[samp.getIndex()][binoff5][strand]+=h.getCount(); } //landscape array is fivePrime * gaussian float total=0; for(int s=0; s<=1; s++){ for (int i=0;i<length;i++){ float v=kernel[0]*fivePrimes[samp.getIndex()][i][s] + Float.MIN_VALUE; // init with very small number float weight=kernel[0]; for (int j = 1; j < kernel.length && i+j < length; j++) { v+=fivePrimes[samp.getIndex()][i+j][s]*kernel[j]; weight += kernel[j]; } for (int j = 1; j < kernel.length && i-j >= 0; j++) { v+=fivePrimes[samp.getIndex()][i-j][s]*kernel[j]; weight += kernel[j]; } v = v / weight; landscape[samp.getIndex()][i][s] = v; total+=v; } for (int i=0;i<length;i++) landscape[samp.getIndex()][i][s]=landscape[samp.getIndex()][i][s]/total; } } } } protected final int inBounds(int x, int min, int max){ if(x<min){return min;} if(x>max){return max;} return x; } protected final int getShifted5Prime(StrandedBaseCount h){ return(h.getStrand()=='+' ? h.getCoordinate()+shift : h.getCoordinate()-shift); } protected final int getLeft(StrandedBaseCount h){ return(h.getStrand()=='+' ? h.getCoordinate()+shift-hit5Extend : h.getCoordinate()-shift-hit3Extend); } protected final int getRight(StrandedBaseCount h){ return(h.getStrand()=='+' ? h.getCoordinate()+shift+hit3Extend : h.getCoordinate()-shift+hit5Extend); } /** * Initializes half of a Gaussian * @param gaussSigma * @param gaussWidth * @return */ protected float[] initGaussianKernel(float gaussSigma, int gaussWidth){ float[] y = new float[(gaussWidth/2)+1]; //gaussWidth*gaussWidth = variance NormalDistribution gaussian = new NormalDistribution(0, gaussWidth*gaussWidth); float total=0; for(int i=0; i<y.length; i++){ y[i] = (float)gaussian.calcProbability((double)i); total += y[i]; } //Normalize for(int i=0; i<y.length; i++) y[i] /= total; return y; } /** * Parses the landscape arrays to get a per-condition count array * * @param cond : ExperimentCondition of interest * @param data : data structure to parse. Should be landscape. Assumes indexed by Sample, base, strand * @param strand : +/-/. * @param signal : true to count condition's signal samples, false to count condition's control samples. * @return */ protected float[] getConditionCounts(ExperimentCondition cond, float[][][] data, char strand, boolean signal){ int clength = data[0].length; float[] counts = new float[clength]; for(int c=0; c<clength; c++){ float currCount=0; List<Sample> currSamples = signal ? cond.getSignalSamples() : cond.getControlSamples(); for(Sample samp : currSamples){ if(strand=='.' || strand=='+') currCount+=data[samp.getIndex()][c][0]; if(strand=='.' || strand=='-') currCount+=data[samp.getIndex()][c][1]; } counts[c]=currCount; } return counts; } /** * Uses a rough, inexact binary search to find StrandedBaseCounts that overlap a given feature in each Sample * @param sameStrHits : Lists of StrandedBaseCounts, all from same strand, indexed by Sample - assumes sorted * @param f : Feature * @return : Lists of StrandedBaseCounts that overlap the feature coordinates */ protected Map<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>> overlappingHits(Map<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>> sameStrHits, Feature f){ Map<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>> subHits = new HashMap<Sample, List<StrandedBaseCount>>(); for(Sample samp : manager.getSamples()){ List<StrandedBaseCount> sub = new ArrayList<StrandedBaseCount>(); int l = 0; int r = sameStrHits.get(samp).size(); int featureStart = f.getCoords().getStart(); int featureEnd= f.getCoords().getEnd(); char str = f.getCoords().getStrand(); while (r - l > 10) { int c = (l + r) / 2; if (featureStart > getRight(sameStrHits.get(samp).get(c))) { l = c; } else { r = c; } } while (l > 0 && (getRight(sameStrHits.get(samp).get(l)) >= featureStart)) { l--; } while (l < sameStrHits.get(samp).size() && getLeft(sameStrHits.get(samp).get(l)) <= featureEnd){ StrandedBaseCount hit = sameStrHits.get(samp).get(l); int hitL = getLeft(hit); int hitR = getRight(hit); if(f.getCoords().overlaps(hitL, hitR) && (str=='.' || str==hit.getStrand())){ sub.add(hit); } l++; } subHits.put(samp, sub); } return(subHits); } /** * Set up the background models * * By default, the background collections contain only a global Poisson model. * If the use of local backgrounds is requested, the following occurs for each CONDITION backgorund model: * If there is a control and the control is scaled, a local threshold based on expectation from CONTROL is added to the signal * If there is no control or the control is not scaled, a local threshold based on expectation from SIGNAL is added to the signal * This makes the behavior of local background thresholds similar to that used by MACS. */ protected void initializeBackgrounds(){ sampleBackgrounds = new HashMap<Sample, BackgroundCollection>(); conditionBackgrounds = new HashMap<ExperimentCondition, BackgroundCollection>(); //Set up data structures for(Sample s : manager.getSamples()) sampleBackgrounds.put(s, new BackgroundCollection()); for(ExperimentCondition c : manager.getConditions()) conditionBackgrounds.put(c, new BackgroundCollection()); //Non-stranded if(!strandedEventDetection){ //Sample-level genomic backgrounds for(Sample s : manager.getSamples()) sampleBackgrounds.get(s).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(-1, sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), s.getHitCount(), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '.', 1, true)); //Condition-level genomic backgrounds for(ExperimentCondition c : manager.getConditions()) conditionBackgrounds.get(c).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(-1, sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), c.getTotalSignalCount(), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '.', 1, true)); //Condition-level locals backgrounds for(Integer i : sconfig.getLocalBackWins()){ for(ExperimentCondition c : manager.getConditions()){ if(c.getControlSamples().size()>0){ conditionBackgrounds.get(c).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(i.intValue(), sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), c.getTotalControlCount(), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '.', c.getPooledSampleControlScaling(), false)); }else{ //local signal high -- this may bias against locally enriched signal regions, and so should only be used if there is no control or if the control is not yet scaled if(i.intValue()>=5000) // we don't want the window too small in this case conditionBackgrounds.get(c).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(i.intValue(), sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), c.getTotalSignalCount(), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '.', c.getPooledSampleControlScaling(), true)); } } } }else{ //Stranded //Sample-level genomic backgrounds for(Sample s : manager.getSamples()){ sampleBackgrounds.get(s).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(-1, sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), s.getStrandedHitCount('+'), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '+', 1, true)); sampleBackgrounds.get(s).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(-1, sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), s.getStrandedHitCount('-'), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '-', 1, true)); } //Condition-level genomic backgrounds for(ExperimentCondition c : manager.getConditions()){ conditionBackgrounds.get(c).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(-1, sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), c.getStrandedTotalSignalCount('+'), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '+', 1, true)); conditionBackgrounds.get(c).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(-1, sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), c.getStrandedTotalSignalCount('-'), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '-', 1, true)); } //Condition-level locals backgrounds for(Integer i : sconfig.getLocalBackWins()){ for(ExperimentCondition c : manager.getConditions()){ if(c.getControlSamples().size()>0){ conditionBackgrounds.get(c).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(i.intValue(), sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), c.getStrandedTotalControlCount('+'), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '+', c.getPooledSampleControlScaling(), false)); conditionBackgrounds.get(c).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(i.intValue(), sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), c.getStrandedTotalControlCount('-'), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '-', c.getPooledSampleControlScaling(), false)); }else{ //local signal high -- this may bias against locally enriched signal regions, and so should only be used if there is no control or if the control is not yet scaled if(i.intValue()>=5000){ // we don't want the window too small in this case conditionBackgrounds.get(c).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(i.intValue(), sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), c.getStrandedTotalSignalCount('+'), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '+', c.getPooledSampleControlScaling(), true)); conditionBackgrounds.get(c).addBackgroundModel(new PoissonBackgroundModel(i.intValue(), sconfig.getPerBinPoissonLogPThres(), c.getStrandedTotalSignalCount('-'), gen.getGenomeLength(), econfig.getMappableGenomeProp(), (double)sconfig.getBinWidth(), '-', c.getPooledSampleControlScaling(), true)); } } } } } } /** * Filter out pre-defined regions to ignore (e.g. tower / blacklist regions) * @param testRegions * @return */ protected Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> filterExcluded(Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> testFeatures) { if(sconfig.getRegionsToIgnore().size()==0) return testFeatures; for (ExperimentCondition ec : manager.getConditions()){ for(Region blackList : sconfig.getRegionsToIgnore()){ Iterator<Feature> it = testFeatures.get(ec).iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Feature ef =; if(ef.getCoords().overlaps(blackList)){ it.remove(); } } } } return testFeatures; } } }