package org.seqcode.math.stats; /********************************************************** * * Class CubicSpline * * Class for performing an interpolation using a cubic spline * setTabulatedArrays and interpolate adapted, with modification to * an object-oriented approach, from Numerical Recipes in C ( * * * WRITTEN BY: Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan * * DATE: May 2002 * UPDATE: 29 April 2005, 17 February 2006, 21 September 2006, 4 December 2007 * 24 March 2008 (Thanks to Peter Neuhaus, Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition) * 21 September 2008 * 14 January 2009 - point deletion and check for 3 points reordered (Thanks to Jan Sacha, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) * * DOCUMENTATION: * See Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java library on-line web page: * * * * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2008 Michael Thomas Flanagan * * PERMISSION TO COPY: * * Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is granted, without fee, * provided that an acknowledgement to the author, Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan at, appears in all copies * and associated documentation or publications. * * Redistributions of the source code of this source code, or parts of the source codes, must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer and requires written permission from the Michael Thomas Flanagan: * * Redistribution in binary form of all or parts of this class must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and * the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution and requires written permission * from the Michael Thomas Flanagan: * * Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose. * Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software * or its derivatives. * ***************************************************************************************/ public class CubicSpline{ private int nPoints = 0; // no. of tabulated points private int nPointsOriginal = 0; // no. of tabulated points after any deletions of identical points private double[] y = null; // y=f(x) tabulated function private double[] x = null; // x in tabulated function f(x) private int[]newAndOldIndices; // record of indices on ordering x into ascending order private double xMin = Double.NaN; // minimum x value private double xMax = Double.NaN; // maximum x value private double range = Double.NaN; // xMax - xMin private double[] d2ydx2 = null; // second derivatives of y private double yp1 = Double.NaN; // first derivative at point one // default value = NaN (natural spline) private double ypn = Double.NaN; // first derivative at point n // default value = NaN (natural spline) private boolean derivCalculated = false; // = true when the derivatives have been calculated private String subMatrixIndices = " "; // String of indices of the submatrices that have called CubicSpline from higher order interpolation private boolean checkPoints = false; // = true when points checked for identical values private boolean averageIdenticalAbscissae = false; // if true: the the ordinate values for identical abscissae are averaged // if false: the abscissae values are separated by 0.001 of the total abscissae range; private static double potentialRoundingError = 5e-15; // potential rounding error used in checking wheter a value lies within the interpolation bounds private static boolean roundingCheck = true; // = true: points outside the interpolation bounds by less than the potential rounding error rounded to the bounds limit // Constructors // Constructor with data arrays initialised to arrays x and y public CubicSpline(double[] x, double[] y){ this.nPoints=x.length; this.nPointsOriginal = this.nPoints; if(this.nPoints!=y.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arrays x and y are of different length "+ this.nPoints + " " + y.length); if(this.nPoints<3)throw new IllegalArgumentException("A minimum of three data points is needed"); this.x = new double[nPoints]; this.y = new double[nPoints]; this.d2ydx2 = new double[nPoints]; for(int i=0; i<this.nPoints; i++){ this.x[i]=x[i]; this.y[i]=y[i]; } orderPoints(); } // Constructor with data arrays initialised to zero // Primarily for use by BiCubicSpline public CubicSpline(int nPoints){ this.nPoints=nPoints; this.nPointsOriginal = this.nPoints; if(this.nPoints<3)throw new IllegalArgumentException("A minimum of three data points is needed"); this.x = new double[nPoints]; this.y = new double[nPoints]; this.d2ydx2 = new double[nPoints]; } // METHODS // Reset rounding error check option // Default option: points outside the interpolation bounds by less than the potential rounding error rounded to the bounds limit // This method causes this check to be ignored and an exception to be thrown if any poit lies outside the interpolation bounds public static void noRoundingErrorCheck(){ CubicSpline.roundingCheck = false; } // Reset potential rounding error value // Default option: points outside the interpolation bounds by less than the potential rounding error rounded to the bounds limit // The default value for the potential rounding error is 5e-15*times the 10^exponent of the value outside the bounds // This method allows the 5e-15 to be reset public static void potentialRoundingError(double potentialRoundingError){ CubicSpline.potentialRoundingError = potentialRoundingError; } // Resets the x y data arrays - primarily for use in BiCubicSpline public void resetData(double[] x, double[] y){ this.nPoints = this.nPointsOriginal; if(x.length!=y.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arrays x and y are of different length"); if(this.nPoints!=x.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Original array length not matched by new array length"); for(int i=0; i<this.nPoints; i++){ this.x[i]=x[i]; this.y[i]=y[i]; } orderPoints(); } // Set sub-matrix indices - for use with higher order interpolations calling CubicSpline public void setSubMatrix(String subMatrixIndices){ this.subMatrixIndices = subMatrixIndices; } // Reset the default handing of identical abscissae with different ordinates // from the default option of separating the two relevant abscissae by 0.001 of the range // to avraging the relevant ordinates public void averageIdenticalAbscissae(){ this.averageIdenticalAbscissae = true; } // Sort points into an ascending abscissa order public void orderPoints(){ double[] dummy = new double[nPoints]; this.newAndOldIndices = new int[nPoints]; // Sort x into ascending order storing indices changes Fmath.selectionSort(this.x, dummy, this.newAndOldIndices); // Sort x into ascending order and make y match the new order storing both new x and new y Fmath.selectionSort(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y); // Minimum and maximum values and range this.xMin = Fmath.minimum(this.x); this.xMax = Fmath.maximum(this.x); range = xMax - xMin; } // get the maximum value public double getXmax(){ return this.xMax; } // get the minimum value public double getXmin(){ return this.xMin; } // get the limits of x public double[] getLimits(){ double[] limits = {this.xMin, this.xMax}; return limits; } // print to screen the limis of x public void displayLimits(){ System.out.println("\nThe limits of the abscissae (x-values) are " + this.xMin + " and " + this.xMax +"\n"); } // Checks for and removes all but one of identical points // Checks and appropriately handles identical abscissae with differing ordinates public void checkForIdenticalPoints(){ int nP = this.nPoints; boolean test1 = true; int ii = 0; while(test1){ boolean test2 = true; int jj = ii+1; while(test2){ if(this.x[ii]==this.x[jj]){ if(this.y[ii]==this.y[jj]){ System.out.print(subMatrixIndices + "CubicSpline: Two identical points, " + this.x[ii] + ", " + this.y[ii]); System.out.println(", in data array at indices " + this.newAndOldIndices[ii] + " and " + this.newAndOldIndices[jj] + ", latter point removed"); for(int i=jj; i<nP-1; i++){ this.x[i] = this.x[i+1]; this.y[i] = this.y[i+1]; this.newAndOldIndices[i-1] = this.newAndOldIndices[i]; } nP--; for(int i=nP; i<this.nPoints; i++){ this.x[i] = Double.NaN; this.y[i] = Double.NaN; this.newAndOldIndices[i-1] = -1000; } } else{ if(this.averageIdenticalAbscissae==true){ System.out.print(subMatrixIndices + "CubicSpline: Two identical points on the absicca (x-axis) with different ordinate (y-axis) values, " + x[ii] + ": " + y[ii] + ", " + y[jj]); System.out.println(", average of the ordinates taken"); this.y[ii] = (this.y[ii] + this.y[jj])/2.0D; for(int i=jj; i<nP-1; i++){ this.x[i] = this.x[i+1]; this.y[i] = this.y[i+1]; this.newAndOldIndices[i-1] = this.newAndOldIndices[i]; } nP--; for(int i=nP; i<this.nPoints; i++){ this.x[i] = Double.NaN; this.y[i] = Double.NaN; this.newAndOldIndices[i-1] = -1000; } } else{ double sepn = range*0.0005D; System.out.print(subMatrixIndices + "CubicSpline: Two identical points on the absicca (x-axis) with different ordinate (y-axis) values, " + x[ii] + ": " + y[ii] + ", " + y[jj]); boolean check = false; if(ii==0){ if(x[2]-x[1]<=sepn)sepn = (x[2]-x[1])/2.0D; if(this.y[0]>this.y[1]){ if(this.y[1]>this.y[2]){ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } else{ check = swap(ii, jj, sepn); } } else{ if(this.y[2]<=this.y[1]){ check = swap(ii, jj, sepn); } else{ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } } } if(jj==nP-1){ if(x[nP-2]-x[nP-3]<=sepn)sepn = (x[nP-2]-x[nP-3])/2.0D; if(this.y[ii]<=this.y[jj]){ if(this.y[ii-1]<=this.y[ii]){ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } else{ check = swap(ii, jj, sepn); } } else{ if(this.y[ii-1]<=this.y[ii]){ check = swap(ii, jj, sepn); } else{ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } } } if(ii!=0 && jj!=nP-1){ if(x[ii]-x[ii-1]<=sepn)sepn = (x[ii]-x[ii-1])/2; if(x[jj+1]-x[jj]<=sepn)sepn = (x[jj+1]-x[jj])/2; if(this.y[ii]>this.y[ii-1]){ if(this.y[jj]>this.y[ii]){ if(this.y[jj]>this.y[jj+1]){ if(this.y[ii-1]<=this.y[jj+1]){ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } else{ check = swap(ii, jj, sepn); } } else{ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } } else{ if(this.y[jj+1]>this.y[jj]){ if(this.y[jj+1]>this.y[ii-1] && this.y[jj+1]>this.y[ii-1]){ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } } else{ check = swap(ii, jj, sepn); } } } else{ if(this.y[jj]>this.y[ii]){ if(this.y[jj+1]>this.y[jj]){ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } } else{ if(this.y[jj+1]>this.y[ii-1]){ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } else{ check = swap(ii, jj, sepn); } } } } if(check==false){ check = stay(ii, jj, sepn); } System.out.println(", the two abscissae have been separated by a distance " + sepn); jj++; } } if((nP-1)==ii)test2 = false; } else{ jj++; } if(jj>=nP)test2 = false; } ii++; if(ii>=nP-1)test1 = false; } this.nPoints = nP; if(this.nPoints<3)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Removal of duplicate points has reduced the number of points to less than the required minimum of three data points"); this.checkPoints = true; } // Swap method for checkForIdenticalPoints procedure private boolean swap(int ii, int jj, double sepn){ this.x[ii] += sepn; this.x[jj] -= sepn; double hold = this.x[ii]; this.x[ii] = this.x[jj]; this.x[jj] = hold; hold = this.y[ii]; this.y[ii] = this.y[jj]; this.y[jj] = hold; return true; } // Stay method for checkForIdenticalPoints procedure private boolean stay(int ii, int jj, double sepn){ this.x[ii] -= sepn; this.x[jj] += sepn; return true; } // Returns a new CubicSpline setting array lengths to n and all array values to zero with natural spline default // Primarily for use in BiCubicSpline public static CubicSpline zero(int n){ if(n<3)throw new IllegalArgumentException("A minimum of three data points is needed"); CubicSpline aa = new CubicSpline(n); return aa; } // Create a one dimensional array of cubic spline objects of length n each of array length m // Primarily for use in BiCubicSpline public static CubicSpline[] oneDarray(int n, int m){ if(m<3)throw new IllegalArgumentException("A minimum of three data points is needed"); CubicSpline[] a =new CubicSpline[n]; for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ a[i]; } return a; } // Enters the first derivatives of the cubic spline at // the first and last point of the tabulated data // Overrides a natural spline public void setDerivLimits(double yp1, double ypn){ this.yp1=yp1; this.ypn=ypn; } // Resets a natural spline // Use above - this kept for backward compatibility public void setDerivLimits(){ this.yp1=Double.NaN; this.ypn=Double.NaN; } // Enters the first derivatives of the cubic spline at // the first and last point of the tabulated data // Overrides a natural spline // Use setDerivLimits(double yp1, double ypn) - this kept for backward compatibility public void setDeriv(double yp1, double ypn){ this.yp1=yp1; this.ypn=ypn; this.derivCalculated = false; } // Returns the internal array of second derivatives public double[] getDeriv(){ if(!this.derivCalculated)this.calcDeriv(); return this.d2ydx2; } // Sets the internal array of second derivatives // Used primarily with BiCubicSpline public void setDeriv(double[] deriv){ this.d2ydx2 = deriv; this.derivCalculated = true; } // Calculates the second derivatives of the tabulated function // for use by the cubic spline interpolation method (.interpolate) // This method follows the procedure in Numerical Methods C language procedure for calculating second derivatives public void calcDeriv(){ double p=0.0D,qn=0.0D,sig=0.0D,un=0.0D; double[] u = new double[nPoints]; if (Double.isNaN(this.yp1)){ d2ydx2[0]=u[0]=0.0; } else{ this.d2ydx2[0] = -0.5; u[0]=(3.0/(this.x[1]-this.x[0]))*((this.y[1]-this.y[0])/(this.x[1]-this.x[0])-this.yp1); } for(int i=1;i<=this.nPoints-2;i++){ sig=(this.x[i]-this.x[i-1])/(this.x[i+1]-this.x[i-1]); p=sig*this.d2ydx2[i-1]+2.0; this.d2ydx2[i]=(sig-1.0)/p; u[i]=(this.y[i+1]-this.y[i])/(this.x[i+1]-this.x[i]) - (this.y[i]-this.y[i-1])/(this.x[i]-this.x[i-1]); u[i]=(6.0*u[i]/(this.x[i+1]-this.x[i-1])-sig*u[i-1])/p; } if (Double.isNaN(this.ypn)){ qn=un=0.0; } else{ qn=0.5; un=(3.0/(this.x[nPoints-1]-this.x[this.nPoints-2]))*(this.ypn-(this.y[this.nPoints-1]-this.y[this.nPoints-2])/(this.x[this.nPoints-1]-x[this.nPoints-2])); } this.d2ydx2[this.nPoints-1]=(un-qn*u[this.nPoints-2])/(qn*this.d2ydx2[this.nPoints-2]+1.0); for(int k=this.nPoints-2;k>=0;k--){ this.d2ydx2[k]=this.d2ydx2[k]*this.d2ydx2[k+1]+u[k]; } this.derivCalculated = true; } // INTERPOLATE // Returns an interpolated value of y for a value of x from a tabulated function y=f(x) // after the data has been entered via a constructor. // The derivatives are calculated, bt calcDeriv(), on the first call to this method ands are // then stored for use on all subsequent calls public double interpolate(double xx){ if(!this.checkPoints)this.checkForIdenticalPoints(); // Check for violation of interpolation bounds if (xx<this.x[0]){ // if violation is less than potntial rounding error - amend to lie with bounds if(CubicSpline.roundingCheck && Math.abs(x[0]-xx)<=Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(this.x[0]))))*CubicSpline.potentialRoundingError){ xx = x[0]; } else{ throw new IllegalArgumentException("x ("+xx+") is outside the range of data points ("+x[0]+" to "+x[this.nPoints-1] + ")"); } } if (xx>this.x[this.nPoints-1]){ if(CubicSpline.roundingCheck && Math.abs(xx-this.x[this.nPoints-1])<=Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(this.x[this.nPoints-1]))))*CubicSpline.potentialRoundingError){ xx = this.x[this.nPoints-1]; } else{ throw new IllegalArgumentException("x ("+xx+") is outside the range of data points ("+x[0]+" to "+x[this.nPoints-1] + ")"); } } if(!this.derivCalculated)this.calcDeriv(); double h=0.0D,b=0.0D,a=0.0D, yy=0.0D; int k=0; int klo=0; int khi=this.nPoints-1; while (khi-klo > 1){ k=(khi+klo) >> 1; if(this.x[k] > xx){ khi=k; } else{ klo=k; } } h=this.x[khi]-this.x[klo]; if (h == 0.0){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Two values of x are identical: point "+klo+ " ("+this.x[klo]+") and point "+khi+ " ("+this.x[khi]+")" ); } else{ a=(this.x[khi]-xx)/h; b=(xx-this.x[klo])/h; yy=a*this.y[klo]+b*this.y[khi]+((a*a*a-a)*this.d2ydx2[klo]+(b*b*b-b)*this.d2ydx2[khi])*(h*h)/6.0; } return yy; } // Returns an interpolated value of y for a value of x (xx) from a tabulated function y=f(x) // after the derivatives (deriv) have been calculated independently of calcDeriv(). public static double interpolate(double xx, double[] x, double[] y, double[] deriv){ if(((x.length != y.length) || (x.length != deriv.length)) || (y.length != deriv.length)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("array lengths are not all equal"); } int n = x.length; double h=0.0D, b=0.0D, a=0.0D, yy = 0.0D; int k=0; int klo=0; int khi=n-1; while(khi-klo > 1){ k=(khi+klo) >> 1; if(x[k] > xx){ khi=k; } else{ klo=k; } } h=x[khi]-x[klo]; if (h == 0.0){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Two values of x are identical"); } else{ a=(x[khi]-xx)/h; b=(xx-x[klo])/h; yy=a*y[klo]+b*y[khi]+((a*a*a-a)*deriv[klo]+(b*b*b-b)*deriv[khi])*(h*h)/6.0; } return yy; } }