package org.seqcode.deepseq.experiments; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberTickUnit; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; import org.seqcode.genome.GenomeConfig; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Region; import org.seqcode.gseutils.models.Model; import; import; import org.seqcode.projects.seed.DomainFinder; import org.seqcode.projects.seed.SEEDConfig; import org.seqcode.projects.seed.features.Feature; import org.seqcode.viz.scatter.ScatterPlot; import Jama.Matrix; /** * ExperimentScaler: calculate a scaling transformation between all Sample pairs in an ExperimentCondition * This is performed on the condition level so that a scaling can also be defined between pooled hits from all signals & controls * * @author Shaun Mahony * @version %I%, %G% */ public class ExperimentScaler { public ExperimentScaler(){} /** * Calculate a scaling ratio by fitting a line through the hit count pairs. * Using a 10Kbp window, this is the same as PeakSeq with Pf=0 * @return double */ public double scalingRatioByRegression(List<Float> setA, List<Float> setB){ double scalingRatio=1; if(setA.size()!=setB.size()){ System.err.println("ExperimentScaler is trying to scale lists of two different lengths"); System.exit(1); } List<PairedCounts> scalingData = new ArrayList<PairedCounts>(); for(int x=0; x<setA.size(); x++) scalingData.add(new PairedCounts(setA.get(x), setB.get(x))); //Scaling ratio via Tim's regression DataFrame df = new DataFrame(PairedCounts.class, scalingData.iterator()); DataRegression r = new DataRegression(df, "x~y - 1"); r.calculate(); Map<String, Double> map = r.collectCoefficients(); scalingRatio = map.get("y"); return(scalingRatio); } /** * Find the median hit count ratio in bins that have non-zero counts * @return */ public double scalingRatioByMedian(List<Float> setA, List<Float> setB){ double scalingRatio=1; if(setA.size()!=setB.size()){ System.err.println("ExperimentScaler is trying to scale lists of two different lengths"); System.exit(1); } ArrayList<Float> ratios = new ArrayList<Float>(); for(int x=0; x<setA.size(); x++){ if(setA.get(x)>0 && setB.get(x)>0) ratios.add((float)(setA.get(x) / setB.get(x))); } Collections.sort(ratios); scalingRatio = ratios.get(ratios.size() / 2); return(scalingRatio); } /** * Find the scaling ratio according to the SES method from Diaz, et al. Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol. 2012. * Also sets a background proportion estimate for the signal channel. * @return */ public double scalingRatioBySES(List<Float> setA, List<Float> setB){ double scalingRatio=1; if(setA.size()!=setB.size()){ System.err.println("ExperimentScaler is trying to scale lists of two different lengths"); System.exit(1); } float totalA=0, totalB=0; List<PairedCounts> counts = new ArrayList<PairedCounts>(); for(int x=0; x<setA.size(); x++){ totalA += setA.get(x); totalB += setB.get(x); counts.add(new PairedCounts(setA.get(x), setB.get(x))); } Collections.sort(counts); //SES procedure double cumulA=0, cumulB=0, maxDiffAB=0, maxDiffAprop=0, currDiff=0; int maxDiffIndex=0, i=0; for(PairedCounts pc : counts){ cumulA+=pc.x; cumulB+=pc.y; currDiff = (cumulB/totalB)-(cumulA/totalA); if(currDiff>maxDiffAB && cumulA>0 && cumulB>0){ maxDiffAB=currDiff; maxDiffIndex=i; maxDiffAprop=(cumulA/totalA); scalingRatio = cumulA/cumulB; } i++; } return(scalingRatio); } /** * Find the scaling ratio according to the NCIS method from Liang & Keles (BMC Bioinf 2012). * Also sets a background proportion estimate for the signal channel. * Should be run using *all* genomic windows in the Lists. * Uses ratios that are based on at least 75% of genomic regions by default. * @param setA : signal list * @param setB : control list * @param outputFile : optional file that will contain the data * @return */ public double scalingRatioByNCIS(List<Float> setA, List<Float> setB, String outputFile){ double scalingRatio=1; double totalAtScaling=0; if(setA.size()!=setB.size()){ System.err.println("ExperimentScaler is trying to scale lists of two different lengths"); System.exit(1); } float numPairs = (float)setA.size(); List<PairedCounts> counts = new ArrayList<PairedCounts>(); for(int x=0; x<setA.size(); x++) counts.add(new PairedCounts(setA.get(x), setB.get(x))); //NCIS uses increasing total tag counts versus enrichment ratio Collections.sort(counts, new Comparator<PairedCounts>(){ public int compare(PairedCounts o1, PairedCounts o2) {return o1.compareByTotal(o2);} }); //NCIS procedure double cumulA=0, cumulB=0, currRatio=0, lastRatio=-1; float i=0; for(PairedCounts pc : counts){ cumulA+=pc.x; cumulB+=pc.y; totalAtScaling = pc.x+pc.y; i++; if(i/numPairs > 0.75 && cumulA>0 && cumulB>0){ //NCIS estimates begin using the lower 3 quartiles of the genome (based on total tags) currRatio = (cumulA/cumulB); if(lastRatio==-1 || currRatio<lastRatio){ lastRatio = currRatio; }else{ break; } } } scalingRatio = currRatio; /*Scaling plot generation*/ if(outputFile!=null){ //Cumulative ratio vs bin total List<Double> bintotals=new ArrayList<Double>(); List<Double> ratios=new ArrayList<Double>(); cumulA=0; cumulB=0; for(PairedCounts pc : counts){ cumulA+=pc.x; cumulB+=pc.y; if(cumulA>0 && cumulB>0){ Double ratio = (cumulA / cumulB); bintotals.add(pc.x+pc.y); ratios.add(ratio); } } Matrix dataToPlot = new Matrix(bintotals.size(),2); int count=0; for(int d=0; d<bintotals.size(); d++){ dataToPlot.set(count, 0, bintotals.get(d)); dataToPlot.set(count, 1, ratios.get(d)); count++; } //Marginal ratios vs bin totals List<Double> bintot=new ArrayList<Double>(); List<Double> mratios=new ArrayList<Double>(); for(int x=0; x<counts.size(); x++){ PairedCounts pc = counts.get(x); if(pc.x>0 && pc.y>0){ double currA=pc.x, currB=pc.y; double currTot=pc.x+pc.y; while(x<counts.size()-1 && (counts.get(x+1).x + counts.get(x+1).y)==currTot){ x++; pc = counts.get(x); currA+=pc.x; currB+=pc.y; } bintot.add(currTot); mratios.add(currA/currB); } } Matrix dataToPlot2 = new Matrix(bintot.size(),2); count=0; for(int d=0; d<bintot.size(); d++){ dataToPlot2.set(count, 0, bintot.get(d)); dataToPlot2.set(count, 1, mratios.get(d)); count++; } //Generate images ScalingPlotter plotter = new ScalingPlotter(outputFile+" NCIS plot"); plotter.saveXYplot(dataToPlot, totalAtScaling, scalingRatio, "Binned Total Tag Count", "Cumulative Count Scaling Ratio", outputFile+".NCIS_scaling-ccr.png", true); ScalingPlotter plotter2 = new ScalingPlotter(outputFile+" NCIS plot"); plotter2.saveXYplot(dataToPlot2, totalAtScaling, scalingRatio, "Binned Total Tag Count", "Marginal Signal/Control Ratio", outputFile+".NCIS_scaling-marginal.png", true); } return(scalingRatio); } /** * Calculate the background proportion of an IP experiment by correcting the scaling ratio by the read count ratio. * Be careful with this method, there are a couple of assumptions: * - The scaling ratio was calculated between IP and control experiments * - The method used to calculate the scaling ratio attempted to normalize to background and not all regions (e.g. SES method attempts background normalization) * @return */ public Double calculateBackgroundFromScalingRatio(ControlledExperiment expt){ if(expt.getControlScaling()==-1) return(-1.0); //scaling not yet performed double ctrlCount = expt.getControl()==null ? expt.getSignal().getHitCount() : expt.getControl().getHitCount(); return(expt.getControlScaling() / (expt.getSignal().getHitCount()/ctrlCount)); } /** * Main for testing * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args){ GenomeConfig gconfig = new GenomeConfig(args); ExptConfig econfig = new ExptConfig(gconfig.getGenome(), args); SEEDConfig sconfig = new SEEDConfig(gconfig, args); if(gconfig.helpWanted()){ System.err.println("ExperimentScaler:"); System.err.println(gconfig.getArgsList()+"\n"+econfig.getArgsList()); }else{ ExperimentManager exptMan = new ExperimentManager(econfig); //Test System.err.println("Conditions:\t"+exptMan.getConditions().size()); for(ExperimentCondition c : exptMan.getConditions()){ System.err.println("Condition "+c.getName()+":\t#Replicates:\t"+c.getReplicates().size()); } for(ExperimentCondition c : exptMan.getConditions()){ for(ControlledExperiment r : c.getReplicates()){ System.err.println("Condition "+c.getName()+":\tRep "+r.getName()); if(r.getControl()==null) System.err.println("\tSignal:\t"+r.getSignal().getHitCount()); else System.err.println("\tSignal:\t"+r.getSignal().getHitCount()+"\tControl:\t"+r.getControl().getHitCount()); } } ExperimentScaler scaler = new ExperimentScaler(); //Potential regions reqd by PeakSeq method DomainFinder potentialFilter = new DomainFinder(gconfig, econfig, sconfig, exptMan); Map<ExperimentCondition, List<Feature>> featuresByCond = potentialFilter.execute(); List<Feature> potentials = new ArrayList<Feature>(); for(ExperimentCondition ec : exptMan.getConditions()) potentials.addAll(featuresByCond.get(ec)); System.out.println("\t"+potentials.size()+" potential regions.\n"); //Generate the data structures for calculating scaling factors //Window size loaded by ExptConfig option --scalewin Genome genome = econfig.getGenome(); Map<Sample, List<Float>> sampleWindowCounts = new HashMap<Sample, List<Float>>(); Map<Sample, List<Float>> noPotSampleWindowCounts = new HashMap<Sample, List<Float>>(); for(Sample samp : exptMan.getSamples()){ List<Float> currSampCounts = new ArrayList<Float>(); List<Float> noPotCurrSampCounts = new ArrayList<Float>(); for(String chrom:genome.getChromList()) { int chrlen = genome.getChromLength(chrom); for (int start = 1; start < chrlen - econfig.getScalingSlidingWindow(); start += econfig.getScalingSlidingWindow()) { Region r = new Region(genome, chrom, start, start + econfig.getScalingSlidingWindow()); currSampCounts.add(samp.countHits(r)); boolean overlapsPotentials=false; for(Feature f : potentials){ Region p = f.getCoords(); if(r.overlaps(p)){ overlapsPotentials=true; break; } } if(!overlapsPotentials) noPotCurrSampCounts.add(samp.countHits(r)); } } sampleWindowCounts.put(samp, currSampCounts); noPotSampleWindowCounts.put(samp, noPotCurrSampCounts); } System.out.println("Sliding window size for scaling methods: "+econfig.getScalingSlidingWindow()); System.out.println("\tNumbers of windows:\tAll="+sampleWindowCounts.get(exptMan.getSamples().get(0)).size()+"\tnoPotenials="+noPotSampleWindowCounts.get(exptMan.getSamples().get(0)).size()+"\n"); //Hit ratios for(Sample sampA : exptMan.getSamples()){ if(sampA.isSignal()){ for(Sample sampB : exptMan.getSamples()) if(sampA!=null && sampB!=null && sampA.getIndex() != sampB.getIndex()){ double hitRatio = sampA.getHitCount()/sampB.getHitCount(); System.out.println("HitRatio\t"+sampA.getName()+" vs "+sampB.getName()+"\t"+hitRatio); } } } //Median for(Sample sampA : exptMan.getSamples()){ if(sampA.isSignal()){ for(Sample sampB : exptMan.getSamples()) if(sampA!=null && sampB!=null && sampA.getIndex() != sampB.getIndex()) System.out.println("Median\t"+sampA.getName()+" vs "+sampB.getName()+"\t"+scaler.scalingRatioByMedian(sampleWindowCounts.get(sampA), sampleWindowCounts.get(sampB))); } } //Regression on full dataset (i.e. PeakSeq using Pf=0) for(Sample sampA : exptMan.getSamples()){ if(sampA.isSignal()){ for(Sample sampB : exptMan.getSamples()) if(sampA!=null && sampB!=null && sampA.getIndex() != sampB.getIndex()) System.out.println("Regression\t"+sampA.getName()+" vs "+sampB.getName()+"\t"+scaler.scalingRatioByRegression(sampleWindowCounts.get(sampA), sampleWindowCounts.get(sampB))); } } //SES for(Sample sampA : exptMan.getSamples()){ if(sampA.isSignal()){ for(Sample sampB : exptMan.getSamples()) if(sampA!=null && sampB!=null && sampA.getIndex() != sampB.getIndex()) System.out.println("SES\t"+sampA.getName()+" vs "+sampB.getName()+"\t"+scaler.scalingRatioBySES(sampleWindowCounts.get(sampA), sampleWindowCounts.get(sampB))); } } //NCIS for(Sample sampA : exptMan.getSamples()){ if(sampA.isSignal()){ for(Sample sampB : exptMan.getSamples()) if(sampA!=null && sampB!=null && sampA.getIndex() != sampB.getIndex()) System.out.println("NCIS\t"+sampA.getName()+" vs "+sampB.getName()+"\t"+scaler.scalingRatioByNCIS(sampleWindowCounts.get(sampA), sampleWindowCounts.get(sampB), null)); } } //Regression after filtering out potential regions (i.e. PeakSeq using Pf=1) for(Sample sampA : exptMan.getSamples()){ if(sampA.isSignal()){ for(Sample sampB : exptMan.getSamples()) if(sampA!=null && sampB!=null && sampA.getIndex() != sampB.getIndex()) System.out.println("PeakSeq\t"+sampA.getName()+" vs "+sampB.getName()+"\t"+scaler.scalingRatioByRegression(noPotSampleWindowCounts.get(sampA), noPotSampleWindowCounts.get(sampB))); } } exptMan.close(); } } /** * Simple class for storing paired counts that are sortable in first dimension * @author mahony * */ public class PairedCounts extends Model implements Comparable<PairedCounts>{ public Double x,y; public PairedCounts(double a, double b){ x=a; y=b; } /** * Sort on increasing X variables * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ public int compareTo(PairedCounts pc) { if(x<pc.x){return -1;} if(x>pc.x){return 1;} return 0; } /** * Compare based on the sum of both paired counts * @param pc * @return */ public int compareByTotal(PairedCounts pc){ if((x+y)<(pc.x+pc.y)){return -1;} if((x+y)>(pc.x+pc.y)){return 1;} return 0; } } public class ScalingPlotter extends ScatterPlot{ public ScalingPlotter(String title) { super(title); } /** * Make an XY scatter plot from a 2-D dataset and save image. * This configuration is used by deepseq.stats.Normalization classes * * @param datapoints - 2D dataset (colored grey) * @param datapoints_highlight - 2D dataset (colored blue), can be null * @param yLine Double - data coordinates of line to be drawn parallel to x axis (used to show scaling line) * @param outFilename - String * @param rasterImage - boolean */ private void saveXYplot(Matrix datapoints, double scalingTotal, double scalingRatio, String xName, String yName, String outFilename, boolean rasterImage){ this.setWidth(800); this.setHeight(800); this.addDataset("other", datapoints, new Color(75,75,75,80), 3); this.setXAxisLabel(xName); this.setYAxisLabel(yName); this.setXLogScale(true); this.setYLogScale(true); this.setXRangeFromData(); this.setYRangeFromData(); if(raxis.getRange().getLowerBound() >0.1){ raxis.setLowerBound(0.1); } this.addDomainMarker(scalingTotal); this.addRangeMarker(scalingRatio); //Set the tick units according to the range double xUpper = daxis.getRange().getUpperBound(); double xLower = daxis.getRange().getLowerBound(); if(daxis instanceof org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis) ((NumberAxis)daxis).setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(5)); double yUpper = raxis.getRange().getUpperBound(); double yLower = raxis.getRange().getLowerBound(); if(raxis instanceof org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis) ((NumberAxis)raxis).setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(5)); try { this.saveImage(new File(outFilename), width, height, rasterImage); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }