package; import*; import java.sql.*; import; import; import; import*; import*; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; import org.seqcode.gseutils.*; import com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException; /** * Creates an experiment (if necessary) in the database and prints the DBID on stdout. * Use this with the readdb importer to load metadata to the mysql database. * I split this out from a combined experiment/alignment creator because of what seems like * simultaneous write conflicts during experiment creation. * * Usage: * CreateExpt --species "$SC;SGDv1" --align "name;replicate;alignment version" --lab "Pugh" --expttype "CHIPSEQ" --expttarget "Gcn4" --cellline "FY4" --exptcondition "YPD" --readtype "SINGLE" --aligntype "SINGLE" --paramsfile params.txt --readlength 36 */ public class CreateExpt { public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException, IOException, NotFoundException { if(args.length==0){ System.out.println("CreateExpt:\n" + "\t--species <species;genome>\n" + "\t--align <name;replicate;version>\n" + "\t--expttype <CHIPSEQ/CHIPEXO/RNASEQ/etc>\n" + "\t--lab <name>\n" + "\t--exptcondition <condition>\n" + "\t--expttarget <target>\n" + "\t--cellline <cell line>\n" + "\t--readtype <SINGLE/PAIRED>\n" + "\t--readlength <int>\n" + "\t--numreads <int>\n" + "\t--collabid <expt ID>\n" + "\t--publicsource <PMID/UNPUB>\n" + "\t--publicdbid <GEO ID>\n" + "\t--fqfile <FQ filename>\n" + "\t--exptnote <notes about expt>\n"); }else{ java.sql.Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement insert = null; PreparedStatement update = null; SeqExpt expt = null; SeqDataLoader loader = new SeqDataLoader(); MetadataLoader core = loader.getMetadataLoader(); boolean newExpt=false; try{ cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("seqdata"); cxn.setAutoCommit(true); Genome genome = Args.parseGenome(args).cdr(); String alignname = Args.parseString(args,"align",null); String alignpieces[] = alignname.split(";"); String etypestring = Args.parseString(args,"expttype",null); String labstring = Args.parseString(args,"lab",null); String conditionstring = Args.parseString(args,"exptcondition",null); String targetstring = Args.parseString(args,"expttarget",null); String cellsstring = Args.parseString(args,"cellline",null); String rtypestring = Args.parseString(args,"readtype",null); int readlength = Args.parseInteger(args,"readlength",36); int numreads = Args.parseInteger(args,"numreads",0); String collabid = Args.parseString(args,"collabid",null); String publicsource = Args.parseString(args,"publicsource","UNPUB"); String publicdbid = Args.parseString(args,"publicdbid","NA"); String fqfile = Args.parseString(args,"fqfile",null); String exptnote = Args.parseString(args,"exptnote",null); //SEQEXPERIMENT try { expt = loader.loadExperiment(alignpieces[0], alignpieces[1]); } catch (NotFoundException e) { try{ //NotFound = create new experiment newExpt=true; System.err.println("Creating experiment " + alignpieces[0] + ";" + alignpieces[1] + ";" + alignpieces[2]); insert = SeqExpt.createInsert(cxn); insert.setString(1, alignpieces[0]); insert.setString(2, alignpieces[1]); insert.setInt(3, genome.getSpeciesDBID()); insert.setInt(4, core.loadExptType(etypestring, true, false).getDBID()); insert.setInt(5, core.loadLab(labstring, true, false).getDBID()); insert.setInt(6, core.loadExptCondition(conditionstring, true, false).getDBID()); insert.setInt(7, core.loadExptTarget(targetstring, true, false).getDBID()); insert.setInt(8, core.loadCellLine(cellsstring, true, false).getDBID()); insert.setInt(9, core.loadReadType(rtypestring, true, false).getDBID()); insert.setInt(10, readlength); insert.setInt(11, numreads); insert.setString(12, collabid); insert.setString(13, publicsource); insert.setString(14, publicdbid); insert.setString(15, fqfile); insert.setString(16, exptnote); insert.execute(); insert.close(); } catch(MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException ex){ //Duplicate primary keys - someone else added the same experiment at the same time //Do nothing - it will try loading the experiment again in the next step } try { expt = loader.loadExperiment(alignpieces[0], alignpieces[1]); } catch (NotFoundException e2) { /* failed again means the insert failed. you lose */ //cxn.rollback(); //Can't use rollback with autocommit=true? throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't create " + alignpieces[0] + "," + alignpieces[1]); } } if(!newExpt){ //Experiment exists: Update the old experiment //Check if the experiment information is the same before bothering to update the database. if(!(expt.getName().equals(alignpieces[0]) && expt.getReplicate().equals(alignpieces[1]) && expt.getExptType().getDBID()==core.loadExptType(etypestring, true, false).getDBID() && expt.getLab().getDBID()==core.loadLab(labstring, true, false).getDBID() && expt.getExptCondition().getDBID()==core.loadExptCondition(conditionstring, true, false).getDBID() && expt.getExptTarget().getDBID()==core.loadExptTarget(targetstring, true, false).getDBID() && expt.getCellLine().getDBID()==core.loadCellLine(cellsstring, true, false).getDBID() && expt.getReadType().getDBID()==core.loadReadType(rtypestring, true, false).getDBID() && expt.getReadLength()==readlength && expt.getNumRead()==numreads && expt.getCollabID().equals(collabid) && expt.getPublicSource().equals(publicsource) && expt.getPublicDBID().equals(publicdbid) && expt.getFQFile().equals(fqfile) && expt.getExptNote().equals(exptnote))){ int eID = expt.getDBID(); System.err.println("Updating experiment "+eID+" " + alignpieces[0] + ";" + alignpieces[1] + ";" + alignpieces[2]); update = SeqExpt.createUpdateWithID(cxn); update.setString(1, alignpieces[0]); update.setString(2, alignpieces[1]); update.setInt(3, genome.getSpeciesDBID()); update.setInt(4, core.loadExptType(etypestring, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(5, core.loadLab(labstring, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(6, core.loadExptCondition(conditionstring, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(7, core.loadExptTarget(targetstring, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(8, core.loadCellLine(cellsstring, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(9, core.loadReadType(rtypestring, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(10, readlength); update.setInt(11, numreads); update.setString(12, collabid); update.setString(13, publicsource); update.setString(14, publicdbid); update.setString(15, fqfile); update.setString(16, exptnote); update.setInt(17, eID); update.execute(); update.close(); try { expt = loader.loadExperiment(alignpieces[0], alignpieces[1]); } catch (NotFoundException e2) { /* failed again means the insert failed. you lose */ //cxn.rollback(); //Can't use rollback with autocommit=true? throw new DatabaseException("Something went wrong when updating " + alignpieces[0] + "," + alignpieces[1]); } } } if (expt == null) { //cxn.rollback(); //Can't use rollback with autocommit=true? throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't create/update seqexpt " + alignpieces[2] + " for " + alignpieces[0]); } System.out.println(expt.getDBID()); } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: seqdata" + e); } finally { if (insert != null) { try {insert.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (update != null) { try {update.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role seqdata"+ ex); } } loader.close(); } } }