package org.seqcode.projects.galaxyexo; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; import org.seqcode.genome.GenomeConfig; import org.seqcode.genome.location.NamedRegion; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Point; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Region; import org.seqcode.gsebricks.verbs.location.ChromRegionIterator; import org.seqcode.gseutils.ArgParser; import org.seqcode.gseutils.Args; import cern.jet.random.Poisson; import cern.jet.random.engine.DRand; /** * Utility to access peak enrichment at a set of genomic regions. Statistical significance * of peak enrichment over the set of sites is accessed using Poisson model. The null * distribution comes from randomly placed peaks thought a genome. * * Input: * - Genome * - GFF file of peak locations * - A set of genomic regions to test peak enrichment * Output: * - A text file indicating the number of overlap and Poisson p-value. * * @author naomi yamada */ public class PointEnrichmentTester { protected GenomeConfig gconfig; protected String outbase; protected List<Point> gff; protected List<Region> regions; protected int ext; //distance to expand so that I don't double count points protected int numItr = 1000; protected Poisson poisson; protected int pseudocounts; // noise added to prevent calling significance in telomere regions protected boolean printRandOverlap = false; // flag to print number of random overlap public PointEnrichmentTester(String base, GenomeConfig gcon,List<Point> g, List<Region> r){ outbase=base; gconfig=gcon; gff=g; regions=r; poisson = new Poisson(1, new DRand()); } // set pseudo counts public void setNoise(int c){pseudocounts=c;} public void setExpansion(int e){ext=e;} public void printRandOverlap(){printRandOverlap=true;} public void execute() throws FileNotFoundException{ int totalRegionSize = 0; for (Region reg : regions){totalRegionSize+=reg.getWidth();} // total size of regions // expand regions for 20bp so that I don't double counts the peaks nearby List<Region> expandedGff = new ArrayList<Region>(); for (Point point : gff){ expandedGff.add(point.expand(ext)); } List <Region> mergedGff = Region.mergeRegions(expandedGff); int totalOverlap = 0; // number of total overlap between two regions for (Region gff : mergedGff){ for (Region reg : regions){ if (gff.overlaps(reg)) totalOverlap ++; } } File outFile = new File(outbase+File.separator+"point_enrichment.txt"); outFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(outFile); writer.println("total number of non-overlapping gff points : "+mergedGff.size()); writer.println("number of overlap between gff points and regions with size "+totalRegionSize+" : "+totalOverlap); PrintWriter w = null; if (printRandOverlap){ File randOverlapFile = new File(outbase+File.separator+"num_random_overlaps.txt"); w = new PrintWriter(randOverlapFile) ; } double maxPval = 0; // Determined p-val based on Poisson distributions for numItr times and return the max p-val for (int i=0 ; i < numItr ; i++){ double pValuePoisson =1; // produce random hits through genome List<Region> randomRegions = randomRegionPick(gconfig.getGenome(), null, mergedGff.size(),1); int numRandOverlaps=0; for (Region randRegion : randomRegions){ for (Region reg : regions){ if (randRegion.overlaps(reg)){ numRandOverlaps++; break; } } } if (i ==1){writer.println("number of overlap with random regions for iteration one : "+numRandOverlaps);} if (w != null){ w.print(numRandOverlaps+"\t"); w.close(); } if (numRandOverlaps >totalOverlap){ pValuePoisson=1; }else{ poisson.setMean(numRandOverlaps+pseudocounts); int cA = (int)Math.ceil(totalOverlap); pValuePoisson = 1 - poisson.cdf(cA) + poisson.pdf(cA); } if (pValuePoisson >maxPval) {maxPval = pValuePoisson;} } writer.println("Poisson p-val : "+maxPval); writer.close(); } public static List<Region> randomRegionPick(Genome gen, List<Region> blackList, int numSamples, int sampleSize){ List<Region> regs = new ArrayList<Region>(); Random rand = new Random(); int validSamples=0; //First see how big the genome is: int numChroms=0; long genomeSize=0; long [] chromoSize = new long[gen.getChromList().size()]; String [] chromoNames = new String[gen.getChromList().size()]; Iterator<NamedRegion> chroms = new ChromRegionIterator(gen); while (chroms.hasNext()) { NamedRegion currentChrom =; genomeSize += (double)currentChrom.getWidth(); chromoSize[numChroms]=currentChrom.getWidth(); chromoNames[numChroms]=currentChrom.getChrom(); numChroms++; } //Now, iteratively generate random positions and check if they are valid and not overlapping repeats. while(validSamples<numSamples){ Region potential; long randPos = (long)(1+(rand.nextDouble()*genomeSize)); //find the chr boolean found=false; long total=0; for(int c=0; c<numChroms && !found; c++){ if(randPos<total+chromoSize[c]){ found=true; if(randPos+sampleSize<total+chromoSize[c]){ potential = new Region(gen, chromoNames[c], (int)(randPos-total), (int)(randPos+sampleSize-total)); //is this region in the blacklist? boolean valid=true; if(blackList!=null){ for(Region r : blackList){ if(potential.overlaps(r)){valid=false;} } } if(valid){ validSamples++; regs.add(potential); } } }total+=chromoSize[c]; } } return(regs); } public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{ ArgParser ap = new ArgParser(args); GenomeConfig gconf = new GenomeConfig(args); if (!ap.hasKey("gff") && !ap.hasKey("points")){ System.err.println("Usage:\n " + "PointEnrichmentTester\n " + "--geninfo <genome info file> \n " + "--gff <gff containing site coordinates> OR --points <points containing site coordinates> \n " + "--region <region of the genome for enrichment test> \n " + "\nOPTIONS:\n " + "--out <output directory (default = working directory)> \n " + "--pseudo <pseudocounts to suppress telomere enrichment (default=0) > \n " + "--ext <window size to merge gff points to prevent event double counts (default=20) > \n " + "--print <flag to print number of random overlaps with region> \n " + ""); System.exit(0); } List<Point> points = null; if (ap.hasKey("gff")) points = RegionFileUtilities.loadPointsFromGFFFile(ap.getKeyValue("gff"),gconf.getGenome()); else if (ap.hasKey("points")) points = RegionFileUtilities.loadPointsFromFile(ap.getKeyValue("points"), gconf.getGenome()); if (points.size()==0){ System.err.println("peak files have zero hits."); System.exit(0); } List<Region> reg = RegionFileUtilities.loadRegionsFromFile(ap.getKeyValue("region"),gconf.getGenome(),-1); int pseudo = Args.parseInteger(args,"pseudo", 0); int expand = Args.parseInteger(args,"ext", 20); // Get outdir and outbase and make them; String outbase = Args.parseString(args, "out", System.getProperty("user.dir")); PointEnrichmentTester tester = new PointEnrichmentTester(outbase,gconf,points,reg); tester.setNoise(pseudo); tester.setExpansion(expand); if (ap.hasKey("print")){tester.printRandOverlap();} tester.execute(); } }