package org.seqcode.motifs; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; import org.seqcode.genome.GenomeConfig; import org.seqcode.genome.Species; import org.seqcode.genome.location.NamedRegion; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Region; import org.seqcode.genome.sequence.SequenceGenerator; import org.seqcode.gsebricks.verbs.location.ChromRegionIterator; import org.seqcode.gsebricks.verbs.motifs.WeightMatrixScoreProfile; import org.seqcode.gsebricks.verbs.motifs.WeightMatrixScorer; import org.seqcode.gseutils.ArgParser; import org.seqcode.gseutils.Args; import org.seqcode.gseutils.NotFoundException; import org.seqcode.gseutils.Pair; /** * Utility to run MEME within a java class and from a command line. It also evaluates significance * of the MEME discovered motifs against randomly picked genomic sequences and calculates ROC score. * * Input: * - Genome * - MEME path and MEME arguments * - Window around peaks in which to get sequences * Output: * - MEME motif files * - ROC score for each motif * * @author akshay kakumanu */ public class MemeER { protected String MEMEpath; protected String MEMEargs; protected static String PWMfile = null; // pwm output file name protected Float pseudo = (float)0.001; public static final int MOTIF_FINDING_NEGSEQ=5000; public static final double MOTIF_FINDING_ALLOWED_REPETITIVE = 0.2; // public static final double MOTIF_MIN_ROC = 0.70; public static double MOTIF_MIN_ROC = 0.70; public MemeER(String path, String args) { this.MEMEpath = path; this.MEMEargs = args; } // option to set motif minimum ROC public void setMotifMinROC(double minroc){MOTIF_MIN_ROC = minroc;} public Pair<List<WeightMatrix>,List<WeightMatrix>> execute(List<String> sequences, File memeOutDirFullName, boolean bestOnly){ List<WeightMatrix> wm = new ArrayList<WeightMatrix>(); List<WeightMatrix> fm = new ArrayList<WeightMatrix>(); String memeOutDir = null; File workingDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); if(memeOutDirFullName == null){ String wDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); memeOutDir = wDir+"/meme_out"; }else{ memeOutDir = memeOutDirFullName.getAbsolutePath(); } try { //Set up the input file File seqFile= File.createTempFile("seq", ".fa", workingDir); String seqFilename = seqFile.getCanonicalPath(); FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(seqFile); int sCount=1; for(String seq : sequences){ fout.write(">Seq"+sCount+"\n"+seq+"\n"); sCount++; } fout.close(); //Test if meme directory exists. If it does, recursively delete contents File memeOutPath = new File(memeOutDir); if(memeOutPath.exists()) deleteDirectory(memeOutPath); //Call MEME String MEMEcmd = MEMEpath+"/meme "; Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(MEMEcmd+" "+seqFilename+" "+MEMEargs +" -o "+memeOutDir); // any error message? StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream(), "MEME_ERR", true); // any output? StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream(), "MEME_OUT", true); // kick them off errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); // any error??? int exitVal = proc.waitFor(); System.err.println("MEME ExitValue: " + exitVal); File memeOutFile = new File(memeOutDir+"/meme.txt"); if (!memeOutFile.exists()) { //Clean up intermediate files (fasta, etc) if(seqFile.exists()) seqFile.delete(); throw new FileNotFoundException("Can't find file " + memeOutFile.getName()); }else{ BufferedReader memeReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(memeOutFile)); Map<String,Double> back = parseMEMEResultsForBackground(memeReader); memeReader.close(); BufferedReader memeReader2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(memeOutFile)); List<Pair<WeightMatrix,Double>> currFM = parseMEMEResultsForFreqMatries(memeReader2); memeReader2.close(); //Extract best motif? if(bestOnly){ double minScore = Double.MAX_VALUE; WeightMatrix bestMotif=null; for(Pair<WeightMatrix,Double> m : currFM) if(m.cdr()<minScore){ minScore = m.cdr(); bestMotif =; } fm.add(bestMotif); WeightMatrix wMatrix = WeightMatrix.getLogOddsVersion(bestMotif, back); wm.add(wMatrix); //System.out.println(bestMotif.getName()+"\t"+minScore); //System.out.println(WeightMatrix.printMatrix(bestMotif)); }else{ for(Pair<WeightMatrix,Double> m : currFM){ fm.add(; WeightMatrix wMatrix = WeightMatrix.getLogOddsVersion(, back); wm.add(wMatrix); } } } //Clean up intermediate files (fasta, etc) if(seqFile.exists()) seqFile.delete(); proc.destroy(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new Pair<List<WeightMatrix>,List<WeightMatrix>>(wm,fm); } protected Map<String,Double> parseMEMEResultsForBackground(BufferedReader memeOut){ Map<String,Double> back = new HashMap<String,Double>(); try { String line=memeOut.readLine(); int lineno = 1; while (line!=null && !line.matches(".*Background letter frequencies.*")) { line = memeOut.readLine(); lineno++; } line = memeOut.readLine(); if(line!=null){ try { String[] pieces = line.split("\\s+"); double A = Double.parseDouble(pieces[1]); double C = Double.parseDouble(pieces[3]); double G = Double.parseDouble(pieces[5]); double T = Double.parseDouble(pieces[7]); back.put("A", A); back.put("C", C); back.put("G", G); back.put("T", T); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("At line " + lineno + ": " + line); ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { System.err.println("At line " + lineno + ": " + line); ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return back; } protected List<Pair<WeightMatrix,Double>> parseMEMEResultsForFreqMatries(BufferedReader memeOut){ List<Pair<WeightMatrix,Double>> parsed = new ArrayList<Pair<WeightMatrix,Double>>(); String line; int lineno = 1; int motifCount=0; try { while((line = memeOut.readLine()) != null){ while (line!=null && !line.matches(".*letter-probability matrix.*")) { line = memeOut.readLine(); lineno++; } if(line!=null){ motifCount++; String lenStr = line.replaceFirst("^.*w=\\s*", ""); lenStr = lenStr.replaceFirst("\\s*nsites=.*", ""); int length = Integer.parseInt(lenStr); String EStr = line.replaceFirst("^.*E=\\s*", ""); double Eval = Double.parseDouble(EStr); WeightMatrix matrix = new WeightMatrix(length); matrix.setNameVerType("Motif"+motifCount, "freq", "MEME"); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { line = memeOut.readLine().replaceFirst("^\\s*", ""); lineno++; try { String[] pieces = line.split("\\s+"); float A = Float.parseFloat(pieces[0])+pseudo; float C = Float.parseFloat(pieces[1])+pseudo; float G = Float.parseFloat(pieces[2])+pseudo; float T = Float.parseFloat(pieces[3])+pseudo; float total = A+C+G+T; matrix.matrix[i]['A'] = A/total; matrix.matrix[i]['C'] = C/total; matrix.matrix[i]['G'] = G/total; matrix.matrix[i]['T'] = T/total; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("At line " + lineno + ": " + line); ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { System.err.println("At line " + lineno + ": " + line); ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } } matrix.setLogOdds(); parsed.add(new Pair<WeightMatrix,Double>(matrix, Eval)); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return parsed; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { ArgParser ap = new ArgParser(args); String memeargs = Args.parseString(args, "memeargs", " -dna -mod zoops -revcomp -nostatus "); int MEMEminw = Args.parseInteger(args, "mememinw", 6); //MEME maxw int MEMEmaxw = Args.parseInteger(args, "mememaxw", 18); //MEME nmotifs option int MEMEnmotifs = Args.parseInteger(args,"memenmotifs", 3); int WinSize = Args.parseInteger(args, "win", 200); if (!ap.hasKey("memepath")||!ap.hasKey("seq")||!ap.hasKey("locations")){ System.err.println("Usage:\n " + "MemeER\n " + "--geninfo <genome info file> \n " + "--seq <fasta seq directory> \n " + "--memepath <path to the meme bin dir (default: meme is in $PATH)>\n " + "\nOPTIONS:\n " + "--win <window of sequence to take around peaks(default=200)>\n " + "--memenmotifs <number of motifs MEME should find for each condition (default=3)>\n " + "--mememinw <minw arg for MEME (default=6)>\n " + "--mememaxw <maxw arg for MEME (default=18)>\n " + "--memeargs <additional args for MEME (default= -dna -mod zoops -revcomp -nostatus)>\n " + "--out <output file prefix>\n " + "--printPWM [flag to print PWM]\n " + "--minROC <min ROC required for pwm output (default=0.7)>\n " + ""); System.exit(0); } String GenPath = ap.getKeyValue("seq"); memeargs = memeargs + " -nmotifs "+MEMEnmotifs + " -minw "+MEMEminw+" -maxw "+MEMEmaxw; // Multiple input files String[] points = ap.getKeyValue("locations").split(";"); List<WeightMatrix> selectedMotifs = new ArrayList<WeightMatrix>(); List<Double> selectedMotifsRocs = new ArrayList<Double>(); GenomeConfig gcon = new GenomeConfig(args); Genome gen = gcon.getGenome(); MemeER meme = new MemeER(Args.parseString(args, "memepath", ""), memeargs); // if minROC is provided, set the new value if (ap.hasKey("minROC")){ meme.setMotifMinROC(Args.parseDouble(args, "minROC", 0.7)); } // specify output directory if provided String outFolderName = null; if (ap.hasKey("out")){ outFolderName = ap.getKeyValue("out"); }else{ outFolderName = System.getProperty("user.dir"); } File outFolder = new File(outFolderName); outFolder.mkdirs(); PrintWriter writer = null; // print PWM if specified if (ap.hasKey("printPWM")){ writer = new PrintWriter(new File(outFolderName+File.separator+"pwm.out")); } for(int p=0; p<points.length; p++){ List<Region> search_regs = RegionFileUtilities.loadRegionsFromPeakFile(gen, points[p], WinSize); SequenceGenerator<Region> seqgen = new SequenceGenerator<Region>(); seqgen.useCache(true); seqgen.useLocalFiles(true); seqgen.setGenomePath(GenPath); SequenceGenerator.setOffRegionCache(); String[] randomSequences=new String[5000]; if (!seqgen.isRegionCached()){ System.err.println("Caching sequences"); List<Region> randomRegions = randomRegionPick(gen, null, MemeER.MOTIF_FINDING_NEGSEQ,WinSize); randomSequences = seqgen.setupRegionCache(search_regs, randomRegions); System.err.println("Caching completed"); } List<String> seqs = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i=0; i<search_regs.size(); i++){ String currSeq = seqgen.execute(search_regs.get(i)); if(lowercaseFraction(currSeq)<=MOTIF_FINDING_ALLOWED_REPETITIVE){ seqs.add(currSeq); } } // Pair<List<WeightMatrix>,List<WeightMatrix>> matrices = meme.execute(seqs, null, false); // allowing to specify output directory Pair<List<WeightMatrix>,List<WeightMatrix>> matrices = meme.execute(seqs, new File(outFolderName+File.separator+"meme_out"), false); List<WeightMatrix> wm =; List<WeightMatrix> fm = matrices.cdr(); if(wm.size()>0){ //Evaluate the significance of the discovered motifs double rocScores[] = meme.motifROCScores(wm,seqs,randomSequences); System.err.println("MEME results for:" ); for(int w=0; w<fm.size(); w++){ if(fm.get(w)!=null){ System.err.println("\t"+fm.get(w).getName()+"\t"+ WeightMatrix.getConsensus(fm.get(w))+"\tROC:"+String.format("%.2f",rocScores[w])); } if(rocScores[w] > MemeER.MOTIF_MIN_ROC){ selectedMotifs.add(fm.get(w)); selectedMotifsRocs.add(rocScores[w]); } } } } //Printing the selected motifs for(int m =0; m<selectedMotifs.size(); m++){ // make motif ID consistent between the ROC and PWM String out = WeightMatrix.printTransfacMatrix(selectedMotifs.get(m),selectedMotifs.get(m).getName()); // String out = WeightMatrix.printTransfacMatrix(selectedMotifs.get(m),"Motif_"+Integer.toString(m)); System.err.println(out); // optional : print selected motif ROC and PWM to a file if (writer != null){ writer.println("\t"+selectedMotifs.get(m).getName()+"\t"+ WeightMatrix.getConsensus(selectedMotifs.get(m))+"\tROC:"+String.format("%.2f",selectedMotifsRocs.get(m))); writer.println(out); } } // close the pwm output file if (writer != null){writer.close();} } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } public static double lowercaseFraction(String seq){ double count = 0; for (char c:seq.toCharArray()) if (Character.isLowerCase(c) || c=='N') count++; return count/(double)seq.length(); } public static boolean deleteDirectory(File path) { if( path.exists() ) { File[] files = path.listFiles(); for(int i=0; i<files.length; i++) { if(files[i].isDirectory()) { deleteDirectory(files[i]); } else { files[i].delete(); } } } return( path.delete() ); } public double[] motifROCScores(List<WeightMatrix> matrices, List<String> posSeqs, String[] negSeqs){ double[] rocScores = new double[matrices.size()]; int m=0; for(WeightMatrix motif : matrices){ List<Double> posScores = new ArrayList<Double>(); List<Double> negScores = new ArrayList<Double>(); if(motif!=null){ WeightMatrixScorer scorer = new WeightMatrixScorer(motif); for(String posSeq : posSeqs){ WeightMatrixScoreProfile profiler = scorer.execute(posSeq); posScores.add(profiler.getMaxScore()); } for(int s=0; s<negSeqs.length; s++){ WeightMatrixScoreProfile profiler = scorer.execute(negSeqs[s]); negScores.add(profiler.getMaxScore()); } } rocScores[m] = calcROCAUC(posScores, negScores); m++; } return rocScores; } protected double calcROCAUC(List<Double> posMaxScores, List<Double> negMaxScores) { double auc = 0; if(posMaxScores.size()==0) return 0; if(negMaxScores.size()==0) return 1; ArrayList<LabeledDouble> data = new ArrayList<LabeledDouble>(); for(Double d : posMaxScores) data.add(new LabeledDouble(d, 1)); for(Double d : negMaxScores) data.add(new LabeledDouble(d, 0)); Collections.sort(data); double pCount = (double)posMaxScores.size(); double nCount = (double)negMaxScores.size(); int x=0; double possum=0; double lastsn=0; double lastfpr=0; double lastdval = 10000000; for(LabeledDouble d : data){ possum+=d.label; if(d.dat!=lastdval){ double sn = possum/pCount; double fp = (x+1)-possum; double sp = (nCount-fp)/nCount; double fpr=1-sp; if(x>0){ //Rectangle //Triangle auc += ((fpr-lastfpr)*lastsn) + ((sn-lastsn)*(fpr-lastfpr)/2); } lastfpr=fpr; lastsn = sn; } lastdval = d.dat; x++; } return auc; } public class LabeledDouble implements Comparable<LabeledDouble>{ public Double dat; public Integer label; public LabeledDouble(Double d, Integer i){dat=d; label=i;} public int compareTo(LabeledDouble ld) { if(dat > ld.dat){return(-1);} else if(dat < ld.dat){return(1);} else{return 0;} } } public static List<Region> randomRegionPick(Genome gen, List<Region> blackList, int numSamples, int sampleSize){ List<Region> regs = new ArrayList<Region>(); Random rand = new Random(); int validSamples=0; //First see how big the genome is: int numChroms=0; long genomeSize=0; long [] chromoSize = new long[gen.getChromList().size()]; String [] chromoNames = new String[gen.getChromList().size()]; Iterator<NamedRegion> chroms = new ChromRegionIterator(gen); while (chroms.hasNext()) { NamedRegion currentChrom =; genomeSize += (double)currentChrom.getWidth(); chromoSize[numChroms]=currentChrom.getWidth(); chromoNames[numChroms]=currentChrom.getChrom(); numChroms++; } //Now, iteratively generate random positions and check if they are valid and not overlapping repeats. while(validSamples<numSamples){ Region potential; long randPos = (long)(1+(rand.nextDouble()*genomeSize)); //find the chr boolean found=false; long total=0; for(int c=0; c<numChroms && !found; c++){ if(randPos<total+chromoSize[c]){ found=true; if(randPos+sampleSize<total+chromoSize[c]){ potential = new Region(gen, chromoNames[c], (int)(randPos-total), (int)(randPos+sampleSize-total)); //is this region in the blacklist? boolean valid=true; if(blackList!=null){ for(Region r : blackList){ if(potential.overlaps(r)){valid=false;} } } if(valid){ validSamples++; regs.add(potential); } } }total+=chromoSize[c]; } } return(regs); } }