package org.seqcode.gsebricks.verbs.location; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Gene; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Region; /** * Generator that returns Gene objects from the refGene table (or * table with a similar structure, eg sgdGene) in a UCSC annotation * database. The size parameter determines the size of the upstream * promoter region to use. Any gene whose promoter region overlaps * the input region is returned */ public class RefGenePromoterGenerator extends RefGeneGenerator { private int up, down; public RefGenePromoterGenerator(Genome g, int size) { super(g); this.up = size; this.down = size; } public RefGenePromoterGenerator(Genome g, String t, int size) { super(g,t); this.up = size; this.down = size; } public RefGenePromoterGenerator(Genome g, int up, int down) { super(g); this.up = up; this.down = down; } public RefGenePromoterGenerator(Genome g, String t, int up, int down) { super(g,t); this.up = up; this.down = down; } public Iterator<Gene> execute(Region region) { try { java.sql.Connection cxn = getGenome().getAnnotationDBConnection(); String query = "select name, chrom, strand, txStart, txEnd " + (isRetrievingExons() ? ",exonCount, exonStarts, exonEnds" : "") + " from " + getTable() + " where chrom = ? and " + "((strand = '+' and ((txStart - " + up + " <= ? and txStart + " + down + " >= ?) or (txStart - " + up + " >= ? and txStart - " + up + "<= ?))) or " + " (strand = '-' and ((txEnd - " + down + " <= ? and txEnd + " + up + " >= ?) or (txEnd - " + down + " >= ? and txEnd - " + down + "<= ?)))) " + "order by txStart"; PreparedStatement ps = cxn.prepareStatement(query); String chr = region.getChrom(); if (!chr.matches("^(chr|scaffold).*")) { chr = "chr" + chr; } ps.setString(1,chr); ps.setInt(2,region.getStart()); ps.setInt(3,region.getStart()); ps.setInt(4,region.getStart()); ps.setInt(5,region.getEnd()); ps.setInt(6,region.getStart()); ps.setInt(7,region.getStart()); ps.setInt(8,region.getStart()); ps.setInt(9,region.getEnd()); Iterator<Gene> results = parseResults(ps); cxn.close(); return results; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new"Couldn't get UCSC RefGenes",ex); } } }