package org.seqcode.genome.location; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; public class StrandedPoint extends Point implements Stranded { private char strand; public int compareToStranded(StrandedPoint p) { int compare = this.compareTo(p); if (compare==0) { return this.strand - p.strand; } else { return compare; } } public StrandedPoint(Genome g, String chrom, int start, char str) { super(g, chrom, start); strand = str; } public StrandedPoint(Point p, char str) { this(p.getGenome(), p.getChrom(), p.getLocation(), str); } public char getStrand() { return strand; } public int hashCode() { int code = super.hashCode(); code += strand; code *= 37; return code; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof StrandedPoint)) { return false; } StrandedPoint sp = (StrandedPoint)o; if(strand != sp.strand) { return false; } return super.equals(sp); } public String getLocationString() { if (strand==' ') { return super.getLocationString(); } else { return super.getLocationString()+":"+strand; } } public StrandedRegion expand(int upstream, int downstream) { if (strand == '+') { int ns = getLocation() - upstream; int ne = getLocation() + downstream; if (ns < 1) {ns = 1;} return new StrandedRegion(getGenome(),getChrom(),ns,ne,strand); } else if (strand == '-') { int ns = getLocation() - downstream; int ne = getLocation() + upstream; if (ns < 1) {ns = 1;} return new StrandedRegion(getGenome(),getChrom(),ns,ne,strand); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strand isn't + or - so I don't know what to do"); } } /** * parses the input String into a StrandedPoint. Understands abbreviates in the * coordinates such as k and m. <br> * The method accepts the form: <blockquote> * * <pre> * chromosome:start:strand * </pre> * * </blockquote> */ public static StrandedPoint fromString(Genome genome, String input) throws NumberFormatException { String pieces[] = input.split(":"); char strand = ' '; if (pieces.length == 3 && pieces[2].length() == 1) { strand = pieces[2].charAt(0); input = pieces[0] + ":" + pieces[1]; } String trimmed = input.trim(); Matcher pointmatcher = POINT_PATTERN.matcher(trimmed); StrandedPoint output = null; if (pointmatcher.find()) { if (pointmatcher.groupCount() != 2) { return null; } String chromStr =; String locStr =; if (chromStr.startsWith("chr")) { chromStr = chromStr.substring(3, chromStr.length()); } locStr = locStr.replaceAll(",", ""); output = new StrandedPoint(genome, chromStr, Region.stringToNum(locStr), strand); } return output; } /** * load from file a list of StrandedPoints. * Understands abbreviates in the coordinates such as k and m. <br> * The method accepts the form: <blockquote> * * <pre> * chromosome:start:strand * </pre> * * </blockquote> */ public static ArrayList<StrandedPoint> fromFile(Genome genome, String fileName) { ArrayList<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>(); try { BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(fileName)))); String line; while((line = bin.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (line.length()!=0) strs.add(line); } if (bin != null) { bin.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error when processing "+fileName); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } ArrayList<StrandedPoint> points = new ArrayList<StrandedPoint>(); for (String s:strs){ StrandedPoint p=null; try{ p = StrandedPoint.fromString(genome, s); } catch(NumberFormatException e){ e.printStackTrace(); continue; } if (p==null) continue; points.add(p); } return points; } }