/********************************************************************************** * $URL: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/user/trunk/user-tool-prefs/tool/src/java/org/sakaiproject/user/tool/UserPrefsTool.java $ * $Id: UserPrefsTool.java 131540 2013-11-14 16:11:49Z a.fish@lancaster.ac.uk $ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.sakaiproject.user.tool; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.Vector; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit; import org.sakaiproject.event.cover.NotificationService; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.Site; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.SiteService.SelectionType; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.SiteService.SortType; import org.sakaiproject.site.cover.SiteService; import org.sakaiproject.time.cover.TimeService; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.Preferences; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.PreferencesEdit; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.PreferencesService; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService; import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader; /** * UserPrefsTool is the Sakai end-user tool to view and edit one's preferences. */ public class UserPrefsTool { /** Our log (commons). */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(UserPrefsTool.class); /** * Resource bundle messages */ ResourceLoader msgs = new ResourceLoader("user-tool-prefs"); /** The string that Charon uses for preferences. */ private static final String CHARON_PREFS = "sakai:portal:sitenav"; /** The string to get whether privacy status should be visible */ private static final String ENABLE_PRIVACY_STATUS = "enable.privacy.status"; /** Should research/collab specific preferences (no syllabus) be displayed */ private static final String PREFS_RESEARCH = "prefs.research.collab"; public static final String PREFS_EXPAND = "prefs.expand"; private static final String PREFS_EXPAND_TRUE = "1"; private static final String PREFS_EXPAND_FALSE = "0"; /** * Represents a name value pair in a keyed preferences set. */ public class KeyNameValue { /** Is this value a list?. */ protected boolean m_isList = false; /** The key. */ protected String m_key = null; /** The name. */ protected String m_name = null; /** The original is this value a list?. */ protected boolean m_origIsList = false; /** The original key. */ protected String m_origKey = null; /** The original name. */ protected String m_origName = null; /** The original value. */ protected String m_origValue = null; /** The value. */ protected String m_value = null; public KeyNameValue(String key, String name, String value, boolean isList) { m_key = key; m_origKey = key; m_name = name; m_origName = name; m_value = value; m_origValue = value; m_isList = isList; m_origIsList = isList; } public String getKey() { return m_key; } public String getName() { return m_name; } public String getOrigKey() { return m_origKey; } public String getOrigName() { return m_origName; } public String getOrigValue() { return m_origValue; } public String getValue() { return m_value; } public boolean isChanged() { return ((!m_name.equals(m_origName)) || (!m_value.equals(m_origValue)) || (!m_key.equals(m_origKey)) || (m_isList != m_origIsList)); } public boolean isList() { return m_isList; } public boolean origIsList() { return m_origIsList; } public void setKey(String value) { if (!m_key.equals(value)) { m_key = value; } } public void setList(boolean b) { m_isList = b; } public void setName(String value) { if (!m_name.equals(value)) { m_name = value; } } public void setValue(String value) { if (!m_value.equals(value)) { m_value = value; } } } /** The PreferencesEdit being worked on. */ protected PreferencesEdit m_edit = null; /** Preferences service (injected dependency) */ protected PreferencesService m_preferencesService = null; protected UserNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService m_userNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService = null; /** Session manager (injected dependency) */ protected SessionManager m_sessionManager = null; /** The PreferencesEdit in KeyNameValue collection form. */ protected Collection m_stuff = null; // /** The user id (from the end user) to edit. */ // protected String m_userId = null; /** For display and selection of Items in JSF-- edit.jsp */ private List prefExcludeItems = new ArrayList(); private List prefOrderItems = new ArrayList(); private List prefTimeZones = new ArrayList(); private List<SelectItem> prefLocales = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); private int DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT = 4; private int MAX_TAB_COUNT = 20; private int MIN_TAB_COUNT = 2; private String prefTabCount = null; // SAK-23895 private String prefTabLabel = null; private int DEFAULT_TAB_LABEL = 1; private String[] selectedExcludeItems; private String[] selectedOrderItems; private String prefTabString = null; private String prefDrawerString = null; private String prefHiddenString = null; private String[] tablist; private int noti_selection, tab_selection, timezone_selection, language_selection, privacy_selection,j; //The preference list names private String Notification="prefs_noti_title"; private String CustomTab="prefs_tab_title"; private String Timezone="prefs_timezone_title"; private String Language="prefs_lang_title"; private String Privacy="prefs_privacy_title"; private boolean refreshMode=false; protected final static String EXCLUDE_SITE_LISTS = "exclude"; protected final static String ORDER_SITE_LISTS = "order"; protected boolean isNewUser = false; protected boolean tabUpdated = false; // user's currently selected time zone private TimeZone m_timeZone = null; // user's currently selected regional language locale private Locale m_locale = null; /** The user id retrieved from UsageSessionService */ private String userId = ""; /** * SAK-11460: With DTHML More Sites, there are potentially two * "Customize Tab" pages, namely "tab.jsp" (for the Drag and Drop) * and "tab-dhtml-moresites.jsp". Which one is used depends on the * sakai.properties "prefs.tabs.dragdrop". */ private String m_TabOutcome = "tab"; private Map<String, Integer> m_sortedTypes = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private List<DecoratedNotificationPreference> m_registereddNotificationItems = new ArrayList<DecoratedNotificationPreference>(); private List<Site> m_sites = new ArrayList<Site>(); // SAK-23895 private boolean prefShowTabLabelOption = true; // //////////////////////////////// PROPERTY GETTER AND SETTER //////////////////////////////////////////// public boolean isPrefShowTabLabelOption() { return prefShowTabLabelOption; } public void setPrefShowTabLabelOption(boolean prefShowTabLabelOption) { this.prefShowTabLabelOption = prefShowTabLabelOption; } /** * @return Returns the prefExcludeItems. */ public List getPrefExcludeItems() { return prefExcludeItems; } /** * @param prefExcludeItems * The prefExcludeItems to set. */ public void setPrefExcludeItems(List prefExcludeItems) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setPrefExcludeItems(List " + prefExcludeItems + ")"); } this.prefExcludeItems = prefExcludeItems; } /** * @return Returns the prefOrderItems. */ public List getPrefOrderItems() { return prefOrderItems; } /** * @param prefOrderItems * The prefOrderItems to set. */ public void setPrefOrderItems(List prefOrderItems) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setPrefOrderItems(List " + prefOrderItems + ")"); } this.prefOrderItems = prefOrderItems; } /** * @return Returns the prefTabItems. */ public List getPrefTabItems() { int tc = getTabCountInt(); List<SelectItem> l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < prefOrderItems.size() && i < tc-1; i++) { SelectItem item = (SelectItem) prefOrderItems.get(i); l.add(item); } return l; } /** * @return Returns the prefDrawerItems. */ public List getPrefDrawerItems() { int tc = getTabCountInt(); if ( tc < 1 ) tc = 1; List<SelectItem> l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); for (int i = tc-1; i < prefOrderItems.size(); i++) { SelectItem item = (SelectItem) prefOrderItems.get(i); l.add(item); } return l; } /** * @return Returns the prefHiddenItems. */ public List getPrefHiddenItems() { return prefExcludeItems; } public String getPrefTabString() { return ""; } public void setPrefTabString(String inp) { inp = inp.trim(); prefTabString = inp; if ( inp.length() < 1 ) prefTabString = null; return; } public String getPrefDrawerString() { return ""; } public void setPrefDrawerString(String inp) { inp = inp.trim(); prefDrawerString = inp; if ( inp.length() < 1 ) prefDrawerString = null; return; } public String getPrefHiddenString() { return ""; } public void setPrefHiddenString(String inp) { inp = inp.trim(); prefHiddenString = inp; if ( inp.length() < 1 ) prefHiddenString = null; return; } /** ** @return number of worksite tabs to display in standard site navigation bar **/ public String getTabCount() { if ( prefTabCount != null ) return prefTabCount; Preferences prefs = (PreferencesEdit) m_preferencesService.getPreferences(getUserId()); ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties(CHARON_PREFS); prefTabCount = props.getProperty("tabs"); if ( prefTabCount == null ) prefTabCount = String.valueOf(DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT); return prefTabCount; } /** ** @return number of worksite tabs to display in standard site navigation bar **/ public int getTabCountInt() { String tcs = getTabCount(); int tc = DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT; try { tc = Integer.parseInt(tcs.trim()); } catch(Exception e){ tc = DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT; } return tc; } /** * @return the listing of valid tab choices */ public List<SelectItem> getTabsChoices() { if (MAX_TAB_COUNT <= DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT) { // force max to be larger than default MAX_TAB_COUNT = DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT + 10; } List<SelectItem> l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(MAX_TAB_COUNT); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TAB_COUNT; i++) { int tabNum = i + 1; if (tabNum >= DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT) { String value = String.valueOf(tabNum); l.add( new SelectItem( value, value ) ); } } return l; } /** ** @param count ** number of worksite tabs to display in standard site navigation bar **/ public void setTabCount( String count ) { if ( count == null || "".equals(count.trim()) ) { count = String.valueOf(DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT); } else { count = count.trim(); } // make sure this is a valid number int countInt; try { countInt = Integer.parseInt(count); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { countInt = DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT; } if ( countInt > 0 && countInt >= DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT && countInt <= MAX_TAB_COUNT ) { this.prefTabCount = count; } else { this.prefTabCount = String.valueOf(DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT); } } /** * @return Returns the prefTimeZones. */ public List getPrefTimeZones() { if (prefTimeZones.size() == 0) { String[] timeZoneArray = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(); Arrays.sort(timeZoneArray); for (int i = 0; i < timeZoneArray.length; i++) prefTimeZones.add(new SelectItem(timeZoneArray[i], timeZoneArray[i])); } return prefTimeZones; } /** * @param prefTimeZones * The prefTimeZones to set. */ public void setPrefTimeZones(List prefTimeZones) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setPrefTimeZones(List " + prefTimeZones + ")"); } this.prefTimeZones = prefTimeZones; } /** * @return Returns the prefLocales */ public List<SelectItem> getPrefLocales() { // Initialize list of supported locales, if necessary if (prefLocales.isEmpty()) { org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService scs = (org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService) ComponentManager.get(org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService.class); Locale[] localeArray = scs.getSakaiLocales(); for (int i = 0; i < localeArray.length; i++) { if (i == 0 || !localeArray[i].equals(localeArray[i - 1])) { prefLocales.add(new SelectItem(localeArray[i].toString(), msgs.getLocaleDisplayName(localeArray[i]))); } } } return prefLocales; } /** * @param prefLocales * The prefLocales to set. */ public void setPrefLocales(List prefLocales) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setPrefLocales(List " + prefLocales + ")"); } this.prefLocales = prefLocales; } /** * @return Returns the selectedExcludeItems. */ public String[] getSelectedExcludeItems() { return selectedExcludeItems; } /** * @param selectedExcludeItems * The selectedExcludeItems to set. */ public void setSelectedExcludeItems(String[] selectedExcludeItems) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setSelectedExcludeItems(String[] " + Arrays.toString(selectedExcludeItems) + ")"); } this.selectedExcludeItems = selectedExcludeItems; } /** * @return Returns the selectedOrderItems. */ public String[] getSelectedOrderItems() { return selectedOrderItems; } /** * @param selectedOrderItems * The selectedOrderItems to set. */ public void setSelectedOrderItems(String[] selectedOrderItems) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setSelectedOrderItems(String[] " + Arrays.toString(selectedOrderItems) + ")"); } this.selectedOrderItems = selectedOrderItems; } /** * @return Returns the user's selected TimeZone ID */ public String getSelectedTimeZone() { if (m_timeZone != null) return m_timeZone.getID(); Preferences prefs = (PreferencesEdit) m_preferencesService.getPreferences(getUserId()); ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties(TimeService.APPLICATION_ID); String timeZone = props.getProperty(TimeService.TIMEZONE_KEY); if (hasValue(timeZone)) m_timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone); else m_timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); return m_timeZone.getID(); } /** * @param selectedTimeZone * The selectedTimeZone to set. */ public void setSelectedTimeZone(String selectedTimeZone) { if (selectedTimeZone != null) m_timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(selectedTimeZone); else LOG.warn(this + "setSelctedTimeZone() has null TimeZone"); } /** * @return Returns the user's selected Locale ID */ private Locale getSelectedLocale() { if (m_locale != null) return m_locale; Preferences prefs = (PreferencesEdit) m_preferencesService.getPreferences(getUserId()); ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties(ResourceLoader.APPLICATION_ID); String prefLocale = props.getProperty(ResourceLoader.LOCALE_KEY); if (hasValue(prefLocale)) { org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService scs = (org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService) ComponentManager.get(org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService.class); m_locale = scs.getLocaleFromString(prefLocale); } else { m_locale = Locale.getDefault(); } return m_locale; } /** * @return Returns the user's selected Locale ID */ public String getSelectedLocaleName() { return getSelectedLocale().getDisplayName(); } /** * @return Returns the user's selected Locale ID */ public String getSelectedLocaleString() { return getSelectedLocale().toString(); } /** * @param selectedLocale * The selectedLocale to set. */ public void setSelectedLocaleString(String selectedLocale) { if (selectedLocale != null) { org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService scs = (org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService) ComponentManager.get(org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService.class); m_locale = scs.getLocaleFromString(selectedLocale); } } /** * @return Returns the userId. */ public String getUserId() { return m_sessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); } /** * @param userId * The userId to set. */ public void setUserId(String userId) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setUserId(String " + userId + ")"); } this.userId = userId; } /** * @param mgr * The preferences service. */ public void setPreferencesService(PreferencesService mgr) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setPreferencesService(PreferencesService " + mgr + ")"); } m_preferencesService = mgr; } public void setUserNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService( UserNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService userNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setUserNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService(UserNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService " + userNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService + ")"); } m_userNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService = userNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService; } /** * @param mgr * The session manager. */ public void setSessionManager(SessionManager mgr) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setSessionManager(SessionManager " + mgr + ")"); } m_sessionManager = mgr; } /** * @return Returns the tabUpdated. */ public boolean isTabUpdated() { return tabUpdated; } /** * @param tabUpdated * The tabUpdated to set. */ public void setTabUpdated(boolean tabUpdated) { this.tabUpdated = tabUpdated; } /** * Init some services that are needed. * Unfortunately they were needed when the constructor was called so * injecting wasn't soon enough. */ private void initServices() { if (m_userNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService == null) { m_userNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService = (UserNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService)ComponentManager.get("org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService"); } if (m_preferencesService == null) { m_preferencesService = (PreferencesService)ComponentManager.get("org.sakaiproject.user.api.PreferencesService"); } if (m_sessionManager == null) { m_sessionManager = (SessionManager)ComponentManager.get("org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager"); } } // /////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////// /** * no-arg constructor. */ public UserPrefsTool() { // Is DTHML more site enabled? if (ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean ("prefs.tabs.dragdrop", true)) m_TabOutcome = "tab"; else m_TabOutcome = "tabDHTMLMoreSites"; // do we show the option to display by site title or short description? boolean show_tab_label_option = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("preference.show.tab.label.option", true); setPrefShowTabLabelOption(show_tab_label_option); //Tab order configuration String defaultPreference="prefs_tab_title, prefs_noti_title, prefs_timezone_title, prefs_lang_title"; if (ServerConfigurationService.getString("preference.pages")== null || ServerConfigurationService.getString("preference.pages").length() == 0) { LOG.info("The preference.pages is not specified in sakai.properties, hence the default option of 'prefs_tab_title, prefs_noti_title, prefs_timezone_title, prefs_lang_title' is considered"); } else { LOG.debug("Setting preference.pages as "+ ServerConfigurationService.getString("preference.pages")); } //To indicate that it is in the refresh mode refreshMode=true; String tabOrder=ServerConfigurationService.getString("preference.pages",defaultPreference); tablist=tabOrder.split(","); for(int i=0; i<tablist.length; i++) { tablist[i]=tablist[i].trim(); if(tablist[i].equals(Notification)) noti_selection=i+1; else if(tablist[i].equals(CustomTab)) tab_selection=i+1; else if(tablist[i].equals(Timezone)) timezone_selection=i+1; else if (tablist[i].equals(Language)) language_selection=i+1; else if (tablist[i].equals(Privacy)) privacy_selection=i+1; else LOG.warn(tablist[i] + " is not valid!!! Re-configure preference.pages at sakai.properties"); } //defaultPage=tablist[0]; // Set the default tab count to the system property, initially. String tabCountConfig = ServerConfigurationService.getString ("portal.default.tabs", String.valueOf(DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT)); try { int value = Integer.valueOf(tabCountConfig.trim()); if (value <= 0 || value > 100) { throw new NumberFormatException(tabCountConfig + " is out of valid range (0 .. 100)"); } DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT = value; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.warn("Invalid portal.default.tabs value specified ("+tabCountConfig+") must specify a number between 0 and 100, default to "+DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT+": "+e); } String tabCountMaxConfig = ServerConfigurationService.getString ("portal.max.tabs", String.valueOf(MAX_TAB_COUNT)); try { int value = Integer.valueOf(tabCountMaxConfig.trim()); if (value <= 0 || value > 100 || value <= DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT) { throw new NumberFormatException(tabCountMaxConfig + " is out of valid range (0 .. 100) OR <= default tab count ("+DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT+")"); } MAX_TAB_COUNT = value; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.warn("Invalid portal.default.tabs value specified ("+tabCountConfig+") must specify a number between 0 and 100, default to "+MAX_TAB_COUNT+": "+e); } initNotificationStructures(); LOG.debug("new UserPrefsTool()"); } /** * Init a bunch of stuff that we'll need for the notification preferences */ private void initNotificationStructures() { initServices(); //Get my sites m_sites = SiteService.getSites(SelectionType.ACCESS, null, null, null, SortType.TITLE_ASC, null); initRegisteredNotificationItems(); } public int getNoti_selection() { //Loading the data for notification in the refresh mode if (noti_selection==1 && refreshMode==true) { processActionNotiFrmEdit(); } return noti_selection; } public int getTab_selection() { //Loading the data for customize tab in the refresh mode if (tab_selection==1 && (refreshMode==true|| (prefOrderItems.isEmpty() && prefExcludeItems.isEmpty()) )) //SAK-16572 { processActionEdit(); } return tab_selection; } public int getTimezone_selection() { //Loading the data for timezone in the refresh mode if (timezone_selection==1 && refreshMode==true) { processActionTZFrmEdit(); } return timezone_selection; } public int getLanguage_selection() { //Loading the data for language in the refresh mode if (language_selection==1 && refreshMode==true) { processActionLocFrmEdit(); } return language_selection; } public int getPrivacy_selection() { //Loading the data for notification in the refresh mode if (privacy_selection==1 && refreshMode==true) { processActionPrivFrmEdit(); } return privacy_selection; } public String getTabTitle() { return "tabtitle"; } // Naming in faces-config.xml Refresh jsp- "refresh" , Notification jsp- "noti" , tab cutomization jsp- "tab" // ///////////////////////////////////// PROCESS ACTION /////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Process the add command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionAdd() { LOG.debug("processActionAdd()"); tabUpdated = false; // reset successful text message if existing with same jsp String[] values = getSelectedExcludeItems(); if (values.length < 1) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(msgs.getString("add_to_sites_msg"))); return m_TabOutcome; } for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { String value = values[i]; getPrefOrderItems().add(removeItems(value, getPrefExcludeItems(), ORDER_SITE_LISTS, EXCLUDE_SITE_LISTS)); } return m_TabOutcome; } /** * Process remove from order list command * * @return navigation output to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionRemove() { LOG.debug("processActionRemove()"); tabUpdated = false; // reset successful text message if existing in jsp String[] values = getSelectedOrderItems(); if (values.length < 1) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(msgs.getString("remove_from_sites_msg"))); return m_TabOutcome; } for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { String value = values[i]; getPrefExcludeItems().add(removeItems(value, getPrefOrderItems(), EXCLUDE_SITE_LISTS, ORDER_SITE_LISTS)); } return m_TabOutcome; } /** * Process Add All action * * @return navigation output to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionAddAll() { LOG.debug("processActionAddAll()"); getPrefOrderItems().addAll(getPrefExcludeItems()); getPrefExcludeItems().clear(); tabUpdated = false; // reset successful text message if existing in jsp return m_TabOutcome; } /** * Process Remove All command * * @return navigation output to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionRemoveAll() { LOG.debug("processActionRemoveAll()"); getPrefExcludeItems().addAll(getPrefOrderItems()); getPrefOrderItems().clear(); tabUpdated = false; // reset successful text message if existing in jsp return m_TabOutcome; } /** * Move Up the selected item in Ordered List * * @return navigation output to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionMoveUp() { LOG.debug("processActionMoveUp()"); return doSiteMove(true, false); //moveUp = true, absolute = false } /** * Move down the selected item in Ordered List * * @return navigation output to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionMoveDown() { LOG.debug("processActionMoveDown()"); return doSiteMove(false, false); //moveUp = false, absolute = false } public String processActionMoveTop() { LOG.debug("processActionMoveTop()"); return doSiteMove(true, true); //moveUp = true, absolute = true } public String processActionMoveBottom() { LOG.debug("processActionMoveBottom()"); return doSiteMove(false, true); //moveUp = false, absolute = true } private String doSiteMove(boolean moveUp, boolean absolute) { tabUpdated = false; Set<String> selected = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(getSelectedOrderItems())); List<SelectItem> toMove = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); //Prune bad selections and split lists if moving absolutely for (Iterator i = prefOrderItems.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { SelectItem item = (SelectItem) i.next(); if (selected.contains(item.getValue())) { toMove.add(item); if (absolute) i.remove(); } } if (toMove.size() == 0) { String message = msgs.getString(moveUp ? "move_up_msg" : "move_down_msg"); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(message)); } else { if (absolute) { //Move the selected list, in order to the right spot. if (moveUp) prefOrderItems.addAll(0, toMove); else prefOrderItems.addAll(toMove); } else { //Iterate in the right direction int start = 0; int interval = 1; int end = prefOrderItems.size() - 1; if (!moveUp) { start = prefOrderItems.size() - 1; interval = -1; end = 0; } for (int i = start; i != end; i += interval) { SelectItem cur = (SelectItem) prefOrderItems.get(i); SelectItem next = (SelectItem) prefOrderItems.get(i + interval); if (toMove.contains(next) && !toMove.contains(cur)) { prefOrderItems.set(i, next); prefOrderItems.set(i + interval, cur); toMove.remove(next); } } } } return m_TabOutcome; } /** * Process the edit command. * * @return navigation outcome to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionEdit() { LOG.debug("processActionEdit()"); if (!hasValue(getUserId())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(msgs.getString("user_missing"))); return null; } tabUpdated = false; // Reset display of text message on JSP refreshMode=false; setUserEditingOn(); prefTabCount = null; prefExcludeItems = new ArrayList(); prefOrderItems = new ArrayList(); List prefExclude = new Vector(); List prefOrder = new Vector(); Preferences prefs = m_preferencesService.getPreferences(getUserId()); ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties(CHARON_PREFS); List l = props.getPropertyList("exclude"); if (l != null) { prefExclude = l; } l = props.getPropertyList("order"); if (l != null) { prefOrder = l; } List mySites = SiteService.getSites(org.sakaiproject.site.api.SiteService.SelectionType.ACCESS, null, null, null, org.sakaiproject.site.api.SiteService.SortType.TITLE_ASC, null); // create excluded and order list of Sites and add balance mySites to excluded Site list for display in Form List ordered = new Vector(); List excluded = new Vector(); for (Iterator i = prefOrder.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String id = (String) i.next(); // find this site in the mySites list int pos = indexOf(id, mySites); if (pos != -1) { // move it from mySites to order Site s = (Site) mySites.get(pos); ordered.add(s); mySites.remove(pos); } } for (Iterator iter = prefExclude.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String element = (String) iter.next(); int pos = indexOf(element, mySites); if (pos != -1) { Site s = (Site) mySites.get(pos); excluded.add(s); mySites.remove(pos); } } // pick up the rest of the sites if not available with exclude and order list // and add to the ordered list as when a new site is created it is displayed in header ordered.addAll(mySites); // Now convert to SelectItem for display in JSF String sitetablabel = getPrefTabLabel(); for (Iterator iter = excluded.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Site element = (Site) iter.next(); // some short descriptins are empty or null String shortdesc = element.getShortDescription(); if ((shortdesc == null) || ("".equals(shortdesc))){ shortdesc = element.getTitle(); } SelectItem excludeItem = null; if ("1".equals(sitetablabel)) { excludeItem = new SelectItem(element.getId(), element.getTitle()); } else { excludeItem = new SelectItem(element.getId(), shortdesc); } prefExcludeItems.add(excludeItem); } for (Iterator iter = ordered.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Site element = (Site) iter.next(); // some short descriptins are empty or null String shortdesc = element.getShortDescription(); if ((shortdesc == null) || ("".equals(shortdesc))){ shortdesc = element.getTitle(); } SelectItem orderItem = null; if ("1".equals(sitetablabel)) { orderItem = new SelectItem(element.getId(), element.getTitle()); } else { orderItem = new SelectItem(element.getId(), shortdesc); } prefOrderItems.add(orderItem); } // release lock m_preferencesService.cancel(m_edit); return m_TabOutcome; } /** * Process the save command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionSave() { LOG.debug("processActionSave()"); setUserEditingOn(); // Remove existing property ResourcePropertiesEdit props = m_edit.getPropertiesEdit(CHARON_PREFS); props.removeProperty("exclude"); props.removeProperty("order"); // Commit to remove from database, for next set of value storing m_preferencesService.commit(m_edit); m_stuff = new Vector(); String oparts = ""; String eparts = ""; for (int i = 0; i < prefExcludeItems.size(); i++) { SelectItem item = (SelectItem) prefExcludeItems.get(i); String evalue = (String) item.getValue(); eparts += evalue + ", "; } for (int i = 0; i < prefOrderItems.size(); i++) { SelectItem item = (SelectItem) prefOrderItems.get(i); String value = (String) item.getValue(); oparts += value + ", "; } // add property name and value for saving m_stuff.add(new KeyNameValue(CHARON_PREFS, "exclude", eparts, true)); m_stuff.add(new KeyNameValue(CHARON_PREFS, "order", oparts, true)); m_stuff.add(new KeyNameValue(CHARON_PREFS, "tabs", prefTabCount, false)); m_stuff.add(new KeyNameValue(CHARON_PREFS, "tab:label", prefTabLabel, false)); // save saveEdit(); // release lock and clear session variables cancelEdit(); // To stay on the same page - load the page data processActionEdit(); tabUpdated = true; // set for display of text message on JSP m_reloadTop = Boolean.TRUE; return m_TabOutcome; } /** * Process the save command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionSaveOrder() { LOG.debug("processActionSaveOrder()"); // No tabs, nothing to do if ( prefTabString == null && prefDrawerString == null && prefHiddenString == null ) { // SAK-23895 , we need to save the tab label preference even though there is no drag-drop actions. // Lydia: I hate to duplicate updatePrefs() code here. Can we call something like updatePrefs(null, null, null)? m_stuff = new Vector(); m_stuff.add(new KeyNameValue(CHARON_PREFS, "tab:label", prefTabLabel, false)); // save saveEdit(); // release lock and clear session variables cancelEdit(); // To stay on the same page - load the page data processActionEdit(); tabUpdated = true; // set for display of text message on JSP m_reloadTop = Boolean.TRUE; return m_TabOutcome; } String error = ""; if ( prefTabString == null ) { error = msgs.getString("remove_all"); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,error, null)); return m_TabOutcome; } String [] ids = prefTabString.split(","); int tabcount = ids.length + 1; if ( tabcount < MIN_TAB_COUNT && prefDrawerString == null && prefHiddenString == null ) tabcount = DEFAULT_TAB_COUNT; if ( tabcount < MIN_TAB_COUNT ) { error = msgs.getString("min_tabs"); error = error.format(error,MIN_TAB_COUNT); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,error, null)); return m_TabOutcome; } String order = prefTabString; if ( prefDrawerString != null ) { order += ", " + prefDrawerString; } updatePrefs(order, prefHiddenString, tabcount); return m_TabOutcome; } private void updatePrefs(String order, String excludes, int tabcount) { setUserEditingOn(); // Remove existing property ResourcePropertiesEdit props = m_edit.getPropertiesEdit(CHARON_PREFS); props.removeProperty("exclude"); props.removeProperty("order"); // Commit to remove from database, for next set of value storing m_preferencesService.commit(m_edit); m_stuff = new Vector(); // add property name and value for saving if ( order != null && order.length() > 0 ) m_stuff.add(new KeyNameValue(CHARON_PREFS, "order", order, true)); if ( excludes != null && excludes.length() > 0 ) m_stuff.add(new KeyNameValue(CHARON_PREFS, "exclude", excludes, true)); m_stuff.add(new KeyNameValue(CHARON_PREFS, "tabs", String.valueOf(tabcount), false)); m_stuff.add(new KeyNameValue(CHARON_PREFS, "tab:label", prefTabLabel, false)); // save saveEdit(); // release lock and clear session variables cancelEdit(); // To stay on the same page - load the page data processActionEdit(); tabUpdated = true; // set for display of text message on JSP m_reloadTop = Boolean.TRUE; } /** * Process the cancel command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to tab customization page (edit) */ public String processActionCancel() { LOG.debug("processActionCancel()"); prefTabCount = null; // reset to retrieve original prefs prefTabLabel = null; // reset to retrieve original prefs // remove session variables cancelEdit(); // To stay on the same page - load the page data processActionEdit(); return m_TabOutcome; } /** * Process the cancel command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to Notification page (list) */ public String processActionNotiFrmEdit() { LOG.debug("processActionNotiFrmEdit()"); refreshMode=false; cancelEdit(); // navigation page data are loaded through getter method as navigation is the default page for 'sakai.preferences' tool. return "noti"; } /** * Process the cancel command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to timezone page (list) */ public String processActionTZFrmEdit() { LOG.debug("processActionTZFrmEdit()"); refreshMode=false; cancelEdit(); // navigation page data are loaded through getter method as navigation is the default page for 'sakai.preferences' tool. return "timezone"; } /** * Process the cancel command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to locale page (list) */ public String processActionLocFrmEdit() { LOG.debug("processActionLocFrmEdit()"); refreshMode=false; cancelEdit(); // navigation page data are loaded through getter method as navigation is the default page for 'sakai.preferences' tool. return "locale"; } /** * Process the cancel command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to locale page (list) */ public String processActionPrivFrmEdit() { LOG.debug("processActionPrivFrmEdit()"); cancelEdit(); // navigation page data are loaded through getter method as navigation is the default page for 'sakai.preferences' tool. return "privacy"; } /** * This is called from edit page for navigation to refresh page * * @return navigation outcome to refresh page (refresh) */ public String processActionRefreshFrmEdit() { LOG.debug("processActionRefreshFrmEdit()"); // is required as user editing is set on while entering to tab customization page cancelEdit(); loadRefreshData(); return "refresh"; } // //////////////////////////////////// HELPER METHODS TO ACTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Cancel the edit and cleanup. */ protected void cancelEdit() { LOG.debug("cancelEdit()"); // cleanup m_stuff = null; m_edit = null; prefExcludeItems = new ArrayList(); prefOrderItems = new ArrayList(); isNewUser = false; tabUpdated = false; notiUpdated = false; tzUpdated = false; locUpdated = false; refreshUpdated = false; } /** * used with processActionAdd() and processActionRemove() * * @return SelectItem */ private SelectItem removeItems(String value, List items, String addtype, String removetype) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("removeItems(String " + value + ", List " + items + ", String " + addtype + ", String " + removetype + ")"); } SelectItem result = null; for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { SelectItem item = (SelectItem) items.get(i); if (value.equals(item.getValue())) { result = (SelectItem) items.remove(i); break; } } return result; } /** * Set editing mode on for user and add user if not existing */ protected void setUserEditingOn() { LOG.debug("setUserEditingOn()"); try { m_edit = m_preferencesService.edit(getUserId()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { try { m_edit = m_preferencesService.add(getUserId()); isNewUser = true; } catch (Exception ee) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(ee.toString())); } } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(e.toString())); } } /** * Save any changed values from the edit and cleanup. */ protected void saveEdit() { LOG.debug("saveEdit()"); // user editing is required as commit() disable isActive() flag setUserEditingOn(); // move the stuff from m_stuff into the edit if (m_stuff != null) { for (Iterator i = m_stuff.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { KeyNameValue knv = (KeyNameValue) i.next(); // find the original to remove (unless this one was new) if (!knv.getOrigKey().equals("")) { ResourcePropertiesEdit props = m_edit.getPropertiesEdit(knv.getOrigKey()); props.removeProperty(knv.getOrigName()); } // add the new if we have a key and name and value if ((!knv.getKey().equals("")) && (!knv.getName().equals("")) && (!knv.getValue().equals(""))) { ResourcePropertiesEdit props = m_edit.getPropertiesEdit(knv.getKey()); if (knv.isList()) { // split by ", " String[] parts = knv.getValue().split(", "); for (int p = 0; p < parts.length; p++) { props.addPropertyToList(knv.getName(), parts[p]); } } else { props.addProperty(knv.getName(), knv.getValue()); } } } } // save the preferences, release the edit m_preferencesService.commit(m_edit); } /** * Check String has value, not null * * @return boolean */ protected boolean hasValue(String eval) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("hasValue(String " + eval + ")"); } if (eval != null && !eval.trim().equals("")) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Copied from CheronPortal.java /** * Find the site in the list that has this id - return the position. * * * @param value * The site id to find. * @param siteList * The list of Site objects. * @return The index position in siteList of the site with site id = value, or -1 if not found. */ protected int indexOf(String value, List siteList) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("indexOf(String " + value + ", List " + siteList + ")"); } for (int i = 0; i < siteList.size(); i++) { Site site = (Site) siteList.get(i); if (site.getId().equals(value)) { return i; } } return -1; } // ////////////////////////////////// NOTIFICATION ACTIONS //////////////////////////////// private DecoratedNotificationPreference currentDecoratedNotificationPreference = null; protected boolean notiUpdated = false; protected boolean tzUpdated = false; protected boolean locUpdated = false; // ///////////////////////////////// GETTER AND SETTER /////////////////////////////////// // TODO chec for any preprocessor for handling request for first time. This can simplify getter() methods as below /** * @return Returns the notiUpdated. */ public boolean getNotiUpdated() { return notiUpdated; } /** * @param notiUpdated * The notiUpdated to set. */ public void setNotiUpdated(boolean notiUpdated) { this.notiUpdated = notiUpdated; } /** * @return Returns the tzUpdated. */ public boolean getTzUpdated() { return tzUpdated; } /** * @param notiUpdated * The tzUpdated to set. */ public void setTzUpdated(boolean tzUpdated) { this.tzUpdated = tzUpdated; } /** * @return Returns the tzUpdated. */ public boolean getLocUpdated() { return locUpdated; } /** * @param notiUpdated * The locUpdated to set. */ public void setLocUpdated(boolean locUpdated) { this.locUpdated = locUpdated; } // ///////////////////////////////////////NOTIFICATION ACTION - copied from NotificationprefsAction.java//////// // TODO - clean up method call. These are basically copied from legacy legacy implementations. /** * Process the save command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to notification page */ public String processActionNotiSave() { LOG.debug("processActionNotiSave()"); // get an edit setUserEditingOn(); if (m_edit != null) { List<DecoratedNotificationPreference> items = getRegisteredNotificationItems(); for(UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration upr : m_userNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService.getRegisteredItems()) { readTypePrefs(upr.getType(), upr.getPrefix(), m_edit, getSelectedNotificationItemByKey(upr.getType(), items)); DecoratedNotificationPreference dnp = getDecoItemByKey(upr.getType(), items); if (dnp != null) { readOverrideTypePrefs(upr.getType() + NotificationService.NOTI_OVERRIDE_EXTENSION, upr.getPrefix(), m_edit, dnp.getSiteOverrides()); } } // update the edit and release it m_preferencesService.commit(m_edit); } processRegisteredNotificationItems(); notiUpdated = true; return "noti"; } /** * process notification cancel * * @return navigation outcome to notification page */ public String processActionNotiCancel() { LOG.debug("processActionNotiCancel()"); initRegisteredNotificationItems(); return "noti"; } /** * Process the save command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to timezone page */ public String processActionTzSave() { setUserEditingOn(); ResourcePropertiesEdit props = m_edit.getPropertiesEdit(TimeService.APPLICATION_ID); props.addProperty(TimeService.TIMEZONE_KEY, m_timeZone.getID()); m_preferencesService.commit(m_edit); TimeService.clearLocalTimeZone(getUserId()); // clear user's cached timezone tzUpdated = true; // set for display of text massage return "timezone"; } /** * process timezone cancel * * @return navigation outcome to timezone page */ public String processActionTzCancel() { LOG.debug("processActionTzCancel()"); // restore original time zone m_timeZone = null; getSelectedTimeZone(); return "timezone"; } /** * Process the save command from the edit view. * * @return navigation outcome to locale page */ public String processActionLocSave() { setUserEditingOn(); ResourcePropertiesEdit props = m_edit.getPropertiesEdit(ResourceLoader.APPLICATION_ID); props.addProperty(ResourceLoader.LOCALE_KEY, m_locale.toString()); m_preferencesService.commit(m_edit); TimeService.clearLocalTimeZone(getUserId()); // clear user's cached timezone //Save the preference in the session also ResourceLoader rl = new ResourceLoader(); Locale loc = rl.setContextLocale(null); // reset notification items with the locale initRegisteredNotificationItems(); locUpdated = true; // set for display of text massage return "locale"; } /** * process locale cancel * * @return navigation outcome to locale page */ public String processActionLocCancel() { LOG.debug("processActionLocCancel()"); // restore original locale m_locale = null; getSelectedLocale(); return "locale"; } /** * This is called from notification page for navigation to Refresh page * * @return navigation outcome to refresh page */ public String processActionRefreshFrmNoti() { LOG.debug("processActionRefreshFrmNoti()"); loadRefreshData(); return "refresh"; } // ////////////////////////////////////// HELPER METHODS FOR NOTIFICATIONS ///////////////////////////////////// /** * Read the two context references for defaults for this type from the form. * * @param type * The resource type (i.e. a service name). * @param prefix * The prefix for context references. * @param edit * The preferences being edited. * @param data * The rundata with the form fields. */ protected void readTypePrefs(String type, String prefix, PreferencesEdit edit, String data) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("readTypePrefs(String " + type + ", String " + prefix + ", PreferencesEdit " + edit + ", String " + data + ")"); } // update the default settings from the form ResourcePropertiesEdit props = edit.getPropertiesEdit(NotificationService.PREFS_TYPE + type); // read the defaults props.addProperty(Integer.toString(NotificationService.NOTI_OPTIONAL), data); } // readTypePrefs /** * Read the two context references for defaults for this type from the form. * * @param type * The resource type (i.e. a service name). * @param prefix * The prefix for context references. * @param edit * The preferences being edited. * @param data * The rundata with the form fields. */ protected void readOverrideTypePrefs(String type, String prefix, PreferencesEdit edit, List<SiteOverrideBean> data) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("readOverrideTypePrefs(String " + type + ", String " + prefix + ", PreferencesEdit " + edit + ", String " + data + ")"); } List<SiteOverrideBean> toDel = new ArrayList<SiteOverrideBean>(); // update the default settings from the form ResourcePropertiesEdit props = edit.getPropertiesEdit(NotificationService.PREFS_TYPE + type); // read the defaults for (SiteOverrideBean sob : data) { if (!sob.remove) { props.addProperty(sob.getSiteId(), sob.getOption()); } else { props.removeProperty(sob.getSiteId()); toDel.add(sob); } } data.removeAll(toDel); } // readOverrideTypePrefs /** * Read the two context references for defaults for this type from the form. * * @param type * The resource type (i.e. a service name). * @param edit * The preferences being edited. * @param data * The rundata with the form fields. */ protected void readOverrideTypePrefs(String type, PreferencesEdit edit, List<SiteOverrideBean> data) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("readOverrideTypePrefs(String " + type + ", PreferencesEdit " + edit + ", String " + data + ")"); } // update the default settings from the form ResourcePropertiesEdit props = edit.getPropertiesEdit(NotificationService.PREFS_TYPE + type); // read the defaults for (SiteOverrideBean sob : data) { props.addProperty(sob.getSiteId(), sob.getOption()); } } // readOverrideTypePrefs /** * delete the preferences for this type. * * @param type * The resource type (i.e. a service name). * @param prefix * The prefix for context references. * @param edit * The preferences being edited. * @param data * The rundata with the form fields. */ protected void deleteOverrideTypePrefs(String type, String prefix, PreferencesEdit edit, List<String> data) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("deleteOverrideTypePrefs(String " + type + ", String " + prefix + ", PreferencesEdit " + edit + ", String " + data + ")"); } ResourcePropertiesEdit props = edit.getPropertiesEdit(NotificationService.PREFS_TYPE + type); // delete for (String siteId : data) { props.removeProperty(siteId); } } // deleteOverrideTypePrefs /** * Add the two context references for defaults for this type. * * @param type * The resource type (i.e. a service name). * @param prefix * The prefix for context references. * @param context * The context. * @param prefs * The full set of preferences. */ protected String buildTypePrefsContext(String type, String prefix, String context, Preferences prefs) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("buildTypePrefsContext(String " + type + ", String " + prefix + ", String " + context + ", Preferences " + prefs + ")"); } ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties(NotificationService.PREFS_TYPE + type); String value = props.getProperty(new Integer(NotificationService.NOTI_OPTIONAL).toString()); return value; } /** * Add the two context references for defaults for this type. * * @param type * The resource type (i.e. a service name). * @param prefix * The prefix for context references. * @param context * The context. * @param prefs * The full set of preferences. */ protected List<SiteOverrideBean> buildOverrideTypePrefsContext(String type, String prefix, String context, Preferences prefs) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("buildOverrideTypePrefsContext(String " + type + ", String " + prefix + ", String " + context + ", Preferences " + prefs + ")"); } ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties(NotificationService.PREFS_TYPE + type); List<SiteOverrideBean> result = new ArrayList<SiteOverrideBean>(); for (Iterator<String> i = props.getPropertyNames(); i.hasNext();) { String propName = i.next(); SiteOverrideBean sob = new SiteOverrideBean(propName, props.getProperty(propName)); result.add(sob); } Collections.sort(result, new SiteOverrideBeanSorter()); return result; } // SAK-23895 private String selectedTabLabel = ""; private String getPrefTabLabel(){ if ( prefTabLabel != null ) return prefTabLabel; Preferences prefs = (PreferencesEdit) m_preferencesService.getPreferences(getUserId()); ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties(CHARON_PREFS); prefTabLabel = props.getProperty("tab:label"); if ( prefTabLabel == null ) prefTabLabel = String.valueOf(DEFAULT_TAB_LABEL); return prefTabLabel; } /** * @return Returns the getSelectedTabLabel. */ public String getSelectedTabLabel() { this.selectedTabLabel= getPrefTabLabel(); return this.selectedTabLabel; } /** * @param label * The tab label to set. */ public void setSelectedTabLabel(String label) { this.prefTabLabel = label; this.selectedTabLabel = label; } // ////////////////////////////////////// REFRESH ////////////////////////////////////////// private String selectedRefreshItem = ""; protected boolean refreshUpdated = false; /** * @return Returns the selectedRefreshItem. */ public String getSelectedRefreshItem() { return selectedRefreshItem; } /** * @param selectedRefreshItem * The selectedRefreshItem to set. */ public void setSelectedRefreshItem(String selectedRefreshItem) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setSelectedRefreshItem(String " + selectedRefreshItem + ")"); } this.selectedRefreshItem = selectedRefreshItem; } // /** // * process saving of refresh // * // * @return navigation outcome to refresh page // */ // public String processActionRefreshSave() // { // LOG.debug("processActionRefreshSave()"); // // // get an edit // setUserEditingOn(); // if (m_edit != null) // { // setStringPref(PortalService.SERVICE_NAME, "refresh", m_edit, getSelectedRefreshItem()); // // update the edit and release it // m_preferencesService.commit(m_edit); // } // refreshUpdated = true; // return "refresh"; // } /** * Process cancel and navigate to list page. * * @return navigation outcome to refresh page */ public String processActionRefreshCancel() { LOG.debug("processActionRefreshCancel()"); loadRefreshData(); return "refresh"; } /** * Process cancel and navigate to list page. * * @return navigation outcome to notification page */ public String processActionNotiFrmRefresh() { LOG.debug("processActionNotiFrmRefresh()"); return "noti"; //return "tab"; } // ///////////////////////////////////// HELPER METHODS FOR REFRESH ///////////////////////// /** * Load refresh data from stored information. This is called when navigated into this page for first time. */ protected void loadRefreshData() { LOG.debug("loadRefreshData()"); selectedRefreshItem = ""; refreshUpdated = false; if (!hasValue(selectedRefreshItem)) { Preferences prefs = (PreferencesEdit) m_preferencesService.getPreferences(getUserId()); // String a = getStringPref(PortalService.SERVICE_NAME, "refresh", prefs); // if (hasValue(a)) // { // setSelectedRefreshItem(a); // load from saved data // } // else // { // setSelectedRefreshItem("2"); // default setting // } } } /** * Set an integer preference. * * @param pres_base * The name of the group of properties (i.e. a service name) * @param type * The particular property * @param edit * An edit version of the full set of preferences for the current logged in user. * @param newval * The string to be the new preference. */ protected void setStringPref(String pref_base, String type, PreferencesEdit edit, String newval) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setStringPref(String " + pref_base + ", String " + type + ", PreferencesEdit " + edit + ", String " + newval + ")"); } ResourcePropertiesEdit props = edit.getPropertiesEdit(pref_base); props.addProperty(type, newval); } // setStringPref /** * Retrieve a preference * * @param pres_base * The name of the group of properties (i.e. a service name) * @param type * The particular property * @param prefs * The full set of preferences for the current logged in user. */ protected String getStringPref(String pref_base, String type, Preferences prefs) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("getStringPref(String " + pref_base + ", String " + type + ", PreferencesEdit " + prefs + ")"); } ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties(pref_base); String a = props.getProperty(type); return a; } // getIntegerPref /** Should we reload the top window? */ protected Boolean m_reloadTop = Boolean.FALSE; /** * Get, and clear, the reload element */ public Boolean getReloadTop() { Boolean rv = m_reloadTop; m_reloadTop = Boolean.FALSE; return rv; } public void setReloadTop(Boolean val) { } /** * Pull whether privacy status should be enabled from sakai.properties */ public boolean isPrivacyEnabled() { //return ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean(ENABLE_PRIVACY_STATUS, false); if (getPrivacy_selection()==0){ return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Should research/collab specific preferences (no syllabus) be displayed? * */ public boolean isResearchCollab() { return ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean(PREFS_RESEARCH, false); } public List<DecoratedNotificationPreference> getRegisteredNotificationItems() { LOG.debug("getRegisteredNotificationItems()"); return m_registereddNotificationItems; } public void initRegisteredNotificationItems() { LOG.debug("initRegisteredNotificationItems()"); m_registereddNotificationItems.clear(); for (UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration upr : m_userNotificationPreferencesRegistrationService.getRegisteredItems()) { m_registereddNotificationItems.addAll(getRegisteredNotificationItems(upr)); } processRegisteredNotificationItems(); } /** * Convenience method to take a string array and put it in a map * The key is the value in the array and the data in the map is the position in the array * @param array * @return */ private Map<String, Integer> stringArrayToMap(String[] array) { Map<String, Integer> retMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Integer index = 0; if (array != null) { for (String key : array) { retMap.put(key, index); index++; } } return retMap; } /** * Convenience method to take a string (comma delimited list of values) and turn it in to a list. * @param toolIds * @return */ private List<String> stringToList(String toolIds) { if ((toolIds != null) && (toolIds.length() > 0)) { String[] items = toolIds.split(","); return Arrays.asList(items); } return new ArrayList<String>(); } /** * Looks at the various hide and stealth properties to determine which tools should be displayed. * This method mostly taken from org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.ToolComponent.init() and modified a bit. * @return */ private String[] getHiddenTools() { // compute the tools to hide: these are the stealth tools plus the hidden tools, minus the visible ones Set<String> toHide = new HashSet(); String hiddenToolsPrefs = ServerConfigurationService.getString("prefs.tool.hidden"); String stealthTools = ServerConfigurationService.getString("stealthTools@org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ActiveToolManager"); String hiddenTools = ServerConfigurationService.getString("hiddenTools@org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ActiveToolManager"); String visibleTools = ServerConfigurationService.getString("visibleTools@org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ActiveToolManager"); if (stealthTools != null) { toHide.addAll(stringToList(stealthTools)); } if (hiddenTools!= null) { toHide.addAll(stringToList(hiddenTools)); } if (visibleTools != null) { toHide.removeAll(stringToList(visibleTools)); } if (hiddenToolsPrefs != null) { toHide.addAll(stringToList(hiddenToolsPrefs)); } return toHide.toArray(new String[]{}); } /** * Determine the sorting and if any should be hidden from view * @param decoItems */ private void processRegisteredNotificationItems() { Map<String, Integer> toolOrderMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String[] toolOrder = ServerConfigurationService.getStrings("prefs.tool.order"); //String hiddenTools = ServerConfigurationService.getString("prefs.tool.hidden"); String[] parsedHidden = getHiddenTools(); Map<String, Integer> hiddenToolMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); toolOrderMap = stringArrayToMap(toolOrder); hiddenToolMap = stringArrayToMap(parsedHidden); Preferences prefs = m_preferencesService.getPreferences(getUserId()); for (DecoratedNotificationPreference dnp : m_registereddNotificationItems) { String toolId = dnp.getUserNotificationPreferencesRegistration().getToolId(); Integer sort = toolOrderMap.get(toolId); if (sort != null) dnp.setSortOrder(sort); if (hiddenToolMap.get(toolId) != null) { dnp.setHidden(true); } ResourceProperties expandProps = prefs.getProperties(PREFS_EXPAND); if (expandProps != null) { String expandProp = expandProps.getProperty(dnp.key); if (expandProp != null) { boolean overrideExpand = expandProp.equalsIgnoreCase(PREFS_EXPAND_TRUE) ? true : false; dnp.setExpandOverride(overrideExpand); } } } Collections.sort(m_registereddNotificationItems, new DecoratedNotificationPreferenceSorter()); } /** * Get the current preference settings for this registration item * @param upr * @return */ public List<DecoratedNotificationPreference> getRegisteredNotificationItems(UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration upr) { LOG.debug("getRegisteredNotificationItems(UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration)"); List<DecoratedNotificationPreference> selNotiItems = new ArrayList<DecoratedNotificationPreference>(); Preferences prefs = m_preferencesService.getPreferences(getUserId()); List<SiteOverrideBean> siteOverrides = new ArrayList<SiteOverrideBean>(); if (upr.isOverrideBySite()) { siteOverrides = buildOverrideTypePrefsContext(upr.getType() + NotificationService.NOTI_OVERRIDE_EXTENSION, upr.getPrefix(), null, prefs); } DecoratedNotificationPreference dnp = new DecoratedNotificationPreference(upr, siteOverrides); String regItem = buildTypePrefsContext(upr.getType(), upr.getPrefix(), dnp.getSelectedOption(), prefs); if (hasValue(regItem)) { dnp.setSelectedOption(regItem); // load from saved data } else { dnp.setSelectedOption(upr.getDefaultValue()); // default setting } selNotiItems.add(dnp); return selNotiItems; } public List<String> getSelectedNotificationItemIds(DecoratedNotificationPreference dnp) { LOG.debug("getSelectedNotificationItemIds(DecoratedNotificationPreference)"); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SiteOverrideBean sob : dnp.getSiteOverrides()) { result.add(sob.siteId); } return result; } public void setCurrentDecoratedNotificationPreference( DecoratedNotificationPreference currentDecoratedNotificationPreference) { this.currentDecoratedNotificationPreference = currentDecoratedNotificationPreference; } public DecoratedNotificationPreference getCurrentDecoratedNotificationPreference() { return currentDecoratedNotificationPreference; } private DecoratedNotificationPreference getDecoItemByKey(String key, List<DecoratedNotificationPreference> decoPreferences) { LOG.debug("getDecoItemByKey(" + key + ")"); for (DecoratedNotificationPreference dnp : decoPreferences) { if (dnp.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { return dnp; } } return null; } private String getSelectedNotificationItemByKey(String key, List<DecoratedNotificationPreference> decoPreferences) { LOG.debug("getSelectedNotificationItemByKey(" + key + ")"); DecoratedNotificationPreference dnp = getDecoItemByKey(key, decoPreferences); if (dnp != null) { return dnp.getSelectedOption(); } return null; } /** * Get the display name for the site type in question. * If a course site, it will pull the info from the "term" site property * @param site * @return */ private String getSiteTypeDisplay(Site site) { ResourceProperties siteProperties = site.getProperties(); String type = site.getType(); String term = null; if ("course".equals(type)) { term = siteProperties.getProperty("term"); } else if ("project".equals(type)) { term = msgs.getString("moresite_projects"); } else if ("portfolio".equals(type)) { term = msgs.getString("moresite_portfolios"); } else if ("scs".equals(type)) { term = msgs.getString("moresite_scs"); } else if ("admin".equals(type)) { term = msgs.getString("moresite_administration"); } else { term = msgs.getString("moresite_other"); } return term; } public class DecoratedNotificationPreference { private String key = ""; private UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration userNotificationPreferencesRegistration = null; private String selectedOption = ""; private List<SelectItem> optionSelectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); private List<SiteOverrideBean> siteOverrides = new ArrayList<SiteOverrideBean>(); private List<DecoratedSiteTypeBean> siteList = new ArrayList<DecoratedSiteTypeBean>(); private Integer sortOrder = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private boolean hidden = false; private Boolean expandOverride = null; public DecoratedNotificationPreference() { LOG.debug("DecoratedNotificationPreference()"); } public DecoratedNotificationPreference(UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration userNotificationPreferencesRegistration, List<SiteOverrideBean> siteOverrides) { LOG.debug("DecoratedNotificationPreference(...)"); this.userNotificationPreferencesRegistration = userNotificationPreferencesRegistration; this.key = userNotificationPreferencesRegistration.getType(); this.siteOverrides = siteOverrides; for (String optionKey : userNotificationPreferencesRegistration.getOptions().keySet()) { SelectItem si = new SelectItem(optionKey, userNotificationPreferencesRegistration.getOptions().get(optionKey)); optionSelectItems.add(si); } } public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } public String getKey() { return key; } public void setUserNotificationPreferencesRegistration(UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration userNotificationPreferencesRegistration) { this.userNotificationPreferencesRegistration = userNotificationPreferencesRegistration; } public UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration getUserNotificationPreferencesRegistration() { return userNotificationPreferencesRegistration; } public void setSelectedOption(String selectedOption) { this.selectedOption = selectedOption; } public String getSelectedOption() { return selectedOption; } public void setOptionSelectItems(List<SelectItem> optionSelectItems) { this.optionSelectItems = optionSelectItems; } public List<SelectItem> getOptionSelectItems() { return optionSelectItems; } public void setSiteOverrides(List<SiteOverrideBean> siteOverrides) { this.siteOverrides = siteOverrides; } public List<SiteOverrideBean> getSiteOverrides() { return siteOverrides; } public List<DecoratedSiteTypeBean> getSiteList() { return siteList; } public void setSiteList(List<DecoratedSiteTypeBean> siteList) { this.siteList = siteList; } public Integer getSortOrder() { return sortOrder; } public void setSortOrder(Integer sortOrder) { this.sortOrder = sortOrder; } public boolean isHidden() { return hidden; } public void setHidden(boolean hidden) { this.hidden = hidden; } public Boolean getExpandOverride() { return expandOverride; } public void setExpandOverride(Boolean expandOverride) { this.expandOverride = expandOverride; } public boolean getExpand() { Boolean override = getExpandOverride(); if (override != null) return override; else return this.getUserNotificationPreferencesRegistration().isExpandByDefault(); } public String processActionAddOverrides() { setCurrentDecoratedNotificationPreference(this); initSiteList(); return "noti_addSiteOverride"; } /** * Initializing the site structures */ private void initSiteList() { Map<String, List<DecoratedSiteBean>> siteTypeMap = new HashMap<String, List<DecoratedSiteBean>>(); Map<String, String> siteTypeKeyMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String> selectedSites = getSelectedNotificationItemIds(this); for (Site site : m_sites) { if (site.getToolForCommonId(userNotificationPreferencesRegistration.getToolId()) != null) { String typeDisplay = getSiteTypeDisplay(site); List<DecoratedSiteBean> sitesList = siteTypeMap.get(typeDisplay); if (sitesList == null) { sitesList = new ArrayList<DecoratedSiteBean>(); } boolean selected = selectedSites.contains(site.getId()); sitesList.add(new DecoratedSiteBean(site, selected)); siteTypeMap.put(typeDisplay, sitesList); siteTypeKeyMap.put(typeDisplay, site.getType()); } } String expandTypeString = ServerConfigurationService.getString("prefs.type.autoExpanded", "portfolio"); String[] sortedTypeList = ServerConfigurationService.getStrings("prefs.type.order"); if(sortedTypeList == null) { sortedTypeList = new String[] {"portfolio","course","project"}; } String[] termOrder = ServerConfigurationService.getStrings("portal.term.order"); List<String> myTermOrder = new ArrayList<String>(); if (termOrder != null) { for (int i = 0; i < termOrder.length; i++) { if (siteTypeMap.containsKey(termOrder[i])) { myTermOrder.add(termOrder[i]); } } } int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sortedTypeList.length; i++) { if ("course".equalsIgnoreCase(sortedTypeList[i])) { boolean firstCourse = true; for (String value : myTermOrder) { if (value != null && !value.equals("")) { m_sortedTypes.put(value, count); count++; if (firstCourse) { expandTypeString = expandTypeString.concat("," + value); firstCourse=false; } } } } else { String value = sortedTypeList[i]; if (value != null && !value.equals("")) { m_sortedTypes.put(value, count); count++; } } } //List<DecoratedSiteTypeBean> siteOverrideList = new ArrayList<DecoratedSiteTypeBean>(); List<String> expandedTypes = Arrays.asList(expandTypeString.split(",")); siteList = getFullSiteOverrideList(siteTypeMap, siteTypeKeyMap, expandedTypes); } /** * Get all the sites by type and determine if the div should be expanded. * @return */ private List<DecoratedSiteTypeBean> getFullSiteOverrideList(Map<String, List<DecoratedSiteBean>> siteTypeMap, Map<String, String> siteTypeKeyMap, List<String> expandedTypes) { LOG.debug("getFullSiteOverrideList()"); List<DecoratedSiteTypeBean> list = new ArrayList<DecoratedSiteTypeBean>(); for (String keyText : siteTypeMap.keySet()) { boolean expand = false; String typeKey = siteTypeKeyMap.get(keyText); if (expandedTypes.contains(typeKey) || expandedTypes.contains(keyText.toUpperCase())) expand = true; list.add(new DecoratedSiteTypeBean(typeKey, keyText, siteTypeMap.get(keyText), expand)); } Collections.sort(list, new SiteTypeSorter()); return list; } /** * Do the save action * @return */ public String processActionSiteOverrideSave() { LOG.debug("processActionSiteOverrideSave()"); // get an edit setUserEditingOn(); if (m_edit != null) { List<SiteOverrideBean> toAdd = new ArrayList<SiteOverrideBean>(); List<String> toDel = new ArrayList<String>(); /** previously saved choices */ List<String> existingList = convertToStringList(getSiteOverrides()); LOG.debug("processActionSiteOverrideSave().existingList: " + convertListToString(existingList)); for (DecoratedSiteTypeBean dstb : siteList) { for (DecoratedSiteBean dsb : dstb.getSites()) { String siteId = dsb.getSite().getId(); LOG.debug("processActionSiteOverrideSave().selected?: " +siteId + ": " + dsb.selected); SiteOverrideBean sob = new SiteOverrideBean(siteId, Integer.toString(NotificationService.PREF_NONE)); if (dsb.selected && !existingList.contains(siteId)) { toAdd.add(sob); //siteOverrides.add(sob); } else if (!dsb.selected && existingList.contains(siteId)) { toDel.add(siteId); //siteOverrides.remove(sob); } } } LOG.debug("processActionSiteOverrideSave().toAdd: " + convertListToString(toAdd)); LOG.debug("processActionSiteOverrideSave().toDel: " + convertListToString(toDel)); //adds readOverrideTypePrefs(userNotificationPreferencesRegistration.getType() + NotificationService.NOTI_OVERRIDE_EXTENSION, m_edit, toAdd); //deletes deleteOverrideTypePrefs(userNotificationPreferencesRegistration.getType() + NotificationService.NOTI_OVERRIDE_EXTENSION, userNotificationPreferencesRegistration.getPrefix(), m_edit, toDel); // update the edit and release it m_preferencesService.commit(m_edit); //make sure the list gets updated initRegisteredNotificationItems(); } notiUpdated = true; return "noti"; } /** * For display/debug purposes. Turns a List into a readable string * @param list * @return */ private String convertListToString(List list) { String retVal = "["; int counter = 0; for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object rawValue = i.next(); String val = ""; if (rawValue instanceof SiteOverrideBean) { val = ((SiteOverrideBean)rawValue).getSiteId(); } else { val = (String) rawValue; } if (counter > 0) retVal = retVal.concat(","); retVal = retVal.concat(val); counter++; } return retVal.concat("]"); } /** * For display/debug purposes. Turns a List of SiteOverrideBeans into a readable string * @param list * @return */ private List<String> convertToStringList(List<SiteOverrideBean> list) { List<String> retList = new ArrayList<String>(list.size()); for (SiteOverrideBean sob : list) { retList.add(sob.getSiteId()); } return retList; } /** * Do the cancel action * @return */ public String processActionSiteOverrideCancel() { LOG.debug("processActionSiteOverrideCancel()"); processRegisteredNotificationItems(); return "noti"; } } public class SiteOverrideBean { private String siteId = ""; private String siteTitle = ""; private String option = ""; private boolean remove = false; public SiteOverrideBean() { LOG.debug("SiteOverrideBean()"); } public SiteOverrideBean(String siteId, String option) { LOG.debug("SiteOverrideBean(String, String)"); this.siteId = siteId; this.option = option; try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(siteId); this.siteTitle =site.getTitle(); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to get Site object for id: " + siteId, e); } } public String getSiteId() { return siteId; } public void setSiteId(String siteId) { this.siteId = siteId; } public String getSiteTitle() { return siteTitle; } public void setSiteTitle(String siteTitle) { this.siteTitle = siteTitle; } public String getOption() { return option; } public void setOption(String option) { this.option = option; } public void setRemove(boolean remove) { this.remove = remove; } public boolean isRemove() { return remove; } } public class DecoratedSiteTypeBean { private String typeKey = ""; private String typeText = ""; private String condensedTypeText = ""; private List<DecoratedSiteBean> sites = new ArrayList<DecoratedSiteBean>(); private List<SelectItem> sitesAsSelects = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); private boolean defaultOpen = false; public DecoratedSiteTypeBean() { LOG.debug("DecoratedSiteTypeBean()"); } public DecoratedSiteTypeBean(String typeKey, String typeText, List<DecoratedSiteBean> sites, boolean defaultOpen) { LOG.debug("DecoratedSiteTypeBean(...)"); this.setTypeKey(typeKey); this.typeText = typeText; this.sites = sites; this.condensedTypeText = typeText.replace(" ", ""); this.defaultOpen = defaultOpen; for (DecoratedSiteBean dsb : sites) { sitesAsSelects.add(new SelectItem(dsb.getSite().getId(), dsb.getSite().getTitle())); } } public String getStyle() { String style = "display: none;"; if (defaultOpen) style = "display: block;"; return style; } public String getIconUrl() { String url = "/library/image/sakai/expand.gif"; if (defaultOpen) url = "/library/image/sakai/collapse.gif"; return url; } public String getShowHideText() { String key = "hideshowdesc_toggle_show"; if (defaultOpen) key = "hideshowdesc_toggle_hide"; return msgs.getString(key); } public Integer getSortOrder() { Integer sort = null; if (typeKey.equals("course")) { sort = m_sortedTypes.get(typeText.toUpperCase()); } else { sort = m_sortedTypes.get(typeKey); } if (sort == null) sort = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return sort; } public void setTypeKey(String typeKey) { this.typeKey = typeKey; } public String getTypeKey() { return typeKey; } public String getTypeText() { return typeText; } public void setTypeText(String typeText) { this.typeText = typeText; } public String getCondensedTypeText() { return condensedTypeText; } public void setCondensedTypeText(String condensedTypeText) { this.condensedTypeText = condensedTypeText; } public List<DecoratedSiteBean> getSites() { return sites; } public void setSites(List<DecoratedSiteBean> sites) { this.sites = sites; } public List<SelectItem> getSitesAsSelects() { return sitesAsSelects; } public void setSitesAsSelects(List<SelectItem> sitesAsSelects) { this.sitesAsSelects = sitesAsSelects; } public void setDefaultOpen(boolean defaultOpen) { this.defaultOpen = defaultOpen; } public boolean isDefaultOpen() { return defaultOpen; } } public class DecoratedSiteBean { private Site site = null; private boolean selected = false; public DecoratedSiteBean() { LOG.debug("DecoratedSiteBean()"); } public DecoratedSiteBean(Site site) { LOG.debug("DecoratedSiteBean(Site)"); this.site = site; } public DecoratedSiteBean(Site site, boolean selected) { LOG.debug("DecoratedSiteBean(Site, boolean)"); this.site = site; this.selected = selected; } public Site getSite() { return site; } public void setSite(Site site) { this.site = site; } public boolean isSelected() { return selected; } public void setSelected(boolean selected) { this.selected = selected; } public void checkBoxChanged(ValueChangeEvent vce) { LOG.debug("checkBoxChanged()" + site.getId() + ": " + vce.getOldValue().toString() + "-->" + vce.getNewValue().toString()); Boolean tmpSelected = (Boolean)vce.getNewValue(); if (tmpSelected != null) { selected = tmpSelected; } } } /** * Class that figures out the order of the site types * @author chrismaurer * */ class SiteTypeSorter implements Comparator<DecoratedSiteTypeBean> { public int compare(DecoratedSiteTypeBean first, DecoratedSiteTypeBean second) { if (first == null || second == null) return 0; Integer firstSort = first.getSortOrder(); Integer secondSort = second.getSortOrder(); if (firstSort != null) return firstSort.compareTo(secondSort); return 0; } } /** * Class that figures out the order of the site types * @author chrismaurer * */ class SiteOverrideBeanSorter implements Comparator<SiteOverrideBean> { public int compare(SiteOverrideBean first, SiteOverrideBean second) { if (first == null || second == null) return 0; String firstSort = first.getSiteTitle(); String secondSort = second.getSiteTitle(); if (firstSort != null) return firstSort.toLowerCase().compareTo(secondSort.toLowerCase()); return 0; } } /** * Class that figures out the order of the site types * @author chrismaurer * */ class DecoratedNotificationPreferenceSorter implements Comparator<DecoratedNotificationPreference> { public int compare(DecoratedNotificationPreference first, DecoratedNotificationPreference second) { if (first == null || second == null) return 0; Integer firstSort = first.getSortOrder(); Integer secondSort = second.getSortOrder(); if (firstSort != null) return firstSort.compareTo(secondSort); return 0; } } }