/********************************************************************************** * $URL: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/kernel/trunk/kernel-impl/src/main/java/org/sakaiproject/site/impl/DbSiteService.java $ * $Id: DbSiteService.java 130212 2013-10-07 16:16:02Z azeckoski@unicon.net $ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.sakaiproject.site.impl; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlReader; import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlReaderFinishedException; import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit; import org.sakaiproject.javax.PagingPosition; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.Group; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.Site; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.SitePage; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.ToolConfiguration; import org.sakaiproject.time.api.Time; import org.sakaiproject.util.BaseDbFlatStorage; import org.sakaiproject.util.BaseResourcePropertiesEdit; import org.sakaiproject.util.StringUtil; /** * <p> * DbSiteService is an extension of the BaseSiteService with a database storage. * </p> */ public abstract class DbSiteService extends BaseSiteService { /** Our logger. */ private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(DbSiteService.class); /** Table name for sites. */ protected String m_siteTableName = "SAKAI_SITE"; /** Table name for site properties. */ protected String m_sitePropTableName = "SAKAI_SITE_PROPERTY"; /** ID field for site. */ protected String m_siteIdFieldName = "SITE_ID"; /** Site sort field. */ protected String m_siteSortField = "TITLE"; /** All fields for site. */ protected String[] m_siteFieldNames = {"SITE_ID", "TITLE", "TYPE", "SHORT_DESC", "DESCRIPTION", "ICON_URL", "INFO_URL", "SKIN", "PUBLISHED", "JOINABLE", "PUBVIEW", "JOIN_ROLE", "IS_SPECIAL", "IS_USER", "CREATEDBY", "MODIFIEDBY", "CREATEDON", "MODIFIEDON", "CUSTOM_PAGE_ORDERED", "IS_SOFTLY_DELETED", "SOFTLY_DELETED_DATE"}; /** ID field as an array to avoid instantiating it repeatedly for no reason. */ protected String[] m_siteIdFieldArray = {m_siteIdFieldName}; /************************************************************************************************************************************************* * Dependencies ************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @return the MemoryService collaborator. */ protected abstract SqlService sqlService(); /************************************************************************************************************************************************* * Configuration ************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** If true, we do our locks in the remote database, otherwise we do them here. */ protected boolean m_useExternalLocks = true; /** * Configuration: set the external locks value. * * @param value * The external locks value. */ public void setExternalLocks(String value) { m_useExternalLocks = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue(); } /** Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not. */ protected boolean m_autoDdl = false; /** * Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not. * * @param value * the auto ddl value. */ public void setAutoDdl(String value) { m_autoDdl = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue(); } /** contains a map of database handlers. */ protected Map<String, SiteServiceSql> databaseBeans; /** The database handler we are using. */ protected SiteServiceSql siteServiceSql; public void setDatabaseBeans(Map databaseBeans) { this.databaseBeans = databaseBeans; } public SiteServiceSql getSiteServiceSql() { return siteServiceSql; } /** * sets which bean containing database dependent code should be used depending on the database vendor. */ public void setSiteServiceSql(String vendor) { this.siteServiceSql = (databaseBeans.containsKey(vendor) ? databaseBeans.get(vendor) : databaseBeans.get("default")); } /************************************************************************************************************************************************* * Init and Destroy ************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Final initialization, once all dependencies are set. */ public void init() { try { // if we are auto-creating our schema, check and create if (m_autoDdl) { sqlService().ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "sakai_site"); // also load the 2.1 new site database tables sqlService().ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "sakai_site_group"); // also load the field insertion sqlService().ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "sakai_site_2_1_0_003"); // also load the 2.4.0 field insertion sqlService().ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "sakai_site_2_4_0_001"); // also load the 2.5.3 removal of synoptic discussion sqlService().ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "sakai_site_2_5_3"); } super.init(); setSiteServiceSql(sqlService().getVendor()); M_log.info("init(): site table: " + m_siteTableName + " external locks: " + m_useExternalLocks); } catch (Exception t) { M_log.warn("init(): ", t); } } /************************************************************************************************************************************************* * BaseSiteService extensions ************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Construct a Storage object. * * @return The new storage object. */ protected Storage newStorage() { return new DbStorage(this); } /************************************************************************************************************************************************* * Storage implementation ************************************************************************************************************************************************/ protected class DbStorage extends BaseDbFlatStorage implements Storage, SqlReader { /** A prior version's storage model. */ protected Storage m_oldStorage = null; /** The service. */ protected BaseSiteService m_service = null; /** Default SqlReader for retrieving complete sites. */ protected SqlReader fullSiteReader = new SiteSqlReader(true); /** SqlReader for retrieving sites with lazy site description CLOBs. */ protected SqlReader lightSiteReader = new SiteSqlReader(false); /** SqlReader for reading just the Site IDs, used for tuning getSites performance. */ protected SqlReader siteIdReader = new SiteIdSqlReader(); /** * The sizes of parameters to use for IN clauses padded with NULLs; up to Oracle maximum. * * TODO: Push this down to storage/SQL classes. */ protected Integer[] batchBuckets = {10, 50, 250, 1000}; /** * Construct. * * @param user * The StorageUser class to call back for creation of Resource and Edit objects. */ public DbStorage(BaseSiteService service) { super(m_siteTableName, m_siteIdFieldName, m_siteFieldNames, m_sitePropTableName, m_useExternalLocks, null, sqlService()); m_reader = this; m_service = service; setSortField(m_siteSortField, null); // no locking setLocking(false); } public boolean check(String id) { return super.checkResource(id); } public Site get(String id) { return (Site) super.getResource(id); } public List getAll() { return super.getAllResources(); } public Site put(String id) { // check for already exists if (check(id)) return null; BaseSite rv = (BaseSite) super.putResource(id, fields(id, null, false)); if (rv != null) rv.activate(); return rv; } public void save(final Site edit) { // run our save code in a transaction that will restart on deadlock // if deadlock retry fails, or any other error occurs, a runtime error will be thrown m_sql.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { saveTx(edit); } }, "site:" + edit.getId()); } /** * The transaction code to save a site. * * @param edit * The site to save. */ protected void saveTx(Site edit) { // TODO: (SAK-8669) re-write to commit only the diff, not a complete delete / add -ggolden // write the pages, tools, properties, // and then commit the site and release the lock // delete the pages, tools, page properties, tool properties Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = caseId(edit.getId()); String statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteToolPropertiesSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteToolsSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeletePagePropertiesSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeletePagesSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteGroupPropertiesSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteGroupsSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); // since we've already deleted the old values, don't delete them again. boolean deleteAgain = false; // add each page int pageOrder = 1; for (Iterator iPages = edit.getPages().iterator(); iPages.hasNext();) { SitePage page = (SitePage) iPages.next(); // write the page statement = siteServiceSql.getInsertPageSql(); fields = new Object[6]; fields[0] = page.getId(); fields[1] = caseId(edit.getId()); fields[2] = page.getTitle(); fields[3] = Integer.toString(page.getLayout()); fields[4] = ((((BaseSitePage) page).m_popup) ? "1" : "0"); fields[5] = Integer.valueOf(pageOrder++); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); // write the page's properties writeProperties("SAKAI_SITE_PAGE_PROPERTY", "PAGE_ID", page.getId(), "SITE_ID", caseId(edit.getId()), page.getProperties(), deleteAgain); // write the tools int toolOrder = 1; for (Iterator iTools = page.getTools().iterator(); iTools.hasNext();) { ToolConfiguration tool = (ToolConfiguration) iTools.next(); // write the tool statement = siteServiceSql.getInsertToolSql(); fields = new Object[7]; fields[0] = tool.getId(); fields[1] = page.getId(); fields[2] = caseId(edit.getId()); fields[3] = tool.getToolId(); fields[4] = Integer.valueOf(toolOrder++); fields[5] = tool.getTitle(); fields[6] = tool.getLayoutHints(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); // write the tool's properties writeProperties("SAKAI_SITE_TOOL_PROPERTY", "TOOL_ID", tool.getId(), "SITE_ID", caseId(edit.getId()), tool.getPlacementConfig(), deleteAgain); } } // add each group for (Iterator<Group> iGroups = edit.getGroups().iterator(); iGroups.hasNext();) { Group group = (Group) iGroups.next(); //does the group have a title? if (group.getTitle() == null || group.getTitle().trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Group title can't be empty"); } // write the group statement = siteServiceSql.getInsertGroupSql(); fields = new Object[4]; fields[0] = group.getId(); fields[1] = caseId(edit.getId()); fields[2] = group.getTitle(); fields[3] = group.getDescription(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); // write the group's properties writeProperties("SAKAI_SITE_GROUP_PROPERTY", "GROUP_ID", group.getId(), "SITE_ID", caseId(edit.getId()), group.getProperties(), deleteAgain); } // write the site and properties, releasing the lock super.commitResource(edit, fields(edit.getId(), edit, true), edit.getProperties(), null); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public void saveInfo(String siteId, String description, String infoUrl) { String statement = siteServiceSql.getUpdateSiteSql(m_siteTableName); Object fields[] = new Object[3]; fields[0] = description; fields[1] = infoUrl; fields[2] = caseId(siteId); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public void saveToolConfig(final ToolConfiguration tool) { // in a transaction m_sql.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { saveToolConfigTx(tool); } }, "siteToolConfig:" + tool.getId()); } /** * The transactino code for saving a tool config. */ protected void saveToolConfigTx(ToolConfiguration tool) { // delete this tool and tool properties Object fields[] = new Object[2]; fields[0] = caseId(tool.getSiteId()); fields[1] = caseId(tool.getId()); String statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteToolPropertySql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteToolSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); // write the tool statement = siteServiceSql.getInsertToolSql(); fields = new Object[7]; fields[0] = tool.getId(); fields[1] = tool.getPageId(); fields[2] = caseId(tool.getSiteId()); fields[3] = tool.getToolId(); fields[4] = Integer.valueOf(tool.getPageOrder()); fields[5] = tool.getTitle(); fields[6] = tool.getLayoutHints(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); // write the tool's properties writeProperties("SAKAI_SITE_TOOL_PROPERTY", "TOOL_ID", tool.getId(), "SITE_ID", caseId(tool.getSiteId()), tool.getPlacementConfig()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public void remove(final Site edit) { // in a transaction m_sql.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { removeTx(edit); } }, "siteRemove:" + edit.getId()); } /** * Transaction code to remove a site. */ protected void removeTx(Site edit) { // delete all the pages, tools, properties, permissions // and then the site and release the lock // delete the pages, tools, page properties, tool properties, permissions Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = caseId(edit.getId()); String statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteToolPropertiesSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteToolsSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeletePagePropertiesSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeletePagesSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteUsersSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteGroupPropertiesSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteGroupsSql(); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); // delete the site and properties super.removeResource(edit, null); } public int count() { return super.countAllResources(); } private String getSitesWhere(SelectionType type, Object ofType, String criteria, Map propertyCriteria, SortType sort) { // Note: super users are not treated any differently - they get only those sites they have permission for, // not based on super user status // if we are joining, start our where with the join clauses StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); if ((type == SelectionType.ACCESS) || (type == SelectionType.UPDATE) || (type == SelectionType.DELETED)) { // join on site id and also select the proper user where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere1Sql()); } // ignore user sites if (type.isIgnoreUser()) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere2Sql()); // reject special sites if (type.isIgnoreSpecial()) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere3Sql()); // reject unpublished sites if (type.isIgnoreUnpublished()) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere4Sql()); if (ofType != null) { if (ofType.getClass().equals(String.class)) { // type criteria is a simple String value where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere5Sql()); } else if (ofType instanceof String[] || ofType instanceof List || ofType instanceof Set) { // more complex type criteria int size = 0; if (ofType instanceof String[]) { size = ((String[]) ofType).length; } else if (ofType instanceof List) { size = ((List) ofType).size(); } else if (ofType instanceof Set) { size = ((Set) ofType).size(); } if (size > 0) { where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere6Sql()); for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { where.append(",?"); } where.append(") and "); } } } // Handle deleted sites. if (type == SelectionType.DELETED || type == SelectionType.ANY_DELETED) { where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhereSoftlyDeletedOnlySql()); } else { where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhereNotSoftlyDeletedSql()); } // reject non-joinable sites if (type == SelectionType.JOINABLE) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere7Sql()); // check for pub view status if (type == SelectionType.PUBVIEW) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere8Sql()); // check criteria if (criteria != null) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere9Sql()); // update permission if (type == SelectionType.UPDATE) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere10Sql()); // access permission if (type == SelectionType.ACCESS) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere11Sql()); // joinable requires NOT access permission if (type == SelectionType.JOINABLE) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere12Sql()); // when showing deleted, only show maintain ones. if (type == SelectionType.DELETED) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere10Sql()); // add propertyCriteria if specified if ((propertyCriteria != null) && (propertyCriteria.size() > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < propertyCriteria.size(); i++) { where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere13Sql()); } } // where sorted by createdby, need to join with SAKAI_USER_ID_MAP in order to find out the user eid if (sort == SortType.CREATED_BY_ASC || sort == SortType.CREATED_BY_DESC) { // add more to where clause where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere14Sql()); } else if (sort == SortType.MODIFIED_BY_ASC || sort == SortType.MODIFIED_BY_DESC) { // sort by modifiedby where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere15Sql()); } // where has a trailing 'and ' to remove if ((where.length() > 5) && (where.substring(where.length() - 5).equals(" and "))) { where.setLength(where.length() - 5); } return where.toString(); } private String getSitesOrder( SortType sort ) { // add order by if needed String order = null; if (sort == SortType.ID_ASC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder1Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.ID_DESC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder2Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.TITLE_ASC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder3Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.TITLE_DESC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder4Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.TYPE_ASC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder5Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.TYPE_DESC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder6Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.PUBLISHED_ASC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder7Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.PUBLISHED_DESC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder8Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.CREATED_BY_ASC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder9Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.CREATED_BY_DESC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder10Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.MODIFIED_BY_ASC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder11Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.MODIFIED_BY_DESC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder12Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.CREATED_ON_ASC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder13Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.CREATED_ON_DESC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder14Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.MODIFIED_ON_ASC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder15Sql(); } else if (sort == SortType.MODIFIED_ON_DESC) { order = siteServiceSql.getSitesOrder16Sql(); } return order; } private Object[] getSitesFields(SelectionType type, Object ofType, String criteria, Map propertyCriteria) { int fieldCount = 0; if (ofType != null) { if (ofType instanceof String) { // type criteria is a simple String value fieldCount++; } // more complex types else if (ofType instanceof String[]) { fieldCount += ((String[]) ofType).length; } else if (ofType instanceof List) { fieldCount += ((List) ofType).size(); } else if (ofType instanceof Set) { fieldCount += ((Set) ofType).size(); } } if (criteria != null) fieldCount += 1; if ((type == SelectionType.JOINABLE) || (type == SelectionType.ACCESS) || (type == SelectionType.UPDATE)) fieldCount++; if (propertyCriteria != null) fieldCount += (2 * propertyCriteria.size()); Object fields[] = null; if (fieldCount > 0) { fields = new Object[fieldCount]; int pos = 0; if ((type == SelectionType.ACCESS) || (type == SelectionType.UPDATE) || (type == SelectionType.DELETED)) { fields[pos++] = sessionManager().getCurrentSessionUserId(); } if (ofType != null) { if (ofType instanceof String) { // type criteria is a simple String value fields[pos++] = ofType; } else if (ofType instanceof String[]) { for (int i = 0; i < ((String[]) ofType).length; i++) { // of type String[] fields[pos++] = (String) ((String[]) ofType)[i]; } } else if (ofType instanceof List) { for (Iterator l = ((List) ofType).iterator(); l.hasNext();) { // of type List fields[pos++] = l.next(); } } else if (ofType instanceof Set) { for (Iterator l = ((Set) ofType).iterator(); l.hasNext();) { // of type Set fields[pos++] = l.next(); } } } if (criteria != null) { fields[pos++] = "%" + criteria + "%"; } if ((propertyCriteria != null) && (propertyCriteria.size() > 0)) { for (Iterator i = propertyCriteria.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); String name = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); fields[pos++] = name; fields[pos++] = "%" + value + "%"; } } if (type == SelectionType.JOINABLE) { fields[pos++] = sessionManager().getCurrentSessionUserId(); } } return fields; } private String getSitesJoin(SelectionType type, SortType sort ) { // do we need a join? String join = null; if ((type == SelectionType.ACCESS) || (type == SelectionType.UPDATE) || (type == SelectionType.DELETED)) { // join with the SITE_USER table join = siteServiceSql.getSitesJoin1Sql(); } if (sort == SortType.CREATED_BY_ASC || sort == SortType.CREATED_BY_DESC || sort == SortType.MODIFIED_BY_ASC || sort == SortType.MODIFIED_BY_DESC) { // join with SITE_USER_ID_MAP table if (join != null) { join += siteServiceSql.getSitesJoin2Sql(); } else { join = siteServiceSql.getSitesJoin3Sql(); } } return join; } /** * Get an appropriate size for a bucket of parameter placeholders, based on an actual parameter count. * * TODO: Push this down to storage/SQL classes. * * This is intended to be used for IN queries to prepare a fixed set of prepared statements with * placeholders and value arrays. * * @param parameters the number of actual parameters that will need to be set at execution * @return the appropriate bucket size for the supplied number of parameters, always positive. */ protected int getBucketSize(int parameters) { // Max batch size should come from the vendor, but the Sql interfaces don't expose it -- Oracle's is 1000 // TODO: This should be pushed down into storage classes and overridden by vendor if necessary. final int maxBatchSize = 1000; int batch = 0; for (Integer k : batchBuckets) { batch = k; if (k >= parameters) { break; } } if (batch == 0) { batch = maxBatchSize; } return batch; } /** * Create and fill a bucket with as many values as can be used, leaving unused slots null. * * TODO: Push this down to storage/SQL classes. * * The bucket may not consume the entire list, and will likely have null slots after the * last used object. If this is the case, this should be called again with a sublist from * the first unused object to the end. Another bucket, which may also not consume the * entire list will be created. Check the length of the returned array for the bucket size. * If it is greater than or equal to the number of objects in the list, all objects in the * list will be copied, leaving the trailing indices null. This implies that the entire list * fit in the bucket and should need no further processing. * * @param objects The list from which to copy objects. * @return a new array as big as is necessary or possible, with elements from objects copied in, * and null in all trailing indices where the bucket is bigger than the object list. * Will never be null; may be empty but only when objects is null or empty. * */ protected Object[] getFilledBucket(List<? extends Object> objects) { Object[] values = new Object[0]; if (objects != null && objects.size() > 0) { int bucketSize = getBucketSize(objects.size()); int elements = Math.min(objects.size(), bucketSize); values = objects.subList(0, elements).toArray(new Object[bucketSize]); } return values; } /** * Build up the ID field condition string for a WHERE ... IN query based on Site ID. * * @param values the array of values which will be set in the placeholders; must not be null or empty * @return an SQL condition string of the form SITE_ID IN (?,?,...), with the * fully qualified table and ID field names, and correct number of placeholders. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if values is null or empty -- any return is potentially dangerous * as it could return all or inappropriate rows */ protected String getWhereSiteIdIn(Object[] values) { int numParams = values != null ? values.length : 0; return getWhereSiteIdIn(numParams); } /** * Build up the ID field condition string for a WHERE ... IN query based on Site ID. * * @param numParams the number of placeholders desired; must not be zero * @return an SQL condition string of the form SITE_ID IN (?,?,...), with the * fully qualified table and ID field names, and numParams placeholders * @throws IllegalArgumentException if numParms is zero -- any return is potentially dangerous * as it could return all or inappropriate rows */ protected String getWhereSiteIdIn(int numParams) { String fieldName = qualifyField(m_resourceTableIdField, m_resourceTableName); return getWhereIdIn(fieldName, numParams); } /** * Build up the ID field condition string for a WHERE ... IN query based a specified ID. * * TODO: Push this down to storage/SQL classes. * * @param numParams the number of placeholders desired; must not be zero * @return an SQL condition string of the form SOME_ID IN (?,?,...), with the * supplied field name and numParams placeholders * @throws IllegalArgumentException if numParms is zero -- any return is potentially dangerous * as it could return all or inappropriate rows */ protected String getWhereIdIn(String fieldName, int numParams) { if (numParams == 0) { String msg = "Attempting to build a zero-length IN() clause for " + fieldName; M_log.warn(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder(fieldName + " IN ("); for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { params.append("?,"); } params.deleteCharAt(params.length() - 1); params.append(")"); return params.toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List getSites(SelectionType type, Object ofType, String criteria, Map propertyCriteria, SortType sort, PagingPosition page) { return getSites(type, ofType, criteria, propertyCriteria, sort, page, true); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<String> getSiteIds(SelectionType type, Object ofType, String criteria, Map<String, String> propertyCriteria, SortType sort, PagingPosition page) { String join = getSitesJoin( type, sort ); String order = getSitesOrder( sort ); Object[] values = getSitesFields( type, ofType, criteria, propertyCriteria ); String where = getSitesWhere(type, ofType, criteria, propertyCriteria, sort); String sql; if (page != null) { int first = page.getFirst(); int last = page.getLast(); sql = getResourceSql(fieldList(m_siteIdFieldArray, null), where, order, values, first, last, join); values = getPagedParameters(values, first, last); } else { sql = getResourceSql(fieldList(m_siteIdFieldArray, null), where, order, values, join); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> siteIds = (List<String>) sqlService().dbRead(sql, values, siteIdReader); return siteIds; } /** * Get an ordered map corresponding to a list of Site IDs, filled with any matching cached sites. * * @param siteIds * The list of site IDs to use as the basis of the map and check in the cache; null will result in an empty map * @param requireDescription * When true, only return cached sites with loaded descriptions; when false, allow lazy-loaded descriptions * @return * An ordered map in the same order as the siteIds list, one key for each non-null ID, corresponding to * either the cached Site or null when the site is not cached or does not have the full description loaded * and requireDescription is true. The map will never be null but may be empty. */ protected LinkedHashMap<String, Site> getOrderedSiteMap(List<String> siteIds, boolean requireDescription) { // LinkedHashMap maintains ordering based on initial order for keys, // so we can use a single, simple collection LinkedHashMap<String, Site> sites = new LinkedHashMap<String, Site>(); if (siteIds == null) { return sites; } for (String id : siteIds) { // Reuse cached sites Site site = getCachedSite(id); // But only use a cached site if we are ignoring descriptions or it is loaded. // This instanceof is similar to the safety valve in getCachedSite; see there for detail. if (requireDescription && site != null && site instanceof BaseSite) { BaseSite bSite = (BaseSite) site; if (!bSite.isDescriptionLoaded()) { site = null; } } // Always preserve ordering of sites, regardless of whether cached // or to be retrieved, as long as the ID was not null. if (id != null) { sites.put(id, site); } } return sites; } /** * @inheritDoc */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List getSites(SelectionType type, Object ofType, String criteria, Map propertyCriteria, SortType sort, PagingPosition page, boolean requireDescription) { List<String> siteIds = getSiteIds(type, ofType, criteria, propertyCriteria, sort, page); LinkedHashMap<String, Site> siteMap = getOrderedSiteMap(siteIds, requireDescription); SqlReader reader = requireDescription ? fullSiteReader : lightSiteReader; String order = getSitesOrder(sort); // Account for limitations in the number of IN parameters we can use by batching int remaining = siteIds.size(); while (remaining > 0) { // We are using fixed sized buckets for IN clause parameters, up to the platform maximum number and filling // with as many values as we have for this batch. This is to prepare a small number of queries and tabulate // query statistics in a meaningful way. Any remaining slots are filled with null, which optimizes nicely // and does not affect results against a non-null column (as with IDs). // Fill a bucket by passing the sublist from our current element to the end (remaining length) int start = siteIds.size() - remaining; Object[] values = getFilledBucket(siteIds.subList(start, start + remaining)); int bucketSize = values.length; String where = getWhereSiteIdIn(values); List<Site> dbSites; if (page != null) { dbSites = (List<Site>) getSelectedResources(where, order, values, page.getFirst(), page.getLast(), null, reader); } else { dbSites = (List<Site>) getSelectedResources(where, order, values, null, reader); } // Cache the sites we retrieved and put them in the right ordered slots for return for (Site site : dbSites) { cacheSite(site); siteMap.put(site.getId(), site); } remaining -= bucketSize; } // Ensure we don't have any nulls in the return list for (Iterator<Site> i = siteMap.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { if (i.next() == null) i.remove(); } return new ArrayList<Site>(siteMap.values()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List getSoftlyDeletedSites() { List rv = null; String where = siteServiceSql.getSitesWhereSoftlyDeletedOnlySql(); Object[] fields = getSitesFields( SelectionType.ANY, null, null, null ); String order = getSitesOrder( SortType.SOFTLY_DELETED_DATE_ASC ); rv = getSelectedResources(where, order, fields, null); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List getSiteTypes() { String statement = siteServiceSql.getTypesSql(); List rv = sqlService().dbRead(statement); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getSiteSkin(final String siteId) { if (siteId == null) return m_service.adjustSkin(null, true); // let the db do the work String statement = siteServiceSql.getSkinSql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = caseId(siteId); List rv = sqlService().dbRead(statement, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { String skin = result.getString(1); int published = result.getInt(2); // adjust the skin value skin = m_service.adjustSkin(skin, (published == 1)); return skin; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("getSiteSkin: " + siteId + " : " + e); return null; } } }); if ((rv != null) && (rv.size() > 0)) { return (String) rv.get(0); } return m_service.adjustSkin(null, true); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int countSites(SelectionType type, Object ofType, String criteria, Map propertyCriteria) { // if we are joining, start our where with the join clauses StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); if ((type == SelectionType.ACCESS) || (type == SelectionType.UPDATE) || (type == SelectionType.DELETED)) { // join on site id and also select the proper user where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere1Sql()); } // ignore user sites if (type.isIgnoreUser()) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere2Sql()); // reject special sites if (type.isIgnoreSpecial()) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere3Sql()); // reject unpublished sites if (type.isIgnoreUnpublished()) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere4Sql()); // reject unwanted site types if (ofType != null) { if (ofType instanceof String) { // type criteria is a simple String value where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere5Sql()); } else if (ofType instanceof String[] || ofType instanceof List || ofType instanceof Set) { // more complex type criteria int size = 0; if (ofType instanceof String[]) { size = ((String[]) ofType).length; } else if (ofType instanceof List) { size = ((List) ofType).size(); } else if (ofType instanceof Set) { size = ((Set) ofType).size(); } if (size > 0) { where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere6Sql()); for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { where.append(",?"); } where.append(") and "); } } } // Handle deleted sites. if (type == SelectionType.DELETED || type == SelectionType.ANY_DELETED) { where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhereSoftlyDeletedOnlySql()); } else { where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhereNotSoftlyDeletedSql()); } // reject non-joinable sites if (type == SelectionType.JOINABLE) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere7Sql()); // check for pub view status if (type == SelectionType.PUBVIEW) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere8Sql()); // check criteria if (criteria != null) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere9Sql()); // update permission if (type == SelectionType.UPDATE) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere10Sql()); // access permission if (type == SelectionType.ACCESS) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere11Sql()); // joinable requires NOT access permission if (type == SelectionType.JOINABLE) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere12Sql()); // when showing deleted, only show maintain ones. if (type == SelectionType.DELETED) where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere10Sql()); // do we need a join? String join = null; if ((type == SelectionType.ACCESS) || (type == SelectionType.UPDATE) || (type == SelectionType.DELETED)) { // join with the SITE_USER table join = siteServiceSql.getSitesJoin1Sql(); } // add propertyCriteria if specified if ((propertyCriteria != null) && (propertyCriteria.size() > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < propertyCriteria.size(); i++) { where.append(siteServiceSql.getSitesWhere13Sql()); } } int fieldCount = 0; if (ofType != null) { if (ofType instanceof String) { // type criteria is a simple String value fieldCount++; } // more complex types else if (ofType instanceof String[]) { fieldCount += ((String[]) ofType).length; } else if (ofType instanceof List) { fieldCount += ((List) ofType).size(); } else if (ofType instanceof Set) { fieldCount += ((Set) ofType).size(); } } if (criteria != null) fieldCount += 1; if ((type == SelectionType.JOINABLE) || (type == SelectionType.ACCESS) || (type == SelectionType.UPDATE) || (type == SelectionType.DELETED)) fieldCount++; if (propertyCriteria != null) fieldCount += (2 * propertyCriteria.size()); Object fields[] = null; if (fieldCount > 0) { fields = new Object[fieldCount]; int pos = 0; if ((type == SelectionType.ACCESS) || (type == SelectionType.UPDATE) || (type == SelectionType.DELETED)) { fields[pos++] = sessionManager().getCurrentSessionUserId(); } if (ofType != null) { if (ofType instanceof String) { // type criteria is a simple String value fields[pos++] = ofType; } else if (ofType instanceof String[]) { for (int i = 0; i < ((String[]) ofType).length; i++) { // of type String[] fields[pos++] = (String) ((String[]) ofType)[i]; } } else if (ofType instanceof List) { for (Iterator l = ((List) ofType).iterator(); l.hasNext();) { // of type List fields[pos++] = l.next(); } } else if (ofType instanceof Set) { for (Iterator l = ((Set) ofType).iterator(); l.hasNext();) { // of type Set fields[pos++] = l.next(); } } } if (criteria != null) { criteria = "%" + criteria + "%"; fields[pos++] = criteria; } if ((propertyCriteria != null) && (propertyCriteria.size() > 0)) { for (Iterator i = propertyCriteria.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); String name = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); fields[pos++] = name; fields[pos++] = "%" + value + "%"; } } if (type == SelectionType.JOINABLE) { fields[pos++] = sessionManager().getCurrentSessionUserId(); } } // where has a trailing 'and ' to remove if ((where.length() > 5) && (where.substring(where.length() - 5).equals(" and "))) { where.setLength(where.length() - 5); } int rv = countSelectedResources(where.toString(), fields, join); return rv; } /** * Access the ToolConfiguration that has this id, if one is defined, else return null. The tool may be on any SitePage in the site. * * @param id * The id of the tool. * @return The ToolConfiguration that has this id, if one is defined, else return null. */ public ToolConfiguration findTool(final String id) { String sql = siteServiceSql.getToolFields1Sql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = id; List found = m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { // get the fields String registration = result.getString(1); String title = result.getString(2); String layout = result.getString(3); String siteId = result.getString(4); String pageId = result.getString(5); String skin = result.getString(6); int published = result.getInt(7); int pageOrder = result.getInt(8); // adjust the skin value skin = m_service.adjustSkin(skin, (published == 1)); // make the tool BaseToolConfiguration tool = new BaseToolConfiguration(DbSiteService.this,id, registration, title, layout, pageId, siteId, skin, pageOrder); return tool; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("findTool: " + id + " : " + e); return null; } } }); if (found.size() > 1) { M_log.warn("findTool: multiple results for tool id: " + id); } ToolConfiguration rv = null; if (found.size() > 0) { rv = (ToolConfiguration) found.get(0); } return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public SitePage findPage(final String id) { String sql = siteServiceSql.getPageFields1Sql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = id; List found = m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { // get the fields String pageId = result.getString(1); String title = result.getString(2); String layout = result.getString(3); String siteId = result.getString(4); String skin = result.getString(5); int published = result.getInt(6); boolean popup = "1".equals(result.getString(7)) ? true : false; // adjust the skin value skin = m_service.adjustSkin(skin, (published == 1)); // make the page BaseSitePage page = new BaseSitePage(DbSiteService.this,pageId, title, layout, popup, siteId, skin); return page; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("findPage: " + id + " : " + e); return null; } } }); if (found.size() > 1) { M_log.warn("findPage: multiple results for page id: " + id); } SitePage rv = null; if (found.size() > 0) { rv = (SitePage) found.get(0); } return rv; } /** * Access the Site id for the page with this id. * * @param id * The id of the page. * @return The Site id for the page with this id, if the page is found, else null. */ public String findPageSiteId(String id) { String sql = siteServiceSql.getSiteId1Sql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = id; List found = m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, null); if (found.size() > 1) { M_log.warn("findPageSiteId: multiple results for page id: " + id); } String rv = null; if (found.size() > 0) { rv = (String) found.get(0); } return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String findGroupSiteId(String id) { String sql = siteServiceSql.getSiteId2Sql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = id; List found = m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, null); if (found.size() > 1) { M_log.warn("findGroupSiteId: multiple results for page id: " + id); } String rv = null; if (found.size() > 0) { rv = (String) found.get(0); } return rv; } /** * Access the Site id for the tool with this id. * * @param id * The id of the tool. * @return The Site id for the tool with this id, if the tool is found, else null. */ public String findToolSiteId(String id) { String sql = siteServiceSql.getSiteId3Sql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = id; List found = m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, null); if (found.size() > 1) { M_log.warn("findToolSiteId: multiple results for page id: " + id); } String rv = null; if (found.size() > 0) { rv = (String) found.get(0); } return rv; } /** * Establish the internal security for this site. Previous security settings are replaced for this site. Assigning a user with update implies * the two reads; assigning a user with unp read implies the other read. * * @param siteId * The id of the site. * @param updateUsers * The set of String User Ids who have update access. * @param visitUnpUsers * The set of String User Ids who have visit unpublished access. * @param visitUsers * The set of String User Ids who have visit access. */ public void setSiteSecurity(final String siteId, Set updateUsers, Set visitUnpUsers, Set visitUsers) { // normalize the input parameters - remove any user in more than one set // adjust visitUsers to remove any that are in visitUnpUsers or updateUsers Set targetVisit = new HashSet(); targetVisit.addAll(visitUsers); targetVisit.removeAll(visitUnpUsers); targetVisit.removeAll(updateUsers); // adjust visitUnpUsers to remove any that are in updateUsers Set targetUnp = new HashSet(); targetUnp.addAll(visitUnpUsers); targetUnp.removeAll(updateUsers); Set targetUpdate = updateUsers; // read existing String statement = siteServiceSql.getUserIdSql(); Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = caseId(siteId); // collect the current data in three sets, update, unp, visit final Set existingUpdate = new HashSet(); final Set existingUnp = new HashSet(); final Set existingVisit = new HashSet(); m_sql.dbRead(statement, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { String userId = result.getString(1); int permission = result.getInt(2); if (permission == -1) { existingUpdate.add(userId); } else if (permission == 0) { existingUnp.add(userId); } else if (permission == 1) { existingVisit.add(userId); } else { M_log.warn("setSiteSecurity: invalid permission " + permission + " site: " + siteId + " user: " + userId); } } catch (Exception ignore) { return null; } return null; } }); // compute the delete and insert sets for each of the three permissions // delete if the user is in targetUpdate, but it is already in one of the other categories Set updDeletes = new HashSet(); updDeletes.addAll(existingUnp); updDeletes.addAll(existingVisit); updDeletes.retainAll(targetUpdate); // also delete if the user is in the existing and not in the target Set obsolete = new HashSet(); obsolete.addAll(existingUpdate); obsolete.removeAll(targetUpdate); updDeletes.addAll(obsolete); // insert if the user is in targetUpdate, but is not already in update Set updInserts = new HashSet(); updInserts.addAll(targetUpdate); updInserts.removeAll(existingUpdate); // delete if the user is in targetUnp, but it is already in one of the other categories Set unpDeletes = new HashSet(); unpDeletes.addAll(existingUpdate); unpDeletes.addAll(existingVisit); unpDeletes.retainAll(targetUnp); // also delete if the user is in the existing and not in the target obsolete.clear(); obsolete.addAll(existingUnp); obsolete.removeAll(targetUnp); unpDeletes.addAll(obsolete); // insert if the user is in targetUnp, but is not already in unp Set unpInserts = new HashSet(); unpInserts.addAll(targetUnp); unpInserts.removeAll(existingUnp); // delete if the user is in targetVisit, but it is already in one of the other categories Set visitDeletes = new HashSet(); visitDeletes.addAll(existingUpdate); visitDeletes.addAll(existingUnp); visitDeletes.retainAll(targetVisit); // also delete if the user is in the existing and not in the target obsolete.clear(); obsolete.addAll(existingVisit); obsolete.removeAll(targetVisit); visitDeletes.addAll(obsolete); // insert if the user is in targetVisit, but is not already in visit Set visitInserts = new HashSet(); visitInserts.addAll(targetVisit); visitInserts.removeAll(existingVisit); // if there's anything to do if (updDeletes.size() > 0 || updInserts.size() > 0 || unpDeletes.size() > 0 || unpInserts.size() > 0 || visitDeletes.size() > 0 || visitInserts.size() > 0) { // delete old, write new, each in it's own transaction to avoid possible deadlock // involving modifications to multiple rows in a transaction fields = new Object[2]; fields[0] = caseId(siteId); // delete statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteUserSql(); for (Iterator i = updDeletes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String userId = (String) i.next(); fields[1] = userId; m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } for (Iterator i = unpDeletes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String userId = (String) i.next(); fields[1] = userId; m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } for (Iterator i = visitDeletes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String userId = (String) i.next(); fields[1] = userId; m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } // insert statement = siteServiceSql.getInsertUserSql(); fields = new Object[3]; fields[0] = caseId(siteId); fields[2] = Integer.valueOf(-1); for (Iterator i = updInserts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String userId = (String) i.next(); fields[1] = userId; m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } fields[2] = Integer.valueOf(0); for (Iterator i = unpInserts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String userId = (String) i.next(); fields[1] = userId; m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } fields[2] = Integer.valueOf(1); for (Iterator i = visitInserts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String userId = (String) i.next(); fields[1] = userId; m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setUserSecurity(final String userId, Set updateSites, Set visitUnpSites, Set visitSites) { // normalize the input parameters - remove any user in more than one set // adjust visitSites to remove any that are in visitUnpSites or updateSites Set targetVisit = new HashSet(); targetVisit.addAll(visitSites); targetVisit.removeAll(visitUnpSites); targetVisit.removeAll(updateSites); // adjust visitUnpSites to remove any that are in updateSites Set targetUnp = new HashSet(); targetUnp.addAll(visitUnpSites); targetUnp.removeAll(updateSites); Set targetUpdate = updateSites; // read existing String statement = siteServiceSql.getSiteId4Sql(); Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = userId; // collect the current data in three sets, update, unp, visit final Set existingUpdate = new HashSet(); final Set existingUnp = new HashSet(); final Set existingVisit = new HashSet(); m_sql.dbRead(statement, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { String siteId = result.getString(1); int permission = result.getInt(2); if (permission == -1) { existingUpdate.add(siteId); } else if (permission == 0) { existingUnp.add(siteId); } else if (permission == 1) { existingVisit.add(siteId); } else { M_log.warn("setUserSecurity: invalid permission " + permission + " site: " + siteId + " user: " + userId); } } catch (Exception ignore) { return null; } return null; } }); // compute the delete and insert sets for each of the three permissions // delete if the site is in targetUpdate, but it is already in one of the other categories Set updDeletes = new HashSet(); updDeletes.addAll(existingUnp); updDeletes.addAll(existingVisit); updDeletes.retainAll(targetUpdate); // also delete if the user is in the existing and not in the target Set obsolete = new HashSet(); obsolete.addAll(existingUpdate); obsolete.removeAll(targetUpdate); updDeletes.addAll(obsolete); // insert if the site is in targetUpdate, but is not already in update Set updInserts = new HashSet(); updInserts.addAll(targetUpdate); updInserts.removeAll(existingUpdate); // delete if the site is in targetUnp, but it is already in one of the other categories Set unpDeletes = new HashSet(); unpDeletes.addAll(existingUpdate); unpDeletes.addAll(existingVisit); unpDeletes.retainAll(targetUnp); // also delete if the user is in the existing and not in the target obsolete.clear(); obsolete.addAll(existingUnp); obsolete.removeAll(targetUnp); unpDeletes.addAll(obsolete); // insert if the site is in targetUnp, but is not already in unp Set unpInserts = new HashSet(); unpInserts.addAll(targetUnp); unpInserts.removeAll(existingUnp); // delete if the site is in targetVisit, but it is already in one of the other categories Set visitDeletes = new HashSet(); visitDeletes.addAll(existingUpdate); visitDeletes.addAll(existingUnp); visitDeletes.retainAll(targetVisit); // also delete if the user is in the existing and not in the target obsolete.clear(); obsolete.addAll(existingVisit); obsolete.removeAll(targetVisit); visitDeletes.addAll(obsolete); // insert if the site is in targetVisit, but is not already in visit Set visitInserts = new HashSet(); visitInserts.addAll(targetVisit); visitInserts.removeAll(existingVisit); // if there's anything to do if (updDeletes.size() > 0 || updInserts.size() > 0 || unpDeletes.size() > 0 || unpInserts.size() > 0 || visitDeletes.size() > 0 || visitInserts.size() > 0) { // delete old, write new, each in it's own transaction to avoid possible deadlock // involving modifications to multiple rows in a transaction fields = new Object[2]; fields[1] = userId; // delete statement = siteServiceSql.getDeleteUserSql(); for (Iterator i = updDeletes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String siteId = (String) i.next(); fields[0] = caseId(siteId); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } for (Iterator i = unpDeletes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String siteId = (String) i.next(); fields[0] = caseId(siteId); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } for (Iterator i = visitDeletes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String siteId = (String) i.next(); fields[0] = caseId(siteId); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } // insert statement = siteServiceSql.getInsertUserSql(); fields = new Object[3]; fields[1] = userId; fields[2] = Integer.valueOf(-1); for (Iterator i = updInserts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String siteId = (String) i.next(); fields[0] = caseId(siteId); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } fields[2] = Integer.valueOf(0); for (Iterator i = unpInserts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String siteId = (String) i.next(); fields[0] = caseId(siteId); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } fields[2] = Integer.valueOf(1); for (Iterator i = visitInserts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String siteId = (String) i.next(); fields[0] = caseId(siteId); m_sql.dbWrite(statement, fields); } } } /** * Read site properties from storage into the site's properties. * * @param edit * The user to read properties for. */ public void readSiteProperties(Site site, ResourcePropertiesEdit props) { super.readProperties(site, props); } /** * Read site properties and all page and tool properties for the site from storage. * * @param site * The site for which properties are desired. */ public void readAllSiteProperties(Site site) { // read and un-lazy the site properties readSiteProperties(site, ((BaseSite) site).m_properties); ((BaseResourcePropertiesEdit) ((BaseSite) site).m_properties).setLazy(false); // read and unlazy the page properties for the entire site // KNL-259 - Avoiding single-page fetch of properties by way of BaseToolConfiguration constructor // rerun everything if anything is still lazy, but avoid call otherwise // See also: SAK-10151 and BaseToolConfiguration.setPageCategory() boolean loadPageProps = false; for (Iterator i = site.getPages().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { BaseSitePage page = (BaseSitePage) i.next(); if (((BaseResourcePropertiesEdit) page.m_properties).isLazy()) { loadPageProps = true; break; } } if (loadPageProps) { readSitePageProperties((BaseSite) site); for (Iterator i = site.getPages().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { BaseSitePage page = (BaseSitePage) i.next(); ((BaseResourcePropertiesEdit) page.m_properties).setLazy(false); } } // read and unlazy the tool properties for the entire site readSiteToolProperties((BaseSite) site); for (Iterator i = site.getPages().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { BaseSitePage page = (BaseSitePage) i.next(); for (Iterator t = page.getTools().iterator(); t.hasNext();) { BaseToolConfiguration tool = (BaseToolConfiguration) t.next(); tool.m_configLazy = false; } } // read and unlazy the group properties for the entire site readSiteGroupProperties((BaseSite) site); for (Iterator i = site.getGroups().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { BaseGroup group = (BaseGroup) i.next(); ((BaseResourcePropertiesEdit) group.m_properties).setLazy(false); } } /** * Read properties for all pages in the site * * @param site * The site to read properties for. */ public void readSitePageProperties(final Site site) { // get the properties from the db for all pages in the site String sql = siteServiceSql.getPagePropertiesSql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = site.getId(); m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { // read the fields String pageId = result.getString(1); String name = result.getString(2); String value = result.getString(3); if (pageId == null) { M_log.warn("query returned a null pageid for site: " + site.getId() + " probably a orphaned DB record"); return null; } // get the page BaseSitePage page = (BaseSitePage) site.getPage(pageId); if (page != null && value != null && name != null) { page.m_properties.addProperty(name, value); } // nothing to return return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("readSitePageProperties: " + e); return null; } } }); } /** * Read properties for all tools in the site * * @param site * The site to read properties for. */ protected void readSiteToolProperties(final BaseSite site) { // get the properties from the db for all pages in the site String sql = siteServiceSql.getToolPropertiesSql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = site.getId(); m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { // read the fields String toolId = result.getString(1); String name = result.getString(2); String value = result.getString(3); // get the page BaseToolConfiguration tool = (BaseToolConfiguration) site.getTool(toolId); if (tool != null && value != null && name != null) { tool.getMyConfig().setProperty(name, value); } // nothing to return return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("readSitePageProperties: " + e); return null; } } }); } /** * Read properties for all groups in the site * * @param site * The site to read group properties for. */ protected void readSiteGroupProperties(final BaseSite site) { // get the properties from the db for all pages in the site String sql = siteServiceSql.getGroupPropertiesSql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = site.getId(); m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { // read the fields String groupId = result.getString(1); String name = result.getString(2); String value = result.getString(3); // get the group BaseGroup group = (BaseGroup) site.getGroup(groupId); if (group != null) { group.m_properties.addProperty(name, value); } // nothing to return return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("readSiteGroupProperties: " + e); return null; } } }); } /** * Read page properties from storage into the page's properties. * * @param page * The page for which properties are desired. */ public void readPageProperties(SitePage page, ResourcePropertiesEdit props) { super.readProperties(null, "SAKAI_SITE_PAGE_PROPERTY", "PAGE_ID", page.getId(), props); } /** * Read tool properties from storage into the tool's properties. * * @param tool * The tool for which properties are desired. */ public void readToolProperties(ToolConfiguration tool, Properties props) { super.readProperties(null, "SAKAI_SITE_TOOL_PROPERTY", "TOOL_ID", tool.getId(), props); } /** * Read group properties from storage into the group's properties. * * @param group * The group for which properties are desired. */ public void readGroupProperties(Group group, Properties props) { super.readProperties(null, "SAKAI_SITE_GROUP_PROPERTY", "GROUP_ID", group.getId(), props); } /** * Read site pages from storage into the site's pages. * * @param site * The site for which pages are desired. */ public void readSitePages(final Site site, final ResourceVector pages) { // read all resources from the db with a where String sql = siteServiceSql.getPageFields2Sql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = site.getId(); List all = m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { // get the fields String id = result.getString(1); String title = result.getString(2); String layout = result.getString(3); boolean popup = "1".equals(result.getString(4)) ? true : false; // make the page BaseSitePage page = new BaseSitePage(DbSiteService.this, site, id, title, layout, popup); // add it to the pages pages.add(page); return null; } catch (SQLException ignore) { return null; } } }); } /** * Read site page tools from storage into the page's tools. * * @param page * The page for which tools are desired. */ public void readPageTools(final SitePage page, final ResourceVector tools) { // read all resources from the db with a where String sql = siteServiceSql.getToolFields2Sql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = page.getId(); List all = m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { // get the fields String id = result.getString(1); String registration = result.getString(2); String title = result.getString(3); String layout = result.getString(4); int pageOrder = result.getInt(5); // make the tool BaseToolConfiguration tool = new BaseToolConfiguration(DbSiteService.this,page, id, registration, title, layout, pageOrder); // add it to the tools tools.add(tool); return null; } catch (SQLException ignore) { return null; } } }); } /** * Read tools for all pages from storage into the site's page's tools. * * @param site * The site for which tools are desired. */ public void readSiteTools(final Site site) { // read all tools for the site String sql = siteServiceSql.getToolFields3Sql(); Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = site.getId(); List all = m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { // get the fields String id = result.getString(1); String pageId = result.getString(2); String registration = result.getString(3); String title = result.getString(4); String layout = result.getString(5); int pageOrder = result.getInt(6); // get the page BaseSitePage page = (BaseSitePage) site.getPage(pageId); if ((page != null) && (page.m_toolsLazy)) { // make the tool BaseToolConfiguration tool = new BaseToolConfiguration(DbSiteService.this,page, id, registration, title, layout, pageOrder); // add it to the tools page.m_tools.add(tool); } return null; } catch (SQLException ignore) { return null; } } }); // unlazy the page tools for (Iterator i = site.getPages().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { BaseSitePage page = (BaseSitePage) i.next(); page.m_toolsLazy = false; } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public void readSiteGroups(final Site site, final Collection groups) { String sql = siteServiceSql.getGroupFieldsSql(); // TODO: order by? title? -ggolden Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = site.getId(); List all = m_sql.dbRead(sql, fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { // get the fields String groupId = result.getString(1); String title = result.getString(2); String description = result.getString(3); // make the group BaseGroup group = new BaseGroup(DbSiteService.this,groupId, title, description, site); // add it to the groups groups.add(group); return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("readSiteGroups: " + site.getId() + " : " + e); return null; } } }); } /** * Get the fields for the database from the edit for this id, and the id again at the end if needed * * @param id * The resource id * @param edit * The edit (may be null in a new) * @param idAgain * If true, include the id field again at the end, else don't. * @return The fields for the database. */ protected Object[] fields(String id, Site edit, boolean idAgain) { Object[] rv = new Object[idAgain ? 22 : 21]; rv[0] = caseId(id); if (idAgain) { rv[21] = rv[0]; } if (edit == null) { String current = sessionManager().getCurrentSessionUserId(); // if no current user, since we are working up a new user record, use the user id as creator... if (current == null) current = ""; Time now = timeService().newTime(); rv[1] = ""; rv[2] = ""; rv[3] = ""; rv[4] = ""; rv[5] = ""; rv[6] = ""; rv[7] = ""; rv[8] = Integer.valueOf(0); rv[9] = "0"; rv[10] = "0"; rv[11] = ""; rv[12] = isSpecialSite(id) ? "1" : "0"; rv[13] = isUserSite(id) ? "1" : "0"; rv[14] = current; rv[15] = current; rv[16] = now; rv[17] = now; rv[18] = "0"; rv[19] = "0"; rv[20] = null; } else { rv[1] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_title); rv[2] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_type); rv[3] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_shortDescription); rv[4] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_description); rv[5] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_icon); rv[6] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_info); rv[7] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_skin); rv[8] = Integer.valueOf((((BaseSite) edit).m_published) ? 1 : 0); rv[9] = ((((BaseSite) edit).m_joinable) ? "1" : "0"); rv[10] = ((((BaseSite) edit).m_pubView) ? "1" : "0"); rv[11] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_joinerRole); rv[12] = isSpecialSite(id) ? "1" : "0"; rv[13] = isUserSite(id) ? "1" : "0"; rv[14] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_createdUserId); rv[15] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseSite) edit).m_lastModifiedUserId); rv[16] = edit.getCreatedTime(); rv[17] = edit.getModifiedTime(); rv[18] = edit.isCustomPageOrdered() ? "1" : "0"; rv[19] = edit.isSoftlyDeleted() ? "1" : "0"; rv[20] = edit.getSoftlyDeletedDate(); } return rv; } /** * Read from the result one set of fields to create a Resource. * * @param result * The Sql query result. * @return The Resource object. */ public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) throws SqlReaderFinishedException { return fullSiteReader.readSqlResultRecord(result); } } /** * A very simple SqlReader for ID-only queries */ protected class SiteIdSqlReader implements SqlReader { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { String id = result.getString(1); return id; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("getSites, ID retrieval: " + e); return null; } } } /** * The SqlReader for full site records. * * This class was extracted from the storage class above so it can hold * the includeDescription setting. This allows the normal iteration with * the same queries and indexes, whether or not we are reading the * description CLOB. * */ protected class SiteSqlReader implements SqlReader { /** Flag to indicate whether we should retrieve the description */ protected boolean includeDescription; /** Default constructor gives an SqlReader that reads all fields */ public SiteSqlReader() { includeDescription = true; } /** * Specialized constructor to specify whether the description should be read or not. * @param includeDescription * when true, all fields will be read as normal; when false, the description will always be empty (""). */ public SiteSqlReader(boolean includeDescription) { this.includeDescription = includeDescription; } /** * Read result set one record at a time, optionally retrieving long description, based on includeDescription; */ public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { String id = result.getString(1); String title = result.getString(2); String type = result.getString(3); String shortDesc = result.getString(4); String description = includeDescription ? result.getString(5) : ""; String icon = result.getString(6); String info = result.getString(7); String skin = result.getString(8); boolean published = result.getInt(9) == 1; boolean joinable = "1".equals(result.getString(10)) ? true : false; boolean pubView = "1".equals(result.getString(11)) ? true : false; String joinRole = result.getString(12); boolean isSpecial = "1".equals(result.getString(13)) ? true : false; boolean isUser = "1".equals(result.getString(14)) ? true : false; String createdBy = result.getString(15); String modifiedBy = result.getString(16); java.sql.Timestamp ts = result.getTimestamp(17, sqlService().getCal()); Time createdOn = null; if (ts != null) { createdOn = timeService().newTime(ts.getTime()); } ts = result.getTimestamp(18, sqlService().getCal()); Time modifiedOn = null; if (ts != null) { modifiedOn = timeService().newTime(ts.getTime()); } boolean customPageOrdered = "1".equals(result.getString(19)) ? true : false; boolean isSoftlyDeleted = "1".equals(result.getString(20)) ? true : false; Date softlyDeletedDate = result.getDate(21); // create the Resource from these fields return new BaseSite(DbSiteService.this, id, title, type, shortDesc, description, icon, info, skin, published, joinable, pubView, joinRole, isSpecial, isUser, createdBy, createdOn, modifiedBy, modifiedOn, customPageOrdered, isSoftlyDeleted, softlyDeletedDate, includeDescription, sessionManager(), userDirectoryService()); } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("readSqlResultRecord: " + e); return null; } } } }