package org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.jsf.gradebookItemTable; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.faces.component.UIColumn; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.UIData; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter; import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding; import javax.faces.render.Renderer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.renderkit.html.HTML; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.jsf.FacesUtil; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.Category; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.GradableObject; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.ui.AssignmentGradeRow; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.ToolManager; public class GradebookItemTableRenderer extends Renderer { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GradebookItemTableRenderer.class); private static final String CURSOR = "cursor:pointer"; private static final String EXPANDED_IMG = "/images/expand.gif"; private static final String COLLAPSED_IMG = "/images/collapse.gif"; private HtmlGraphicImage image; private boolean expanded; private String path; private static final String EXPAND_ALT = "cat_expanded"; private static final String EXPAND_TITLE = "cat_view_collapse"; private static final String COLLAPSE_ALT = "cat_collapsed"; private static final String COLLAPSE_TITLE = "cat_view_expand"; String imgExpandAlt; String imgExpandTitle; String imgCollapseAlt; String imgCollapseTitle; /** * This component renders its children * @return true */ public boolean getRendersChildren() { return true; } public boolean supportsComponentType(UIComponent component) { return (component instanceof org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlDataTable); } public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException { if(!component.isRendered()){ //tool_bar tag is not to be rendered, return now return; } UIData data = (UIData) component; //Begin Rendering ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter(); //Render Header Facets writer.startElement("table", data); String styleClass = (String) data.getAttributes().get("styleClass"); if (styleClass != null) { writer.writeAttribute("class", styleClass, "styleClass"); } String cellspacing = (String) data.getAttributes().get("cellspacing"); if (cellspacing != null) { writer.writeAttribute("cellspacing", cellspacing, null); } String cellpadding = (String) data.getAttributes().get("cellpadding"); if (cellpadding != null) { writer.writeAttribute("cellpadding", cellpadding, null); } String headerClasses[] = getHeaderClasses(data); int headerStyle = 0; int headerStyles = headerClasses.length; writer.writeText("\n", null); String expandedValue = (String) data.getAttributes().get("expanded"); expanded = false; if(expandedValue != null && expandedValue.equals("true")) expanded = true; else expanded = false; path = context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath(); imgExpandAlt = FacesUtil.getLocalizedString(EXPAND_ALT); imgExpandTitle = FacesUtil.getLocalizedString(EXPAND_TITLE); imgCollapseAlt = FacesUtil.getLocalizedString(COLLAPSE_ALT); imgCollapseTitle = FacesUtil.getLocalizedString(COLLAPSE_TITLE); image = new HtmlGraphicImage(); if (expanded) { image.setValue(path + EXPANDED_IMG); image.setAlt(imgExpandAlt); image.setTitle(imgExpandTitle); } else { image.setValue(path + COLLAPSED_IMG); image.setAlt(imgCollapseAlt); image.setTitle(imgCollapseTitle); } // Render the header facets (if any) UIComponent header = data.getFacet("header"); int headerFacets = getFacetCount(data, "header"); if ((header != null) || (headerFacets > 0)) { writer.startElement("thead", data); writer.writeText("\n", null); } if (header != null) { writer.startElement("tr", header); writer.startElement("th", header); writer.writeAttribute("colspan", "" + getColumnCount(data), null); writer.writeAttribute("scope", "colgroup", null); encodeRecursive(context, header); writer.endElement("th"); writer.endElement("tr"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } if (headerFacets > 0) { writer.startElement("tr", data); writer.writeText("\n", null); Iterator columns = getColumns(data); while (columns.hasNext()) { UIColumn column = (UIColumn); writer.startElement("th", column); if (headerStyles > 0 && headerStyle < headerStyles) { writer.writeAttribute("class", headerClasses[headerStyle++], "headerClass"); } writer.writeAttribute("scope", "col", null); if (column.getId().endsWith("_toggle")) { // get the number of toggles for "expand/collapse all" js int numItems = getNumDataItemsForToggle(context, component); String onclickText = "javascript:showHideAll('" + numItems + "', '" + path + "', '" + imgExpandAlt + "', '" + imgCollapseAlt + "', '" + imgExpandTitle + "', '" + imgCollapseTitle + "');"; writer.startElement(HTML.IMG_ELEM, image); writer.writeURIAttribute("src", image.getValue(), null); writer.writeURIAttribute("onclick", onclickText, null); writer.writeURIAttribute("style", CURSOR, null); writer.writeURIAttribute("alt", image.getAlt(), null); writer.writeURIAttribute("title", image.getTitle(), null); writer.writeURIAttribute("id", "expandCollapseAll", null); writer.endElement(HTML.IMG_ELEM); } UIComponent facet = column.getFacet("header"); if (facet != null) { encodeRecursive(context, facet); } writer.endElement("th"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } writer.endElement("tr"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } if ((header != null) || (headerFacets > 0)) { writer.endElement("thead"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } // Render the footer facets (if any) UIComponent footer = data.getFacet("footer"); int footerFacets = getFacetCount(data, "footer"); String footerClass = (String) data.getAttributes().get("footerClass"); if ((footer != null) || (footerFacets > 0)) { writer.startElement("tfoot", data); writer.writeText("\n", null); } if (footer != null) { writer.startElement("tr", footer); writer.startElement("td", footer); if (footerClass != null) { writer.writeAttribute("class", footerClass, "footerClass"); } writer.writeAttribute("colspan", "" + getColumnCount(data), null); encodeRecursive(context, footer); writer.endElement("td"); writer.endElement("tr"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } if (footerFacets > 0) { writer.startElement("tr", data); writer.writeText("\n", null); Iterator columns = getColumns(data); while (columns.hasNext()) { UIColumn column = (UIColumn); writer.startElement("td", column); if (footerClass != null) { writer.writeAttribute("class", footerClass, "footerClass"); } UIComponent facet = column.getFacet("footer"); if (facet != null) { encodeRecursive(context, facet); } writer.endElement("td"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } writer.endElement("tr"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } if ((footer != null) || (footerFacets > 0)) { writer.endElement("tfoot"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } } /** * We put all our processing in the encodeChildren method * @param context * @param component * @throws IOException */ public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException { if ((context == null) || (component == null)) { return; } if (!component.isRendered()) { return; } UIData data = (UIData) component; ValueBinding gbItemsBinding = component.getValueBinding("value"); List gbItemList = (List)gbItemsBinding.getValue(context); // Set up variables we will need String columnClasses[] = getColumnClasses(data); int columnStyle = 0; int columnStyles = columnClasses.length; String rowClasses[] = getRowClasses(data); int rowStyles = rowClasses.length; ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter(); Iterator kids = null; Iterator grandkids = null; // Iterate over the rows of data that are provided int processed = 0; int rowIndex = data.getFirst() - 1; int rows = data.getRows(); int rowStyle = 0; writer.startElement("tbody", component); writer.writeText("\n", null); int hideDivNo = 0; while (true) { Category gbCategory = null; boolean isCategory = false; boolean isAssignment = false; boolean isCourseGrade = false; boolean isGradeRow = false; if(gbItemList !=null && gbItemList.size() > (rowIndex+1) && rowIndex > -2) { Object gbItem = gbItemList.get(rowIndex+1); if (gbItem instanceof Category) { isCategory = true; isCourseGrade = false; isAssignment = false; gbCategory = (Category) gbItem; } else if (gbItem instanceof GradableObject){ isCategory = false; GradableObject go = (GradableObject) gbItem; if (go.isAssignment()) { isAssignment = true; isCourseGrade = true; } else { isAssignment = false; isCourseGrade = true; } } else if (gbItem instanceof AssignmentGradeRow) { isCategory = false; isCourseGrade = false; isAssignment = false; isGradeRow = true; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid class passed to renderer: " + gbItem.getClass()); } } boolean hasChildBoolean = false; int childNo = 0; if(isCategory && gbCategory != null && gbItemList.size() > rowIndex + 2) { for (int i=rowIndex+2; i < gbItemList.size(); i++) { Object nextItem = gbItemList.get(i); if (nextItem instanceof GradableObject) { GradableObject nextGo = (GradableObject) nextItem; if (nextGo.isAssignment()) { hasChildBoolean = true; childNo++; } else { break; } } else if (nextItem instanceof AssignmentGradeRow) { hasChildBoolean = true; childNo++; } else if (nextItem instanceof Category) { break; } } } // Have we displayed the requested number of rows? if ((rows > 0) && (++processed > rows)) { break; } // Select the current row data.setRowIndex(++rowIndex); if (!data.isRowAvailable()) { break; // Scrolled past the last row } // Render the beginning of this row writer.startElement("tr", data); if(isAssignment || isGradeRow) { String assignId = "_id_" + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString() + "__hide_division_"; writer.writeAttribute("id", assignId, null); if (!expanded) writer.writeAttribute("style", "display:none;", null); } if (rowStyles > 0) { writer.writeAttribute("class", rowClasses[rowStyle++], "rowClasses"); if (rowStyle >= rowStyles) { rowStyle = 0; } } writer.writeText("\n", null); // Iterate over the child UIColumn components for each row columnStyle = 0; kids = getColumns(data); while (kids.hasNext()) { // Identify the next renderable column UIColumn column = (UIColumn); // Render the beginning of this cell writer.startElement("td", column); if (columnStyles > 0) { writer.writeAttribute("class", columnClasses[columnStyle++], "columnClasses"); if (columnStyle >= columnStyles) { columnStyle = 0; } } if((isAssignment || isCourseGrade || isCategory || isGradeRow) && column.getId().endsWith("_toggle")) { if(hasChildBoolean && isCategory) { String imgId = "_id_" + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString() + "__img_hide_division_"; StringBuffer hideTr = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0; i<childNo; i++) { hideTr.append("javascript:showHideDiv('_id_").append(new Integer(hideDivNo+i).toString()).append("', '") .append(path).append("', '").append(imgExpandAlt).append("', '").append(imgCollapseAlt).append("', '") .append(imgExpandTitle).append("', '").append(imgCollapseTitle).append("');"); } hideTr.append("mySetMainFrameHeight('Main").append(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getId().replace('-','x')).append("');"); writer.startElement(HTML.IMG_ELEM, image); writer.writeURIAttribute("src", image.getValue(), null); writer.writeURIAttribute("onclick", hideTr, null); writer.writeURIAttribute("style", CURSOR, null); writer.writeURIAttribute("alt", image.getAlt(), null); writer.writeURIAttribute("title", image.getTitle(), null); writer.writeURIAttribute("id", imgId, null); writer.endElement(HTML.IMG_ELEM); } writer.endElement("td"); continue; } // Render the contents of this cell by iterating over // the kids of our kids grandkids = getChildren(column); while (grandkids.hasNext()) { encodeRecursive(context, (UIComponent); } // Render the ending of this cell writer.endElement("td"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } // Render the ending of this row writer.endElement("tr"); writer.writeText("\n", null); if(isAssignment || isGradeRow) { if(expanded) { writer.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); writer.write(" showHideDiv('_id_" + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString() + "', '" + path + "', '" + imgExpandAlt + "', '" + imgCollapseAlt + "', '" + imgExpandTitle + "', '" + imgCollapseTitle + "');"); writer.write("</script>"); } hideDivNo++; } } writer.endElement("tbody"); writer.writeText("\n", null); // Clean up after ourselves data.setRowIndex(-1); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("End encoding children " + component.getId()); } } public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException { if ((context == null) || (component == null)) { return; } if (!component.isRendered()) { return; } UIData data = (UIData) component; data.setRowIndex(-1); ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter(); // Render the ending of this table writer.endElement("table"); writer.writeText("\n", null); } /** * <p>Return an Iterator over the <code>UIColumn</code> children * of the specified <code>UIData</code> that have a * <code>rendered</code> property of <code>true</code>.</p> * * @param data <code>UIData</code> for which to extract children */ private Iterator getColumns(UIData data) { List results = new ArrayList(); Iterator kids = data.getChildren().iterator(); while (kids.hasNext()) { UIComponent kid = (UIComponent); if ((kid instanceof UIColumn) && kid.isRendered()) { results.add(kid); } } return (results.iterator()); } /** * <p>Return the number of child <code>UIColumn</code> components * nested in the specified <code>UIData</code> that have a facet with * the specified name.</p> * * @param data <code>UIData</code> component being analyzed * @param name Name of the facet being analyzed */ private int getFacetCount(UIData data, String name) { int n = 0; Iterator kids = getColumns(data); while (kids.hasNext()) { UIComponent kid = (UIComponent); if (kid.getFacet(name) != null) { n++; } } return (n); } protected Iterator getChildren(UIComponent oComponent){ List oResults = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator oKids = oComponent.getChildren().iterator(); oKids.hasNext();){ UIComponent oKid = (UIComponent); if(oKid.isRendered()) oResults.add(oKid); } return oResults.iterator(); } private void encodeRecursive(FacesContext oContext,UIComponent oComponent) throws IOException{ if (!oComponent.isRendered()){ return; } oComponent.encodeBegin(oContext); if (oComponent.getRendersChildren()){ oComponent.encodeChildren(oContext); } else{ Iterator oChildren = getChildren(oComponent); for(;oChildren.hasNext();){ UIComponent oChildComponent = (UIComponent); encodeRecursive(oContext,oChildComponent); } } oComponent.encodeEnd(oContext); } /** * <p>Return an array of stylesheet classes to be applied to * each column in the table in the order specified. Every column may or * may not have a class.</p> * * @param data {@link UIData} component being rendered */ private String[] getColumnClasses(UIData data) { String values = (String) data.getAttributes().get("columnClasses"); if (values == null) { return (new String[0]); } values = values.trim(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); while (values.length() > 0) { int comma = values.indexOf(","); if (comma >= 0) { list.add(values.substring(0, comma).trim()); values = values.substring(comma + 1); } else { list.add(values.trim()); values = ""; } } // now iterate through the columns and remove the class for any // columns that aren't rendered List columns = data.getChildren(); int listIndex = 0; for (int i=0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (i >= list.size()) break; UIComponent kid = (UIComponent) columns.get(i); if ((kid instanceof UIColumn) && !kid.isRendered()) { list.remove(listIndex); } else { listIndex++; } } String results[] = new String[list.size()]; return ((String[]) list.toArray(results)); } /** * <p>Return an array of stylesheet classes to be applied to * each header in the table in the order specified. Every column may or * may not have a class.</p> * * @param data {@link UIData} component being rendered */ private String[] getHeaderClasses(UIData data) { String values = (String) data.getAttributes().get("headerClasses"); if (values == null) { return (new String[0]); } values = values.trim(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); while (values.length() > 0) { int comma = values.indexOf(","); if (comma >= 0) { list.add(values.substring(0, comma).trim()); values = values.substring(comma + 1); } else { list.add(values.trim()); values = ""; } } // now iterate through the columns and remove the class for any // columns that aren't rendered List columns = data.getChildren(); int listIndex = 0; for (int i=0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (i >= list.size()) break; UIComponent kid = (UIComponent) columns.get(i); if ((kid instanceof UIColumn) && !kid.isRendered()) { list.remove(listIndex); } else { listIndex++; } } String results[] = new String[list.size()]; return ((String[]) list.toArray(results)); } /** * <p>Return the number of child <code>UIColumn</code> components * that are nested in the specified {@link UIData}.</p> * * @param data {@link UIData} component being analyzed */ private int getColumnCount(UIData data) { int columns = 0; Iterator kids = getColumns(data); while (kids.hasNext()) { UIComponent kid = (UIComponent); columns++; } return (columns); } /** * <p>Return an array of stylesheet classes to be applied to * each row in the table, in the order specified. Every row may or * may not have a stylesheet.</p> * * @param data {@link UIData} component being rendered */ private String[] getRowClasses(UIData data) { String values = (String) data.getAttributes().get("rowClasses"); if (values == null) { return (new String[0]); } values = values.trim(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); while (values.length() > 0) { int comma = values.indexOf(","); if (comma >= 0) { list.add(values.substring(0, comma).trim()); values = values.substring(comma + 1); } else { list.add(values.trim()); values = ""; } } String results[] = new String[list.size()]; return ((String[]) list.toArray(results)); } private int getNumDataItemsForToggle(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) { int numDataItems = 0; ValueBinding gbItemsBinding = component.getValueBinding("value"); List gbItemList = (List)gbItemsBinding.getValue(context); if (gbItemList != null && !gbItemList.isEmpty()) { numDataItems = gbItemList.size(); } return numDataItems; } }