package org.sakaiproject.citation.impl.openurl; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; public class ByValueHttpTransport implements Transport { public RawContextObject parse(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, String[]> parameters = (Map<String, String[]>)request.getParameterMap(); String version = Utils.getValue(parameters, URL_VER); if (version == null) { // Should reject this. } else { if (!version.equals(ContextObject.VERSION)) { // bad version, should reject, although being relaxed can be good.. } } String timestamp = Utils.getValue(parameters, URL_TIM); if (timestamp != null) { // Should parse. } String format = Utils.getValue(parameters, URL_CTX_FMT); if (format == null) { // This should be fatal. } String data = Utils.getValue(parameters, URL_CTX_VAL); if (data == null) { // Fatal, don't continue. } RawContextObject raw = new RawContextObject(format, data); return raw; } public String encode(String data) { return null; //TODO } }