package org.sakaiproject.content.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentCollection; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentCollectionEdit; import org.sakaiproject.content.cover.ContentHostingService; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResource; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResourceEdit; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Entity; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Reference; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit; import org.sakaiproject.event.api.NotificationService; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUsedException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.ServerOverloadException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.TypeException; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.SessionManager; @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "restriction" }) public class ZipContentUtil { protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ZipContentUtil.class); private static final String ZIP_EXTENSION = ".zip"; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 32000; private static final MimetypesFileTypeMap mime = new MimetypesFileTypeMap(); public static final String PREFIX = "resources."; public static final String REQUEST = "request."; private static final String STATE_HOME_COLLECTION_ID = PREFIX + REQUEST + "collection_home"; private static final String STATE_HOME_COLLECTION_DISPLAY_NAME = PREFIX + REQUEST + "collection_home_display_name"; public static final String STATE_MESSAGE = "message"; /** * Maximum number of files to extract from a zip archive (1000) */ public static final int MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES_DEFAULT = 1000; private static Integer MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES; public static int getMaxZipExtractFiles() { if(MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES == null){ MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES = ServerConfigurationService.getInt(org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService.RESOURCES_ZIP_EXPAND_MAX,MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES_DEFAULT); } if (MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES <= 0) { MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES = MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES_DEFAULT; // any less than this is useless so probably a mistake LOG.warn(" is set to a value less than or equal to 0, defaulting to "+MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES_DEFAULT); } return MAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_FILES; } /** * Compresses a ContentCollection to a new zip archive with the same folder name * * @param reference sakai entity reference * @throws Exception on failure */ public void compressFolder(Reference reference) { File temp = null; FileInputStream fis = null; ToolSession toolSession = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); try { // Create the compressed archive in the filesystem ZipOutputStream out = null; try { temp = File.createTempFile("sakai_content-", ".tmp"); ContentCollection collection = ContentHostingService.getCollection(reference.getId()); out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(temp),BUFFER_SIZE)); storeContentCollection(reference.getId(),collection,out); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } // Store the compressed archive in the repository String resourceId = reference.getId().substring(0,reference.getId().lastIndexOf(Entity.SEPARATOR)); String resourceName = extractName(resourceId); String homeCollectionId = (String) toolSession.getAttribute(STATE_HOME_COLLECTION_ID); if(homeCollectionId != null && homeCollectionId.equals(reference.getId())){ //place the zip file into the home folder of the resource tool resourceId = reference.getId() + resourceName; String homeName = (String) toolSession.getAttribute(STATE_HOME_COLLECTION_DISPLAY_NAME); if(homeName != null){ resourceName = homeName; } } int count = 0; ContentResourceEdit resourceEdit = null; while(true){ try{ String newResourceId = resourceId; String newResourceName = resourceName; count++; if(count > 1){ //previous naming convention failed, try another one newResourceId += "_" + count; newResourceName += "_" + count; } newResourceId += ZIP_EXTENSION; newResourceName += ZIP_EXTENSION; resourceEdit = ContentHostingService.addResource(newResourceId); //success, so keep track of name/id resourceId = newResourceId; resourceName = newResourceName; break; }catch(IdUsedException e){ //do nothing, just let it loop again }catch(Exception e){ throw new Exception(e); } } fis = new FileInputStream(temp); resourceEdit.setContent(fis); resourceEdit.setContentType(mime.getContentType(resourceId)); ResourcePropertiesEdit props = resourceEdit.getPropertiesEdit(); props.addProperty(ResourcePropertiesEdit.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, resourceName); ContentHostingService.commitResource(resourceEdit, NotificationService.NOTI_NONE); } catch (PermissionException pE){ addAlert(toolSession, "You do not have the proper permissions for compressing to zip archive"); LOG.warn(pE); } catch (Exception e) { addAlert(toolSession, "An error has occurred while compressing to zip archive"); LOG.error(e); } finally { if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } if (temp != null && temp.exists()) { if (!temp.delete()) { LOG.warn("failed to remove temp file"); } } } } private void addAlert(ToolSession toolSession, String alert){ String errorMessage = (String) toolSession.getAttribute(STATE_MESSAGE); if(errorMessage == null){ errorMessage = alert; }else{ errorMessage += "\n\n" + alert; } toolSession.setAttribute(STATE_MESSAGE, errorMessage); } /** * Extracts a compressed (zip) ContentResource to a new folder with the same name. * * @param reference the sakai entity reference * @throws Exception on failure * @deprecated 11 Oct 2011 -AZ, use {@link #extractArchive(String)} instead */ public void extractArchive(Reference reference) throws Exception { if (reference == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("reference cannot be null"); } extractArchive(reference.getId()); } /** * Extracts a compressed (zip) ContentResource to a new folder with the same name. * * @param referenceId the sakai entity reference id * @throws Exception on failure */ public void extractArchive(String referenceId) throws Exception { ContentResource resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(referenceId); String rootCollectionId = extractZipCollectionPrefix(resource); // Prepare Collection ContentCollectionEdit rootCollection = ContentHostingService.addCollection(rootCollectionId); ResourcePropertiesEdit prop = rootCollection.getPropertiesEdit(); prop.addProperty(ResourcePropertiesEdit.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, extractZipCollectionName(resource)); ContentHostingService.commitCollection(rootCollection); // Extract Zip File File temp = null; try { temp = exportResourceToFile(resource); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(temp,ZipFile.OPEN_READ); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry nextElement = entries.nextElement(); if (nextElement.isDirectory()) { createContentCollection(rootCollectionId, nextElement); } else { createContentResource(rootCollectionId, nextElement, zipFile); } } zipFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { temp.delete(); } } /** * Get a list of the files in a zip and their size * @param reference the sakai entity reference * @return a map of file names to file sizes in the zip archive * @deprecated 11 Oct 2011 -AZ, use {@link #getZipManifest(String)} */ public Map<String, Long> getZipManifest(Reference reference) { if (reference == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("reference cannot be null"); } return getZipManifest(reference.getId()); } /** * Get a list of the files in a zip and their size * @param referenceId the sakai entity reference id * @return a map of file names to file sizes in the zip archive */ public Map<String, Long> getZipManifest(String referenceId) { Map<String, Long> ret = new HashMap<String, Long>(); ContentResource resource; try { resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(referenceId); } catch (PermissionException e1) { return null; } catch (IdUnusedException e1) { return null; } catch (TypeException e1) { return null; } //String rootCollectionId = extractZipCollectionPrefix(resource); // Extract Zip File File temp = null; try { temp = exportResourceToFile(resource); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(temp,ZipFile.OPEN_READ); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries(); int i = 0; //use <= getMAX_ZIP_EXTRACT_SIZE() so the returned value will be //larger than the max and then rejected while (entries.hasMoreElements() && i <= getMaxZipExtractFiles()) { ZipEntry nextElement = entries.nextElement(); ret.put(nextElement.getName(), nextElement.getSize()); i++; } zipFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (temp.exists()) { if (!temp.delete()) { LOG.warn("uanble to delete temp file!"); } } } return ret; } /** * Creates a new ContentResource extracted from ZipFile * * @param rootCollectionId * @param nextElement * @param zipFile * @throws Exception */ private void createContentResource(String rootCollectionId, ZipEntry nextElement, ZipFile zipFile) throws Exception { String resourceId = rootCollectionId + nextElement.getName(); String resourceName = extractName(nextElement.getName()); ContentResourceEdit resourceEdit = ContentHostingService.addResource(resourceId); resourceEdit.setContent(zipFile.getInputStream(nextElement)); resourceEdit.setContentType(mime.getContentType(resourceName)); ResourcePropertiesEdit props = resourceEdit.getPropertiesEdit(); props.addProperty(ResourcePropertiesEdit.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, resourceName); ContentHostingService.commitResource(resourceEdit, NotificationService.NOTI_NONE); } /** * Creates a new ContentCollection in the rootCollectionId with the element.getName() * * @param rootCollectionId * @param element * @throws Exception */ private void createContentCollection(String rootCollectionId, ZipEntry element) throws Exception { String resourceId = rootCollectionId + element.getName(); String resourceName = extractName(element.getName()); ContentCollectionEdit collection = ContentHostingService.addCollection(resourceId); ResourcePropertiesEdit props = collection.getPropertiesEdit(); props.addProperty(ResourcePropertiesEdit.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, resourceName); ContentHostingService.commitCollection(collection); } /** * Exports a the ContentResource zip file to the operating system * * @param resource * @return */ private File exportResourceToFile(ContentResource resource) { File temp = null; FileOutputStream out = null; try { temp = File.createTempFile("sakai_content-", ".tmp"); temp.deleteOnExit(); // Write content to file out = new FileOutputStream(temp); IOUtils.copy(resource.streamContent(),out); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServerOverloadException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (out !=null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } return temp; } /** * Iterates the collection.getMembers() and streams content resources recursively to the ZipOutputStream * * @param rootId * @param collection * @param out * @throws Exception */ private void storeContentCollection(String rootId, ContentCollection collection, ZipOutputStream out) throws Exception { List<String> members = collection.getMembers(); for (String memberId: members) { if (memberId.endsWith(Entity.SEPARATOR)) { ContentCollection memberCollection = ContentHostingService.getCollection(memberId); storeContentCollection(rootId,memberCollection,out); } else { ContentResource resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(memberId); storeContentResource(rootId, resource, out); } } } /** * Streams content resource to the ZipOutputStream * * @param rootId * @param resource * @param out * @throws Exception */ private void storeContentResource(String rootId, ContentResource resource, ZipOutputStream out) throws Exception { String filename = resource.getId().substring(rootId.length(),resource.getId().length()); ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(filename); zipEntry.setSize(resource.getContentLength()); out.putNextEntry(zipEntry); InputStream contentStream = null; try { contentStream = resource.streamContent(); IOUtils.copy(contentStream, out); } finally { if (contentStream != null) { contentStream.close(); } } } private String extractZipCollectionPrefix(ContentResource resource) { String idPrefix = resource.getContainingCollection().getId() + extractZipCollectionName(resource) + Entity.SEPARATOR; return idPrefix; } private String extractName(String collectionName) { String[] tmp = collectionName.split(Entity.SEPARATOR); return tmp[tmp.length-1]; } private String extractZipCollectionName(ContentResource resource) { String tmp = extractName(resource.getId()); return tmp.substring(0, tmp.lastIndexOf(".")); } }