package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; public class ClusterSegmentsStorage { private static final String PACKFILE = "packet"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ClusterSegmentsStorage.class); private String searchIndexDirectory; private boolean debug = false; private boolean localStructuredStorage = false; private JDBCClusterIndexStore clusterIndexStore; private SearchService searchService; public ClusterSegmentsStorage(SearchService searchService, String searchIndexDirectory, JDBCClusterIndexStore clusterIndexStore, boolean localStructuredStorage, boolean debug) { this.localStructuredStorage = localStructuredStorage; this.clusterIndexStore = clusterIndexStore; this.searchIndexDirectory = searchIndexDirectory; this.debug = debug; this.searchService = searchService; } /** * unpack a segment from a zip * * @param addsi * @param packetStream * @param version */ protected void unpackSegment(SegmentInfo addsi, InputStream packetStream, long version) throws IOException { log .debug("================================Starting Unpack Segment=============================="); ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(packetStream); ZipEntry zipEntry = null; FileOutputStream fout = null; try { File loc = addsi.getSegmentLocation(); boolean locationExists = false; File unpackBase = new File(searchIndexDirectory); if (loc.exists()) { locationExists = true; unpackBase = new File(searchIndexDirectory, "unpack"); } byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; while ((zipEntry = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) { long ts = zipEntry.getTime(); // the zip entry needs to be a full path from the // searchIndexDirectory... hence this is correct File f = new File(unpackBase, zipEntry.getName()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(" Unpack " + f.getAbsolutePath()); if (!f.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { log.warn("unpackSegment: failed to delete parent folders"); } fout = new FileOutputStream(f); int len; while ((len = > 0) { fout.write(buffer, 0, len); } zin.closeEntry(); fout.close(); if (!f.setLastModified(ts)) { log.warn("unpackSegments: failed to setlastmodified"); } } if (locationExists) { Map<String, File> moved = new HashMap<String, File>(); moveAll(new File(unpackBase, loc.getName()), loc, moved); deleteAll(unpackBase); // unfortunately we have to remove the files befor the reload // otherwise the checksums will fail. deleteSome(loc, moved); // force a reload before we delete the files, // since this is in the locked thread, this node will reload searchService.reload(); } try { addsi.checkSegmentValidity(searchService.hasDiagnostics(), "Unpack Segment"); } catch (Exception ex) { try { addsi.checkSegmentValidity(true, "Unpack Segment Failed"); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e); } throw new RuntimeException("Segment " + addsi.getName() + " is corrupted "); } addsi.setVersion(version); addsi.setCreated(); } finally { try { fout.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.debug(ex); } } log .debug("================================Done Unpack Segment=============================="); } /** * @param log2 * @param moved */ private void deleteSome(File f, Map<String, File> moved) { if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] fs = f.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) { deleteSome(fs[i], moved); } if (moved.get(f.getPath()) == null) { if (!f.delete()) { log.warn("Failed to delte file: " + f.getPath()); } log.debug(" deleted " + f.getPath()); } } else { if (moved.get(f.getPath()) == null) { if (!f.delete()) { log.warn("Failed to delte file: " + f.getPath()); } log.debug(" deleted " + f.getPath()); } } } /** * @param file */ private void moveAll(File src, File dest, Map<String, File> moved) { if (src.isDirectory()) { File[] fs = src.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) { moveAll(fs[i], new File(dest, fs[i].getName()), moved); } } else { if (dest.exists()) { if (!dest.delete()) { log.warn("Failed to delte file: " + dest.getPath()); } } else { File p = dest.getParentFile(); if (!p.exists()) { if (!p.mkdirs()) { log.warn("Failed to create directories in " + p.getPath()); } } } if (!src.renameTo(dest)) { log.warn("failed to rename: " + src.getPath() + " to: " + dest.getPath()); } log.debug(" renamed " + src.getPath() + " to " + dest.getPath()); } moved.put(dest.getPath(), dest); } /** * @param loc */ private void deleteAll(File f) { if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] fs = f.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) { deleteAll(fs[i]); } if (!f.delete()) { log.warn("deleteAll(): failed to delete " + f.getPath()); } else { log.debug(" deleted " + f.getPath()); } } else { if (!f.delete()) { log.warn("deleteAll(): failed to delete " + f.getPath()); } else { log.debug(" deleted " + f.getPath()); } } } /** * unpack a segment from a zip * * @param addsi * @param packetStream * @param version */ protected void unpackPatch(InputStream packetStream) throws IOException { log .debug("================================Start Unpack Patch=============================="); ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(packetStream); ZipEntry zipEntry = null; FileOutputStream fout = null; try { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; while ((zipEntry = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) { long ts = zipEntry.getTime(); // the zip index name is the full path from the // searchIndexDirectory File f = new File(searchIndexDirectory, zipEntry.getName()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(" Unpack " + f.getAbsolutePath()); if (!f.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { log.warn("upackpatch(): failes to create dirs in " + f.getParentFile().getPath()); } fout = new FileOutputStream(f); int len; while ((len = > 0) { fout.write(buffer, 0, len); } zin.closeEntry(); fout.close(); if (!f.setLastModified(ts)) { log.warn("Failed to set modification time on: " + f.getPath()); } } } finally { try { fout.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.debug(ex); } } log .debug("================================Done Unpack Patch=============================="); } /** * pack a segment into the zip * * @param addsi * @return * @throws IOException */ protected File packSegment(SegmentInfo addsi, long newVersion) throws IOException { log .debug("================================Start Pack Segment=============================="); // just prior to packing a segment we can say its created addsi.setCreated(); File tmpFile = new File(searchIndexDirectory, PACKFILE + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".zip"); ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); addsi.setTimeStamp(newVersion); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; addFile(addsi.getSegmentLocation(), zout, buffer, 0); zout.close(); // touch the version try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(" Packed Name[" + tmpFile.getName() + "]length[" + tmpFile.length() + "][" + addsi + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } log .debug("================================Done Pack Segment=============================="); return tmpFile; } /** * pack a segment into the zip * * @param addsi * @return * @throws IOException */ protected File packPatch() throws IOException { log .debug("================================Start Pack Patch=============================="); File tmpFile = new File(searchIndexDirectory, PACKFILE + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".zip"); ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry("lastpatchmarker"); ze.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); zout.putNextEntry(ze); try { ByteArrayInputStream fin = new ByteArrayInputStream("--PATCH MARKER--" .getBytes()); try { int len = 0; while ((len = > 0) { zout.write(buffer, 0, len); } } finally { fin.close(); } } finally { zout.closeEntry(); } // itertate over all segments present locally List<SegmentInfo> l = clusterIndexStore.getLocalSegments(); for (Iterator<SegmentInfo> li = l.iterator(); li.hasNext();) { SegmentInfoImpl sgi = (SegmentInfoImpl); if (sgi.isCreated()) { // Only add segment locations that are created File f = sgi.getSegmentLocation(); addFile(f, zout, buffer, sgi.getVersion()); } } zout.close(); log .debug("================================Done Pack Patch=============================="); return tmpFile; } /** * add a file to the zout stream * * @param f * @param zout * @param buffer * @throws IOException */ private void addFile(File f, ZipOutputStream zout, byte[] buffer, long modtime) throws IOException { if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] files = f.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { addFile(files[i], zout, buffer, modtime); } else { if (files[i].lastModified() > modtime) { log.debug(" Add " + files[i].getPath()); addSingleFile(files[i], zout, buffer); } else { log.debug(" Ignore " + files[i].getPath()); } } } } } else { if (f.lastModified() > modtime) { addSingleFile(f, zout, buffer); } } } private void addSingleFile(File file, ZipOutputStream zout, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { String path = file.getPath(); if (path.startsWith(searchIndexDirectory)) { path = path.substring(searchIndexDirectory.length()); } ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(path); ze.setTime(file.lastModified()); zout.putNextEntry(ze); try { InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file); try { int len = 0; while ((len = > 0) { zout.write(buffer, 0, len); } } finally { fin.close(); } } finally { zout.closeEntry(); } } }