package org.sakaiproject.sitemanage.impl; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.coursemanagement.api.AcademicSession; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.sitemanage.api.UserNotificationProvider; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader; public class UserNotificationProviderImpl implements UserNotificationProvider { private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(UserNotificationProviderImpl.class); private EmailService emailService; public void setEmailService(EmailService es) { emailService = es; } private ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService; public void setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService scs) { serverConfigurationService = scs; } private UserDirectoryService userDirectoryService; public void setUserDirectoryService(UserDirectoryService uds) { userDirectoryService = uds; } /** portlet configuration parameter values* */ /** Resource bundle using current language locale */ //private static ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader("UserNotificationProvider"); public void init() { //nothing realy to do"init()"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void notifyAddedParticipant(boolean newNonOfficialAccount, User user, String siteTitle) { ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader(user.getId(), "UserNotificationProvider"); String from = serverConfigurationService.getBoolean(NOTIFY_FROM_CURRENT_USER, false)? getCurrentUserEmailAddress():getSetupRequestEmailAddress(); if (from != null) { String productionSiteName = serverConfigurationService.getString( "ui.service", ""); String productionSiteUrl = serverConfigurationService .getPortalUrl(); String nonOfficialAccountUrl = serverConfigurationService.getString( "nonOfficialAccount.url", null); String emailId = user.getEmail(); String to = emailId; String headerTo = emailId; // UVa: change Reply-To to be the user adding the new participant String replyTo = from; String message_subject = productionSiteName + " " + rb.getString("java.sitenoti"); String content = ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.setLength(0); // email bnonOfficialAccounteen newly added nonOfficialAccount account // and other users buf.append(user.getDisplayName() + ":\n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.following") + " " + productionSiteName + " " + rb.getString("java.simplesite") + "\n"); buf.append(siteTitle + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.simpleby") + " "); buf.append(userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getDisplayName() + ". \n\n"); if (newNonOfficialAccount) { buf.append(serverConfigurationService.getString( "nonOfficialAccountInstru", "") + "\n"); if (nonOfficialAccountUrl != null) { buf.append(rb.getString("java.togeta1") + "\n" + nonOfficialAccountUrl + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.togeta2") + "\n\n"); } buf.append(rb.getString("java.once") + " " + productionSiteName + ": \n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.loginhow1") + " " + productionSiteName + ": " + productionSiteUrl + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.loginhow2") + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.loginhow3") + "\n"); } else { buf.append(rb.getString("java.tolog") + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.loginhow1") + " " + productionSiteName + ": " + productionSiteUrl + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.loginhow2") + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.loginhow3u") + "\n"); } buf.append(rb.getString("java.tabscreen")); content = buf.toString(); emailService.send(from, to, message_subject, content, headerTo, replyTo, null); } // if } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void notifyNewUserEmail(User user, String newUserPassword, String siteTitle) { ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader("UserNotificationProvider"); // set the locale to individual receipient's setting rb.setContextLocale(rb.getLocale(user.getId())); String from = getSetupRequestEmailAddress(); String productionSiteName = serverConfigurationService.getString( "ui.service", ""); String productionSiteUrl = serverConfigurationService.getPortalUrl(); String newUserEmail = user.getEmail(); String to = newUserEmail; String headerTo = newUserEmail; // UVa: change Reply-To to be the From (collab support) address String replyTo = from; String message_subject = productionSiteName + " " + rb.getString("java.newusernoti"); String content = ""; if (from != null && newUserEmail != null) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.setLength(0); // email body buf.append(user.getDisplayName() + ":\n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.addedto") + " " + productionSiteName + " (" + productionSiteUrl + ") "); buf.append(rb.getString("java.simpleby") + " "); buf.append(userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getDisplayName() + ". \n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.passwordis1") + "\n" + newUserPassword + "\n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.passwordis2") + "\n\n"); content = buf.toString(); emailService.send(from, to, message_subject, content, headerTo, replyTo, null); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void notifyTemplateUse(Site templateSite, User currentUser, Site site) { // send an email to track who are using the template String from = getSetupRequestEmailAddress(); // send it to the email archive of the template site // TODO: need a better way to get the email archive address //String domain = from.substring(from.indexOf('@')); String templateEmailArchive = templateSite.getId() + "@" + serverConfigurationService.getServerName(); String to = templateEmailArchive; String headerTo = templateEmailArchive; String replyTo = templateEmailArchive; String message_subject = templateSite.getId() + ": copied by " + currentUser.getDisplayId (); if (from != null && templateEmailArchive != null) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.setLength(0); // email body buf.append("Dear template maintainer,\n\n"); buf.append("Congratulations!\n\n"); buf.append("The following user just created a new site based on your template.\n\n"); buf.append("Template name: " + templateSite.getTitle() + "\n"); buf.append("User : " + currentUser.getDisplayName() + " (" + currentUser.getDisplayId () + ")\n"); buf.append("Date : " + new java.util.Date() + "\n"); buf.append("New site Id : " + site.getId() + "\n"); buf.append("New site name: " + site.getTitle() + "\n\n"); buf.append("Cheers,\n"); buf.append("Alliance Team\n"); String content = buf.toString(); emailService.send(from, to, message_subject, content, headerTo, replyTo, null); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void notifySiteCreation(Site site, List notifySites, boolean courseSite, String termTitle, String requestEmail) { // send emails String id = site.getId(); String title = site.getTitle(); SimpleDateFormat dform = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance()); dform.applyPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String dateDisplay = dform.format(new Date()); User currentUser = userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser(); String currentUserName = currentUser.getDisplayName(); String currentUserId = currentUser.getId(); String currentUserEmail = currentUser.getEmail(); ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader("UserNotificationProvider"); String message_subject = courseSite ? rb.getString("java.official") + " " + currentUserName + " " + rb.getString("java.for") + " " + termTitle : rb.getString("") + " " + currentUserName; String from = currentUser.getEmail(); String to = requestEmail; String headerTo = requestEmail; String replyTo = currentUserEmail; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("\n" + rb.getString("java.fromwork") + " " + serverConfigurationService.getServerName() + " " + rb.getString("java.supp") + ":\n\n"); buf.append(courseSite ? rb.getString("") : rb.getString("")); buf.append(" '" + title + "' (id " + id + "), " + rb.getString("java.wasset") + " "); buf.append(currentUserName + " (" + currentUserId + ", " + rb.getString("java.email2") + " " + replyTo + ") "); buf.append(rb.getString("java.on") + " " + dateDisplay); if (courseSite) { buf.append(rb.getString("java.for") + " " + termTitle + ", "); } if (notifySites!= null) { int nbr_sections = notifySites.size(); if (nbr_sections > 1) { buf.append(rb.getString("java.withrost") + " " + Integer.toString(nbr_sections) + " " + rb.getString("java.sections") + "\n\n"); } else { buf.append(" " + rb.getString("java.withrost2") + "\n\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < nbr_sections; i++) { String course = (String) notifySites.get(i); buf.append(rb.getString("java.course2") + " " + course + "\n"); } } emailService.send(from, to, message_subject, buf.toString(), headerTo, replyTo, null); // send a confirmation email to site creator from = requestEmail; to = currentUserEmail; headerTo = currentUserEmail; replyTo = "no-reply@" + serverConfigurationService.getServerName(); String content = rb.getFormattedMessage("java.siteCreation.confirmation", new Object[]{title, serverConfigurationService.getServerName()}); content += "\n\n" + buf.toString(); emailService.send(from, to, message_subject, content, headerTo, replyTo, null); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean notifyCourseRequestAuthorizer(String instructorId, String requestEmail, String replyToEmail, String termTitle, String requestSectionInfo, String siteTitle, String siteId, String additionalInfo, String serverName) { try { User instructor = userDirectoryService.getUserByEid(instructorId); ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader(instructorId, "UserNotificationProvider"); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String to = instructor.getEmail(); String from = requestEmail; String headerTo = to; String replyTo = replyToEmail; User currentUser = userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser(); String currentUserDisplayName = currentUser!=null?currentUser.getDisplayName():""; // message subject String message_subject = rb.getString("java.sitereqfrom") + " " + currentUserDisplayName + " " + rb.getString("java.for") + " " + termTitle; buf.append(rb.getString("java.hello") + " \n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.receiv") + " " + currentUserDisplayName + ", "); buf.append(rb.getString("java.who") + "\n"); if (!termTitle.isEmpty()) { buf.append(termTitle + "\n"); } // course section information buf.append(requestSectionInfo); buf.append(rb.getString("java.sitetitle") + "\t" + siteTitle + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.siteid") + "\t" + siteId + "\n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.siteinstr") + "\n" + additionalInfo + "\n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.according") + " " + currentUserDisplayName + " " + rb.getString("java.record")); buf.append(" " + rb.getString("java.canyou") + " " + currentUserDisplayName + " " + rb.getString("java.assoc") + "\n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.respond") + " " + currentUserDisplayName + rb.getString("java.appoint") + "\n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.thanks") + "\n"); buf.append(serverName + " " + rb.getString("")); try { // send the email emailService.send(from, to, message_subject, buf.toString(), headerTo, replyTo, null); return true; } catch (Exception ee) { M_log.warn(this + " problem occurs with sending course request email to authorizer " + instructorId ); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { M_log.warn(this + " cannot find user " + instructorId); return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String notifyCourseRequestSupport(String requestEmail, String serverName, String request, String termTitle, int requestListSize, String requestSectionInfo, String officialAccountName, String siteTitle, String siteId, String additionalInfo, boolean requireAuthorizer, String authorizerNotified, String authorizerNotNotified) { ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader("UserNotificationProvider"); User currentUser = userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser(); String currentUserDisplayName = currentUser!=null?currentUser.getDisplayName():""; String currentUserDisplayId = currentUser!=null?currentUser.getDisplayId():""; String currentUserEmail = currentUser!=null?currentUser.getEmail():""; // To Support String from = currentUserEmail; String to = requestEmail; String headerTo = requestEmail; String replyTo = currentUserEmail; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(rb.getString("") + "\t\t" + serverName + " " + rb.getString("java.supp") + "\n"); buf.append("\n" + rb.getString("java.from") + "\t" + currentUserDisplayName + "\n"); if ("new".equals(request)) { buf.append(rb.getString("java.subj") + "\t" + rb.getString("java.sitereq") + "\n"); } else { buf.append(rb.getString("java.subj") + "\t" + rb.getString("java.sitechreq") + "\n"); } SimpleDateFormat dform = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance()); dform.applyPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String dateDisplay = dform.format(new Date()); buf.append(rb.getString("") + "\t" + dateDisplay + "\n\n"); if ("new".equals(request)) { buf.append(rb.getString("java.approval") + " " + serverName + " " + rb.getString("java.coursesite") + " "); } else { buf.append(rb.getString("java.approval2") + " " + serverName + " " + rb.getString("java.coursesite") + " "); } if (!termTitle.isEmpty()) { buf.append(termTitle); } if (requestListSize > 1) { buf.append(" " + rb.getString("java.forthese") + " " + requestListSize + " " + rb.getString("java.sections") + "\n\n"); } else { buf.append(" " + rb.getString("java.forthis") + "\n\n"); } // the course section information buf.append(requestSectionInfo); buf.append(rb.getString("") + "\t" + currentUserDisplayName + " (" + officialAccountName + " " + currentUserDisplayId + ")\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("") + "\t" + replyTo + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.sitetitle") + "\t" + siteTitle + "\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.siteid") + "\t" + siteId + "\n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.siteinstr") + "\n" + additionalInfo + "\n\n"); if (requireAuthorizer) { // if authorizer is required if (!authorizerNotified.isEmpty()) { buf.append(rb.getString("java.authoriz") + " " + authorizerNotified + " " + rb.getString("java.asreq")); } if (!authorizerNotNotified.isEmpty()){ buf.append(rb.getString("java.thesiteemail") + " " + authorizerNotNotified + " " + rb.getString("java.asreq")); } } String content = buf.toString(); // message subject String message_subject = rb.getString("java.sitereqfrom") + " " + currentUserDisplayName + " " + rb.getString("java.for") + " " + termTitle; try { emailService.send(from, to, message_subject, content, headerTo, replyTo, null); return content; } catch (Exception e) { M_log.warn(this + " problem in send site request email to support for " + currentUserDisplayName ); return ""; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void notifyCourseRequestRequester(String requestEmail, String supportEmailContent, String termTitle) { User currentUser = userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser(); String currentUserDisplayName = currentUser!=null?currentUser.getDisplayName():""; String currentUserDisplayId = currentUser!=null?currentUser.getDisplayId():""; String currentUserId = currentUser!=null?currentUser.getId():""; String currentUserEmail = currentUser!=null?currentUser.getEmail():""; ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader(currentUserId, "UserNotificationProvider"); String from = requestEmail; String to = currentUserEmail; String headerTo = to; String replyTo = to; // message subject String message_subject = rb.getString("java.sitereqfrom") + " " + currentUserDisplayName + " " + rb.getString("java.for") + " " + termTitle; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(rb.getString("java.isbeing") + " "); buf.append(rb.getString("java.meantime") + "\n\n"); buf.append(rb.getString("java.copy") + "\n\n"); buf.append(supportEmailContent); buf.append("\n" + rb.getString("java.wish") + " " + requestEmail); emailService.send(from, to, message_subject, buf.toString(), headerTo, replyTo, null); } /* * Private methods */ private String getCurrentUserEmailAddress() { User currentUser = userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser(); String email = currentUser != null ? currentUser.getEmail():null; if (email == null || email.length() == 0) { email = getSetupRequestEmailAddress(); } return email; } private String getSetupRequestEmailAddress() { String from = serverConfigurationService.getString("setup.request", null); if (from == null) { from = "postmaster@".concat(serverConfigurationService .getServerName()); M_log.warn(this + " - no 'setup.request' in configuration, using: "+ from); } return from; } public void notifySiteImportCompleted(String toEmail, String siteId, String siteTitle){ if(toEmail != null && !"".equals(toEmail)){ String headerTo = toEmail; String replyTo = toEmail; ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader("UserNotificationProvider"); String message_subject = rb.getFormattedMessage("java.siteImport.confirmation.subject", new Object[]{siteTitle}); String message_body = rb.getFormattedMessage("java.siteImport.confirmation", new Object[]{siteId, siteTitle}); emailService.send(getSetupRequestEmailAddress(), toEmail, message_subject, message_body, headerTo, replyTo, null); } } }