package org.sakaiproject.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Represents a single Sakai component directory. Given an ID, a base dir, * and a {@link Compiler}, can generate its own directory layout and can * generate a near-guaranteed unique Java class and associated bean definition. * Cannot be instantiated if a component of the same ID has already been * created below the specified root directory. Cannot invoke {@link #generate()} * multiple times unless the underlying file system has been edited out-of-band. * * @author * */ public class Component { private static final String CLASS_SRC_TEMPLATE = "package %1$s;\n" + "public class %2$s { }"; private static final String BEAN_DEF_TEMPLATE = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC \"-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN\" \"\">\n" + "<beans>\n" + "\t<bean id=\"%1$s\" class=\"%1$s\" />\n" + "</beans>"; private String id; private File componentsRootDir; private File componentDir; private File webInfDir; private File classesDir; private File libDir; private File srcDir; private String pkgName; private String className; private File srcPkgDir; private File classSrcFile; private File beanDefsFile; private Compiler compiler; public Component(String id, String componentsRootDir, Compiler compiler) { if ( id == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify an ID"); } = id; this.componentsRootDir = new File(componentsRootDir); if ( !(this.componentsRootDir.exists()) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified components root dir (" + componentsRootDir + ") does not exist"); } File proposedComponentDir = new File(componentsRootDir, calcComponentName()); if ( proposedComponentDir.exists() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Proposed component dir (" + proposedComponentDir + ") already exists"); } if (compiler == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify a Compiler"); } this.compiler = compiler; } public String getBeanId() { return getBeanClass(); } public String getDir() { return componentDir.getAbsolutePath(); } protected String getBeanClass() { if ( pkgName == null || className == null ) { return null; } return pkgName + "." + className; } public void generate() { if ( componentDir != null && componentDir.exists() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Component already exists at " + componentDir); } layout(); compile(); } protected void layout() { makeComponentDir(); layoutWebapp(); generateJavaSource(); generateBeanDefs(); } protected void makeComponentDir() { this.componentDir = mkdir(componentsRootDir, calcComponentName()); } protected String calcComponentName() { return "sakai-" + id + "-pack"; } protected void layoutWebapp() { String path = componentDir.getPath() + File.separatorChar + "WEB-INF"; webInfDir = mkdir(componentDir, "WEB-INF"); classesDir = mkdir(webInfDir, "classes"); libDir = mkdir(webInfDir, "lib"); } protected File mkdir(File parent, String name) { File dir = new File(parent, name); if (!(dir.mkdirs())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create dir at " + dir.getPath()); } return dir; } protected void generateJavaSource() { srcDir = mkdir(componentDir, "src"); pkgName = getClass().getPackage().getName(); String pkgAsPath = pkgName.replace(".", File.separator); srcPkgDir = mkdir(srcDir, pkgAsPath); className = "ServiceImpl" + id; String classSrc = String.format(CLASS_SRC_TEMPLATE, pkgName, className); classSrcFile = writeFile(srcPkgDir, className + ".java", classSrc); } protected void generateBeanDefs() { String beanDefs = String.format(BEAN_DEF_TEMPLATE, getBeanClass()); beanDefsFile = writeFile(webInfDir, "components.xml", beanDefs); } protected File writeFile(File parentDir, String filePath, String fileContent) { File file = new File(parentDir, filePath); if (!file.exists()) { try { if (!(file.createNewFile())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create file at " + file); } } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create file at " + file, e); } } Writer output = null; try { output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); output.write( fileContent ); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to write to " + file, e); } finally { try { output.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to close file " + file, e); } } return file; } protected void compile() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw); compiler.compile(classSrcFile, classesDir, out); out.close(); } }