package org.sakaiproject.tool.syllabus.entityproviders; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.extern.apachecommons.CommonsLog; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.EntityReference; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.EntityView; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.entityprovider.EntityProvider; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.entityprovider.annotations.EntityCustomAction; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.entityprovider.capabilities.ActionsExecutable; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.entityprovider.capabilities.AutoRegisterEntityProvider; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.entityprovider.capabilities.DescribePropertiesable; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.entityprovider.capabilities.Describeable; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.entityprovider.capabilities.Outputable; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.entityprovider.capabilities.RESTful; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.entityprovider.extension.Formats; import; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.exception.EntityNotFoundException; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.util.AbstractEntityProvider; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolManager; /** * Entity provider for the Syllabus tool */ @CommonsLog public class SyllabusEntityProvider extends AbstractEntityProvider implements EntityProvider, AutoRegisterEntityProvider, ActionsExecutable, Outputable, Describeable, RESTful, DescribePropertiesable { public final static String ENTITY_PREFIX = "syllabus"; private final static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); @Override public String getEntityPrefix() { return ENTITY_PREFIX; } /** * site/siteId */ @EntityCustomAction(action = "site", viewKey = EntityView.VIEW_LIST) public Syllabus getSyllabusForSite(EntityView view) { // get siteId String siteId = view.getPathSegment(2); if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("news for site " + siteId); } // check siteId supplied if (StringUtils.isBlank(siteId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "siteId must be set in order to get the syllabus for a site, via the URL /syllabus/site/siteId"); } //check user can access this site Site site; try { site = siteService.getSiteVisit(siteId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Invalid siteId: " + siteId, siteId); } catch (PermissionException e) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("No access to site: " + siteId, siteId); } //check user can access the tool, it might be hidden ToolConfiguration toolConfig = site.getToolForCommonId("sakai.syllabus"); if(!toolManager.isVisible(site, toolConfig)) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("No access to tool in site: " + siteId, siteId); } //get syllabus SyllabusItem siteSyllabus = syllabusManager.getSyllabusItemByContextId(siteId); if (siteSyllabus == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("No syllabus for site: " + siteId, siteId); } //If its a redirect, return Syllabus with just the url set Syllabus result = new Syllabus(); result.setSiteId(siteId); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(siteSyllabus.getRedirectURL())) { result.setRedirectUrl(siteSyllabus.getRedirectURL()); return result; } //setup for checking items boolean isMaintain = isMaintainer(siteId); long currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); //Get the data Set syllabusData = syllabusManager.getSyllabiForSyllabusItem(siteSyllabus); List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); Iterator iter = syllabusData.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { SyllabusData sd = (SyllabusData); //Rule: if item is draft and not maintainer, skip it if(StringUtils.equals(sd.getStatus(), SyllabusData.ITEM_DRAFT) && !isMaintain) { continue; } //check dates are within range for normal users long startDate = dateToLong(sd.getStartDate()); long endDate = dateToLong(sd.getEndDate()); //Rule: only check dates if not maintain if(!isMaintain) { //Rule: if we have a startDate and our currentTime is before it, then skip item if(startDate > 0 && currentTime < startDate) { continue; } //Rule: if we have an endDate and our currentTime is after it, then skip item if(endDate > 0 && currentTime > endDate) { continue; } } //convert to our simplified object Item item = new Item(); item.setTitle(sd.getTitle()); item.setData(sd.getAsset()); item.setOrder(sd.getPosition()); item.setStartDate(startDate); item.setEndDate(endDate); //get the attachments List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); Set syllabusAttachments = syllabusManager.getSyllabusAttachmentsForSyllabusData(sd); Iterator iter2 = syllabusAttachments.iterator(); while(iter2.hasNext()) { SyllabusAttachment sa = (SyllabusAttachment); Attachment a = new Attachment(); a.setTitle(sa.getName()); a.setUrl(sa.getUrl()); a.setType(sa.getType()); attachments.add(a); } item.setAttachments(attachments); items.add(item); } result.setItems(items); return result; } @Override public String[] getHandledOutputFormats() { return new String[] { Formats.XML, Formats.JSON}; } @Setter private SyllabusManager syllabusManager; @Setter private SiteService siteService; @Setter private ToolManager toolManager; @Setter private SyllabusService syllabusService; @Setter private ContentHostingService contentHostingService; /** * Simplified helper class to represent the Syllabus for a site */ public static class Syllabus { @Getter @Setter private String siteId; @Getter @Setter private String redirectUrl; @Getter @Setter private List<Item> items; } /** * Simplified helper class to represent an individual syllabus item in a site */ public static class Item { @Getter @Setter private String title; @Getter @Setter private String data; @Getter @Setter private int order; /* note thet EB turns these into millis anyway, so we might as well return them as millis */ @Getter @Setter private long startDate; @Getter @Setter private long endDate; @Getter @Setter private List<Attachment> attachments; } /** * Simplified helper class to store info about an attachment */ public static class Attachment { @Getter @Setter private String title; @Getter @Setter private String url; @Getter @Setter private String type; } //same logic as the tool uses private boolean isMaintainer(String siteId) { return siteService.allowUpdateSite(siteId); } //conert date to long milliseconds, nullsafe. private long dateToLong(Date d) { if(d != null) { return d.getTime(); } else { return 0; } } public Object getEntity(EntityReference ref){ return new HashMap(); } public void updateEntity(EntityReference ref, Object entity, Map<String, Object> params){ if(params != null){ if(params.containsKey("add") && params.containsKey("title") && params.containsKey("siteId")){ String siteId = (String) params.get("siteId"); if(!"".equals(siteId.trim())){ //check that this user is truly the maintainer if(!isMaintainer(siteId)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("User doesn't have access to modify this site."); } String title = (String) params.get("title"); title = title.trim(); if(!"".equals(title)){ SyllabusItem item = syllabusManager.getSyllabusItemByContextId(siteId); int initPosition = syllabusManager.findLargestSyllabusPosition(item).intValue() + 1; SyllabusData data = syllabusManager.createSyllabusDataObject(title, new Integer(initPosition), null, null, SyllabusData.ITEM_DRAFT, "none", null, null, Boolean.FALSE, null, null); data.setView("no"); syllabusManager.addSyllabusToSyllabusItem(item, data); } } }else{ //edit an existing item: SyllabusData data = syllabusManager.getSyllabusData(ref.getId()); SyllabusItem item = syllabusManager.getSyllabusItem(data.getSyllabusItem().getSurrogateKey()); data.setSyllabusItem(item); //now that we have an obj that has SiteId, let's verify that the user has access to modify it: if(!isMaintainer(item.getContextId())){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("User doesn't have access to modify this site."); } if(params.containsKey("move")){ //this is a re-order update: try{ int move = Integer.parseInt(params.get("move").toString()); boolean ascend = move > 0; move = Math.abs(move); if(data != null){ boolean foundItem = false; int arrayCount = 0; List<SyllabusData> movedData = new ArrayList<SyllabusData>(); String error = ""; Set syllabusData = syllabusManager.getSyllabiForSyllabusItem(item); if(syllabusData != null){ for(SyllabusData d : (Set<SyllabusData>) syllabusData){ if(d.getSyllabusId().equals(data.getSyllabusId())){ foundItem = true; if(ascend){ //we don't need to loop anymore break; } }else{ if((ascend && !foundItem) || (!ascend && foundItem)){ movedData.add(d); arrayCount++; } } if(!ascend && arrayCount >= move){ break; } } if("".equals(error)){ if(ascend){ //reverse the array if we are ascending Collections.reverse(movedData); } int count = 0; for (Iterator iterator = movedData.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SyllabusData d = (SyllabusData); if(count < move){ //unfortunately, the positions aren't predictable like a simple pattern 1,2,3,4... //but can be a random pattern like 1,4,5,6,9... This means we can only swap positions Integer p1 = data.getPosition(); Integer p2 = d.getPosition(); data.setPosition(new Integer(p2)); d.setPosition(new Integer(p1)); }else{ //this isn't being moved iterator.remove(); } count++; } //now that the positions are swapped, store it: for(SyllabusData d : movedData){ syllabusManager.updateSyllabudDataPosition(d, d.getPosition()); } syllabusManager.updateSyllabudDataPosition(data, data.getPosition()); }else{ log.warn("Error while changing syllabus position: " + error); } } } }catch(Exception e){ log.warn("Move value wasn't a valid number: " + params.get("move")); } }else if(params.containsKey("name")){ if("title".equals(params.get("name"))){ String title = (String) params.get("value"); if(title != null && !"".equals(title.trim())){ data.setTitle(title.trim()); syllabusManager.saveSyllabus(data); } }else if("body".equals(params.get("name"))){ String body = (String) params.get("value"); data.setAsset(body); syllabusManager.saveSyllabus(data); }else if("startDate".equals(params.get("name"))){ String startDate = (String) params.get("value"); if(startDate == null || "".equals(startDate)){ data.setStartDate(null); }else{ try{ Date sDate = dateFormat.parse(startDate); if(data.getEndDate() == null || data.getEndDate().after(sDate)){ data.setStartDate(sDate); }else{ throw new IllegalArgumentException("End Date must be after start date"); } }catch(Exception e){ log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Date isn't in the correct format: " + startDate + ", should be: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); } } syllabusManager.saveSyllabus(data); }else if("endDate".equals(params.get("name"))){ String endDate = (String) params.get("value"); if(endDate == null || "".equals(endDate)){ data.setEndDate(null); }else{ try { Date eDate = dateFormat.parse(endDate); if(data.getStartDate() == null || eDate.after(data.getStartDate())){ data.setEndDate(eDate); }else{ throw new IllegalArgumentException("End Date must be after start date"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Date isn't in the correct format: " + endDate + ", should be: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); } } syllabusManager.saveSyllabus(data); } }else if(params.containsKey("toggle") && params.containsKey("status")){ String statusStr = (String) params.get("status"); boolean status = false; if("true".equals(statusStr)){ status = true; } if("publish".equals(params.get("toggle"))){ if(status){ data.setStatus(SyllabusData.ITEM_POSTED); }else{ data.setStatus(SyllabusData.ITEM_DRAFT); } syllabusManager.saveSyllabus(data); syllabusService.draftChangeSyllabus(data, item.getContextId()); }else if("linkCalendar".equals(params.get("toggle"))){ if(status){ data.setLinkCalendar(true); }else{ data.setLinkCalendar(false); } syllabusManager.saveSyllabus(data); } }else if(params.containsKey("delete")){ //Delete item syllabusService.deletePostedSyllabus(data, item.getContextId()); Set syllabusAttachments = syllabusManager.getSyllabusAttachmentsForSyllabusData(data); Iterator iter = syllabusAttachments.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { SyllabusAttachment attach = (SyllabusAttachment); String id = attach.getAttachmentId(); syllabusManager.removeSyllabusAttachSyllabusData(data, attach); if(id.toLowerCase().startsWith("/attachment")) try{ contentHostingService.removeResource(id); }catch(Exception e){ log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } syllabusManager.removeCalendarEvents(data); syllabusManager.removeSyllabusFromSyllabusItem(item, data); }else if(params.containsKey("deleteAttachment") && params.containsKey("attachmentId")){ //delete attachment String attachmentIdStr = (String) params.get("attachmentId"); if(!"".equals(attachmentIdStr.trim())){ SyllabusAttachment attachment = syllabusManager.getSyllabusAttachment(attachmentIdStr); syllabusManager.removeSyllabusAttachSyllabusData(data, attachment); //update calendar attachments if(data.getCalendarEventIdStartDate() != null && !"".equals(data.getCalendarEventIdStartDate())){ syllabusManager.removeCalendarAttachments(item.getContextId(), data.getCalendarEventIdStartDate(), attachment); } if(data.getCalendarEventIdEndDate() != null && !"".equals(data.getCalendarEventIdEndDate())){ syllabusManager.removeCalendarAttachments(item.getContextId(), data.getCalendarEventIdEndDate(), attachment); } if(attachmentIdStr.toLowerCase().startsWith("/attachment")){ try{ contentHostingService.removeResource(attachmentIdStr); }catch(Exception e){ log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } } } } public String createEntity(EntityReference ref, Object entity, Map<String, Object> params){ return null; } public void deleteEntity(EntityReference ref, Map<String, Object> params){ } public Object getSampleEntity(){ return new HashMap(); } public List<?> getEntities(EntityReference ref, Search search){ return null; } public String[] getHandledInputFormats(){ return new String[] { Formats.XML, Formats.JSON, Formats.HTML}; } /** * The following two methods are so we can have our properties file nested in sub directories that the current syllabus bundle already provides * @return */ public String getBaseName() { return "org/sakaiproject/tool/syllabus/bundle/syllabus"; } public ClassLoader getResourceClassLoader() { return SyllabusEntityProvider.class.getClassLoader(); } }