package; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.quartz.Job; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.sakaiproject.delegatedaccess.dao.DelegatedAccessDao; import org.sakaiproject.delegatedaccess.logic.ProjectLogic; import org.sakaiproject.delegatedaccess.logic.SakaiProxy; import org.sakaiproject.delegatedaccess.util.DelegatedAccessConstants; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties; import org.sakaiproject.hierarchy.HierarchyService; import org.sakaiproject.hierarchy.model.HierarchyNode; import; /** * * This is a default quartz job to populate/update(add/remove) the Delegated Access site hierarchy. It searches through all sites in Sakai * and looks for structure properties tied to the site. The default properties are (in order): * * School * Department * Subject * * you can overwrite these in with: * ex: * * * * * * * You can run it as many times as you want. Best bet would be to set up a quartz trigger to go off after every time your site integration runs. * * @author Bryan Holladay ( * */ public class DelegatedAccessSiteHierarchyJob implements Job{ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DelegatedAccessSiteHierarchyJob.class); @Getter @Setter private HierarchyService hierarchyService; @Getter @Setter private SakaiProxy sakaiProxy; @Getter @Setter private DelegatedAccessDao dao; @Getter @Setter private ProjectLogic projectLogic; private static boolean semaphore = false; public void init() { } public void execute(JobExecutionContext arg0) throws JobExecutionException { //this will stop the job if there is already another instance running if(semaphore){ log.warn("Stopping job since this job is already running"); return; } semaphore = true; try{"DelegatedAccessSiteHierarchyJob started"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // newHiearchyNodeIds = new HashSet<String>(); HierarchyNode rootNode = hierarchyService.getRootNode(DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_ID); Date hierarchyJobLastRunDate = null; if (rootNode == null) { // create the hierarchy if it is not there already rootNode = hierarchyService.createHierarchy(DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_ID); String rootTitle = sakaiProxy.getRootName(); hierarchyService.saveNodeMetaData(, rootTitle, rootTitle, null);"Created the root node for the delegated access hierarchy: " + DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_ID); }else{ hierarchyJobLastRunDate = projectLogic.getHierarchyJobLastRunDate(; } //get hierarchy structure: String[] hierarchy = sakaiProxy.getServerConfigurationStrings(DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_SITE_PROPERTIES); if(hierarchy == null || hierarchy.length == 0){ hierarchy = DelegatedAccessConstants.DEFAULT_HIERARCHY; } int page = 1; int pageFirstRecord = 1; int pageLastRecord = DelegatedAccessConstants.MAX_SITES_PER_PAGE; boolean hasMoreSites = true; int processedSites = 0; String errors = ""; Map<String,String> propsMap = null; //only care about modified date if the job has ran at least once (otherwise, we don't want to slow down anything in the search) boolean orderByModifiedDate = hierarchyJobLastRunDate != null; if(!orderByModifiedDate){ //we can only limit the sites search to known properties if the job has never ran before, //this is because a site could have been removed from the hierarchy (doesn't have props anymore) //which needs to be removed. The date will limit the length of the job enough to make this //speed up not matter as much propsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for(String prop : hierarchy){ propsMap.put(prop, ""); } } while (hasMoreSites) { //sites are ordered by List<Site> sites = sakaiProxy.getAllSitesByPages(propsMap, pageFirstRecord, pageLastRecord, orderByModifiedDate);"DelegatedAccessSiteHierarchyJob: Processing site results: " + pageFirstRecord + " to " + pageLastRecord); for(Site site : sites){ if(orderByModifiedDate){ //check the date to see if we can break out: if(site.getModifiedDate() != null && hierarchyJobLastRunDate.after(site.getModifiedDate())){ hasMoreSites = false; break; } if(site.getModifiedDate() == null && site.getCreatedDate() != null && hierarchyJobLastRunDate.after(site.getCreatedDate())){ break; } } //search through all sites and add it to the hierarchy if the site has information (otherwise skip) try{ HierarchyNode siteParentNode = rootNode; ResourceProperties props = site.getProperties(); //find lowest hierarchy node: for(String hiearchyProperty : hierarchy){ String siteProperty = props.getProperty(hiearchyProperty); if(siteProperty != null && !"".equals(siteProperty)){ siteParentNode = checkAndAddNode(siteParentNode, siteProperty, siteProperty, null); }else{ //nothing, so break break; } } if(!{ //save the site under the parent hierarchy if any data was found //Site checkAndAddNode(siteParentNode, site.getReference(), site.getTitle(), props.getProperty(sakaiProxy.getTermField())); }else{ if(orderByModifiedDate){ //the job grabs all sites when orderBy is set, so this site was recently updated //we need to make sure it wasn't removed from the hierarchy: Map<String, List<String>> nodeIds = dao.getNodesBySiteRef(new String[]{site.getReference()}, DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_ID); if(nodeIds != null && nodeIds.containsKey(site.getReference())){ for(String nodeId : nodeIds.get(site.getReference())){ projectLogic.removeNode(hierarchyService.getNodeById(nodeId)); } } } } processedSites++; }catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); if("".equals(errors)){ errors += "The following sites had errors: \n\n"; } errors += site.getId() + ": " + e.getMessage() + "\n\n"; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); errors += sw.toString(); } } pageFirstRecord = (DelegatedAccessConstants.MAX_SITES_PER_PAGE * page) + 1; page ++; pageLastRecord = DelegatedAccessConstants.MAX_SITES_PER_PAGE * page; if (sites.isEmpty()) { hasMoreSites = false; } } //Deletet empty sites: projectLogic.deleteEmptyNonSiteNodes(DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_ID); //report the errors if(!"".equals(errors)){ log.warn(errors); sakaiProxy.sendEmail("DelegatedAccessSiteHierarchyJob error", errors); }else{ //no errors, so let's save this date so we can save time next run: projectLogic.saveHierarchyJobLastRunDate(new Date(),; } projectLogic.clearNodeCache(); //remove any sites that don't exist in the hierarchy (aka properties changed or site has been deleted): // removeMissingNodes(rootNode);"DelegatedAccessSiteHierarchyJob finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms and processed " + processedSites + " sites."); }catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); sakaiProxy.sendEmail("Error occurred in DelegatedAccessSiteHierarchyJob", e.getMessage()); }finally{ semaphore = false; } } private HierarchyNode checkAndAddNode(HierarchyNode parentNode, String title, String description, String term){ HierarchyNode node = null; if(title != null && !"".equals(title)){ Map<String, List<String>> nodeIds = dao.getNodesBySiteRef(new String[]{title}, DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_ID); boolean hasChild = false; String childNodeId = ""; if(nodeIds != null && nodeIds.containsKey(title) && nodeIds.get(title).size() > 0){ for(String id : nodeIds.get(title)){ if(parentNode.directChildNodeIds.contains(id)){ hasChild = true; childNodeId = id; }else if(title.startsWith("/site/")){ //If this is a site, there should (and can only be) 1 parent, delete //delete the other nodes since they are old projectLogic.removeNode(hierarchyService.getNodeById(id)); } } } if(!hasChild){ //if this parent/child relationship hasn't been created, create it HierarchyNode newNode = hierarchyService.addNode(DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_ID,; hierarchyService.saveNodeMetaData(, title, description, term); hierarchyService.addChildRelation(,; node = newNode; //since we don't want to keep lookup up the parent id after every child is added, //(b/c the data is stale), just add this id to the set parentNode.directChildNodeIds.add(; }else{ //just grab the node node = hierarchyService.getNodeById(childNodeId); if(!node.description.equals(description) || !node.title.equals(title)){ node = hierarchyService.saveNodeMetaData(, title, description, term); } } } return node; } // // //Only checks direct children b/c we want to ensure hierarchy didn't change (a child could have moved in the hierarchy) // private String findChildIdFromReference(HierarchyNode parentNode, String childRef){ // String childId = null; // Set<String> directChildred = parentNode.directChildNodeIds; // for(String child : directChildred){ // if(childRef.equals(child.description)){ // childId = child; // break; // } // } // return childId; // } }