/********************************************************************************** * * $Id: BaseHibernateManager.java 130070 2013-09-30 23:54:12Z matthew@longsight.com $ * *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The Sakai Foundation, The MIT Corporation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.sakaiproject.component.gradebook; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException; import org.sakaiproject.section.api.SectionAwareness; import org.sakaiproject.section.api.coursemanagement.EnrollmentRecord; import org.sakaiproject.section.api.facade.Role; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.AssessmentNotFoundException; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.CommentDefinition; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.ConflictingAssignmentNameException; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.ConflictingCategoryNameException; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.GradebookNotFoundException; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.GradebookService; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.GradebookExternalAssessmentService; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.StaleObjectModificationException; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.AbstractGradeRecord; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.Assignment; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.AssignmentGradeRecord; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.Category; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.Comment; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.CourseGrade; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.CourseGradeRecord; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.GradeMapping; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.Gradebook; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.GradebookProperty; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.GradingEvent; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.LetterGradePercentMapping; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.Permission; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.facades.Authn; import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.facades.EventTrackingService; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.HibernateDaoSupport; import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService; /** * Provides methods which are shared between service business logic and application business * logic, but not exposed to external callers. */ public abstract class BaseHibernateManager extends HibernateDaoSupport { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BaseHibernateManager.class); // Oracle will throw a SQLException if we put more than this into a // "WHERE tbl.col IN (:paramList)" query. public static int MAX_NUMBER_OF_SQL_PARAMETERS_IN_LIST = 1000; protected SectionAwareness sectionAwareness; protected Authn authn; protected EventTrackingService eventTrackingService; protected ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService; protected GradebookExternalAssessmentService externalAssessmentService; // Local cache of static-between-deployment properties. protected Map propertiesMap = new HashMap(); public Gradebook getGradebook(String uid) throws GradebookNotFoundException { List list = getHibernateTemplate().find("from Gradebook as gb where gb.uid=?", uid); if (list.size() == 1) { return (Gradebook)list.get(0); } else { throw new GradebookNotFoundException("Could not find gradebook uid=" + uid); } } public boolean isGradebookDefined(String gradebookUid) { String hql = "from Gradebook as gb where gb.uid=?"; return getHibernateTemplate().find(hql, gradebookUid).size() == 1; } protected List getAssignments(Long gradebookId, Session session) throws HibernateException { List assignments = session.createQuery( "from Assignment as asn where asn.gradebook.id=? and asn.removed=false"). setLong(0, gradebookId.longValue()). list(); return assignments; } protected List getCountedStudentGradeRecords(Long gradebookId, String studentId, Session session) throws HibernateException { return session.createQuery( "select agr from AssignmentGradeRecord as agr, Assignment as asn where agr.studentId=? and agr.gradableObject=asn and asn.removed=false and asn.notCounted=false and asn.gradebook.id=?" + " and asn.ungraded=false"). setString(0, studentId). setLong(1, gradebookId.longValue()). list(); } /** */ public CourseGrade getCourseGrade(Long gradebookId) { return (CourseGrade)getHibernateTemplate().find( "from CourseGrade as cg where cg.gradebook.id=?", gradebookId).get(0); } /** * Gets the course grade record for a student, or null if it does not yet exist. * * @param studentId The student ID * @param session The hibernate session * @return A List of grade records * * @throws HibernateException */ protected CourseGradeRecord getCourseGradeRecord(Gradebook gradebook, String studentId, Session session) throws HibernateException { return (CourseGradeRecord)session.createQuery( "from CourseGradeRecord as cgr where cgr.studentId=? and cgr.gradableObject.gradebook=?"). setString(0, studentId). setEntity(1, gradebook). uniqueResult(); } public String getGradebookUid(Long id) { return ((Gradebook)getHibernateTemplate().load(Gradebook.class, id)).getUid(); } protected Set getAllStudentUids(String gradebookUid) { List enrollments = getSectionAwareness().getSiteMembersInRole(gradebookUid, Role.STUDENT); Set studentUids = new HashSet(); for(Iterator iter = enrollments.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { studentUids.add(((EnrollmentRecord)iter.next()).getUser().getUserUid()); } return studentUids; } protected Map getPropertiesMap() { return propertiesMap; } public String getPropertyValue(final String name) { String value = (String)propertiesMap.get(name); if (value == null) { List list = getHibernateTemplate().find("from GradebookProperty as prop where prop.name=?", name); if (!list.isEmpty()) { GradebookProperty property = (GradebookProperty)list.get(0); value = property.getValue(); propertiesMap.put(name, value); } } return value; } public void setPropertyValue(final String name, final String value) { GradebookProperty property; List list = getHibernateTemplate().find("from GradebookProperty as prop where prop.name=?", name); if (!list.isEmpty()) { property = (GradebookProperty)list.get(0); } else { property = new GradebookProperty(name); } property.setValue(value); getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(property); propertiesMap.put(name, value); } /** * Oracle has a low limit on the maximum length of a parameter list * in SQL queries of the form "WHERE tbl.col IN (:paramList)". * Since enrollment lists can sometimes be very long, we've replaced * such queries with full selects followed by filtering. This helper * method filters out unwanted grade records. (Typically they're not * wanted because they're either no longer officially enrolled in the * course or they're not members of the selected section.) */ protected List filterGradeRecordsByStudents(Collection gradeRecords, Collection studentUids) { List filteredRecords = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = gradeRecords.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { AbstractGradeRecord agr = (AbstractGradeRecord)iter.next(); if (studentUids.contains(agr.getStudentId())) { filteredRecords.add(agr); } } return filteredRecords; } protected Assignment getAssignmentWithoutStats(String gradebookUid, String assignmentName, Session session) throws HibernateException { return (Assignment)session.createQuery( "from Assignment as asn where asn.name=? and asn.gradebook.uid=? and asn.removed=false"). setString(0, assignmentName). setString(1, gradebookUid). uniqueResult(); } protected Assignment getAssignmentWithoutStats(String gradebookUid, Long assignmentId, Session session) throws HibernateException { return (Assignment)session.createQuery( "from Assignment as asn where asn.id=? and asn.gradebook.uid=? and asn.removed=false"). setLong(0, assignmentId). setString(1, gradebookUid). uniqueResult(); } protected void updateAssignment(Assignment assignment, Session session) throws ConflictingAssignmentNameException, HibernateException { // Ensure that we don't have the assignment in the session, since // we need to compare the existing one in the db to our edited assignment session.evict(assignment); Assignment asnFromDb = (Assignment)session.load(Assignment.class, assignment.getId()); List conflictList = ((List)session.createQuery( "select go from GradableObject as go where go.name = ? and go.gradebook = ? and go.removed=false and go.id != ?"). setString(0, assignment.getName()). setEntity(1, assignment.getGradebook()). setLong(2, assignment.getId().longValue()).list()); int numNameConflicts = conflictList.size(); if(numNameConflicts > 0) { throw new ConflictingAssignmentNameException("You can not save multiple assignments in a gradebook with the same name"); } session.evict(asnFromDb); session.update(assignment); } protected AssignmentGradeRecord getAssignmentGradeRecord(Assignment assignment, String studentUid, Session session) throws HibernateException { return (AssignmentGradeRecord)session.createQuery( "from AssignmentGradeRecord as agr where agr.studentId=? and agr.gradableObject.id=?"). setString(0, studentUid). setLong(1, assignment.getId().longValue()). uniqueResult(); } public Long createAssignment(final Long gradebookId, final String name, final Double points, final Date dueDate, final Boolean isNotCounted, final Boolean isReleased, final Boolean isExtraCredit) throws ConflictingAssignmentNameException, StaleObjectModificationException { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Gradebook gb = (Gradebook)session.load(Gradebook.class, gradebookId); // trim the name before checking validation String trimmedName = name; if (name != null) { trimmedName = name.trim(); } if (assignmentNameExists(session, trimmedName, gb)) { throw new ConflictingAssignmentNameException("You cannot save multiple assignments in a gradebook with the same name"); } Assignment asn = new Assignment(); asn.setGradebook(gb); asn.setName(trimmedName); asn.setPointsPossible(points); asn.setDueDate(dueDate); asn.setIsExtraCredit(isExtraCredit); asn.setUngraded(false); if (isNotCounted != null) { asn.setNotCounted(isNotCounted.booleanValue()); } if(isReleased!=null){ asn.setReleased(isReleased.booleanValue()); } // Save the new assignment Long id = (Long)session.save(asn); return id; } }; return (Long)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public void updateGradebook(final Gradebook gradebook) throws StaleObjectModificationException { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { // Get the gradebook and selected mapping from persistence Gradebook gradebookFromPersistence = (Gradebook)session.load( gradebook.getClass(), gradebook.getId()); GradeMapping mappingFromPersistence = gradebookFromPersistence.getSelectedGradeMapping(); // If the mapping has changed, and there are explicitly entered // course grade records, disallow this update. if (!mappingFromPersistence.getId().equals(gradebook.getSelectedGradeMapping().getId())) { if(isExplicitlyEnteredCourseGradeRecords(gradebook.getId())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Selected grade mapping can not be changed, since explicit course grades exist."); } } // Evict the persisted objects from the session and update the gradebook // so the new grade mapping is used in the sort column update //session.evict(mappingFromPersistence); for(Iterator iter = gradebookFromPersistence.getGradeMappings().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { session.evict(iter.next()); } session.evict(gradebookFromPersistence); try { session.update(gradebook); session.flush(); } catch (StaleObjectStateException e) { throw new StaleObjectModificationException(e); } return null; } }; getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public boolean isExplicitlyEnteredCourseGradeRecords(final Long gradebookId) { final Set studentUids = getAllStudentUids(getGradebookUid(gradebookId)); if (studentUids.isEmpty()) { return false; } HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Integer total; if (studentUids.size() <= MAX_NUMBER_OF_SQL_PARAMETERS_IN_LIST) { Query q = session.createQuery( "select cgr from CourseGradeRecord as cgr where cgr.enteredGrade is not null and cgr.gradableObject.gradebook.id=:gradebookId and cgr.studentId in (:studentUids)"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId.longValue()); q.setParameterList("studentUids", studentUids); List totalList = (List)q.list(); total = Integer.valueOf(totalList.size()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("total number of explicitly entered course grade records = " + total); } else { total = Integer.valueOf(0); Query q = session.createQuery( "select cgr.studentId from CourseGradeRecord as cgr where cgr.enteredGrade is not null and cgr.gradableObject.gradebook.id=:gradebookId"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId.longValue()); for (Iterator iter = q.list().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String studentId = (String)iter.next(); if (studentUids.contains(studentId)) { total = Integer.valueOf(1); break; } } } return total; } }; return ((Integer)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc)).intValue() > 0; } public Authn getAuthn() { return authn; } public void setAuthn(Authn authn) { this.authn = authn; } protected String getUserUid() { return authn.getUserUid(); } protected SectionAwareness getSectionAwareness() { return sectionAwareness; } public void setSectionAwareness(SectionAwareness sectionAwareness) { this.sectionAwareness = sectionAwareness; } protected ServerConfigurationService getServerConfigurationService() { return serverConfigurationService; } public void setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService) { this.serverConfigurationService = serverConfigurationService; } protected EventTrackingService getEventTrackingService() { return eventTrackingService; } public void setEventTrackingService(EventTrackingService eventTrackingService) { this.eventTrackingService = eventTrackingService; } protected GradebookExternalAssessmentService getGradebookExternalAssessmentService() { return externalAssessmentService; } public void setGradebookExternalAssessmentService(GradebookExternalAssessmentService externalAssessmentService) { this.externalAssessmentService = externalAssessmentService; } public void postEvent(String message,String objectReference){ eventTrackingService.postEvent(message,objectReference); } public Long createCategory(final Long gradebookId, final String name, final Double weight, final Integer drop_lowest, final Integer dropHighest, final Integer keepHighest, final Boolean is_extra_credit) throws ConflictingCategoryNameException, StaleObjectModificationException { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Gradebook gb = (Gradebook)session.load(Gradebook.class, gradebookId); List conflictList = ((List)session.createQuery( "select ca from Category as ca where ca.name = ? and ca.gradebook = ? and ca.removed=false "). setString(0, name). setEntity(1, gb).list()); int numNameConflicts = conflictList.size(); if(numNameConflicts > 0) { throw new ConflictingCategoryNameException("You can not save multiple catetories in a gradebook with the same name"); } if(weight > 1 || weight < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("weight for category is greater than 1 or less than 0 in createCategory of BaseHibernateManager"); } if(((drop_lowest!=null && drop_lowest > 0) || (dropHighest!=null && dropHighest > 0)) && (keepHighest!=null && keepHighest > 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("a combination of positive values for keepHighest and either drop_lowest or dropHighest occurred in createCategory of BaseHibernateManager"); } // if((itemValue!=null && itemValue<=0) && ((drop_lowest!=null && drop_lowest > 0) || (dropHighest!=null && dropHighest > 0) || (keepHighest!=null && keepHighest > 0))) // { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("no valid itemValue provided with drop_lowest, dropHighest, or keepHighest in createCategory of BaseHibernateManager"); // } Category ca = new Category(); ca.setGradebook(gb); ca.setName(name); ca.setWeight(weight); ca.setDrop_lowest(drop_lowest); ca.setDropHighest(dropHighest); ca.setKeepHighest(keepHighest); //ca.setItemValue(itemValue); ca.setRemoved(false); ca.setExtraCredit(is_extra_credit); Long id = (Long)session.save(ca); return id; } }; return (Long)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public List getCategories(final Long gradebookId) throws HibernateException { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { List categories = session.createQuery( "from Category as ca where ca.gradebook=? and ca.removed=false"). setLong(0, gradebookId.longValue()). list(); return categories; } }; return (List) getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public List getCategoriesWithAssignments(Long gradebookId) { List categories = getCategories(gradebookId); List categoriesWithAssignments = new ArrayList(); if (categories != null) { for (Iterator catIter = categories.iterator(); catIter.hasNext();) { Category category = (Category) catIter.next(); if (category != null) { List assignments = getAssignmentsForCategory(category.getId()); category.setAssignmentList(assignments); categoriesWithAssignments.add(category); } } } return categoriesWithAssignments; } public Long createAssignmentForCategory(final Long gradebookId, final Long categoryId, final String name, final Double points, final Date dueDate, final Boolean isNotCounted, final Boolean isReleased, final Boolean isExtraCredit) throws ConflictingAssignmentNameException, StaleObjectModificationException, IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || categoryId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradebookId or categoryId is null in BaseHibernateManager.createAssignmentForCategory"); } HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Gradebook gb = (Gradebook)session.load(Gradebook.class, gradebookId); Category cat = (Category)session.load(Category.class, categoryId); // trim the assignment name before we validate String trimmedName = name; if (name != null) { trimmedName = name.trim(); } if(assignmentNameExists(session, trimmedName, gb)) { throw new ConflictingAssignmentNameException("You can not save multiple assignments in a gradebook with the same name"); } Assignment asn = new Assignment(); asn.setGradebook(gb); asn.setCategory(cat); asn.setName(trimmedName); asn.setPointsPossible(points); asn.setDueDate(dueDate); asn.setUngraded(false); if (isNotCounted != null) { asn.setNotCounted(isNotCounted.booleanValue()); } if(isReleased!=null){ asn.setReleased(isReleased.booleanValue()); } if (isExtraCredit != null) { asn.setExtraCredit(isExtraCredit.booleanValue()); } Long id = (Long)session.save(asn); return id; } }; return (Long)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public List getAssignmentsForCategory(final Long categoryId) throws HibernateException{ HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { List assignments = session.createQuery( "from Assignment as assign where assign.category=? and assign.removed=false"). setLong(0, categoryId.longValue()). list(); return assignments; } }; return (List) getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public Category getCategory(final Long categoryId) throws HibernateException{ HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { return session.createQuery( "from Category as cat where cat.id=?"). setLong(0, categoryId.longValue()). uniqueResult(); } }; return (Category) getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } protected void updateCategory(Category category, Session session) throws ConflictingAssignmentNameException, HibernateException { session.evict(category); Category persistentCat = (Category)session.load(Category.class, category.getId()); List conflictList = ((List)session.createQuery( "select ca from Category as ca where ca.name = ? and ca.gradebook = ? and ca.id != ? and ca.removed=false"). setString(0, category.getName()). setEntity(1, category.getGradebook()). setLong(2, category.getId().longValue()).list()); int numNameConflicts = conflictList.size(); if(numNameConflicts > 0) { throw new ConflictingCategoryNameException("You can not save multiple category in a gradebook with the same name"); } if(category.getWeight().doubleValue() > 1 || category.getWeight().doubleValue() < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("weight for category is greater than 1 or less than 0 in updateCategory of BaseHibernateManager"); } session.evict(persistentCat); session.update(category); } public void updateCategory(final Category category) throws ConflictingCategoryNameException, StaleObjectModificationException{ HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { session.evict(category); Category persistentCat = (Category)session.load(Category.class, category.getId()); List conflictList = ((List)session.createQuery( "select ca from Category as ca where ca.name = ? and ca.gradebook = ? and ca.id != ? and ca.removed=false"). setString(0, category.getName()). setEntity(1, category.getGradebook()). setLong(2, category.getId().longValue()).list()); int numNameConflicts = conflictList.size(); if(numNameConflicts > 0) { throw new ConflictingCategoryNameException("You can not save multiple category in a gradebook with the same name"); } if(category.getWeight().doubleValue() > 1 || category.getWeight().doubleValue() < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("weight for category is greater than 1 or less than 0 in updateCategory of BaseHibernateManager"); } session.evict(persistentCat); session.update(category); return null; } }; try { getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StaleObjectModificationException(e); } } public void removeCategory(final Long categoryId) throws StaleObjectModificationException{ HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Category persistentCat = (Category)session.load(Category.class, categoryId); List assigns = getAssignmentsForCategory(categoryId); for(Iterator iter = assigns.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Assignment assignment = (Assignment) iter.next(); assignment.setCategory(null); updateAssignment(assignment, session); } persistentCat.setRemoved(true); session.update(persistentCat); return null; } }; try { getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StaleObjectModificationException(e); } } public LetterGradePercentMapping getDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping() { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { List defaultMapping = (session.createQuery( "select lgpm from LetterGradePercentMapping as lgpm where lgpm.mappingType = 1")).list(); if(defaultMapping == null || defaultMapping.size() == 0) { log.info("Default letter grade mapping hasn't been created in DB in BaseHibernateManager.getDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping"); return null; } if(defaultMapping.size() > 1) { log.error("Duplicate default letter grade mapping was created in DB in BaseHibernateManager.getDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping"); return null; } return ((LetterGradePercentMapping) defaultMapping.get(0)); } }; return (LetterGradePercentMapping) getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public void createOrUpdateDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping(final Map gradeMap) { if(gradeMap == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap is null in BaseHibernateManager.createOrUpdateDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping"); LetterGradePercentMapping lgpm = getDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping(); if(lgpm != null) { updateDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping(gradeMap, lgpm); } else { createDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping(gradeMap); } } private void updateDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping(final Map gradeMap, final LetterGradePercentMapping lgpm) { Set keySet = gradeMap.keySet(); if(keySet.size() != GradebookService.validLetterGrade.length) //we only consider letter grade with -/+ now. throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap doesn't have right size in BaseHibernateManager.updateDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping"); if(validateLetterGradeMapping(gradeMap) == false) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap contains invalid letter in BaseHibernateManager.updateDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping"); HibernateCallback hcb = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { Map saveMap = new HashMap(); for(Iterator iter = gradeMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String key = (String) iter.next(); saveMap.put(key, gradeMap.get(key)); } lgpm.setGradeMap(saveMap); session.update(lgpm); return null; } }; getHibernateTemplate().execute(hcb); } public void createDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping(final Map gradeMap) { if(getDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping() != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap has already been created in BaseHibernateManager.createDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping"); if(gradeMap == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap is null in BaseHibernateManager.createDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping"); Set keySet = gradeMap.keySet(); if(keySet.size() != GradebookService.validLetterGrade.length) //we only consider letter grade with -/+ now. throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap doesn't have right size in BaseHibernateManager.createDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping"); if(validateLetterGradeMapping(gradeMap) == false) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap contains invalid letter in BaseHibernateManager.createDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping"); HibernateCallback hcb = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { LetterGradePercentMapping lgpm = new LetterGradePercentMapping(); Map saveMap = new HashMap(); for(Iterator iter = gradeMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String key = (String) iter.next(); saveMap.put(key, gradeMap.get(key)); } if (lgpm != null) { lgpm.setGradeMap(saveMap); lgpm.setMappingType(1); session.save(lgpm); } return null; } }; getHibernateTemplate().execute(hcb); } public LetterGradePercentMapping getLetterGradePercentMapping(final Gradebook gradebook) { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { LetterGradePercentMapping mapping = (LetterGradePercentMapping) ((session.createQuery( "from LetterGradePercentMapping as lgpm where lgpm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and lgpm.mappingType=2")). setLong("gradebookId", gradebook.getId().longValue())). uniqueResult(); if(mapping == null ) { LetterGradePercentMapping lgpm = getDefaultLetterGradePercentMapping(); LetterGradePercentMapping returnLgpm = new LetterGradePercentMapping(); returnLgpm.setGradebookId(gradebook.getId()); returnLgpm.setGradeMap(lgpm.getGradeMap()); returnLgpm.setMappingType(2); return returnLgpm; } return mapping; } }; return (LetterGradePercentMapping) getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } /** * this method is different with getLetterGradePercentMapping - * it returns null if no mapping exists for gradebook instead of * returning default mapping. */ private LetterGradePercentMapping getLetterGradePercentMappingForGradebook(final Gradebook gradebook) { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { LetterGradePercentMapping mapping = (LetterGradePercentMapping) ((session.createQuery( "from LetterGradePercentMapping as lgpm where lgpm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and lgpm.mappingType=2")). setLong("gradebookId", gradebook.getId().longValue())). uniqueResult(); return mapping; } }; return (LetterGradePercentMapping) getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public void saveOrUpdateLetterGradePercentMapping(final Map gradeMap, final Gradebook gradebook) { if(gradeMap == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap is null in BaseHibernateManager.saveOrUpdateLetterGradePercentMapping"); LetterGradePercentMapping lgpm = getLetterGradePercentMappingForGradebook(gradebook); if(lgpm == null) { Set keySet = gradeMap.keySet(); if(keySet.size() != GradebookService.validLetterGrade.length) //we only consider letter grade with -/+ now. throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap doesn't have right size in BaseHibernateManager.saveOrUpdateLetterGradePercentMapping"); if(validateLetterGradeMapping(gradeMap) == false) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap contains invalid letter in BaseHibernateManager.saveOrUpdateLetterGradePercentMapping"); HibernateCallback hcb = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { LetterGradePercentMapping lgpm = new LetterGradePercentMapping(); if (lgpm != null) { Map saveMap = new HashMap(); for (Iterator gradeIter = gradeMap.keySet().iterator(); gradeIter.hasNext();) { String letterGrade = (String)gradeIter.next(); Double value = (Double)gradeMap.get(letterGrade); saveMap.put(letterGrade, value); } lgpm.setGradeMap(saveMap); lgpm.setGradebookId(gradebook.getId()); lgpm.setMappingType(2); session.save(lgpm); } return null; } }; getHibernateTemplate().execute(hcb); } else { udpateLetterGradePercentMapping(gradeMap, gradebook); } } private void udpateLetterGradePercentMapping(final Map gradeMap, final Gradebook gradebook) { HibernateCallback hcb = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { LetterGradePercentMapping lgpm = getLetterGradePercentMapping(gradebook); if( lgpm == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("LetterGradePercentMapping is null in BaseHibernateManager.updateLetterGradePercentMapping"); if(gradeMap == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap is null in BaseHibernateManager.updateLetterGradePercentMapping"); Set keySet = gradeMap.keySet(); if(keySet.size() != GradebookService.validLetterGrade.length) //we only consider letter grade with -/+ now. throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap doesn't have right size in BaseHibernateManager.udpateLetterGradePercentMapping"); if(validateLetterGradeMapping(gradeMap) == false) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradeMap contains invalid letter in BaseHibernateManager.udpateLetterGradePercentMapping"); Map saveMap = new HashMap(); for(Iterator iter = gradeMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String key = (String) iter.next(); saveMap.put(key, gradeMap.get(key)); } lgpm.setGradeMap(saveMap); session.save(lgpm); return null; } }; getHibernateTemplate().execute(hcb); } protected boolean validateLetterGradeMapping(Map gradeMap) { Set keySet = gradeMap.keySet(); for(Iterator iter = keySet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String) iter.next(); boolean validLetter = false; for(int i=0; i<GradebookService.validLetterGrade.length; i++) { if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(GradebookService.validLetterGrade[i])) { validLetter = true; break; } } if(validLetter == false) return false; } return true; } public Long createUngradedAssignment(final Long gradebookId, final String name, final Date dueDate, final Boolean isNotCounted, final Boolean isReleased) throws ConflictingAssignmentNameException, StaleObjectModificationException { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Gradebook gb = (Gradebook)session.load(Gradebook.class, gradebookId); // trim the name before validation String trimmedName = name; if (name != null) { trimmedName = name.trim(); } if(assignmentNameExists(session, trimmedName, gb)) { throw new ConflictingAssignmentNameException("You can not save multiple assignments in a gradebook with the same name"); } Assignment asn = new Assignment(); asn.setGradebook(gb); asn.setName(trimmedName); asn.setDueDate(dueDate); asn.setUngraded(true); if (isNotCounted != null) { asn.setNotCounted(isNotCounted.booleanValue()); } if(isReleased!=null){ asn.setReleased(isReleased.booleanValue()); } Long id = (Long)session.save(asn); return id; } }; return (Long)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public Long createUngradedAssignmentForCategory(final Long gradebookId, final Long categoryId, final String name, final Date dueDate, final Boolean isNotCounted, final Boolean isReleased) throws ConflictingAssignmentNameException, StaleObjectModificationException, IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || categoryId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("gradebookId or categoryId is null in BaseHibernateManager.createUngradedAssignmentForCategory"); } HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Gradebook gb = (Gradebook)session.load(Gradebook.class, gradebookId); Category cat = (Category)session.load(Category.class, categoryId); // trim the name before the validation String trimmedName = name; if (name != null) { trimmedName = name.trim(); } if(assignmentNameExists(session, trimmedName, gb)) { throw new ConflictingAssignmentNameException("You can not save multiple assignments in a gradebook with the same name"); } Assignment asn = new Assignment(); asn.setGradebook(gb); asn.setCategory(cat); asn.setName(trimmedName); asn.setDueDate(dueDate); asn.setUngraded(true); if (isNotCounted != null) { asn.setNotCounted(isNotCounted.booleanValue()); } if(isReleased!=null){ asn.setReleased(isReleased.booleanValue()); } Long id = (Long)session.save(asn); return id; } }; return (Long)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public Long addPermission(final Long gradebookId, final String userId, final String function, final Long categoryId, final String groupId) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || userId == null || function == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.addPermission"); if(!function.equalsIgnoreCase(GradebookService.gradePermission) && !function.equalsIgnoreCase(GradebookService.viewPermission)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Function is not grade or view in BaseHibernateManager.addPermission"); HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Permission permission = new Permission(); permission.setCategoryId(categoryId); permission.setGradebookId(gradebookId); permission.setGroupId(groupId); permission.setFunction(function); permission.setUserId(userId); Long permissionId = (Long) session.save(permission); return permissionId; } }; return (Long)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public List getPermissionsForGB(final Long gradebookId) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForGB"); HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public void updatePermission(Collection perms) { for(Iterator iter = perms.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Permission perm = (Permission) iter.next(); if(perm != null) updatePermission(perm); } } public void updatePermission(final Permission perm) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(perm == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.updatePermission"); if(perm.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object is not persistent in BaseHibernateManager.updatePermission"); HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { session.update(perm); return null; } }; getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public void deletePermission(final Permission perm) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(perm == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.deletePermission"); if(perm.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object is not persistent in BaseHibernateManager.deletePermission"); HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { session.delete(perm); return null; } }; getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public List<Permission> getPermissionsForUser(final Long gradebookId, final String userId) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || userId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForUser"); HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and perm.userId=:userId"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); q.setString("userId", userId); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public List getPermissionsForUserForCategory(final Long gradebookId, final String userId, final List cateIds) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || userId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForUserForCategory"); if(cateIds != null && cateIds.size() > 0) { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and perm.userId=:userId and perm.categoryId in (:cateIds)"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); q.setString("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("cateIds", cateIds); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } else { return null; } } public List getPermissionsForUserAnyCategory(final Long gradebookId, final String userId) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || userId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForUserAnyCategory"); HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and perm.userId=:userId and perm.categoryId is null"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); q.setString("userId", userId); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public List getPermissionsForUserAnyGroup(final Long gradebookId, final String userId) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || userId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForUserAnyGroup"); HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and perm.userId=:userId and perm.groupId is null"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); q.setString("userId", userId); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public List<Permission> getPermissionsForUserAnyGroupForCategory(final Long gradebookId, final String userId, final List cateIds) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || userId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForUserAnyGroupForCategory"); if(cateIds != null && cateIds.size() > 0) { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and perm.userId=:userId and perm.categoryId in (:cateIds) and perm.groupId is null"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); q.setString("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("cateIds", cateIds); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } else { return null; } } public List getPermissionsForGBForCategoryIds(final Long gradebookId, final List cateIds) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForUserAnyGroupForCategory"); if(cateIds != null && cateIds.size() > 0) { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and perm.categoryId in (:cateIds)"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); q.setParameterList("cateIds", cateIds); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } else { return null; } } public List getPermissionsForUserAnyGroupAnyCategory(final Long gradebookId, final String userId) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || userId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForUserAnyGroupForCategory"); HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and perm.userId=:userId and perm.categoryId is null and perm.groupId is null"); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); q.setString("userId", userId); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } public List getPermissionsForUserForGoupsAnyCategory(final Long gradebookId, final String userId, final List groupIds) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || userId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForUserForGoupsAnyCategory"); if (groupIds != null && groupIds.size() > 0) { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and perm.userId=:userId and perm.categoryId is null and perm.groupId in (:groupIds) "); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); q.setString("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("groupIds", groupIds); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } else { return null; } } public List getPermissionsForUserForGroup(final Long gradebookId, final String userId, final List groupIds) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(gradebookId == null || userId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter(s) in BaseHibernateManager.getPermissionsForUserForGroup"); if (groupIds != null && groupIds.size() > 0) { HibernateCallback hc = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query q = session.createQuery("from Permission as perm where perm.gradebookId=:gradebookId and perm.userId=:userId and perm.groupId in (:groupIds) "); q.setLong("gradebookId", gradebookId); q.setString("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("groupIds", groupIds); return q.list(); } }; return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(hc); } else { return null; } } public boolean isAssignmentDefined(Long gradableObjectId) { String hql = "from Assignment as asn where asn.id=? and removed=false"; return getHibernateTemplate().find(hql, gradableObjectId).size() == 1; } /** * * @param gradableObjectId * @return the Assignment object with the given id */ public Assignment getAssignment(Long gradableObjectId) { return (Assignment)getHibernateTemplate().load(Assignment.class, gradableObjectId); } /** * * @param doublePointsPossible * @param doublePointsEarned * @return the % equivalent for the given points possible and points earned */ protected Double calculateEquivalentPercent(Double doublePointsPossible, Double doublePointsEarned) { if (doublePointsEarned == null || doublePointsPossible == null) return null; // scale to handle points stored as repeating decimals BigDecimal pointsEarned = new BigDecimal(doublePointsEarned.toString()); BigDecimal pointsPossible = new BigDecimal(doublePointsPossible.toString()); BigDecimal equivPercent = pointsEarned.divide(pointsPossible, GradebookService.MATH_CONTEXT).multiply(new BigDecimal("100")); return Double.valueOf(equivPercent.doubleValue()); } /** * Converts points to percentage for the given AssignmentGradeRecords * @param gradebook * @param studentRecordsFromDB * @return */ protected List convertPointsToPercentage(Gradebook gradebook, List studentRecordsFromDB) { List percentageList = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i < studentRecordsFromDB.size(); i++) { AssignmentGradeRecord agr = (AssignmentGradeRecord) studentRecordsFromDB.get(i); if (agr != null) { Double pointsPossible = agr.getAssignment().getPointsPossible(); if (pointsPossible == null || agr.getPointsEarned() == null) { agr.setPercentEarned(null); percentageList.add(agr); } else { agr.setDateRecorded(agr.getDateRecorded()); agr.setGraderId(agr.getGraderId()); agr.setPercentEarned(calculateEquivalentPercent(pointsPossible, agr.getPointsEarned())); percentageList.add(agr); } } } return percentageList; } /** * Converts points to letter grade for the given AssignmentGradeRecords * @param gradebook * @param studentRecordsFromDB * @return */ protected List convertPointsToLetterGrade(Gradebook gradebook, List studentRecordsFromDB) { List letterGradeList = new ArrayList(); LetterGradePercentMapping lgpm = getLetterGradePercentMapping(gradebook); for(int i=0; i < studentRecordsFromDB.size(); i++) { AssignmentGradeRecord agr = (AssignmentGradeRecord) studentRecordsFromDB.get(i); if(agr != null) { Double pointsPossible = agr.getAssignment().getPointsPossible(); agr.setDateRecorded(agr.getDateRecorded()); agr.setGraderId(agr.getGraderId()); if (pointsPossible == null || agr.getPointsEarned() == null) { agr.setLetterEarned(null); letterGradeList.add(agr); } else { String letterGrade = lgpm.getGrade(calculateEquivalentPercent(pointsPossible, agr.getPointsEarned())); agr.setLetterEarned(letterGrade); letterGradeList.add(agr); } } } return letterGradeList; } protected Double calculateEquivalentPointValueForPercent(Double doublePointsPossible, Double doublePercentEarned) { if (doublePointsPossible == null || doublePercentEarned == null) return null; BigDecimal pointsPossible = new BigDecimal(doublePointsPossible.toString()); BigDecimal percentEarned = new BigDecimal(doublePercentEarned.toString()); BigDecimal equivPoints = pointsPossible.multiply(percentEarned.divide(new BigDecimal("100"), GradebookService.MATH_CONTEXT)); return Double.valueOf(equivPoints.doubleValue()); } public List getComments(final Assignment assignment, final Collection studentIds) { if (studentIds.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList(); } return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { List comments; if (studentIds.size() <= MAX_NUMBER_OF_SQL_PARAMETERS_IN_LIST) { Query q = session.createQuery( "from Comment as c where c.gradableObject=:go and c.studentId in (:studentIds)"); q.setParameter("go", assignment); q.setParameterList("studentIds", studentIds); comments = q.list(); } else { comments = new ArrayList(); Query q = session.createQuery("from Comment as c where c.gradableObject=:go"); q.setParameter("go", assignment); List allComments = q.list(); for (Iterator iter = allComments.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Comment comment = (Comment)iter.next(); if (studentIds.contains(comment.getStudentId())) { comments.add(comment); } } } return comments; } }); } // Student ID -> Assignments protected Map<String, Set<Assignment>> getVisibleExternalAssignments( Gradebook gradebook, Collection<String> studentIds, List<Assignment> assignments) { String gradebookUid = gradebook.getUid(); Map<String, List<String>> allExternals = externalAssessmentService.getVisibleExternalAssignments(gradebookUid, studentIds); Map<String, Assignment> allRequested = new HashMap<String, Assignment>(); for (Assignment a : assignments) { if (a.isExternallyMaintained()) { allRequested.put(a.getExternalId(), a); } } Map<String, Set<Assignment>> visible = new HashMap<String, Set<Assignment>>(); for (String studentId : allExternals.keySet()) { if (studentIds.contains(studentId)) { Set<Assignment> studentAssignments = new HashSet<Assignment>(); for (String assignmentId : allExternals.get(studentId)) { if (allRequested.containsKey(assignmentId)) { studentAssignments.add(allRequested.get(assignmentId)); } } visible.put(studentId, studentAssignments); } } return visible; } // NOTE: This should not be called in a loop. Anything for sets should use getVisibleExternalAssignments protected boolean studentCanView(String studentId, Assignment assignment) { if (assignment.isExternallyMaintained()) { try { String gbUid = assignment.getGradebook().getUid(); String extId = assignment.getExternalId(); if (externalAssessmentService.isExternalAssignmentGrouped(gbUid, extId)) { return externalAssessmentService.isExternalAssignmentVisible(gbUid, extId, studentId); } } catch (GradebookNotFoundException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Bogus graded assignment checked for course grades: " + assignment.getId()); } } } // We assume that the only disqualifying condition is that the external assignment // is grouped and the student is not a member of one of the groups allowed. return true; } protected void finalizeNullGradeRecords(final Gradebook gradebook) { final Set<String> studentUids = getAllStudentUids(gradebook.getUid()); final Date now = new Date(); final String graderId = getAuthn().getUserUid(); getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { List<Assignment> countedAssignments = session.createQuery( "from Assignment as asn where asn.gradebook.id=:gb and asn.removed=false and asn.notCounted=false and asn.ungraded=false"). setLong("gb", gradebook.getId().longValue()).list(); Map<String, Set<Assignment>> visible = getVisibleExternalAssignments(gradebook, studentUids, countedAssignments); for (Assignment assignment : countedAssignments) { List<AssignmentGradeRecord> scoredGradeRecords = session.createQuery( "from AssignmentGradeRecord as agr where agr.gradableObject.id=:go"). setLong("go", assignment.getId()).list(); Map<String, AssignmentGradeRecord> studentToGradeRecordMap = new HashMap<String, AssignmentGradeRecord>(); for (AssignmentGradeRecord scoredGradeRecord : scoredGradeRecords) { studentToGradeRecordMap.put(scoredGradeRecord.getStudentId(), scoredGradeRecord); } for (String studentUid : studentUids) { // SAK-11485 - We don't want to add scores for those grouped activities // that this student should not see or be scored on. if (assignment.isExternallyMaintained() && (!visible.containsKey(studentUid) || !visible.get(studentUid).contains(assignment))) { continue; } AssignmentGradeRecord gradeRecord = studentToGradeRecordMap.get(studentUid); if (gradeRecord != null) { if (gradeRecord.getPointsEarned() == null) { gradeRecord.setPointsEarned(Double.valueOf(0)); } else { continue; } } else { gradeRecord = new AssignmentGradeRecord(assignment, studentUid, Double.valueOf(0)); } gradeRecord.setGraderId(graderId); gradeRecord.setDateRecorded(now); session.saveOrUpdate(gradeRecord); session.save(new GradingEvent(assignment, graderId, studentUid, gradeRecord.getPointsEarned())); } } return null; } }); } /** * * @param session * @param name * @param gradebook * @return true if an assignment with the given name already exists in this gradebook. Does * not trim the name */ private boolean assignmentNameExists(Session session, String name, Gradebook gradebook) { boolean nameExists; List conflictList = ((List)session.createQuery( "select go from GradableObject as go where go.name = ? and go.gradebook = ? and go.removed=false"). setString(0, name). setEntity(1, gradebook).list()); int numNameConflicts = conflictList.size(); if(numNameConflicts == 0) { nameExists = false; } else { nameExists = true; } return nameExists; } private Comment getInternalComment(String gradebookUid, String assignmentName, String studentUid, Session session) { Query q = session.createQuery( "from Comment as c where c.studentId=:studentId and c.gradableObject.gradebook.uid=:gradebookUid and c.gradableObject.name=:assignmentName and gradableObject.removed=false"); q.setParameter("studentId", studentUid); q.setParameter("gradebookUid", gradebookUid); q.setParameter("assignmentName", assignmentName); return (Comment)q.uniqueResult(); } public CommentDefinition getAssignmentScoreComment(final String gradebookUid, final String assignmentName, final String studentUid) throws GradebookNotFoundException, AssessmentNotFoundException { CommentDefinition commentDefinition = null; Comment comment = (Comment)getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { return getInternalComment(gradebookUid, assignmentName, studentUid, session); } }); if (comment != null) { commentDefinition = new CommentDefinition(); commentDefinition.setAssignmentName(assignmentName); commentDefinition.setCommentText(comment.getCommentText()); commentDefinition.setDateRecorded(comment.getDateRecorded()); commentDefinition.setGraderUid(comment.getGraderId()); commentDefinition.setStudentUid(comment.getStudentId()); } return commentDefinition; } public CommentDefinition getAssignmentScoreComment(final String gradebookUid, final Long gbItemId, final String studentUid) throws GradebookNotFoundException, AssessmentNotFoundException { if (gradebookUid == null || gbItemId == null || studentUid == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null parameter passed to getAssignmentScoreComment"); } Assignment assignment = (Assignment)getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { return getAssignmentWithoutStats(gradebookUid, gbItemId, session); } }); if (assignment == null) { throw new AssessmentNotFoundException("There is no assignment with the gbItemId " + gbItemId); } return getAssignmentScoreComment(gradebookUid, assignment.getName(), studentUid); } public void setAssignmentScoreComment(final String gradebookUid, final String assignmentName, final String studentUid, final String commentText) throws GradebookNotFoundException, AssessmentNotFoundException { getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Comment comment = getInternalComment(gradebookUid, assignmentName, studentUid, session); if (comment == null) { comment = new Comment(studentUid, commentText, getAssignmentWithoutStats(gradebookUid, assignmentName, session)); } else { comment.setCommentText(commentText); } comment.setGraderId(authn.getUserUid()); comment.setDateRecorded(new Date()); session.saveOrUpdate(comment); return null; } }); } }