package org.sakaiproject.lessonbuildertool; import java.util.Date; public class SimpleStudentPageImpl implements SimpleStudentPage { private long id; // Basic ID private Date lastUpdated; private long itemId; // ItemId of the section this page belongs to private long pageId; // ID of row in lesson_builder_pages private String title; // Title of page private String owner; // Owner of page private String group; private boolean groupOwned = false; // no longer used // ID of the comments section associated with this page, if one exists. private Long commentsSection; private Date lastCommentChange; // Last time a comment was posted or edited. private boolean deleted = false; // Shows whether or not this was deleted by the instructor. private Double points; // Number of points given if this was graded private Long peerEvalSection; public SimpleStudentPageImpl() { } public SimpleStudentPageImpl(long itemId, long pageId, String title, String owner, String group) { this.itemId = itemId; this.pageId = pageId; this.title = title; this.owner = owner; = group; this.groupOwned = false; this.commentsSection = null; this.peerEvalSection = null; } public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } public Date getLastUpdated() { return lastUpdated; } public void setLastUpdated(Date lastUpdated) { this.lastUpdated = lastUpdated; } public long getItemId() { return itemId; } public void setItemId(long itemId) { this.itemId = itemId; } public long getPageId() { return pageId; } public void setPageId(long pageId) { this.pageId = pageId;; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getOwner() { if (owner != null && owner.length() == 0) return null; return owner; } public void setOwner(String owner) { this.owner = owner;; } public String getGroup() { if (group != null && group.length() == 0) return null; return group; } public void setGroup(String s) { = s; } public boolean isGroupOwned() { return groupOwned; } public void setGroupOwned(Boolean g) { if (g == null) g = false; groupOwned = g; } public Long getCommentsSection() { return commentsSection; } public void setCommentsSection(Long commentsSection) { this.commentsSection = commentsSection; } public Date getLastCommentChange() { return lastCommentChange; } public void setLastCommentChange(Date lastCommentChange) { this.lastCommentChange = lastCommentChange; } public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted; } public void setDeleted(Boolean deleted) { if(deleted == null) { deleted = false; } this.deleted = deleted; } public Double getPoints() { return points; } public void setPoints(Double points) { this.points = points; } public Long getPeerEvalSection() { return peerEvalSection; } public void setPeerEvalSection(Long section) { this.peerEvalSection = section; } }