package org.sakaiproject.portal.charon.handlers; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.Role; import org.sakaiproject.authz.cover.SecurityService; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.event.api.NotificationService; import org.sakaiproject.event.cover.EventTrackingService; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException; import org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalHandlerException; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session; import org.sakaiproject.util.Web; public class RoleSwitchHandler extends BasePortalHandler { private static final String URL_FRAGMENT = "role-switch"; public static final String EVENT_ROLESWAP_START = "roleswap.start"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SiteHandler.class); public RoleSwitchHandler() { setUrlFragment(RoleSwitchHandler.URL_FRAGMENT); } @Override public int doGet(String[] parts, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Session session) throws PortalHandlerException { if (parts == null || req == null || res == null || session == null) throw new IllegalStateException("null pointers while swapping into student view"); if ((parts.length > 3) && "role-switch".equals(parts[1]) && SiteService.allowRoleSwap(parts[2])) // confirms the url and the permission for the user on the site { // Start check for making sure the role is legit in a site Site activeSite = null; try { activeSite = portal.getSiteHelper().getSiteVisit(parts[2]); // get our site } catch(IdUnusedException ie) { log.error(ie.getMessage(), ie); throw new IllegalStateException("Site doesn't exist!"); } catch(PermissionException pe) { log.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new IllegalStateException("No permission to visit site!"); } Set<Role> roles = activeSite.getRoles(); // all the roles in our site String externalRoles = ServerConfigurationService.getString("studentview.roles"); // get the roles that can be swapped to from String[] svRoles = externalRoles.split(","); boolean isRoleLegit = false; for (Role role : roles) { for (int i = 0; i < svRoles.length; i++) { if (svRoles[i].trim().equals(role.getId()) && svRoles[i].trim().equals(parts[3])) { isRoleLegit = true; // set this to true because we verified the role passed in is in the site and is allowed to be switched from configuration break; } } if (isRoleLegit) break; // no need to keep looping if we have the confirmed role } if (!isRoleLegit) return NEXT; // if the role is not legit, return without doing anything // End check for making sure the role is legit in a site try { String siteUrl = req.getContextPath() + "/site" + Web.makePath(parts, 2, parts.length-1); // Make sure to add the parameters such as panel=Main String queryString = req.getQueryString(); if (queryString != null) { siteUrl = siteUrl + "?" + queryString; } portalService.setResetState("true"); // flag the portal to reset SecurityService.setUserEffectiveRole(activeSite.getReference(), parts[3]); // Post an event, parts[3], parts[2], false, NotificationService.NOTI_NONE)); res.sendRedirect(siteUrl); return RESET_DONE; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PortalHandlerException(ex); } } else { return NEXT; } } }