package; /*********** * This code is based on a reference implementation done for the IMS Consortium. * The copyright notice for that implementation is included below. * All modifications are covered by the following copyright notice. * * Copyright (c) 2011 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /********************************************************************************** * $URL: $ * $Id: 227 2011-01-08 18:26:55Z drchuck $ ********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2010 IMS GLobal Learning Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; /** * * This is a simple cartridge parser library for IMS common cartridges. This parser is non validating, and has been * written against version 1.0 of the CC specification. * * Users of the parser need to do the following: * 1) Create a Cartridge Loader, and supply it with a ZIP file. * 2) Create a Parser: the createCartridgeParser(CartridgeLoader) method in this class. * 3) Override DefaultHandler to process the events that arise during the parse process. * 4) Call Parser.parse(DefaultHandler) with your default Handler. * * The parser will read the manifest file, as well as any declared xml resources (question banks, assessments, discussions, * and weblinks). DefaultHandler will always return xml in the form of JDOM elements, as well as (in some cases), java * objects (strings mostly). The parser will also return the details for authorization services, metadata and indicate if * a resource is protected or not. * * @author Phil Nicholls * @version 1.0 * */ public class Parser extends AbstractParser { CartridgeLoader utils; private static final Map<String, ContentParser> parsers; private static final String IMS_MANIFEST="imsmanifest.xml"; private static final String LAR0="associatedcontent/imscc_xmlv1p0/learning-application-resource"; private static final String LAR1="associatedcontent/imscc_xmlv1p1/learning-application-resource"; private static final String LAR2="associatedcontent/imscc_xmlv1p2/learning-application-resource"; private static final String DISCUSSION0="imsdt_xmlv1p0"; private static final String DISCUSSION1="imsdt_xmlv1p1"; private static final String DISCUSSION2="imsdt_xmlv1p2"; private static final String ASSESSMENT0="imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p0/assessment"; private static final String ASSESSMENT1="imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p1/assessment"; private static final String ASSESSMENT2="imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p2/assessment"; private static final String WEBLINK0="imswl_xmlv1p0"; private static final String WEBLINK1="imswl_xmlv1p1"; private static final String WEBLINK2="imswl_xmlv1p2"; private static final String WEBCONTENT="webcontent"; private static final String QUESTION_BANK0="imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p0/question-bank"; private static final String QUESTION_BANK1="imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p1/question-bank"; private static final String QUESTION_BANK2="imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p2/question-bank"; private static final String CC_BLTI0="imsbasiclti_xmlv1p0"; private static final String CC_BLTI1="imsbasiclti_xmlv1p1"; private static final String AUTH_QUERY="/ims:manifest/auth:authorizations"; private static final String ITEM_QUERY="/ims:manifest/ims:organizations/ims:organization/ims:item"; private static final QuestionBankParser qbp; private static final String AUTH_IMPORT="import"; private static final String AUTH_ACCESS="access"; private static final String AUTH_ACCESS_CARTRIDGE="cartridge"; private static final String AUTH_ACCESS_RESOURCE="resource"; private static final String AUTH_AUTHORIZATION="authorization"; private static final String AUTH_CCID="cartridgeId"; private static final String AUTH_WEBSERVICE="webservice"; private static final String MD="metadata"; private static final String MD_SCHEMA="schema"; private static final String MD_SCHEMA_VERSION="schemaversion"; private static final String MD_ROOT="lom"; private static final String CC_ITEM="item"; private static final String CC_ITEM_ID="identifier"; private static final String CC_ITEM_IDREF="identifierref"; private static final String CC_ITEM_TITLE="title"; private static final String CC_RESOURCE="resource"; private static final String CC_RESOURCES="resources"; private static final String CC_RES_TYPE="type"; static { qbp=new QuestionBankParser(); parsers=new HashMap<String, ContentParser>(); parsers.put(LAR0, new LearningApplicationResourceParser()); parsers.put(LAR1, new LearningApplicationResourceParser()); parsers.put(LAR2, new LearningApplicationResourceParser()); parsers.put(DISCUSSION0, new DiscussionParser()); parsers.put(DISCUSSION1, new DiscussionParser()); parsers.put(DISCUSSION2, new DiscussionParser()); parsers.put(ASSESSMENT0, new AssessmentParser()); parsers.put(ASSESSMENT1, new AssessmentParser()); parsers.put(ASSESSMENT2, new AssessmentParser()); parsers.put(WEBLINK0, new WebLinkParser()); parsers.put(WEBLINK1, new WebLinkParser()); parsers.put(WEBLINK2, new WebLinkParser()); parsers.put(WEBCONTENT, new WebContentParser()); parsers.put(CC_BLTI0, new BLTIParser()); parsers.put(CC_BLTI1, new BLTIParser()); // there is no CC+BLTI2 } private Parser(CartridgeLoader the_cu) { super(); utils=the_cu; } public void parse(DefaultHandler the_handler) throws FileNotFoundException, ParseException { try { Element manifest=this.getXML(utils, IMS_MANIFEST); processManifest(manifest, the_handler); } catch (Exception e) { the_handler.getSimplePageBean().setErrKey("", ""); System.out.println("parse error, stack trace follows " + e); e.printStackTrace(); // throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(),e); } } private void processManifest(Element the_manifest, DefaultHandler the_handler) throws ParseException { ns = new Ns(); the_handler.setNs(ns); // figure out which version we have, and set up ns to know about it int v = 0; for (; v < ns.getVersions(); v++) { ns.setVersion(v); // see if the namespace from the main manifest entry matches the candidate if (the_manifest.getNamespace().equals(ns.cc_ns())) break; } if (v >= ns.getVersions()) { the_handler.getSimplePageBean().setErrMessage( the_handler.getSimplePageBean().getMessageLocator().getMessage("simplepage.wrong-cc-version")); return; } //System.out.println("Found version " + ns.cc_ns()); the_handler.startManifest(); the_handler.setManifestXml(the_manifest); if (processAuthorization(the_manifest, the_handler)) return; // don't process CCs with authorization processManifestMetadata(the_manifest, the_handler); try { XPath path=XPath.newInstance(ITEM_QUERY); path.addNamespace(ns.cc_ns()); Element item = (Element)path.selectSingleNode(the_manifest); if (item!=null) { for (Iterator iter=item.getChildren(CC_ITEM, ns.cc_ns()).iterator();iter.hasNext();) { Element thisitem = (Element); processItem((Element)thisitem, the_manifest.getChild(CC_RESOURCES, ns.cc_ns()), the_handler); } } //now we need to check for the question bank and omitted dependencies if (the_manifest.getChild(CC_RESOURCES, ns.cc_ns()) != null && the_manifest.getChild(CC_RESOURCES, ns.cc_ns()).getChildren(CC_RESOURCE, ns.cc_ns()) != null) for (Iterator iter=the_manifest.getChild(CC_RESOURCES, ns.cc_ns()).getChildren(CC_RESOURCE, ns.cc_ns()).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Element resource=(Element); if (resource.getAttributeValue(CC_RES_TYPE).equals(QUESTION_BANK0) || resource.getAttributeValue(CC_RES_TYPE).equals(QUESTION_BANK1) || resource.getAttributeValue(CC_RES_TYPE).equals(QUESTION_BANK2)) { // I know it's not really an item, but it uses the same code as an assessment the_handler.setCCItemXml(null, resource, this, utils, true); processResource(resource, the_handler); qbp.parseContent(the_handler, utils, resource, isProtected(resource)); } else { // create the resource if it wasn't already on a page the_handler.setCCItemXml(null, resource, this, utils, true); processResource(resource, the_handler); } } the_handler.endManifest(); } catch (JDOMException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(),e); } } private void processManifestMetadata(Element manifest, DefaultHandler the_handler) { Element metadata=manifest.getChild(MD, ns.cc_ns()); if (metadata!=null) { the_handler.startManifestMetadata(metadata.getChildText(MD_SCHEMA, ns.cc_ns()), metadata.getChildText(MD_SCHEMA_VERSION, ns.cc_ns())); the_handler.checkCurriculum(metadata); Element lom=metadata.getChild(MD_ROOT, ns.lomimscc_ns()); if (lom!=null) { the_handler.setManifestMetadataXml(lom); the_handler.endManifestMetadata(); } else the_handler.setManifestMetadataXml(null); } else the_handler.setManifestMetadataXml(null); } private boolean processAuthorization(Element the_manifest, DefaultHandler the_handler) throws ParseException { try { XPath path=XPath.newInstance(AUTH_QUERY); path.addNamespace(ns.cc_ns()); path.addNamespace(ns.auth_ns()); Element result=(Element)path.selectSingleNode(the_manifest); if (result!=null) { the_handler.getSimplePageBean().setErrMessage( the_handler.getSimplePageBean().getMessageLocator().getMessage("")); return true; // String import_scope=result.getAttributeValue(AUTH_IMPORT); // String access_scope=result.getAttributeValue(AUTH_ACCESS); // if (access_scope.equals(AUTH_ACCESS_CARTRIDGE)) { // the_handler.startAuthorization(true, false, Boolean.parseBoolean(import_scope)); // } else { // if (access_scope.equals(AUTH_ACCESS_RESOURCE)) { // the_handler.startAuthorization(false, true, Boolean.parseBoolean(import_scope)); // } // } // Element authorizationElement = result.getChild(AUTH_AUTHORIZATION, AUTH_NS); // the_handler.setAuthorizationServiceXml(authorizationElement); // the_handler.setAuthorizationService(authorizationElement.getChildText(AUTH_CCID, AUTH_NS), // authorizationElement.getChildText(AUTH_WEBSERVICE, AUTH_NS)); // the_handler.endAuthorization(); // } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(),e); } return false; } private void processItem(Element the_item, Element the_resources, DefaultHandler the_handler) throws ParseException { try { if (the_item.getAttributeValue(CC_ITEM_IDREF)!=null) { Element resource=findResource(the_handler.getNs(),the_item.getAttributeValue(CC_ITEM_IDREF), the_resources); if (resource == null) { the_handler.getSimplePageBean().setErrKey("", the_item.getAttributeValue(CC_ITEM_IDREF)); return; } // System.out.println("process item " + the_item + " resources " + the_resources + " resource " + resource); the_handler.startCCItem(the_item.getAttributeValue(CC_ITEM_ID), the_item.getChildText(CC_ITEM_TITLE, ns.cc_ns())); the_handler.setCCItemXml(the_item, resource, this, utils, false); ContentParser parser=parsers.get(resource.getAttributeValue(CC_RES_TYPE)); if (parser==null) { System.out.println("content type not recognised " + resource.getAttributeValue(CC_RES_TYPE)); return; } processResource(resource, the_handler); parser.parseContent(the_handler, utils, resource, isProtected(resource)); the_handler.endCCItem(); } else { the_handler.startCCFolder(the_item); for (Iterator iter=the_item.getChildren(CC_ITEM, ns.cc_ns()).iterator();iter.hasNext();) { processItem((Element), the_resources, the_handler); } the_handler.endCCFolder(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (the_item == null) System.out.println("processitem the item null"); else System.out.println("processitem failed " + the_item.getAttributeValue(CC_ITEM_IDREF)); } } public static Parser createCartridgeParser(CartridgeLoader the_cartridge) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { return new Parser(the_cartridge); } }