/* * RHQ Management Platform * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Property; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertyList; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertyMap; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertySimple; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.definition.ConfigurationDefinition; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.definition.ConfigurationFormat; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.definition.PropertyDefinitionList; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.definition.PropertyDefinitionMap; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.definition.PropertyDefinitionSimple; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.definition.PropertySimpleType; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.ComplexResult; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.Result; /** * Tests loading configurations * @author Heiko W. Rupp */ @Test(groups = "unit") public class ConfigurationLoadingTest extends AbstractConfigurationHandlingTest { @BeforeSuite void loadPluginDescriptor() throws Exception { super.loadPluginDescriptor(); } public void test1() throws Exception { //create a fake connection so that we control the execute behavior FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); //create/mock a configuration definition. Remember definition shared between N configurations. ConfigurationDefinition definition = new ConfigurationDefinition("foo", "Test1"); //? definition.setConfigurationFormat(ConfigurationFormat.STRUCTURED); //Add a few properties that we will be testing/exercising definition.put(new PropertyDefinitionSimple("access-log", "Access-Log", false, PropertySimpleType.STRING)); definition.put(new PropertyDefinitionSimple("rewrite", "Rewrite", false, PropertySimpleType.BOOLEAN)); definition.put(new PropertyDefinitionSimple("notThere", "NotThere", false, PropertySimpleType.STRING)); definition.put(new PropertyDefinitionList("alias", "Alias", true, new PropertyDefinitionSimple("alias", "alias", true, PropertySimpleType.STRING))); //Construct the result string that we would expect back. String resultString = " {\"outcome\" : \"success\", \"result\" : {\"alias\" : [\"example.com\",\"example2.com\"]," + " \"access-log\" : \"my.log\", \"rewrite\" : true}}"; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); //deserialize string to ComplexResult. ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); //create json tree from result. JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); //add the created content to the fake connection so that we set the results to be returned. connection.setContent(json); //We pass in null here so that the fake connection will return the value passed into setContent(). ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); assert config.get("alias") != null; assert config.get("alias") instanceof PropertyList; PropertyList aliases = (PropertyList) config.get("alias"); List<Property> list = aliases.getList(); assert list.size() == 2; int count = 2; for (Property p : list) { PropertySimple ps = (PropertySimple) p; if (ps.getStringValue().equals("example.com")) count--; if (ps.getStringValue().equals("example2.com")) count--; } assert count == 0 : "Did not find all needed aliases"; Property notThere = config.get("notThere"); assert notThere != null; assert ((PropertySimple) notThere).getStringValue() == null; PropertySimple property = (PropertySimple) config.get("rewrite"); assert property != null; assert property.getBooleanValue(); property = (PropertySimple) config.get("access-log"); assert property != null && property.getStringValue() != null; assert property.getStringValue().equals("my.log"); } public void test2() throws Exception { String resultString = "{\n" + " \"outcome\" : \"success\",\n" + " \"result\" : {\n" + " \"autoflush\" : true,\n" + " \"encoding\" : null,\n" + " \"formatter\" : \"%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n\",\n" + " \"level\" : \"INFO\",\n" + " \"file\" : {\n" + " \"path\" : \"server.log\",\n" + " \"relative-to\" : \"jboss.server.log.dir\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"suffix\" : \".yyyy-MM-dd\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"response-headers\" : null\n" + "}"; FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); ConfigurationDefinition definition = new ConfigurationDefinition("foo", "Test1"); PropertyDefinitionSimple propertyDefinition = new PropertyDefinitionSimple("autoflush", "Autoflush", false, PropertySimpleType.BOOLEAN); propertyDefinition.setDefaultValue("true"); definition.put(propertyDefinition); propertyDefinition = new PropertyDefinitionSimple("encoding", "Encoding", false, PropertySimpleType.STRING); propertyDefinition.setDefaultValue("HelloWorld"); definition.put(propertyDefinition); PropertyDefinitionSimple pathProperty = new PropertyDefinitionSimple("path", "File path", true, PropertySimpleType.STRING); PropertyDefinitionSimple relativeToProperty = new PropertyDefinitionSimple("relative-to", "Relative-To", true, PropertySimpleType.STRING); PropertyDefinitionMap fileMapDef = new PropertyDefinitionMap("file", "Log file", true, pathProperty, relativeToProperty); definition.put(fileMapDef); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); assert config != null; assert config.get("autoflush") != null : "Autoflush was null"; assert config.getSimple("autoflush").getBooleanValue() : "Autoflush was false"; PropertyMap fileMap = (PropertyMap) config.get("file"); assert fileMap != null : "File Map was null"; PropertySimple path = (PropertySimple) fileMap.get("path"); assert path != null : "File->path was null"; assert path.getStringValue().equals("server.log") : "File->path wrong"; } public void test3() throws Exception { String resultString = "{\n" + " \"outcome\" : \"success\",\n" + " \"result\" : {\n" + " \"name\" : \"standard-sockets\",\n" + " \"default-interface\" : \"default\",\n" + " \"port-offset\" : \"0\",\n" + " \"socket-binding\" : {\n" + " \"jndi\" : {\n" + " \"name\" : \"jndi\",\n" + " \"interface\" : null,\n" + " \"port\" : 1099,\n" + " \"fixed-port\" : null,\n" + " \"multicast-address\" : null,\n" + " \"multicast-port\" : null\n" + " },\n" + " \"jmx-connector-registry\" : {\n" + " \"name\" : \"jmx-connector-registry\",\n" + " \"interface\" : null,\n" + " \"port\" : 1090,\n" + " \"fixed-port\" : null,\n" + " \"multicast-address\" : null,\n" + " \"multicast-port\" : null\n" + " },\n" + " \"jmx-connector-server\" : {\n" + " \"name\" : \"jmx-connector-server\",\n" + " \"interface\" : null,\n" + " \"port\" : 1091,\n" + " \"fixed-port\" : null,\n" + " \"multicast-address\" : null,\n" + " \"multicast-port\" : null\n" + " },\n" + " \"http\" : {\n" + " \"name\" : \"http\",\n" + " \"interface\" : null,\n" + " \"port\" : 8080,\n" + " \"fixed-port\" : null,\n" + " \"multicast-address\" : null,\n" + " \"multicast-port\" : null\n" + " },\n" + " \"https\" : {\n" + " \"name\" : \"https\",\n" + " \"interface\" : null,\n" + " \"port\" : 8447,\n" + " \"fixed-port\" : null,\n" + " \"multicast-address\" : \"\",\n" + " \"multicast-port\" : 18447\n" + " }" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("socketBinding"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); assert config != null; PropertyList propertyList = (PropertyList) config.get("socket-binding"); assert propertyList != null; List<Property> list = propertyList.getList(); assert list.size() == 5; for (Property prop : list) { PropertyMap propMap2 = (PropertyMap) prop; Map<String, Property> map2 = propMap2.getMap(); assert map2.size() == 6; assert map2.containsKey("port"); assert map2.containsKey("multicast-port"); assert map2.containsKey("multicast-address"); if (((PropertySimple) map2.get("name")).getStringValue().equals("https")) { assert ((PropertySimple) map2.get("port")).getIntegerValue() == 8447; assert ((PropertySimple) map2.get("multicast-port")).getIntegerValue() == 18447; } } } public void test4() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("extensions.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("test4"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Result result = mapper.readValue(resultString, Result.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); assert config != null; PropertyList extensions = (PropertyList) config.get("extension"); assert extensions != null; List<Property> extensionList = extensions.getList(); assert extensionList.size() == 22 : "Expected 22 extensions, got " + extensionList.size(); PropertyMap propertyMap = (PropertyMap) extensionList.get(0); assert propertyMap != null; PropertyMap starMap = (PropertyMap) propertyMap.get("*"); assert starMap != null; PropertySimple module = (PropertySimple) starMap.get("module"); assert module != null : "Module was null, but should not"; String stringValue = module.getStringValue(); assert stringValue != null : "module property has no value"; assert stringValue.equals("org.jboss.as.arquillian.service"); } public void test5() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("schema-locations.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("test5"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); assert config != null; PropertyList locations = (PropertyList) config.get("schema-locations"); assert locations != null; List<Property> list = locations.getList(); assert list.size() == 21 : "List does not contain 21 entries, but " + list.size(); PropertyMap propertyMap = (PropertyMap) list.get(0); assert propertyMap != null; Map<String, Property> map = propertyMap.getMap(); assert map.size() == 1; PropertySimple urnProp = (PropertySimple) map.get("*"); String stringValue = urnProp.getStringValue(); assert stringValue != null : "Location property has no value"; assert stringValue.endsWith(".xsd"); } public void test6() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("loopback.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("test6and7"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); assert config != null; PropertySimple nameProperty = (PropertySimple) config.get("name"); assert nameProperty != null; String stringValue = nameProperty.getStringValue(); assert stringValue != null; assert stringValue.equals("default"); Property criteria = config.get("criteria"); assert criteria != null; PropertySimple critProp = (PropertySimple) criteria; stringValue = critProp.getStringValue(); assert stringValue != null; } public void test7() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("interfaces.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("test6and7"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); assert config != null; PropertySimple nameProperty = (PropertySimple) config.get("name"); assert nameProperty != null; String stringValue = nameProperty.getStringValue(); assert stringValue != null; assert stringValue.equals("public"); Property criteria = config.get("criteria"); assert criteria != null; PropertySimple critProp = (PropertySimple) criteria; stringValue = critProp.getStringValue(); assert stringValue != null; assert stringValue.equals("any-ipv4-address"); } public void test8() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("connector.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("test8"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); assert config != null; assert config.getAllProperties().size() == 8 : "Did not find 8 properties, but " + config.getAllProperties().size(); Property prop = config.get("bean-validation-enabled"); assert prop != null; PropertySimple ps = (PropertySimple) prop; assert ps.getBooleanValue(); prop = config.get("cached-connection-manager-error"); assert prop != null; ps = (PropertySimple) prop; assert ps.getBooleanValue() == false; } public void test9() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("web.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("test9"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); assert config != null; Collection<Property> properties = config.getProperties(); assert properties.size() == 6 : "Got " + properties.size() + " props instead of 6: " + properties.toString(); PropertySimple simple = config.getSimple("check-interval"); assert simple != null; Integer integerValue = simple.getIntegerValue(); assert integerValue != null : "check-interval was null"; assert integerValue == 17 : "check-interval was not 17 but " + integerValue; PropertySimple disabled = config.getSimple("disabled"); assert disabled != null : "disabled was null"; Boolean booleanValue = disabled.getBooleanValue(); assert booleanValue != null; assert booleanValue; PropertySimple listings = config.getSimple("listings"); assert listings != null; Boolean booleanValue1 = listings.getBooleanValue(); assert booleanValue1 != null; assert !booleanValue1; PropertySimple simple1 = config.getSimple("max-depth"); assert simple1 != null; Integer integerValue1 = simple1.getIntegerValue(); assert integerValue1 != null; assert integerValue1 == 3; PropertySimple simple2 = config.getSimple("default-virtual-server"); assert simple2 != null; String stringValue = simple2.getStringValue(); assert stringValue != null; assert stringValue.equals("default-host"); } public void test12() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("expressionTest.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("test12"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); Collection<Property> properties = config.getProperties(); assert properties.size() == 3; PropertySimple foo = config.getSimple("foo:expr"); PropertySimple foo2 = config.getSimple("foo2:expr"); PropertySimple bar = config.getSimple("bar"); assert foo != null; assert foo2 != null; assert bar != null; Integer tmp = foo.getIntegerValue(); assert tmp != null; assert tmp == 123; String stringValue = foo2.getStringValue(); assert stringValue != null; assert stringValue.equals("${foo2:42}"); tmp = bar.getIntegerValue(); assert tmp != null; assert tmp == 456; } public void test13() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("collapsedMapTest.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("test13"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); Collection<Property> properties = config.getProperties(); assert properties.size() == 1; Iterator<Property> iterator = properties.iterator(); Property p = iterator.next(); assert p instanceof PropertyMap; PropertyMap pm = (PropertyMap) p; assert pm.getMap().size() == 2; PropertySimple ps = pm.getSimple("name:0"); assert ps != null : "No property with name 'name:0' was found"; Assert.assertEquals(ps.getStringValue(), "in-vm", "Unexpected value for " + ps); ps = pm.getSimple("backup:1"); assert ps != null : "No property with name 'backup:1' was found"; Assert.assertNull(ps.getStringValue(), "Unexpected value for " + ps); } // Like test13, but using a degenerated map with only a key entry public void test13a() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("collapsedMapTest2.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("test13a"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); Collection<Property> properties = config.getProperties(); assert properties.size() == 1; Iterator<Property> iterator = properties.iterator(); Property p = iterator.next(); assert p instanceof PropertyMap; PropertyMap pm = (PropertyMap) p; assert pm.getMap().size() == 1; PropertySimple ps = pm.getSimple("name:0"); assert ps != null : "No property with name 'name:0' was found"; Assert.assertEquals(ps.getStringValue(), "in-vm", "Unexpected value for " + ps); ps = pm.getSimple("backup:1"); assert ps == null : "A property with name 'backup:1' was found, but should not"; } public void testListOfPlainMaps() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("listofplainmaps.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("listOfPlainMaps"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); Collection<Property> properties = config.getProperties(); Assert.assertEquals(properties.size(), 1); PropertyList propertyList = (PropertyList) properties.iterator().next(); Assert.assertNotNull(propertyList); int index = 1; for (Property property : propertyList.getList()) { PropertyMap map = (PropertyMap) property; PropertySimple nameProperty = (PropertySimple) map.get("name:0"); Assert.assertEquals(nameProperty.getStringValue(), "test" + index); index++; PropertySimple valueProperty = (PropertySimple) map.get("value:1"); Assert.assertEquals(valueProperty.getStringValue(), "test" + index); index++; } } public void testGroupedPropertiesWithIdenticalNames() throws Exception { String resultString = loadJsonFromFile("groupedproperties.json"); ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadDescriptor("groupedproperties"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); Collection<Property> properties = config.getProperties(); Assert.assertEquals(properties.size(), 6); for (int index = 1; index < 5; index += 3) { String stringValue = index + "" + (index + 1) + "" + (index + 2); String firstPropName = "firstprop:" + index; boolean firstPropFound = false; String secondPropName = "secondprop:" + (index + 1); boolean secondPropFound = false; String thirdPropName = "thirdprop:" + (index + 2); boolean thirdPropFound = false; for (Property property : properties) { if (property.getName().equals(firstPropName)) { firstPropFound = true; Assert.assertEquals(((PropertySimple) property).getStringValue(), stringValue); } else if (property.getName().equals(secondPropName)) { secondPropFound = true; PropertyList list = (PropertyList) property; Assert.assertEquals(list.getList().size(), 3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { PropertySimple simpleProperty = (PropertySimple) list.getList().get(i); String expectedValue = "test" + (i + index); Assert.assertEquals(simpleProperty.getStringValue(), expectedValue); } } else if (property.getName().equals(thirdPropName)) { thirdPropFound = true; PropertyMap map = (PropertyMap) property; Assert.assertEquals(map.getMap().size(), 1); String actualValue = ((PropertySimple) (map.get("value"))).getStringValue(); Assert.assertEquals(actualValue, stringValue); } } Assert.assertTrue(firstPropFound); Assert.assertTrue(secondPropFound); Assert.assertTrue(thirdPropFound); } } /** Tests that c:group entries are loaded correctly in addition to special c:group syntax handling. * Ex. <c:group name="proxy" displayName="Proxy Options"> * <c:simple-property name="proxy-list" required="false" type="string" readOnly="false" defaultValue="" description="List of proxies, Format (hostname:port) separated with comas."/> * <c:simple-property name="proxy-url" required="false" type="string" readOnly="false" defaultValue="/" description="Base URL for MCMP requests."/> * </c:group> * * @throws Exception */ public void testLoadGroupedConfiguration() throws Exception { //Fabricate the json string result. String resultString = "{\n" + " \"outcome\" : \"success\", \"result\" : {\n" + " \"advertise\" : \"true\",\n" + " \"advertise-socket\" : \"modcluster\",\n" + " \"balancer\" : \"undefined\",\n" + " \"connector\" : \"ajp\",\n" + " \"proxy-list\" : \"undefined\",\n" + " \"proxy-url\" : \"/\"\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"; ConfigurationDefinition definition = loadServiceDescriptorElement("simpleGroupNoSpecial"); //Formally construct the json response ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ComplexResult result = mapper.readValue(resultString, ComplexResult.class); JsonNode json = mapper.valueToTree(result); //Create fake connection and prepopulate the response. FakeConnection connection = new FakeConnection(); connection.setContent(json); //Test actual load using test-plugin.xml contents. ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(definition, connection, null); Configuration config = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); //Validate loaded config. assert config != null; //check boolean contents PropertySimple advertise = (PropertySimple) config.get("advertise"); assert advertise != null : "Boolean 'advertise' property embedded in c:group not found."; boolean advertiseOn = advertise.getBooleanValue(); assert advertiseOn != false : "Advertise value not set to true or not defaulting to true."; //Define properties and default values to check. HashMap<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); properties.put("advertise-socket", "modcluster"); properties.put("connector", "ajp"); properties.put("proxy-list", "undefined"); properties.put("proxy-url", "/"); for (String prop : properties.keySet()) { PropertySimple property = (PropertySimple) config.get(prop); assert property != null : "Property '" + prop + "' could not be found."; String value = property.getStringValue(); assert value != null : "The value for property '" + prop + "' was not located."; assert value.trim().equals(properties.get(prop)) : "Value for property '" + prop + "' does not match. Found '" + value + "' instead of '" + properties.get(prop) + "'"; } } }