/* * RHQ Management Platform * Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package org.rhq.enterprise.server.installer; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.security.auth.login.AppConfigurationEntry; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; import org.apache.tools.ant.helper.ProjectHelper2; import org.jboss.as.controller.client.ModelControllerClient; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; import org.jboss.sasl.util.UsernamePasswordHashUtil; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.Address; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.CoreJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.DatasourceJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.FailureException; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.InfinispanJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.JBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.LoggingJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.MessagingJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.SecurityDomainJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.SocketBindingJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.TransactionsJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.VaultJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.WebJBossASClient; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.WebJBossASClient.ConnectorConfiguration; import org.rhq.common.jbossas.client.controller.WebJBossASClient.SSLConfiguration; import org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType; import org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory; import org.rhq.core.db.DbUtil; import org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType; import org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType; import org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup; import org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ServerVersionColumnUpgrader; import org.rhq.core.domain.cloud.StorageNode; import org.rhq.core.domain.cloud.StorageNode.OperationMode; import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.InventoryStatus; import org.rhq.core.util.PropertiesFileUpdate; import org.rhq.core.util.exception.ThrowableUtil; import org.rhq.core.util.file.FileUtil; import org.rhq.core.util.jdbc.JDBCUtil; import org.rhq.core.util.obfuscation.ObfuscatedPreferences.RestrictedFormat; import org.rhq.core.util.obfuscation.PropertyObfuscationVault; import org.rhq.core.util.stream.StreamUtil; import org.rhq.enterprise.communications.util.SecurityUtil; /** * Provides utility methods necessary to complete the server installation. * * @author John Mazzitelli */ public class ServerInstallUtil { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ServerInstallUtil.class); private static final String version; static { version = ServerInstallUtil.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); } public enum ExistingSchemaOption { OVERWRITE, KEEP, SKIP } public enum SupportedDatabaseType { POSTGRES, ORACLE } private static class SocketBindingInfo { public String name; public String sysprop; public int port; public boolean required = true; public String interfaceName = null; // not null if we know we want it to be changed from its default setting public SocketBindingInfo(String n, String s, int p) { this.name = n; this.sysprop = s; this.port = p; } public SocketBindingInfo(String n, String s, int p, String i) { this.name = n; this.sysprop = s; this.port = p; this.interfaceName = i; } // public SocketBindingInfo(String name, String sysprop, int port, String interfaceName, boolean required) { // this.name = name; // this.sysprop = sysprop; // this.port = port; // this.interfaceName = interfaceName; // this.required = required; // } } private static final ArrayList<SocketBindingInfo> defaultSocketBindings; static { // all ports are -1000 from out-of-box AS7 defaults // except for the jboss.management ones - those are -3000 from their out-of-box defaults defaultSocketBindings = new ArrayList<SocketBindingInfo>(); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_AJP, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.ajp", 7009)); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_HTTP, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.http", 7080)); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_HTTPS, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.https", 7443)); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_JACORB, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.jacorb", 2528)); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_JACORB_SSL, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.jacorb-ssl", 2529)); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_MESSAGING, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.messaging", 4449, "management")); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_MESSAGING_THRUPUT, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.messaging-throughput", 4455, "management")); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_MGMT_HTTP, "jboss.management.http.port", 6990)); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_MGMT_HTTPS, "jboss.management.https.port", 6443)); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_MGMT_NATIVE, "jboss.management.native.port", 6999)); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_REMOTING, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.remoting", 3447, "management")); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_TXN_RECOVERY_ENV, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.txn-recovery-environment", 3712)); defaultSocketBindings.add(new SocketBindingInfo(SocketBindingJBossASClient.DEFAULT_BINDING_TXN_STATUS_MGR, "rhq.server.socket.binding.port.txn-status-manager", 3713)); } private static final String RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_NOTX = "NoTxRHQDS"; private static final String RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_XA = "RHQDS"; private static final String RHQ_DS_SECURITY_DOMAIN_NOTX = "RHQDSSecurityDomainNoTx"; private static final String RHQ_DS_SECURITY_DOMAIN_XA = "RHQDSSecurityDomainXa"; private static final String RHQ_USER_SECURITY_DOMAIN = "RHQUserSecurityDomain"; private static final String RHQ_REST_SECURITY_DOMAIN = "RHQRESTSecurityDomain"; private static final String JDBC_LOGIN_MODULE_NAME = "org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.jaas.JDBCLoginModule"; private static final String DELEGATING_LOGIN_MODULE_NAME = "org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.jaas.DelegatingLoginModule"; private static final String JDBC_DRIVER_POSTGRES = "postgres"; private static final String JDBC_DRIVER_ORACLE = "oracle"; private static final String JMS_ALERT_CONDITION_QUEUE = "AlertConditionQueue"; private static final String JMS_DRIFT_CHANGESET_QUEUE = "DriftChangesetQueue"; private static final String JMS_DRIFT_FILE_QUEUE = "DriftFileQueue"; private static final String RHQ_CACHE_CONTAINER = "rhq"; private static final String RHQ_CACHE = "rhqCache"; private static final String RHQ_REST_CACHE = "rhqRestCache"; private static final String RHQ_MGMT_USER = "rhqadmin"; private static final String XA_DATASOURCE_CLASS_POSTGRES = "org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource"; private static final String XA_DATASOURCE_CLASS_ORACLE = "oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource"; /** * Configure the logging subsystem. * @param mcc JBossAS management client * @param serverProperties the server properties, which includes the default log level to use * @throws Exception */ public static void configureLogging(ModelControllerClient mcc, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { LoggingJBossASClient client = new LoggingJBossASClient(mcc); // we want to create our own category String val = buildExpression(ServerProperties.PROP_LOG_LEVEL, serverProperties, true); client.setLoggerLevel("org.rhq", val); LOG.info("Logging category org.rhq set to [" + val + "]"); client.setLoggerLevel("org.jboss.as.config", "INFO"); // BZ 1004730 client.setLoggerLevel("org.rhq.enterprise.gui.common.framework", "FATAL"); // BZ 994267 //noinspection StringBufferReplaceableByString StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("not(any("); sb.append("match(\"JBAS015960\")"); // BZ 1026786 sb.append(","); sb.append("match(\"JBAS018567\")"); // BZ 1026786 sb.append(","); sb.append("match(\"JBAS018568\")"); // BZ 1026786 sb.append(","); sb.append("match(\"JSF1051\")"); // BZ 1078500 sb.append(","); sb.append("match(\"PBOX00023\")"); // BZ 1026799, BZ 1144998 sb.append(","); sb.append("match(\"IJ000906\")"); // BZ 1127272, waiting for fix of https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1032641 sb.append(","); sb.append("match(\"ARJUNA016009\")"); //BZ 1144998, waiting for fix of https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-2828 sb.append(","); sb.append("match(\"JBAS014807\")"); //BZ 1144998, missing web subsystem is expected at times sb.append(","); sb.append("match(\"admin/user/UserAdminPortal\")"); //BZ 994267 sb.append("))"); client.setFilterSpec(sb.toString()); } /** * Configure the transaction manager. * @param mcc JBossAS management client * @throws Exception */ public static void configureTransactionManager(ModelControllerClient mcc) throws Exception { TransactionsJBossASClient client = new TransactionsJBossASClient(mcc); // we want to bump up the transaction timeout client.setDefaultTransactionTimeout(600); LOG.info("Default transaction timeout set to 600 seconds."); } /** * Configure the deployment scanner. * @param mcc JBossAS management client * @throws Exception */ public static void configureDeploymentScanner(ModelControllerClient mcc) throws Exception { CoreJBossASClient client = new CoreJBossASClient(mcc); // we do not want our RHQ Server to support hot deployments via the scanner client.setAppServerDefaultDeploymentScanEnabled(false); LOG.info("Deployment scanner turned off."); } /** * Prepares the mail service by configuring the SMTP settings. * * @param mcc JBossAS management client * @param serverProperties the server's properties * @throws Exception */ public static void setupMailService(ModelControllerClient mcc, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { String fromAddressExpr = buildExpression(ServerProperties.PROP_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS, serverProperties, true); String smtpHostExpr = buildExpression(ServerProperties.PROP_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST, serverProperties, true); String smtpPortExpr = buildExpression(ServerProperties.PROP_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT, serverProperties, true); // Tweek the mail configuration that comes out of box. Setup a batch request to write the proper attributes. // First, the from address (TODO: there is also a "ssl", "username" and "password" attribute we could set for authz) Address addr = Address.root().add(JBossASClient.SUBSYSTEM, "mail", "mail-session", "java:jboss/mail/Default"); ModelNode writeFromAddr = JBossASClient.createRequest(JBossASClient.WRITE_ATTRIBUTE, addr); writeFromAddr.get(JBossASClient.NAME).set("from"); writeFromAddr.get(JBossASClient.VALUE).setExpression(fromAddressExpr); // now the SMTP host addr = Address.root().add("socket-binding-group", "standard-sockets", "remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding", "mail-smtp"); ModelNode writeHost = JBossASClient.createRequest(JBossASClient.WRITE_ATTRIBUTE, addr); writeHost.get(JBossASClient.NAME).set("host"); JBossASClient.setPossibleExpression(writeHost, JBossASClient.VALUE, smtpHostExpr); // now the SMTP port addr = Address.root().add("socket-binding-group", "standard-sockets", "remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding", "mail-smtp"); ModelNode writePort = JBossASClient.createRequest(JBossASClient.WRITE_ATTRIBUTE, addr); writePort.get(JBossASClient.NAME).set("port"); JBossASClient.setPossibleExpression(writePort, JBossASClient.VALUE, smtpPortExpr); ModelNode batch = JBossASClient.createBatchRequest(writeFromAddr, writeHost, writePort); JBossASClient client = new JBossASClient(mcc); ModelNode response = client.execute(batch); if (!JBossASClient.isSuccess(response)) { throw new FailureException(response, "Failed to setup mail service"); } LOG.info("Mail service has been configured."); } /** * Give the server properties, this returns the type of database that will be connected to. * * @param serverProperties * @return the type of DB */ public static SupportedDatabaseType getSupportedDatabaseType(HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) { return getSupportedDatabaseType(serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_TYPE)); } /** * Give the database type string, this returns the type of database that it refers to. * * @param dbType the database type string * @return the type of DB */ public static SupportedDatabaseType getSupportedDatabaseType(String dbType) { if (dbType == null) { return null; } if (dbType.toLowerCase().contains("postgres")) { return SupportedDatabaseType.POSTGRES; } else if (dbType.toLowerCase().contains("oracle")) { return SupportedDatabaseType.ORACLE; } return null; } /** * Creates the security domain for the datasources. This is needed to support * obfuscation of the password in the configuration file. * * @param mcc the JBossAS management client * @param serverProperties contains the obfuscated password to store in the security domain * @throws Exception */ public static void createDatasourceSecurityDomain(ModelControllerClient mcc, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { final String dbUsername = buildExpression(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME, serverProperties, true); final String obfuscatedPassword = buildExpression(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_PASSWORD, serverProperties, true); final SecurityDomainJBossASClient client = new SecurityDomainJBossASClient(mcc); String securityDomain = RHQ_DS_SECURITY_DOMAIN_XA; if (!client.isSecurityDomain(securityDomain)) { client.createNewSecureIdentitySecurityDomain72(securityDomain, dbUsername, obfuscatedPassword); LOG.info("Security domain [" + securityDomain + "] created"); } else { LOG.info("Security domain [" + securityDomain + "] already exists, skipping the creation request"); client.updateSecureIdentitySecurityDomainCredentials(securityDomain, dbUsername, obfuscatedPassword); LOG.info("Credentials have been updated for security domain [" + securityDomain + "]"); } // we need separate security domains per datasource due to BZ 1102332 securityDomain = RHQ_DS_SECURITY_DOMAIN_NOTX; if (!client.isSecurityDomain(securityDomain)) { client.createNewSecureIdentitySecurityDomain72(securityDomain, dbUsername, obfuscatedPassword); LOG.info("Security domain [" + securityDomain + "] created"); } else { LOG.info("Security domain [" + securityDomain + "] already exists, skipping the creation request"); client.updateSecureIdentitySecurityDomainCredentials(securityDomain, dbUsername, obfuscatedPassword); LOG.info("Credentials have been updated for security domain [" + securityDomain + "]"); } } /** * Create the standard user security domain with the JDBCLogin module installed * * @param mcc ModelControllerClient to talk to the underlying AS * @throws Exception If anything goes wrong */ public static void createUserSecurityDomain(ModelControllerClient mcc) throws Exception { Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>(2); options.put("hashAlgorithm", "MD5"); options.put("hashEncoding", "base64"); SecurityDomainJBossASClient.LoginModuleRequest loginModuleRequest = new SecurityDomainJBossASClient.LoginModuleRequest( JDBC_LOGIN_MODULE_NAME, AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag.SUFFICIENT, options); SecurityDomainJBossASClient client = new SecurityDomainJBossASClient(mcc); client.createNewSecurityDomain(RHQ_USER_SECURITY_DOMAIN, loginModuleRequest); } /** * Create a security domain for container managed security used with the rhq-rest.war * @param mcc ModelControllerClient to talk to the underlying AS. * @throws Exception If anything goes wrong */ public static void createRestSecurityDomain(ModelControllerClient mcc) throws Exception { Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>(2); options.put("delegateTo", RHQ_USER_SECURITY_DOMAIN); options.put("roles", "rest-user"); SecurityDomainJBossASClient.LoginModuleRequest loginModuleRequest = new SecurityDomainJBossASClient.LoginModuleRequest( DELEGATING_LOGIN_MODULE_NAME, AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag.SUFFICIENT, options); SecurityDomainJBossASClient client = new SecurityDomainJBossASClient(mcc); client.createNewSecurityDomain(RHQ_REST_SECURITY_DOMAIN, loginModuleRequest); } /** * Creates the Vault required for RHQ property obfuscation. * * @param mcc the JBossAS management client * @param serverProperties server properties * @throws Exception */ public static void createObfuscationVault(ModelControllerClient mcc, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { final VaultJBossASClient client = new VaultJBossASClient(mcc); if (!client.isVault()) { ModelNode request = client.createNewVaultRequest(PropertyObfuscationVault.class.getName()); ModelNode results = client.execute(request); if (!VaultJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { String vaultClass = client.getVaultClass(); if (PropertyObfuscationVault.class.getName().equals(vaultClass)) { LOG.info("RHQ Vault already configured, vault detected on the second read attempt"); } else { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create the RHQ vault"); } } else { LOG.info("RHQ Vault created"); } } else { String vaultClass = client.getVaultClass(); if (PropertyObfuscationVault.class.getName().equals(vaultClass)) { LOG.info("RHQ vault already configured, skipping the creation process"); } else { throw new FailureException("Failed to create the RHQ vault; a different vault is already configured"); } } } /** * Creates the JMS Queues required for Drift and Alerting. * * @param mcc the JBossAS management client * @param serverProperties contains the obfuscated password to store in the security domain * @throws Exception */ public static void createNewJMSQueues(ModelControllerClient mcc, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { final MessagingJBossASClient client = new MessagingJBossASClient(mcc); final List<String> entryNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // TODO (jshaughn): Prior to HornetQ we set recoveryRetries to 0: "don't redeliver messages on failure. It // just causes more failures. just go straight to the dead messages by setting recoveryRetries to 0. // This is equivalent to setting the dLQMaxResent property to 0 in the MessageDriven annotation in // the class definition." // HornetQ has different semantics, and may behave well with default settings. If not, we'll // likely need to add specific <address-setting> elements for our queues, which set // max-delivery-attempts to 0. The documented default is 10. String queueName = JMS_ALERT_CONDITION_QUEUE; if (!client.isQueue(queueName)) { entryNames.clear(); entryNames.add("queue/" + queueName); ModelNode request = client.createNewQueueRequest(queueName, true, entryNames); ModelNode results = client.execute(request); if (!MessagingJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create JMS Queue [" + queueName + "]"); } else { LOG.info("JMS queue [" + queueName + "] created"); } } else { LOG.info("JMS Queue [" + queueName + "] already exists, skipping the creation request"); } queueName = JMS_DRIFT_CHANGESET_QUEUE; if (!client.isQueue(queueName)) { entryNames.clear(); entryNames.add("queue/" + queueName); ModelNode request = client.createNewQueueRequest(queueName, true, entryNames); ModelNode results = client.execute(request); if (!MessagingJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create JMS Queue [" + queueName + "]"); } else { LOG.info("JMS queue [" + queueName + "] created"); } } else { LOG.info("JMS Queue [" + queueName + "] already exists, skipping the creation request"); } queueName = JMS_DRIFT_FILE_QUEUE; if (!client.isQueue(queueName)) { entryNames.clear(); entryNames.add("queue/" + queueName); ModelNode request = client.createNewQueueRequest(queueName, true, entryNames); ModelNode results = client.execute(request); if (!MessagingJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create JMS Queue [" + queueName + "]"); } else { LOG.info("JMS queue [" + queueName + "] created"); } } else { LOG.info("JMS Queue [" + queueName + "] already exists, skipping the creation request"); } } /** * Creates the Infinispan caches for RHQ. * * @param mcc the JBossAS management client * @param serverProperties contains the obfuscated password to store in the security domain * @throws Exception */ public static void createNewCaches(ModelControllerClient mcc, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { final InfinispanJBossASClient client = new InfinispanJBossASClient(mcc); final String cacheContainerName = RHQ_CACHE_CONTAINER; String localCacheName = RHQ_CACHE; if (!client.isCacheContainer(cacheContainerName)) { ModelNode request = client.createNewCacheContainerRequest(cacheContainerName, localCacheName); ModelNode results = client.execute(request); if (!MessagingJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create Cache container [" + cacheContainerName + "]"); } else { LOG.info("Cache container [" + cacheContainerName + "] created"); } } else { LOG.info("Cache container [" + cacheContainerName + "] already exists, skipping the creation request"); } if (!client.isLocalCache(cacheContainerName, localCacheName)) { ModelNode request = client.createNewLocalCacheRequest(cacheContainerName, localCacheName, null, null, null, null, null, null); ModelNode results = client.execute(request); if (!MessagingJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create Local Cache [" + localCacheName + "]"); } else { LOG.info("Local Cache [" + localCacheName + "] created"); } } else { LOG.info("Local Cache [" + localCacheName + "] already exists, skipping the creation request"); } localCacheName = RHQ_REST_CACHE; final long lifeSpan = 15 * 60 * 1000L; // 15min final long maxIdle = 5 * 60 * 1000L; // 5min if (!client.isLocalCache(cacheContainerName, localCacheName)) { ModelNode request = client.createNewLocalCacheRequest(cacheContainerName, localCacheName, null, null, null, lifeSpan, maxIdle, null); ModelNode results = client.execute(request); if (!MessagingJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create Local Cache [" + localCacheName + "]"); } else { LOG.info("Local Cache [" + localCacheName + "] created"); } } } /** * Creates JDBC driver configurations so the datasources can properly connect to the backend databases. * This will attempt to create drivers for all supported databases, not just for the database type that * is currently configured. * * @param mcc * @param serverProperties * @throws Exception */ public static void createNewJdbcDrivers(ModelControllerClient mcc, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { final DatasourceJBossASClient client = new DatasourceJBossASClient(mcc); final ModelNode postgresDriverRequest = client.createNewJdbcDriverRequest(JDBC_DRIVER_POSTGRES, "org.rhq.postgres", "org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource"); final ModelNode oracleDriverRequest = client.createNewJdbcDriverRequest(JDBC_DRIVER_ORACLE, "org.rhq.oracle", "oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource"); // if we are to use Oracle, we throw an exception if we can't create the Oracle datasource. We also try to // create the Postgres datasource but because it isn't needed, we don't throw exceptions if that fails, we // just log a warning. // The reverse is true if we are to use Postgres (that is, we ensure Postgres driver is created, but not Oracle). ModelNode results; final SupportedDatabaseType supportedDbType = getSupportedDatabaseType(serverProperties); switch (supportedDbType) { case POSTGRES: { if (client.isJDBCDriver(JDBC_DRIVER_POSTGRES)) { LOG.info("Postgres JDBC driver is already deployed"); } else { results = client.execute(postgresDriverRequest); if (!DatasourceJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create postgres database driver"); } else { LOG.info("Deployed Postgres JDBC driver"); } } if (client.isJDBCDriver(JDBC_DRIVER_ORACLE)) { LOG.info("Oracle JDBC driver is already deployed"); } else { results = client.execute(oracleDriverRequest); if (!DatasourceJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { LOG.warn("Could not create Oracle JDBC Driver - you will not be able to switch to an Oracle DB later: " + JBossASClient.getFailureDescription(results)); } else { LOG.info("Deployed Oracle JDBC driver for future use"); } } break; } case ORACLE: { if (client.isJDBCDriver(JDBC_DRIVER_ORACLE)) { LOG.info("Oracle JDBC driver is already deployed"); } else { results = client.execute(oracleDriverRequest); if (!DatasourceJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create oracle database driver"); } else { LOG.info("Deployed Oracle JDBC driver"); } } if (client.isJDBCDriver(JDBC_DRIVER_POSTGRES)) { LOG.info("Postgres JDBC driver is already deployed"); } else { results = client.execute(postgresDriverRequest); if (!DatasourceJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { LOG.warn("Could not create Postgres JDBC Driver - you will not be able to switch to a Postgres DB later: " + JBossASClient.getFailureDescription(results)); } else { LOG.info("Deployed Postgres JDBC driver for future use"); } } break; } default: throw new RuntimeException("bad db type"); // this should never happen; should have never gotten to this point with a bad type } } /** * Creates the datasources needed by the RHQ Server. * * @param mcc the JBossAS management client * @param serverProperties properties to help determine the properties of the datasources to be created * @throws Exception */ public static void createNewDatasources(ModelControllerClient mcc, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { final SupportedDatabaseType supportedDbType = getSupportedDatabaseType(serverProperties); switch (supportedDbType) { case POSTGRES: { createNewDatasources_Postgres(mcc); break; } case ORACLE: { createNewDatasources_Oracle(mcc); break; } default: throw new RuntimeException("bad db type"); // this should never happen; should have never gotten to this point with a bad type } LOG.info("Created datasources"); final DatasourceJBossASClient client = new DatasourceJBossASClient(mcc); client.enableDatasource(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_NOTX); client.enableXADatasource(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_XA); LOG.info("Enabled datasources"); } private static void createNewDatasources_Postgres(ModelControllerClient mcc) throws Exception { final HashMap<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>(4); final DatasourceJBossASClient client = new DatasourceJBossASClient(mcc); ModelNode noTxDsRequest = null; ModelNode xaDsRequest = null; if (!client.isDatasource(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_NOTX)) { props.put("char.encoding", "UTF-8"); noTxDsRequest = client.createNewDatasourceRequest(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_NOTX, 30000, "${rhq.server.database.connection-url:jdbc:postgresql://}", JDBC_DRIVER_POSTGRES, "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLExceptionSorter", 15, false, 2, 5, 75, RHQ_DS_SECURITY_DOMAIN_NOTX, "-unused-stale-conn-checker-", "TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED", "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLValidConnectionChecker", true, props); noTxDsRequest.get("steps").get(0).remove("stale-connection-checker-class-name"); // we don't have one of these for postgres } else { LOG.info("Postgres datasource [" + RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_NOTX + "] already exists"); } if (!client.isXADatasource(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_XA)) { props.clear(); props.put("ServerName", "${rhq.server.database.server-name:}"); props.put("PortNumber", "${rhq.server.database.port:5432}"); props.put("DatabaseName", "${rhq.server.database.db-name:rhq}"); xaDsRequest = client.createNewXADatasourceRequest(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_XA, 30000, JDBC_DRIVER_POSTGRES, XA_DATASOURCE_CLASS_POSTGRES, "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLExceptionSorter", 15, 5, 50, null, null, 75, null, RHQ_DS_SECURITY_DOMAIN_XA, null, "TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED", "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.postgres.PostgreSQLValidConnectionChecker", props); } else { LOG.info("Postgres XA datasource [" + RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_XA + "] already exists"); } if (noTxDsRequest != null || xaDsRequest != null) { ModelNode batch = DatasourceJBossASClient.createBatchRequest(noTxDsRequest, xaDsRequest); ModelNode results = client.execute(batch); if (!DatasourceJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create Postgres datasources"); } } } private static void createNewDatasources_Oracle(ModelControllerClient mcc) throws Exception { final HashMap<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>(2); final DatasourceJBossASClient client = new DatasourceJBossASClient(mcc); ModelNode noTxDsRequest = null; ModelNode xaDsRequest = null; if (!client.isDatasource(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_NOTX)) { props.put("char.encoding", "UTF-8"); noTxDsRequest = client.createNewDatasourceRequest(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_NOTX, 30000, "${rhq.server.database.connection-url:jdbc:oracle:thin:@}", JDBC_DRIVER_ORACLE, "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.oracle.OracleExceptionSorter", 15, false, 2, 5, 75, RHQ_DS_SECURITY_DOMAIN_NOTX, "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.oracle.OracleStaleConnectionChecker", "TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED", "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.oracle.OracleValidConnectionChecker", true, props); } else { LOG.info("Oracle datasource [" + RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_NOTX + "] already exists"); } if (!client.isDatasource(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_XA)) { props.clear(); props.put("URL", "${rhq.server.database.connection-url:jdbc:oracle:thin:@}"); xaDsRequest = client.createNewXADatasourceRequest(RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_XA, 30000, JDBC_DRIVER_ORACLE, XA_DATASOURCE_CLASS_ORACLE, "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.oracle.OracleExceptionSorter", 15, 5, 50, null, Boolean.TRUE, 75, null, RHQ_DS_SECURITY_DOMAIN_XA, "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.oracle.OracleStaleConnectionChecker", "TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED", "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.oracle.OracleValidConnectionChecker", props); } else { LOG.info("Oracle XA datasource [" + RHQ_DATASOURCE_NAME_XA + "] already exists"); } if (noTxDsRequest != null || xaDsRequest != null) { ModelNode batch = DatasourceJBossASClient.createBatchRequest(noTxDsRequest, xaDsRequest); ModelNode results = client.execute(batch); if (!DatasourceJBossASClient.isSuccess(results)) { throw new FailureException(results, "Failed to create Oracle datasources"); } } } /** * Determines if we are in auto-install mode. This means the properties file is * fully configured and the installation can begin without asking the user * for more input. * * @param serverProperties the full set of server properties * * @return true if we are in auto-install mode; false if the user must give us more * information before we can complete the installation. */ public static boolean isAutoinstallEnabled(HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) { String enableProp = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_AUTOINSTALL_ENABLE); return Boolean.parseBoolean(enableProp); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the database already has the database schema created for it. It will not be known * what version of schema or if its the latest, all this method tells you is that some RHQ database schema exists. * * @param connectionUrl * @param username * @param password * @return <code>true</code> if the database can be connected to * * @throws Exception if failed to communicate with the database */ public static boolean isDatabaseSchemaExist(String connectionUrl, String username, String password) throws Exception { Connection conn = getDatabaseConnection(connectionUrl, username, password); DatabaseType db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(conn); try { return db.checkTableExists(conn, "RHQ_PRINCIPAL"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return false; } finally { db.closeConnection(conn); } } /** * Get the list of existing servers from an existing schema. * * @param connectionUrl * @param username * @param password * @return List of server names registered in the database. Empty list if the table does not exist or there are no entries in the table. * * @throws Exception if failed to communicate with the database */ public static ArrayList<String> getServerNames(String connectionUrl, String username, String password) throws Exception { DatabaseType db = null; Connection conn = null; Statement stm = null; ResultSet rs = null; ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); try { conn = getDatabaseConnection(connectionUrl, username, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(conn); if (db.checkTableExists(conn, "rhq_server")) { stm = conn.createStatement(); rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT name FROM rhq_server ORDER BY name asc"); while (rs.next()) { result.add(rs.getString(1)); } } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // table does not exist } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.info("Unable to fetch existing server info: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (null != db) { db.closeJDBCObjects(conn, stm, rs); } } return result; } /** * Returns information on the server as found in the database (port numbers, affinity group, etc). * * @param connectionUrl * @param username * @param password * @param serverName the server whose details are to be returned * @return the information on the named server */ public static ServerDetails getServerDetails(String connectionUrl, String username, String password, String serverName) { DatabaseType db = null; Connection conn = null; ServerDetails result = null; try { conn = getDatabaseConnection(connectionUrl, username, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(conn); result = getServerDetails(db, conn, serverName); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.info("Unable to get server detail: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (null != db) { db.closeConnection(conn); } } return result; } private static ServerDetails getServerDetails(DatabaseType db, Connection conn, String serverName) { PreparedStatement stm = null; ResultSet rs = null; ServerDetails result = null; if (null == serverName) { return result; } try { stm = conn.prepareStatement("" // + "SELECT s.address, s.port, s.secure_port " // + " FROM rhq_server s " // + " WHERE s.name = ?"); stm.setString(1, serverName.trim()); rs = stm.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { result = new ServerDetails(serverName, rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(2), rs.getInt(3)); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.info("Unable to get server details for server [" + serverName + "]: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (null != db) { db.closeResultSet(rs); db.closeStatement(stm); } } return result; } /** * Tests to make sure the server can be connected to with the given settings. * If the test is successful, <code>null</code>. If the test fails, the returned string * will be the error message to indicate the problem. * * @param connectionUrl * @param username * @param password * @return error message if test failed; <code>null</code> if test succeeded */ public static String testConnection(String connectionUrl, String username, String password) { // its possible the JDBC URL was changed, clear the factory cache in case the DB version is different now DatabaseTypeFactory.clearDatabaseTypeCache(); try { ensureDatabaseIsSupported(connectionUrl, username, password); return null; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Installer failed to test connection", e); return ThrowableUtil.getAllMessages(e); } } /** * Call this when you need to confirm that the database is supported. * * @param connectionUrl * @param username * @param password * * @throws Exception if the database is not supported */ public static void ensureDatabaseIsSupported(String connectionUrl, String username, String password) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; DatabaseType db = null; try { conn = getDatabaseConnection(connectionUrl, username, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(conn); String version = db.getVersion(); if (DatabaseTypeFactory.isPostgres(db)) { if (version.startsWith("7") || version.equals("8") || version.startsWith("8.0") || version.startsWith("8.1")) { throw new Exception("Unsupported PostgreSQL [" + db + "]"); } } else if (DatabaseTypeFactory.isOracle(db)) { if (version.startsWith("8") || version.startsWith("9")) { throw new Exception("Unsupported Oracle [" + db + "]"); } } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported DB [" + db + "]"); } LOG.info("Database is supported: " + db); } finally { if (db != null) { db.closeConnection(conn); } } } /** * Returns a database connection with the given set of properties providing the settings that allow for a successful * database connection. If <code>props</code> is <code>null</code>, it will use the server properties from * {@link #getServerProperties}. * * @param connectionUrl * @param userName * @param password * @return the database connection * * @throws SQLException if cannot successfully connect to the database */ public static Connection getDatabaseConnection(String connectionUrl, String userName, String password) throws SQLException { return DbUtil.getConnection(connectionUrl, userName, password); } /** * @param serverProperties the server properties * @param dbpassword clear text password to connect to the database * @throws Exception */ public static void persistAdminPasswordIfNecessary(HashMap<String, String> serverProperties, String dbpassword) throws Exception { DatabaseType db = null; Connection connection = null; Statement queryStatement = null; Statement insertStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { String dbUrl = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL); String userName = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME); connection = getDatabaseConnection(dbUrl, userName, dbpassword); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(connection); if (!(db instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType || db instanceof OracleDatabaseType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + db); } queryStatement = connection.createStatement(); resultSet = queryStatement.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM rhq_principal WHERE id=2"); resultSet.next(); if (resultSet.getInt(1) == 0) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); try { LOG.info("Persisting admin password to database for property [rhq.autoinstall.server.admin.password]"); insertStatement = connection.createStatement(); insertStatement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO rhq_principal VALUES (2, 'rhqadmin', '" + serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_AUTOINSTALL_ADMIN_PASSWORD) + "')"); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error( "Failed to persist admin password to database for property [rhq.autoinstall.server.admin.password]. Transaction will be rolled back.", e); connection.rollback(); throw e; } } else { LOG.info("Admin user password is already set, property [rhq.autoinstall.server.admin.password] will be ignored."); } } finally { if (db != null) { db.closeResultSet(resultSet); db.closeStatement(queryStatement); db.closeStatement(insertStatement); db.closeConnection(connection); } } } /** * Mark as uninventoried the obsolete column families for RHQ storage node resources. * * @param serverProperties the server properties * @param dbpassword clear text password to connect to the database * @throws Exception */ public static void removeObsoleteStorageColumnFamilies(HashMap<String, String> serverProperties, String password) throws Exception { DatabaseType db = null; Connection connection = null; Statement queryTypeStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement uninventoriedStatement = null; String[] columnKeys = { "one_hour_metrics", "six_hour_metrics", "twenty_four_hour_metrics", "metrics_index" }; try { LOG.info("Uninventory obsolete column families... "); String dbUrl = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL); String userName = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME); connection = getDatabaseConnection(dbUrl, userName, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(connection); if (!(db instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType || db instanceof OracleDatabaseType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + db); } queryTypeStatement = connection.createStatement(); // Get resource type id for ColumnFamily and RHQStorage plugin so we can make sure that // we are going to uninventory only those resource types. resultSet = queryTypeStatement .executeQuery("SELECT id FROM rhq_resource_type WHERE name='ColumnFamily' AND plugin='RHQStorage'"); if (!resultSet.next()) { return; } int resource_type_id = resultSet.getInt(1); if (resource_type_id != 0) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); // Mark obsolete column family resources as uninventoried try { uninventoriedStatement = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE rhq_resource SET inventory_status= ?, agent_id= ?, parent_resource_id = ?, resource_key = ? " + " WHERE resource_type_id = ? AND resource_key= ?"); String uninventoryStatus = InventoryStatus.UNINVENTORIED.name(); uninventoriedStatement.setString(1, uninventoryStatus); uninventoriedStatement.setNull(2, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); uninventoriedStatement.setNull(3, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); uninventoriedStatement.setString(4, "deleted"); uninventoriedStatement.setInt(5, resource_type_id); for (String key : columnKeys) { uninventoriedStatement.setString(6, key); uninventoriedStatement.executeUpdate(); } connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { connection.rollback(); LOG.error("Failed uninventoried obsolete column families. Transaction will be rolled back.", e); throw e; } } } finally { if (db != null) { db.closeResultSet(resultSet); db.closeStatement(queryTypeStatement); db.closeStatement(uninventoriedStatement); db.closeConnection(connection); } } } /** * Delete all of the current storage nodes defined in the database, unless they are already managed (meaning, * at least one is linked to a resource). This can be useful for re-installs where the original install * may have misconfigured the storage node addresses. * * @param serverProperties the server properties * @param password clear text password to connect to the database * @param force, if true, all storageNodes are deleted regardless of whether they are managed. * @throws Exception */ public static void deleteStorageNodes(HashMap<String, String> serverProperties, String password, boolean force) throws Exception { DatabaseType db = null; Connection connection = null; Statement queryStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement deleteStorageNodes = null; try { String dbUrl = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL); String userName = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME); connection = getDatabaseConnection(dbUrl, userName, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(connection); if (!(db instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType || db instanceof OracleDatabaseType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + db); } // unless forced, delete storage nodes *only* if they are *all* unmanaged. queryStatement = connection.createStatement(); resultSet = queryStatement .executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM rhq_storage_node sn WHERE NOT sn.resource_id IS NULL"); resultSet.next(); if (resultSet.getInt(1) == 0 || force) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); try { deleteStorageNodes = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM rhq_storage_node"); int numRemoved = deleteStorageNodes.executeUpdate(); if (numRemoved > 0) { LOG.info("Removed [" + numRemoved + "] storage nodes. They will be redefined..."); } connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Failed to delete storage nodes. Transaction will be rolled back.", e); connection.rollback(); throw e; } } else { LOG.info("Managed Storage nodes already in database. Server configuration property [rhq.storage.nodes] will be ignored."); } } finally { if (db != null) { db.closeResultSet(resultSet); db.closeStatement(queryStatement); db.closeStatement(deleteStorageNodes); db.closeConnection(connection); } } } /** * Persists the storage nodes to the database only if no storage node entities already exist. This method is used * to persist storage nodes created from the rhq.storage.nodes server configuration property. The only time those * seed nodes should be created is during an initial server installation. After the initial installation storage * nodes should be created using <code>rhqctl install</code>. This ensures that any necessary cluster maintenance * tasks will be performed. * * @param serverProperties the server properties * @param password clear text password to connect to the database * @param storageNodes the {@link StorageNode storage nodes} to persist * @throws Exception */ public static void persistStorageNodesIfNecessary(HashMap<String, String> serverProperties, String password, Set<StorageNode> storageNodes) throws Exception { DatabaseType db = null; Connection connection = null; Statement queryStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement insertStorageNode = null; PreparedStatement deleteStorageNodes = null; try { String dbUrl = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL); String userName = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME); connection = getDatabaseConnection(dbUrl, userName, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(connection); if (!(db instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType || db instanceof OracleDatabaseType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + db); } // IF there are no current storage nodes then we can persist the specified storage nodes. queryStatement = connection.createStatement(); resultSet = queryStatement.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM rhq_storage_node sn"); resultSet.next(); if (resultSet.getInt(1) == 0) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); try { LOG.info("Persisting to database new storage nodes for values specified in server configuration property [rhq.storage.nodes]"); insertStorageNode = connection .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO rhq_storage_node (id, address, cql_port, operation_mode, ctime, mtime, maintenance_pending, version) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); int id = 1001; for (StorageNode storageNode : storageNodes) { insertStorageNode.setInt(1, id); insertStorageNode.setString(2, storageNode.getAddress()); insertStorageNode.setInt(3, storageNode.getCqlPort()); insertStorageNode.setString(4, StorageNode.OperationMode.INSTALLED.toString()); insertStorageNode.setLong(5, System.currentTimeMillis()); insertStorageNode.setLong(6, System.currentTimeMillis()); insertStorageNode.setBoolean(7, false); insertStorageNode.setString(8, version); insertStorageNode.executeUpdate(); id += 1; } connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Failed to persist to database the storage nodes specified by server configuration " + "property [rhq.storage.nodes]. Transaction will be rolled back.", e); connection.rollback(); throw e; } } else { LOG.info("Storage nodes already exist in database. Server configuration property [rhq.storage.nodes] will be ignored."); } } finally { if (db != null) { db.closeResultSet(resultSet); db.closeStatement(queryStatement); db.closeStatement(deleteStorageNodes); db.closeStatement(insertStorageNode); db.closeConnection(connection); } } } public static Map<String, String> fetchStorageClusterSettings(HashMap<String, String> serverProperties, String password) throws Exception { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(5); DatabaseType db = null; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { String dbUrl = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL); String userName = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME); connection = getDatabaseConnection(dbUrl, userName, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(connection); if (!(db instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType || db instanceof OracleDatabaseType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + db); } try { statement = connection.prepareStatement("" // + "SELECT property_key, property_value FROM rhq_system_config " // + " WHERE property_key LIKE 'STORAGE%' " // + " AND NOT property_value IS NULL "); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); while (resultSet.next()) { String key = resultSet.getString(1); String value = resultSet.getString(2); if (key.equals("STORAGE_USERNAME")) { result.put(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_USERNAME, value); } else if (key.equals("STORAGE_PASSWORD")) { result.put(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_PASSWORD, value); } else if (key.equals("STORAGE_GOSSIP_PORT")) { result.put(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_GOSSIP_PORT, value); } else if (key.equals("STORAGE_CQL_PORT")) { result.put(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_CQL_PORT, value); } } } finally { db.closeResultSet(resultSet); db.closeStatement(statement); } try { statement = connection.prepareStatement("" // + "SELECT address FROM rhq_storage_node " // + " WHERE operation_mode in " + "('" + OperationMode.NORMAL.name() + "', '" + OperationMode.INSTALLED.name() + "') "); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); StringBuilder addressList = new StringBuilder(); while (resultSet.next()) { String address = resultSet.getString(1); if (address != null && !address.trim().isEmpty()) { if (addressList.length() != 0) { addressList.append(','); } addressList.append(address); } } if (addressList.length() != 0) { result.put(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_NODES, addressList.toString()); } } finally { db.closeResultSet(resultSet); db.closeStatement(statement); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Failed to fetch storage cluster settings.", e); throw e; } finally { if (db != null) { db.closeConnection(connection); } } return result; } public static void persistStorageClusterSettingsIfNecessary(HashMap<String, String> serverProperties, String password) throws Exception { DatabaseType db = null; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement updateClusterSetting = null; try { String dbUrl = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL); String userName = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME); connection = getDatabaseConnection(dbUrl, userName, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(connection); if (!(db instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType || db instanceof OracleDatabaseType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + db); } connection = getDatabaseConnection(dbUrl, userName, password); connection.setAutoCommit(false); updateClusterSetting = connection.prepareStatement("" // + "UPDATE rhq_system_config " // + " SET property_value = ?, default_property_value = ? " // + " WHERE property_key = ? " // + " AND ( property_value IS NULL OR property_value = '' OR property_value = 'UNSET' ) "); updateClusterSetting.setString(1, serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_USERNAME)); updateClusterSetting.setString(2, serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_USERNAME)); updateClusterSetting.setString(3, "STORAGE_USERNAME"); updateClusterSetting.executeUpdate(); updateClusterSetting.setString(1, serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_PASSWORD)); updateClusterSetting.setString(2, serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_PASSWORD)); updateClusterSetting.setString(3, "STORAGE_PASSWORD"); updateClusterSetting.executeUpdate(); updateClusterSetting.setString(1, serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_CQL_PORT)); updateClusterSetting.setString(2, serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_CQL_PORT)); updateClusterSetting.setString(3, "STORAGE_CQL_PORT"); updateClusterSetting.executeUpdate(); updateClusterSetting.setString(1, serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_GOSSIP_PORT)); updateClusterSetting.setString(2, serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_STORAGE_GOSSIP_PORT)); updateClusterSetting.setString(3, "STORAGE_GOSSIP_PORT"); updateClusterSetting.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Failed to initialize storage cluster settings. Transaction will be rolled back.", e); connection.rollback(); throw e; } finally { if (db != null) { db.closeStatement(updateClusterSetting); db.closeConnection(connection); } } } /** * Stores the server details (such as the public endpoint) in the database. If the server definition already * exists, it will be updated; otherwise, a new server will be added to the HA cloud. * * @param serverProperties the server properties * @param password clear text password to connect to the database * @param serverDetails the details of the server to put into the database * @throws Exception */ public static void storeServerDetails(HashMap<String, String> serverProperties, String password, ServerDetails serverDetails) throws Exception { DatabaseType db = null; Connection conn = null; try { String dbUrl = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL); String userName = serverProperties.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME); conn = getDatabaseConnection(dbUrl, userName, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(conn); updateOrInsertServer(db, conn, serverDetails); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO: should we throw an exception here? This would abort the rest of the installation LOG.info("Unable to store server entry in the database: " + ThrowableUtil.getAllMessages(e)); } finally { if (null != db) { db.closeConnection(conn); } } } private static void updateOrInsertServer(DatabaseType db, Connection conn, ServerDetails serverDetails) { PreparedStatement stm = null; ResultSet rs = null; if (null == serverDetails || isEmpty(serverDetails.getName())) { return; } try { stm = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE rhq_server SET address=?, port=?, secure_port=? WHERE name=?"); stm.setString(1, serverDetails.getEndpointAddress()); stm.setInt(2, serverDetails.getEndpointPort()); stm.setInt(3, serverDetails.getEndpointSecurePort()); stm.setString(4, serverDetails.getName()); if (0 == stm.executeUpdate()) { stm.close(); // set all new servers to operation_mode=INSTALLED int i = 1; if (db instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType || db instanceof OracleDatabaseType) { stm = conn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO rhq_server " // + " ( id, name, address, port, secure_port, ctime, mtime, operation_mode, compute_power, version ) " // + "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 'INSTALLED', 1, ? )"); stm.setInt(i++, db.getNextSequenceValue(conn, "rhq_server", "id")); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + db); } stm.setString(i++, serverDetails.getName()); stm.setString(i++, serverDetails.getEndpointAddress()); stm.setInt(i++, serverDetails.getEndpointPort()); stm.setInt(i++, serverDetails.getEndpointSecurePort()); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); stm.setLong(i++, now); stm.setLong(i++, now); stm.setString(i++, version); stm.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.info("Unable to put the server details in the database: " + ThrowableUtil.getAllMessages(e)); } finally { if (null != db) { db.closeResultSet(rs); db.closeStatement(stm); } } } /** * This will create the database schema in the database. <code>props</code> define the connection to the database - * * <p>Note that if the {@link #isDatabaseSchemaExist schema already exists}, it will be purged of all * data/tables and recreated.</p> * * @param props the full set of server properties * @param serverDetails additional information about the server being installed * @param password the database password in clear text * @param logDir a directory where the db schema upgrade logs can be written * * @throws Exception if failed to create the new schema for some reason */ public static void createNewDatabaseSchema(HashMap<String, String> props, ServerDetails serverDetails, String password, String logDir) throws Exception { String dbUrl = props.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL); String userName = props.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME); try { // extract the dbsetup files which are located in the dbutils jar String dbsetupSchemaXmlFile = extractDatabaseXmlFile("db-schema-combined.xml", props, serverDetails, logDir); String dbsetupDataXmlFile = extractDatabaseXmlFile("db-data-combined.xml", props, serverDetails, logDir); // first uninstall any old existing schema, then create the tables then insert the data DBSetup dbsetup = new DBSetup(dbUrl, userName, password); dbsetup.uninstall(dbsetupSchemaXmlFile); dbsetup.setup(dbsetupSchemaXmlFile); dbsetup.setup(dbsetupDataXmlFile, null, true, false); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.fatal("Cannot install the database schema - the server will not run properly.", e); throw e; } } /** * This will update an existing database schema so it can be upgraded to the latest schema version. * * <p>Note that if the {@link #isDatabaseSchemaExist schema does not already exist}, errors will * occur.</p> * * @param props the full set of server properties * @param serverDetails additional information about the server being installed * @param password the database password in clear text * @param logDir a directory where the db schema upgrade logs can be written * * @throws Exception if the upgrade failed for some reason */ public static void upgradeExistingDatabaseSchema(HashMap<String, String> props, ServerDetails serverDetails, String password, String logDir) throws Exception { String dbUrl = props.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL); String userName = props.get(ServerProperties.PROP_DATABASE_USERNAME); File logfile = new File(logDir, "rhq-installer-dbupgrade.log"); logfile.delete(); // do not keep logs from previous dbupgrade runs try { // extract the dbupgrade ANT script which is located in the dbutils jar String dbupgradeXmlFile = extractDatabaseXmlFile("db-upgrade.xml", props, serverDetails, logDir); Properties antProps = new Properties(); antProps.setProperty("jdbc.url", dbUrl); antProps.setProperty("jdbc.user", userName); antProps.setProperty("jdbc.password", password); antProps.setProperty("target.schema.version", "LATEST"); startAnt(new File(dbupgradeXmlFile), "db-ant-tasks.properties", antProps, logfile); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.fatal("Cannot upgrade the database schema - the server will not run properly.", e); throw e; } } /** * Given a server property value string, returns true if it is not specified. * * @param s the property string value * * @return true if it is null or empty */ public static boolean isEmpty(String s) { return s == null || s.trim().length() == 0; } /** * Takes the named XML file from the classloader and writes the file to the log directory. This is meant to extract * the schema/data xml files from the dbutils jar file. It can also be used to extract the db upgrade XML file. * * @param xmlFileName the name of the XML file, as found in the classloader * @param props properties whose values are used to replace the replacement strings found in the XML file * @param serverDetails additional information about the server being installed * @param logDir a directory where the db schema upgrade logs can be written * * @return the absolute path to the extracted file * * @throws IOException if failed to extract the file to the log directory */ private static String extractDatabaseXmlFile(String xmlFileName, HashMap<String, String> props, ServerDetails serverDetails, String logDir) throws IOException { // first slurp the file contents in memory InputStream resourceInStream = ServerInstallUtil.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(xmlFileName); ByteArrayOutputStream contentOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); StreamUtil.copy(resourceInStream, contentOutStream); // now replace their replacement strings with values from the properties String emailFromAddress = props.get(ServerProperties.PROP_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS); if (isEmpty(emailFromAddress)) { emailFromAddress = "rhqadmin@localhost"; } String httpPort = props.get(ServerProperties.PROP_WEB_HTTP_PORT); if (isEmpty(httpPort)) { httpPort = String.valueOf(ServerDetails.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_PORT); } String publicEndpoint = serverDetails.getEndpointAddress(); if (isEmpty(publicEndpoint)) { try { publicEndpoint = props.get(ServerProperties.PROP_JBOSS_BIND_ADDRESS); if (isEmpty(publicEndpoint) || ("".equals(publicEndpoint))) { publicEndpoint = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } } catch (Exception e) { publicEndpoint = ""; } } String content = contentOutStream.toString(); content = content.replaceAll("@@@LARGE_TABLESPACE_FOR_DATA@@@", "DEFAULT"); content = content.replaceAll("@@@LARGE_TABLESPACE_FOR_INDEX@@@", "DEFAULT"); content = content.replaceAll("@@@ADMINUSERNAME@@@", "rhqadmin"); content = content.replaceAll("@@@ADMINPASSWORD@@@", "x1XwrxKuPvYUILiOnOZTLg=="); // rhqadmin content = content.replaceAll("@@@ADMINEMAIL@@@", emailFromAddress); content = content.replaceAll("@@@BASEURL@@@", "http://" + publicEndpoint + ":" + httpPort + "/"); content = content.replaceAll("@@@JAASPROVIDER@@@", "JDBC"); content = content.replaceAll("@@@LDAPURL@@@", "ldap://localhost/"); content = content.replaceAll("@@@LDAPPROTOCOL@@@", ""); content = content.replaceAll("@@@LDAPLOGINPROP@@@", "cn"); content = content.replaceAll("@@@LDAPBASEDN@@@", "o=JBoss,c=US"); content = content.replaceAll("@@@LDAPSEARCHFILTER@@@", ""); content = content.replaceAll("@@@LDAPBINDDN@@@", ""); content = content.replaceAll("@@@LDAPBINDPW@@@", ""); content = content.replaceAll("@@@MULTICAST_ADDR@@@", ""); content = content.replaceAll("@@@MULTICAST_PORT@@@", ""); // we now have the finished XML content - write out the file to the log directory File xmlFile = new File(logDir, xmlFileName); FileOutputStream xmlFileOutStream = new FileOutputStream(xmlFile); ByteArrayInputStream contentInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes()); StreamUtil.copy(contentInStream, xmlFileOutStream); return xmlFile.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * Launches ANT and runs the default target in the given build file. * * @param buildFile the build file that ANT will run * @param customTaskDefs the properties file found in classloader that contains all the taskdef definitions * @param properties set of properties to set for the ANT task to access * @param logFile where ANT messages will be logged (in addition to the app server's log file) * * @throws RuntimeException */ private static void startAnt(File buildFile, String customTaskDefs, Properties properties, File logFile) { PrintWriter logFileOutput = null; try { logFileOutput = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(logFile)); ClassLoader classLoader = ServerInstallUtil.class.getClassLoader(); Properties taskDefs = new Properties(); InputStream taskDefsStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(customTaskDefs); try { taskDefs.load(taskDefsStream); } finally { taskDefsStream.close(); } Project project = new Project(); project.setCoreLoader(classLoader); project.init(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> property : properties.entrySet()) { project.setProperty(property.getKey().toString(), property.getValue().toString()); } // notice we add our listener after we set the properties - we do not want the password to be in the log file // our dbupgrade script will echo the property settings, so we can still get the other values project.addBuildListener(new LoggerAntBuildListener(logFileOutput)); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> taskDef : taskDefs.entrySet()) { project.addTaskDefinition(taskDef.getKey().toString(), Class.forName(taskDef.getValue().toString(), true, classLoader)); } new ProjectHelper2().parse(project, buildFile); project.executeTarget(project.getDefaultTarget()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot run ANT on script [" + buildFile + "]. Cause: " + e, e); } finally { if (logFileOutput != null) { logFileOutput.close(); } } } /** * Ensures our web connectors are configured properly. * * @param mcc the AS client * @param configDirStr location of a configuration directory where the keystore is to be stored * @param serverProperties the full set of server properties * @throws Exception */ public static void setupWebConnectors(ModelControllerClient mcc, String configDirStr, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { // 6.3.0.Alpha1 (aka 7.4.0.Final-redhat-4) has a bug (BZ 1133061) that can be worked around by changing the connector protocol // This bug was fixed in 6.3.0.GA (aka 7.4.0.Final-redhat-19) so we don't need the workaround for anything after that. // AFAIK, it isn't bad if we install the workaround, but we want to keep the original config if we can help it so we try to // determine if we don't need it - if we don't, we won't install the workaround. String appServerVersion = getAppServerReleaseVersion(mcc); if (appServerVersion == null) { appServerVersion = "7.4.0.Final-redhat-4"; LOG.warn("Will assume app server release version is [" + appServerVersion + "]"); } boolean needProtocolWorkaround = false; if (appServerVersion.startsWith("7.4.0")) { if (appServerVersion.endsWith("redhat-4")) { needProtocolWorkaround = true; } } if (needProtocolWorkaround) { LOG.info("App server version is [" + appServerVersion + "] - will apply workaround to http and https connectors as per BZ 1133061"); } else { LOG.debug("No BZ 1133061 workaround will be applied to http and https connectors since app server version is: " + appServerVersion); } // out of box, we always get a non-secure connector (called "http")... final String connectorName = "http"; // ...but we want a secure SSL connector, too. // This is the name of the secure connector we want to create. final String sslConnectorName = "https"; WebJBossASClient client = new WebJBossASClient(mcc); // because some of the connector attributes do not (yet) support expressions, let's remove any existing // connector we may have created before and create it again with our current attribute values. client.removeConnector(sslConnectorName); LOG.info("Creating https connector..."); ConnectorConfiguration connector = buildSecureConnectorConfiguration(configDirStr, serverProperties); // verify that we have a truststore file - if user is relying on our self-signed certs, we'll have to create one for them String truststoreFileString = connector.getSslConfiguration().getCaCertificateFile(); truststoreFileString = resolveExpression(mcc, truststoreFileString); if (truststoreFileString == null) { LOG.warn("Missing a valid truststore location - you must specify a valid truststore location!"); } else { File truststoreFile = new File(truststoreFileString); if (!truststoreFile.exists()) { // user didn't provide a truststore file, copy the keystore and use it as the truststore; tell the user about this String keystoreFileString = connector.getSslConfiguration().getCertificateKeyFile(); keystoreFileString = resolveExpression(mcc, keystoreFileString); File keystoreFile = new File(keystoreFileString); if (!keystoreFile.isFile()) { LOG.warn("Missing both keystore [" + keystoreFile + "] and truststore [" + truststoreFile + "]"); } else { LOG.warn("Missing the truststore [" + truststoreFile + "] - will copy the keystore [" + keystoreFile + "] and make the copy the truststore."); try { FileUtil.copyFile(keystoreFile, truststoreFile); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to copy keystore to make truststore - a truststore still does not exist", e); } } } } if (needProtocolWorkaround) { connector.setProtocol("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol"); } client.addConnector("https", connector); LOG.info("https connector created."); if (client.isConnector(connectorName)) { client.changeConnector(connectorName, "max-connections", buildExpression("rhq.server.startup.web.max-connections", serverProperties, true)); client.changeConnector(connectorName, "redirect-port", buildExpression("rhq.server.socket.binding.port.https", serverProperties, true)); if (needProtocolWorkaround) { client.changeConnector(connectorName, "protocol", "org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol"); } } else { LOG.warn("There doesn't appear to be a http connector configured already - this is strange."); } } private static String resolveExpression(ModelControllerClient mcc, String expression) { if (expression == null) { return null; } CoreJBossASClient client = new CoreJBossASClient(mcc); String resolvedExpression; try { resolvedExpression = client.resolveExpression(expression); // https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-1177 - app server doesn't do recursive resolving, we have to do it here while (resolvedExpression != null && resolvedExpression.contains("${") && !resolvedExpression.equals(expression)) { expression = resolvedExpression; resolvedExpression = client.resolveExpression(expression); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Cannot resolve expression [" + expression + "]; will use it as-is but errors may occur later."); resolvedExpression = expression; } return resolvedExpression; } private static ConnectorConfiguration buildSecureConnectorConfiguration(String configDirStr, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) { SSLConfiguration ssl = new SSLConfiguration(); // Because of https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-1177 we cannot build expressions for key/truststore files. // Otherwise, we end up with recursive expressions (${${x}:a}) which is what's broken. For now, just use ${x} which is allowed. // truststore ssl.setCaCertificateFile(buildExpression("rhq.server.tomcat.security.truststore.file", serverProperties, false)); ssl.setCaCertificationPassword(buildExpression("rhq.server.tomcat.security.truststore.password", serverProperties, true, true, true)); ssl.setTruststoreType(buildExpression("rhq.server.tomcat.security.truststore.type", serverProperties, true, true, false)); // keystore ssl.setCertificateKeyFile(buildExpression("rhq.server.tomcat.security.keystore.file", serverProperties, false)); ssl.setPassword(buildExpression("rhq.server.tomcat.security.keystore.password", serverProperties, true, true, true)); ssl.setKeyAlias(buildExpression("rhq.server.tomcat.security.keystore.alias", serverProperties, true)); ssl.setKeystoreType(buildExpression("rhq.server.tomcat.security.keystore.type", serverProperties, true)); // SSL protocol config ssl.setProtocol(buildExpression("rhq.server.tomcat.security.secure-socket-protocol", serverProperties, true)); ssl.setVerifyClient(buildExpression("rhq.server.tomcat.security.client-auth-mode", serverProperties, true)); // note: there doesn't appear to be a way for AS7 to support algorithm, like SunX509 or IbmX509 // so I think it just uses the JVM's default. This means "rhq.server.tomcat.security.algorithm" is unused ConnectorConfiguration connector = new ConnectorConfiguration(); connector.setMaxConnections(buildExpression("rhq.server.startup.web.max-connections", serverProperties, true)); connector.setScheme("https"); connector.setSocketBinding("https"); connector.setSslConfiguration(ssl); return connector; } // /** // * For a property whose value might be a file, return that file's absolute path. If the property // * has a value whose pathname is already absolute, return it. If the property has a value whose path // * is relative, it is considered relative to defaultRootDir and its absolute path based on that root dir // * is returned. // * // * @param propertyName the property whose value in properties is considered a pathname (which may // * relative or it may be absolute). // * @param properties where to find the named property // * @param defaultRootDir if the property value is a relative file path, this is what it is relative to // * @return the absolute path of the file // */ // private static String getAbsoluteFileLocation(String propertyName, HashMap<String, String> properties, // String defaultRootDir) { // // if (properties == null || !properties.containsKey(propertyName)) { // return null; // } // // String propertyValue = properties.get(propertyName); // File path = new File(propertyValue); // if (path.isAbsolute()) { // return path.getAbsolutePath(); // } else { // return new File(defaultRootDir, propertyValue).getAbsolutePath(); // } // } private static String buildExpression(String propName, HashMap<String, String> defaultProperties, boolean supportsExpression) { return buildExpression(propName, defaultProperties, supportsExpression, false, false); } /** * You would think this would be simple - just set a value to ${propName:defaultVal} but some * JBossAS attributes don't support expressions when you think they could or should. In this * case, we'll pass in supportsExpression=false until we support AS versions that support * expressions (at which time we'll change to code to pass in true for those attributes). * If supportsExpression is true, the returned string will be ${propName} if defaultProperties is * null or doesn't have that property defined; ${propName:defaultVal} if the default property * is found. * If supportsExpression is false, this will take the actual property value for * propName found in the given default properties and return that string. * If there is no sysprop of that name, this method returns an empty string. * * @param propName * @param defaultProperties * @param supportsExpression * @return the attribute expression value (or real value if supportsExpression is false). */ private static String buildExpression(String propName, HashMap<String, String> defaultProperties, boolean supportsExpression, boolean vault, boolean restricted) { if (supportsExpression) { String expressionFormat; if (!vault) { if ((defaultProperties != null) && (defaultProperties.containsKey(propName))) { expressionFormat = "${%s:%s}"; } else { expressionFormat = "${%s}"; } } else { String attributeType = "restricted"; if (!restricted) { attributeType = "open"; } if ((defaultProperties != null) && (defaultProperties.containsKey(propName))) { expressionFormat = "${VAULT::" + attributeType + "::%s::%s}"; } else { expressionFormat = "${VAULT::" + attributeType + "::%s:: }"; } } if ((defaultProperties != null) && (defaultProperties.containsKey(propName))) { String value = defaultProperties.get(propName); if (RestrictedFormat.isRestrictedFormat(value)) { value = RestrictedFormat.retrieveValue(value); } return String.format(expressionFormat, propName, value); } else { return String.format(expressionFormat, propName); } } else { if ((defaultProperties != null) && (defaultProperties.containsKey(propName))) { return defaultProperties.get(propName); } else { LOG.warn("There is no known value for property [" + propName + "]"); return ""; } } } /** * Creates a keystore whose cert has a CN of this server's public endpoint address. * * @param serverDetails details of the server being installed - must not be null and endpoint must be included in it * @param configDirStr location of a configuration directory where the keystore is to be stored * @return where the keystore file should be created (if an error occurs, this file won't exist) */ public static File createKeystore(ServerDetails serverDetails, String configDirStr) { File confDir = new File(configDirStr); File keystore = new File(confDir, "rhq.keystore"); File keystoreBackup = new File(confDir, "rhq.keystore.backup"); // if there is one out-of-box, we want to remove it and create one with our proper CN if (keystore.exists()) { keystoreBackup.delete(); if (!keystore.renameTo(keystoreBackup)) { LOG.warn("Cannot backup existing keystore - cannot generate a new cert with a proper domain name. [" + keystore + "] will be the keystore used by this server"); return keystore; } } try { String keystorePath = keystore.getAbsolutePath(); String keyAlias = "RHQ"; String domainName = "CN=" + serverDetails.getEndpointAddress() + ", OU=RHQ, O=rhq-project.org, C=US"; String keystorePassword = "RHQManagement"; String keyPassword = keystorePassword; String keyAlgorithm = "rsa"; int validity = 7300; SecurityUtil.createKeyStore(keystorePath, keyAlias, domainName, keystorePassword, keyPassword, keyAlgorithm, validity); LOG.info("New keystore created [" + keystorePath + "] with cert domain name of [" + domainName + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Could not generate a new cert with a proper domain name, will use the original keystore"); keystore.delete(); if (!keystoreBackup.renameTo(keystore)) { LOG.warn("Failed to restore the original keystore from backup - please rename [" + keystoreBackup + "] to [" + keystore + "]"); } } return keystore; } /** * Create an rhqadmin management user so when discovered, the AS7 plugin can use it to connect * to the RHQ Server. The password is set in rhq-server.properties. Because the plugin can't guess * the password, if not set to the default then the AS7 plugin will fail to connect, and the * RHQ Server resource connection properties will need to be updated after discovery and import. * * @param password the management password * @param serverDetails details of the server being installed * @param configDirStr location of a configuration directory where the mgmt-users.properties file lives */ public static void createDefaultManagementUser(String password, ServerDetails serverDetails, String configDirStr) { File confDir = new File(configDirStr); File mgmtUsers = new File(confDir, "mgmt-users.properties"); if (ServerInstallUtil.isEmpty(password)) { LOG.warn("Could not create default management user in file: [" + mgmtUsers + "] : invalid password [" + password + "]."); return; } // Add the default admin user, or if for some reason this file does not exist, just log the issue if (mgmtUsers.exists()) { try { PropertiesFileUpdate mgmtUsersPropFile = new PropertiesFileUpdate(mgmtUsers.getAbsolutePath()); Properties existingUsers = mgmtUsersPropFile.loadExistingProperties(); if (existingUsers.containsKey(RHQ_MGMT_USER)) { LOG.info("There is already a mgmt user named [" + RHQ_MGMT_USER + "], will not create another"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Cannot determine if mgmt user exists in [" + mgmtUsers + "]; will try to create it anyway", e); } FileOutputStream fos = null; try { String encodedPassword = new UsernamePasswordHashUtil().generateHashedHexURP(RHQ_MGMT_USER, "ManagementRealm", password.toCharArray()); fos = new FileOutputStream(mgmtUsers, true); fos.write(("\n" + RHQ_MGMT_USER + "=" + encodedPassword + "\n").getBytes()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Could not create default management user in file: [" + mgmtUsers + "] : ", e); } finally { StreamUtil.safeClose(fos); } } else { LOG.warn("Could not create default management user. Could not find file: [" + mgmtUsers + "]"); } } public static void setSocketBindings(ModelControllerClient mcc, HashMap<String, String> serverProperties) throws Exception { final SocketBindingJBossASClient client = new SocketBindingJBossASClient(mcc); for (SocketBindingInfo binding : defaultSocketBindings) { // use the port defined by the server's properties if set, otherwise, just use our hardcoded default int newPort = binding.port; String overrideValue = serverProperties.get(binding.sysprop); if (overrideValue != null) { try { newPort = Integer.parseInt(overrideValue); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Invalid port in system property [" + binding.sysprop + "]: " + overrideValue); } } LOG.info(String.format("Setting socket binding [%s] to [${%s:%d}]", binding.name, binding.sysprop, newPort)); try { client.setStandardSocketBindingPortExpression(binding.name, binding.sysprop, newPort); } catch (Exception e) { // If the binding is required, we re-throw a possible exception. Otherwise just log if (binding.required) { throw e; } else { LOG.info(String.format("Setting socket binding port for [%s] resulted in [%s] - this is harmless ", binding.name, e.getMessage())); // TODO log at debug level only? } } // if we need to switch the binding's interface, do it now if (binding.interfaceName != null) { LOG.info(String.format("Setting socket binding [%s] to use interface [%s]", binding.name, binding.interfaceName)); try { client.setStandardSocketBindingInterface(binding.name, binding.interfaceName); } catch (Exception e) { // If the binding is required, we re-throw a possible exception. Otherwise just log if (binding.required) { throw e; } else { LOG.info(String.format( "Setting socket binding interface for [%s] resulted in [%s] - this is harmless ", binding.name, e.getMessage())); // TODO log at debug level only? } } } } } /** * In case some things should only be installed if the underlying app server is a specific version, * call this to get the release-version of the app server. Release versions are something like: * 7.4.0.Final-redhat-4 (which corresponds to a EAP product-version of "6.3.0.Alpha1") * 7.4.0.Final-redhat-19 (which corresponds to a EAP product-version of "6.3.0.GA") * * @return release version or null if not known/can't be determined */ private static String getAppServerReleaseVersion(ModelControllerClient mcc) { try { return new CoreJBossASClient(mcc).getAppServerVersion(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Cannot determine what the underlying app server release version is - installation may not work"); return null; } } /** * Update server version stamp with the install version. * * For two reasons we add the column here, as opposed to db-upgrade.xml. First, a SN upgrade may * happen before a Server upgrade, so db-upgrade may not have yet run. Second, we can limit the * setting of the version to the row in question, db-upgrade would not know which row to set. * * @param connectionUrl * @param username * @param password * @param serverName * * @throws Exception if failed to communicate with the database or could not stamp version */ public static void updateServerVersion(String connectionUrl, String username, String password, String serverName) throws Exception { Connection connection = null; try { connection = getDatabaseConnection(connectionUrl, username, password); ServerVersionColumnUpgrader versionColumnUpgrader = new ServerVersionColumnUpgrader(); versionColumnUpgrader.upgrade(connection, version); int rowsUpdated = versionColumnUpgrader.setVersionForServerWithName(connection, version, serverName); if (1 != rowsUpdated) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected [1] Server update but updated [" + rowsUpdated + "]."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to update Server [" + serverName + "] to version [" + version + "]", e); } finally { JDBCUtil.safeClose(connection); } } /** * Get the list of existing servers from an existing schema. * * @param connectionUrl * @param username * @param password * @return LinkedHashMap<serverName, version>. Null if version field does not exist, empty if no * servers exist. Ordered by server name asc. * * @throws Exception if failed to communicate with the database */ public static LinkedHashMap<String, String> getServerVersions(String connectionUrl, String username, String password) throws Exception { DatabaseType db = null; Connection conn = null; Statement stm = null; ResultSet rs = null; LinkedHashMap<String, String> result = null; try { conn = getDatabaseConnection(connectionUrl, username, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(conn); if (db.checkColumnExists(conn, "rhq_server", "version")) { stm = conn.createStatement(); rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT name, version FROM rhq_server ORDER BY name asc"); result = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); while (rs.next()) { result.put(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2)); } } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // column does not exist } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.info("Unable to fetch server version info: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (null != db) { db.closeJDBCObjects(conn, stm, rs); } } return result; } /** * Get the list of existing servers from an existing schema. * * @param connectionUrl * @param username * @param password * @return LinkedHashMap<storageNodeAddress, version>. Null if version field does not exist, empty if no * storage nodes exist. Ordered by storage node address asc. * * @throws Exception if failed to communicate with the database */ public static LinkedHashMap<String, String> getStorageNodeVersions(String connectionUrl, String username, String password) throws Exception { DatabaseType db = null; Connection conn = null; Statement stm = null; ResultSet rs = null; LinkedHashMap<String, String> result = null; try { conn = getDatabaseConnection(connectionUrl, username, password); db = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(conn); if (db.checkColumnExists(conn, "rhq_storage_node", "version")) { stm = conn.createStatement(); rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT address, version FROM rhq_storage_node ORDER BY address asc"); result = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); while (rs.next()) { result.put(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2)); } } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // column does not exist } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.info("Unable to fetch storage node version info: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (null != db) { db.closeJDBCObjects(conn, stm, rs); } } return result; } }