package org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonProperty; import; import; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateStatus; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertyMap; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertySimple; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.definition.ConfigurationDefinition; import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.CreateResourceStatus; import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.ResourceType; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.configuration.ConfigurationFacet; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateReport; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.CreateChildResourceFacet; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.CreateResourceReport; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.DeleteResourceFacet; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.Address; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.Operation; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.ReadAttribute; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.ReadChildrenNames; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.Result; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.WriteAttribute; /** * Component class for Module Options. Necessary because Module Options are child * attributes of another as7 node attribute and cannot be created/updated without * rewriting the parent attribute as well. The following as7 node snippets shows how the * 'login-modules' attribute contains both simple and complex child attributes. The complex * 'module-options' child attribute values can be numerous and can/may need to be modifiable * independently. * Read: * [standalone@localhost:9999 authentication=classic] :read-attribute(name=login-modules) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => [{ "code" => "Ldap", "flag" => "requisite", "module-options" => [("bindDn"=>"uid=ldapUser,ou=People,dc=redat,dc=com")] }] } * Write back: [standalone@localhost:9999 authentication=classic] :write-attribute(name=login-modules, value=[{"code"=>"Ldap","flag"=>"required", "module-options"=>[("bindDn"=>"uid=ldapSecureUser,ou=People,dc=redat,dc=com")]}]) { "outcome" => "success", "response-headers" => { "operation-requires-reload" => true, "process-state" => "reload-required" } } * * @author Simeon Pinder */ public class ModuleOptionsComponent extends BaseComponent implements ConfigurationFacet, DeleteResourceFacet, CreateChildResourceFacet { //shared identifier for module-options attribute reused by all nodes with Module Options private static String moduleOptionsNode = ",module-options"; //Module Option type attribute identifiers private static String loginModules = "login-modules";//Authentication (Classic,-Managed Server,-Profile) private static String aclModules = "acl-modules";//Acl private static String providerModules = "provider-modules";//Audit private static String policyModules = "policy-modules";//Authorization private static String trustModules = "trust-modules";//IdentityTrust private static String mappingModules = "mapping-modules";//Mapping private static String authModules = "auth-modules";//Authentication (Jaspi,-Managed Server,-Profile) //Enumerates list of AS7 types that support module options. public enum ModuleOptionType { Acl(aclModules), Audit(providerModules), Authentication(loginModules), AuthenticationJaspi(authModules), Authorization( policyModules), IdentityTrust( trustModules), Mapping(mappingModules); private String attribute = ""; //stores mapping of as7 attribute name to module option type mapping Ex. login-modules -> Authentication Module Option Type. public static HashMap<String, ModuleOptionType> typeMap = new HashMap<String, ModuleOptionType>(); static {//populate all module option type mappings for (ModuleOptionType type : ModuleOptionType.values()) { typeMap.put(type.getAttribute(), type); } } //Stores mapping of as7 attribute name to more user friendly Module option type public static Map<String, String> readableNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { readableNameMap.put(aclModules, "ACL Modules"); readableNameMap.put(providerModules, "Provider Modules"); readableNameMap.put(loginModules, "Login Modules");//Authentication=classic readableNameMap.put(authModules, "Auth Modules");//Authentication=jaspi readableNameMap.put(policyModules, "Policy Modules"); readableNameMap.put(trustModules, "Trust Modules"); readableNameMap.put(mappingModules, "Mapping Modules"); } public String getAttribute() { return attribute; } private ModuleOptionType(String attribute) { this.attribute = attribute; } } //Strings unique to nodes private static String AUTH_CLASSIC_NODE = "Authentication (Classic"; private static String AUTH_JASPI_NODE = "Authentication (Jaspi"; private static String ACL_NODE = "ACL"; private static String AUDIT_NODE = "Audit"; private static String AUTHORIZATION_NODE = "Authorization"; private static String TRUST_NODE = "Identity Trust"; private static String MAPPING_NODE = "Mapping"; private static String[] supportedModuleOptionTypeNodes = { AUTH_CLASSIC_NODE, AUTH_JASPI_NODE, ACL_NODE, AUDIT_NODE, AUTHORIZATION_NODE, TRUST_NODE, MAPPING_NODE }; //define operation/type mappings where specific plugin descriptor nodes map to specific // as7 node names. public static HashMap<String, String> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { attributeMap.put(AUTH_CLASSIC_NODE + ")", loginModules); attributeMap.put(AUTH_CLASSIC_NODE + " - Managed Server)", loginModules); attributeMap.put(AUTH_CLASSIC_NODE + " - Profile)", loginModules); attributeMap.put(AUTH_JASPI_NODE + ")", authModules); attributeMap.put(AUTH_JASPI_NODE + " - Managed Server)", authModules); attributeMap.put(AUTH_JASPI_NODE + " - Profile)", authModules); attributeMap.put(ACL_NODE, aclModules); attributeMap.put(ACL_NODE + " (Managed Server)", aclModules); attributeMap.put(ACL_NODE + " (Profile)", aclModules); attributeMap.put(AUDIT_NODE, providerModules); attributeMap.put(AUDIT_NODE + " (Managed Server)", providerModules); attributeMap.put(AUDIT_NODE + " (Profile)", providerModules); attributeMap.put(AUTHORIZATION_NODE, policyModules); attributeMap.put(AUTHORIZATION_NODE + " (Managed Server)", policyModules); attributeMap.put(AUTHORIZATION_NODE + " (Profile)", policyModules); attributeMap.put(TRUST_NODE, trustModules); attributeMap.put(TRUST_NODE + " (Managed Server)", trustModules); attributeMap.put(TRUST_NODE + " (Profile)", trustModules); attributeMap.put(MAPPING_NODE, mappingModules); attributeMap.put(MAPPING_NODE + " (Managed Server)", mappingModules); attributeMap.put(MAPPING_NODE + " (Profile)", mappingModules); } public static HashMap<String, String> newChildTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { newChildTypeMap.put(loginModules, "authentication=classic"); newChildTypeMap.put(authModules, "authentication=jaspi"); newChildTypeMap.put(aclModules, "acl=classic"); newChildTypeMap.put(providerModules, "audit=classic"); newChildTypeMap.put(policyModules, "authorization=classic"); newChildTypeMap.put(trustModules, "identity-trust=classic"); newChildTypeMap.put(mappingModules, "mapping=classic"); } @Override public CreateResourceReport createResource(CreateResourceReport report) { if (report.getPackageDetails() != null) { // Content deployment return deployContent(report); } else { ASConnection connection = getASConnection(); // Check for the Highlander principle boolean isSingleton = report.getResourceType().isSingleton(); if (isSingleton) { // check if there is already a child with the desired type is present Configuration pluginConfig = report.getPluginConfiguration(); PropertySimple pathProperty = pluginConfig.getSimple("path"); if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { report.setErrorMessage("No path property found in plugin configuration"); report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.INVALID_CONFIGURATION); return report; } ReadChildrenNames op = new ReadChildrenNames(address, pathProperty.getStringValue()); Result res = connection.execute(op); if (res.isSuccess()) { List<String> entries = (List<String>) res.getResult(); if (!entries.isEmpty()) { report.setErrorMessage("Resource is a singleton, but there are already children " + entries + " please remove them and retry"); report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.FAILURE); return report; } } } //determine type then attribute ResourceType resourceType = report.getResourceType(); String attribute = attributeMap.get(resourceType.getName()); //determine new child name from attribute String newChild = newChildTypeMap.get(attribute); //get resourceConfig Configuration configuration = report.getResourceConfiguration(); if(attribute!=null){//create executed from SecurityDomain level //retrieve the values passed in via config Value loaded = loadCodeFlagType(configuration, attribute, null); //populate the ModuleOptionType from the Configuration List<Value> newAttributeState = new ArrayList<Value>(); newAttributeState.add(loaded); //build the operation //update the address to point to the new child being created Address newChildLocation = new Address(path + "," + newChild); Operation op = createAddModuleOptionTypeOperation(newChildLocation, attribute, newAttributeState); Result result = connection.execute(op); if (result.isSuccess()) { report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.SUCCESS); report.setResourceKey(newChildLocation.getPath()); report.setResourceName(report.getResourceType().getName()); } else { report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.FAILURE); report.setErrorMessage(result.getFailureDescription()); } }else{//Create executed from the 'Login Modules/Provider Modules/etc. level. //retrieve the parent type to lookup attribute to write to ResourceType parentType = (ResourceType) resourceType.getParentResourceTypes().toArray()[0]; attribute = attributeMap.get(parentType.getName()); //retrieve existing attribute definition //get the current attribute value ReadAttribute op = new ReadAttribute(address, attribute); Result result = getASConnection().execute(op); if (result.isSuccess()) { //populate attribute values List<Value> currentAttributeState = new ArrayList<Value>(); currentAttributeState = ModuleOptionsComponent.populateSecurityDomainModuleOptions(result, ModuleOptionsComponent.loadModuleOptionType(attribute)); //populate new Module type data //retrieve the values passed in via config Value loaded = loadCodeFlagType(configuration, attribute, null); //append new type information currentAttributeState.add(loaded); //write values back out. Operation write = new WriteAttribute(address); write.addAdditionalProperty("name", attribute);//attribute to execute on //now complete the write operation by updating the value write.addAdditionalProperty("value", (Object) currentAttributeState); result = connection.execute(write); if (result.isSuccess()) { report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.SUCCESS); //Ex. subsystem=security,security-domain=createOne,authentication=classic,login-modules:0 report.setResourceKey(path + "," + attribute + ":" + (currentAttributeState.size() - 1)); //Ex. Login Modules 0 report.setResourceName(ModuleOptionType.readableNameMap.get(attribute) + " " + (currentAttributeState.size() - 1)); } else { report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.FAILURE); report.setErrorMessage(result.getFailureDescription()); } } } return report; } } @Override public Configuration loadResourceConfiguration() throws Exception { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); //determine the component ResourceType resourceType = context.getResourceType(); Set<ResourceType> nodeParentTypes = context.getResourceType().getParentResourceTypes(); ResourceType parentType = (ResourceType) nodeParentTypes.toArray()[0]; ResourceType grandParentType = (ResourceType) parentType.getParentResourceTypes().toArray()[0]; //For each Module Option type, like Authentication (Classic) and the immediate // child node of each, the configuration is shared as it is in the AS7 node as well. if (isSupportedModuleOptionTypeOrImmediateChildOf(parentType, resourceType)) {//Classic, Managed, Profile boolean currentNodeIsModuleType = false; //if the current resourceType is included in the attributeMap then it is an actual Module Option Type. if (ModuleOptionsComponent.attributeMap.get(resourceType.getName()) != null) { currentNodeIsModuleType = true; } //get type and lookup supported node and type //retrieve the parent resource String attribute = ModuleOptionsComponent.attributeMap.get(parentType.getName()); if (currentNodeIsModuleType) {//if is an actual Module Option Type then update attribute retrieved. attribute = ModuleOptionsComponent.attributeMap.get(resourceType.getName()); } //get the current attribute value ReadAttribute op = new ReadAttribute(address, attribute); Result result = getASConnection().execute(op); if (result.isSuccess()) { //populate attribute values List<Value> currentAttributeState = ModuleOptionsComponent.populateSecurityDomainModuleOptions(result, ModuleOptionsComponent.loadModuleOptionType(attribute)); if (currentNodeIsModuleType) {//grab first available module type Value loaded = currentAttributeState.get(0); //populate configuration populateCodeFlagType(configuration, attribute, loaded); } else {//Need to locate specific module type //locate specific node and populate the config //Ex."login-modules:"; String moduleTypeIdentifier = attribute + ":"; int index = path.indexOf(moduleTypeIdentifier); String loginModuleIndex = path.substring(index + moduleTypeIdentifier.length()); try { int lmi = Integer.valueOf(loginModuleIndex);//Ex 0,1,30 if (currentAttributeState.size() > lmi) {//then retrieve. Value loaded = currentAttributeState.get(lmi); //populate configuration populateCodeFlagType(configuration, attribute, loaded); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { // Ignore it, the value just wasn't available } } } //read attribute return configuration; } //Module Options child, Ex. 'Login Modules (Classic', ..-Managed, .. - Profile else if (supportsLoginModuleOptionType(grandParentType)) { //get type and lookup supported node and type String attribute = ModuleOptionsComponent.attributeMap.get(grandParentType.getName()); //get the current attribute value ReadAttribute op = new ReadAttribute(address, attribute); Result result = getASConnection().execute(op); if (result.isSuccess()) { //populate attribute values List<Value> currentAttributeState = ModuleOptionsComponent.populateSecurityDomainModuleOptions(result, ModuleOptionsComponent.loadModuleOptionType(attribute)); //locate specific node and populate the config //Ex."login-modules:"; String moduleTypeIdentifier = attribute + ":"; int index = path.indexOf(moduleTypeIdentifier); String loginModuleIndex = path.substring(index + moduleTypeIdentifier.length()); String[] split = loginModuleIndex.split(","); try { int lmi = Integer.valueOf(split[0]);//Ex 0,1,30 if (lmi < currentAttributeState.size()) {//then proceed Value loaded = currentAttributeState.get(lmi); //populate configuration: module-options LinkedHashMap<String, Object> currentModuleOptions = loaded.getOptions(); //This must match exactly the mapping identifier from descriptor, otherwise loadResource fails silently. String id = "Module Options"; PropertyMap map = new PropertyMap(id); for (String key : currentModuleOptions.keySet()) { PropertySimple option = new PropertySimple(key, currentModuleOptions.get(key)); map.put(option); } if (!currentModuleOptions.isEmpty()) {//check that keyset is non empty before adding to config. configuration.put(map); } } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { // Ignore it, it just wasn't available } } return configuration; } else {//otherwise default subsystem discovery behavior. ConfigurationDefinition configDef = context.getResourceType().getResourceConfigurationDefinition(); ConfigurationLoadDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(configDef, getASConnection(), address, includeRuntime); configuration = delegate.loadResourceConfiguration(); // Read server state ReadAttribute op = new ReadAttribute(getAddress(), "name"); executeAndGenerateServerUpdateIfNecessary(configuration, op); return configuration; } } /** Looks up whether the current node supports the Module Options. * * @param grandParentType * @return */ private boolean supportsLoginModuleOptionType(ResourceType grandParentType) { boolean supportModuleOptionTypes = false; if (grandParentType != null) { for (String moduleOptionType : supportedModuleOptionTypeNodes) { if (grandParentType.getName().indexOf(moduleOptionType) > -1) { supportModuleOptionTypes = true; } } } return supportModuleOptionTypes; } /**Iterates through the list of supported Module Option Type nodes * to determine if the current node is i)supported Module option node or * ii)the immediated child of a supported Module option node. * * @param parentType * @param resourceType * @return */ private boolean isSupportedModuleOptionTypeOrImmediateChildOf(ResourceType parentType, ResourceType resourceType) { boolean loadThisConfiguration = false; if ((parentType != null) && (resourceType != null)) { for (String moduleOptionType : attributeMap.keySet()) { if ((parentType.getName().equals(moduleOptionType)) || (resourceType.getName().equals(moduleOptionType))) { loadThisConfiguration = true; } } } return loadThisConfiguration; } /** Handles the different types of configuration population based on the attribute value passed in. * * @param configuration * @param attribute * @param loaded */ private void populateCodeFlagType(Configuration configuration, String attribute, Value loaded) { if (attribute.equals(providerModules)) {//audit=classic. Ex. only code PropertySimple currentValue = new PropertySimple("code", loaded.getCode()); configuration.put(currentValue); } else if (attribute.equals(mappingModules)) {//mapping=classic. Ex. code type PropertySimple currentValue = new PropertySimple("code", loaded.getCode()); PropertySimple currentValue2 = new PropertySimple("type", loaded.getType()); configuration.put(currentValue); configuration.put(currentValue2); } else {//code flag PropertySimple currentValue = new PropertySimple("code", loaded.getCode()); PropertySimple currentValue2 = new PropertySimple("flag", loaded.getFlag()); configuration.put(currentValue); configuration.put(currentValue2); } } /** Populates the Value instance passed in or returns new Value instance with values loaded. * * @param configuration * @param attribute * @param loaded * @return */ private Value loadCodeFlagType(Configuration configuration, String attribute, Value loaded) { //if required data is not present then return null. if ((configuration == null) || attribute == null) { return null; } if (loaded == null) {// initialize if null loaded = new Value(); } if (attribute.equals(providerModules)) {//audit=classic. Ex. only code String code = configuration.getSimpleValue("code"); loaded.setCode(code); } else if (attribute.equals(mappingModules)) {//mapping=classic. Ex. code type String code = configuration.getSimpleValue("code"); String type = configuration.getSimpleValue("type"); loaded.setCode(code); loaded.setType(type); } else {//code flag String code = configuration.getSimpleValue("code"); String flag = configuration.getSimpleValue("flag"); loaded.setCode(code); loaded.setFlag(flag); } return loaded; } @Override public void updateResourceConfiguration(ConfigurationUpdateReport report) { //determine the component ResourceType resourceType = context.getResourceType(); ConfigurationDefinition configDef = context.getResourceType().getResourceConfigurationDefinition(); Set<ResourceType> nodeParentTypes = context.getResourceType().getParentResourceTypes(); ResourceType parentType = (ResourceType) nodeParentTypes.toArray()[0]; ResourceType grandParentType = (ResourceType) parentType.getParentResourceTypes().toArray()[0]; ///if child of SecurityDomain then if (isSupportedModuleOptionTypeOrImmediateChildOf(parentType, resourceType)) { boolean currentNodeIsModuleType = false; if (ModuleOptionsComponent.attributeMap.get(resourceType.getName()) != null) { currentNodeIsModuleType = true; } //get type and lookup supported node and type //retreive the parent resource String attribute = ModuleOptionsComponent.attributeMap.get(parentType.getName()); if (currentNodeIsModuleType) { attribute = ModuleOptionsComponent.attributeMap.get(resourceType.getName()); } //get the current attribute value. Will write module types back out exactly as read in with these new updates ReadAttribute op = new ReadAttribute(address, attribute); Result result = getASConnection().execute(op); if (result.isSuccess()) { List<String> entries = (List<String>) result.getResult(); //populate attribute values List<Value> currentAttributeState = new ArrayList<Value>(); currentAttributeState = ModuleOptionsComponent.populateSecurityDomainModuleOptions(result, ModuleOptionsComponent.loadModuleOptionType(attribute)); //retrieve current config changes Configuration conf = report.getConfiguration(); if (currentNodeIsModuleType) {//grab first available module type Value loaded = currentAttributeState.get(0); //iterate over properties and update values appropriately for (String pKey : conf.getSimpleProperties().keySet()) { if (pKey.equals("flag")) { loaded.setFlag(conf.getSimpleProperties().get(pKey).getStringValue()); } else if (pKey.equals("code")) { loaded.setCode(conf.getSimpleProperties().get(pKey).getStringValue()); } else if (pKey.equals("type")) { loaded.setType(conf.getSimpleProperties().get(pKey).getStringValue()); } } Operation write = new WriteAttribute(address); write.addAdditionalProperty("name", attribute);//attribute to execute on //now complete the write operation by updating the value write.addAdditionalProperty("value", (Object) currentAttributeState); executeWriteAndGenerateAs7ServerUpdate(report, conf, write); } else {//Need to locate specific module type //locate specific node and populate the config String loginModuleIdentifier = attribute + ":"; int index = path.indexOf(loginModuleIdentifier); String loginModuleIndex = path.substring(index + loginModuleIdentifier.length()); int lmi = Integer.valueOf(loginModuleIndex);//Ex 0,1,30 Value valueObject = currentAttributeState.get(lmi); //iterate over properties and update values appropriately for (String pKey : conf.getSimpleProperties().keySet()) { if (pKey.equals("flag")) { valueObject.setFlag(conf.getSimpleProperties().get(pKey).getStringValue()); } else if (pKey.equals("code")) { valueObject.setCode(conf.getSimpleProperties().get(pKey).getStringValue()); } else if (pKey.equals("type")) { valueObject.setType(conf.getSimpleProperties().get(pKey).getStringValue()); } } Operation write = new WriteAttribute(address); write.addAdditionalProperty("name", attribute);//attribute to execute on //now complete the write operation by updating the value write.addAdditionalProperty("value", (Object) currentAttributeState); executeWriteAndGenerateAs7ServerUpdate(report, conf, write); } } } else if (supportsLoginModuleOptionType(grandParentType)) {//Module Options child. //get type and lookup supported node and type String attribute = ModuleOptionsComponent.attributeMap.get(grandParentType.getName()); //get the current attribute value. Will write module types back out exactly as read in with these new updates ReadAttribute op = new ReadAttribute(address, attribute); Result result = getASConnection().execute(op); if (result.isSuccess()) { //populate attribute values List<Value> currentAttributeState = new ArrayList<Value>(); currentAttributeState = ModuleOptionsComponent.populateSecurityDomainModuleOptions(result, ModuleOptionsComponent.loadModuleOptionType(attribute)); //locate specific node and populate the config String loginModuleIdentifier = attribute + ":"; int index = path.indexOf(loginModuleIdentifier); String loginModuleIndex = path.substring(index + loginModuleIdentifier.length()); String[] split = loginModuleIndex.split(","); int lmi = -1; try { lmi = Integer.valueOf(split[0]);//Ex 0,1,30 } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // We can't parse anything meaningful return; } Value valueObject = currentAttributeState.get(lmi); //retrieve current config changes Configuration conf = report.getConfiguration(); //list current conf stated being defined. String mapKey = (String) conf.getMap().keySet().toArray()[0]; PropertyMap mapType = (PropertyMap) conf.getMap().get(mapKey); //insert update logic. //set this new state passed in as state of the attribute. LinkedHashMap<String, Object> currentOptions = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); for (String propertyKey : mapType.getMap().keySet()) { currentOptions.put(propertyKey, ((PropertySimple) mapType.get(propertyKey)).getStringValue()); } //make these settings the new state for this part of the attribute. valueObject.setOptions(currentOptions); currentAttributeState.set(lmi, valueObject); Operation write = new WriteAttribute(address); write.addAdditionalProperty("name", attribute);//attribute to execute on //now complete the write operation by updating the value write.addAdditionalProperty("value", (Object) currentAttributeState); executeWriteAndGenerateAs7ServerUpdate(report, conf, write); } } else { ConfigurationWriteDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationWriteDelegate(configDef, getASConnection(), address); delegate.updateResourceConfiguration(report); } } /**Executes boilerplate finish for write operation. * * @param report * @param conf * @param write */ private void executeWriteAndGenerateAs7ServerUpdate(ConfigurationUpdateReport report, Configuration conf, Operation write) { Result result; result = getASConnection().execute(write); if (!result.isSuccess()) { report.setStatus(ConfigurationUpdateStatus.FAILURE); report.setErrorMessage(result.getFailureDescription()); } else { report.setStatus(ConfigurationUpdateStatus.SUCCESS); // signal "need reload" if (result.isReloadRequired()) { PropertySimple oobMessage = new PropertySimple("__OOB", "The server needs a reload for the latest changes to come effective."); conf.put(oobMessage); } if (result.isRestartRequired()) { PropertySimple oobMessage = new PropertySimple("__OOB", "The server needs a restart for the latest changes to come effective."); conf.put(oobMessage); } } } /**Executes boilerplate finish for read operation. * * @param report * @param conf * @param write */ private void executeAndGenerateServerUpdateIfNecessary(Configuration configuration, ReadAttribute op) { Result res = getASConnection().execute(op); if (res.isReloadRequired()) { PropertySimple oobMessage = new PropertySimple("__OOB", "The server needs a reload for the latest changes to come effective."); configuration.put(oobMessage); } if (res.isRestartRequired()) { PropertySimple oobMessage = new PropertySimple("__OOB", "The server needs a restart for the latest changes to come effective."); configuration.put(oobMessage); } } /** Locates the write ModuleOptionType mapped to the AS7Node attribute passed in. * Ex. 'login-modules' -> Authentication (Classic * type. One of three types. * * @param attribute * @return */ public static ModuleOptionType loadModuleOptionType(String attribute) { ModuleOptionType located = ModuleOptionType.typeMap.get(attribute); if (located == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown node '" + attribute + "' entered for which no valid ModuleOptionType could be found."); } return located; } /** Takes the result passed in(successful readAttribute for ModuleOptionType) and * parses the json to populate a json object of type List<Value> with the * results. * Handles inconsistencies in model representation for login-modules vs. * the other supported ModuleOptionTypes. * * @param result json.Result type from successful read of attribute. * @param type ModuleOptionType * @return List<Value> type populated with moduleOption details. */ public static List<Value> populateSecurityDomainModuleOptions(Result result, ModuleOptionType type) { //initialize empty List<Value> populated = new ArrayList<Value>(); //input validation if ((result != null) && (result.isSuccess())) { //parse json and populate the object. Object rawResult = result.getResult(); if (rawResult instanceof ArrayList) { //iterate over the module option type passed in. ArrayList moduleOptionTypeChildrenList = (ArrayList) rawResult; for (int i = 0; i < moduleOptionTypeChildrenList.size(); i++) { Value value = new Value(); //stores current <module-options> defined. LinkedHashMap<String, Object> optionsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); Object entryCheck = ((ArrayList) rawResult).get(i); if (entryCheck instanceof HashMap) { //this is the root attribute map for all children of the specific custom Security Domain //type attributes. Map<String, Object> attributeMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) entryCheck; for (String key : attributeMap.keySet()) { //peek at contents to exclude empty values. String extracted = String.valueOf(attributeMap.get(key)); if (!extracted.trim().isEmpty()) { if (key.equals("flag")) { value.setFlag(extracted); } else if (key.equals("code")) { value.setCode(extracted); } else if (key.equals("type")) { value.setType(extracted); } else if (key.equals("module-options")) { //Need to support both Map and List types here because of inconsistent representations. Object optionEntity = attributeMap.get(key); if (optionEntity instanceof HashMap) { Map<String, Object> entryList = (HashMap<String, Object>) optionEntity; for (String oKey : entryList.keySet()) { //get key and value and populate ModuleEntries found. optionsMap.put(oKey, String.valueOf(entryList.get(oKey))); } } else if (optionEntity instanceof ArrayList) { Object listEntryCheck = ((ArrayList) optionEntity).get(0); if (listEntryCheck instanceof HashMap) { ArrayList list = (ArrayList) optionEntity; for (Object listEntry : list) {//iterate over each instance to get all values. Map<String, Object> entryList = (HashMap<String, Object>) listEntry; for (String oKey : entryList.keySet()) { //get key and value and populate ModuleEntries found. optionsMap.put(oKey, String.valueOf(entryList.get(oKey))); } } } }//end of if/else } }//end of empty value check } }//end of HashMap for SecurityDomain child check value.setOptions(optionsMap); populated.add(value); }//end of moduleOptionType iteration } } return populated; } @JsonSerialize(include = Inclusion.NON_NULL) public static class Value { // no args for jackson. public Value() { }; /** Three possible flags can be set. c-> code f->flag t->type * Acl c f * Authentication c f * Authentication(Jaspi)c f * Authorization c f * Identity Trust c f * Mapping c t * Audit c * * @param code * @param flag * @param type */ public Value(String code, String flag, String type) { setCode(code); if ((flag != null) && (!flag.trim().isEmpty())) { setFlag(flag); } if ((type != null) && (!type.trim().isEmpty())) { setType(type); } } //default to empty string for case where specific attribute is not used. @JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL) private String flag; private String code; @JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL) private String type; public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getFlag() { return flag; } public void setFlag(String flag) { this.flag = flag; } public String getCode() { return code; } public void setCode(String code) { this.code = code; } //overrides the type name for serialization/deserialization. @JsonProperty(value = "module-options") @JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL) private LinkedHashMap<String, Object> options = null; @JsonProperty(value = "module-options") public LinkedHashMap<String, Object> getOptions() { if (options == null) { options = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); } return options; } @JsonProperty(value = "module-options") public void setOptions(LinkedHashMap<String, Object> options) { this.options = options; } @Override public String toString() { String serialized = ""; serialized += "code=" + getCode() + ", "; if (getFlag() != null) { serialized += "flag=" + getFlag() + ", "; } else if (getType() != null) { serialized += "type=" + getType() + ", "; } String options = "module-options="; if (getOptions().isEmpty()) { options += " {}"; } else { options += " {"; for (String key : getOptions().keySet()) { options += key + "=\"" + getOptions().get(key) + "\","; } options = options.substring(0, options.length() - 1); options += "} "; } serialized += options; return serialized; } } /** Handles the creation of * * @param address * @param attribute * @param moduleTypeValue * @return */ public static Operation createAddModuleOptionTypeOperation(Address address, String attribute, List<Value> moduleTypeValue) { Operation add = null; if ((address != null) & (attribute != null) & (moduleTypeValue != null)) { add = new Operation("add", address); add.addAdditionalProperty(attribute, moduleTypeValue); } return add; } }